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How to Be the Change

By Nathan Martin The Paranormal Explorer, October 2011

In my last article, titled a Blueprint for World Peace many readers enjoyed my message about how to attain world peace through inner peace. It explains that world peace is achieved not by sitting down at a bargaining table and meeting half way, but by becoming our own truth, and then living it one hundred percent. However, readers were left wondering how they could become their own truth, thus becoming in themselves world peace. So this article is a follow up on what it means to be the change in our life, our family, our community, our nation, and our world. DUALITY VS. ONENESS I was recently involved in a discussion on Facebook where the question was raised, and Ill paraphrase, what tools might we need to effectively connect with people and assist them in raising their vibration for humanities sake? This question assumes that we need to do something to raise the vibration of the planet; however, I believe that we do not need to do anything, but to surrender and flow with the currents that are naturally raising our planets consciousness. The concept of surrendering seems strange to our mind (ego), something which has been conditioned from childbirth to do, do, do, to get love, love, love. Like Albert Einstein said, We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. To do is an attempt to prove ourselves worthy for the sake of feeling loved and accepted, rather than surrendering into the reality that we are already love itself. To do is to think from the mind, while to be is to allow from the heart. A hallmark of the dream state of lower consciousness is the concept of duality, in which there is an opposite for all things. In duality there is a good and bad and a right and a wrong; but then there is the enlightened state of oneness, in which all things are connected and one, even the opposites of duality and oneness. It is by integrating the opposites of duality that we create enough space around our splintered self to experience oneness, and to experience the connection of oneness is to have surrendered into an acceptance of the reality of what iseven if the what is is duality itself. In oneness, duality is no more wrong than oneness is right, they just are, and that too is perfect. EGOIC STRUCTURE Since we have so much practice doing as an ego, how can we switch gears and surrender into being and presence? This is a legitimate question that requires an answer, and oddly enough, the answer looks a lot like doing. As I outlined in my last article, our egoic structure is created by our family and society of origin, and is firmly in place by the time we are seven years old; everything we experience and learn after that is interpreted within this egoic framework. So to answer the question,

quite simply, our egoic structure needs to be deconstructed one belief at a time, until we reach a point of internal critical mass and plunge head first into a complete surrender to what is. Life is a lot like the childrens song, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, in which we do not determine the path the river takes, but we can either row upstream against the current, expending tremendous amounts of energy along the way, or relax going downstream, surrendering into the reality that we have no control. When we surrender into the flow and direction of the river, we experience peace, relaxation, and happiness, because merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. So why do our egos keep us rowing upstream then? The answer is that we are afraid to let go of our perceived sense of control, and the dream state of duality is all about the notion that we can actually control our lives. Our brain is the computer and the mind/ego is the programming that we identify ourselves as; it is our survival instincts, natures way to keep us safe from perceived threats and harm. In the midst of growing up, our environment imprints all manner of patterns to keep us safe, and can overlay many contradictory beliefs that cause us to expend tremendous amounts of energy going nowhere. These contradictory beliefs can be related to an infinite loop in computer programming lingo, which according to Wikipedia is a sequence of instructions in a computer program which loops endlessly, either due to the loop having no terminating condition, having one that can never be met, or one that causes the loop to start over. Wikipedia goes on to say, infinite loops usually cause the program to consume all available processor time, but can usually be terminated by the user. Our brains are very complex organic computers, but like a modern PC, we must terminate the infinite loops manually, utilizing some form of releasing such as journaling, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques/meridian tapping), or the Sedona Method. The more we release our infinite loops, the more processing power we have to experience life as it is, and the easier it is to surrender into the universal flow of life. CONTROL Since the primary motivation for our mind/ego is fear; we do everything in our power to control life to make it less scary. We attempt to control everything and everyone, either actively or passively, because we think that it will keep us safe. We may use love, fear, blame, anger, compliance, submissiveness, or anything else to manipulate and get what we think we want, but these attempts can be narrowed down to one thinglies. We use lies, and more often than not, half truths, in an attempt to manipulate life to satisfy our fears. We lie from a fear that we will lose control of the person or situation, for to lose control would be to place ourselves in a dangerous situation. All attempts at control are arguing with reality and an effort to satisfy our fear. ACTIVE VS. PASSIVE CONTROL When we attempt to actively control a person or situation, we are trying to secure something and prove that our perceived truth is right. When the person or situation goes along with our attempts of control, we feel justified, which gives us a false sense of safety. We confuse using lies and half-truths to control as speaking our truth, which further justifies our beliefs about the situation. Here is an example of using a half-truth to actively control another person: to offer tremendous amounts of love and affection in an attempt to receive security within a relationship. On the other side of the coin, we have passive control, and when we do this in an attempt to control a person or situation, we are conforming and giving in to secure what we think we want. Here is an

example of using a half-truth to passively control another person: to submit to the expectations of a partner in an attempt to receive security within the relationship. Passivity is easily confused with the concept of being, as both look like surrender, however with passivity, we are still attempting to manipulate a person or situation to get what we want instead of surrendering into an acceptance of reality. If you are surrendering and still feel afraid, you are actually still attempting to passively control, as true surrender is accompanied by the feeling of peace and a sense of acceptance. Since we are programmed with a lot of infinite loops, in both aspects of control, we are caught trying to manage many contradictory angles of any given situation. The more subconscious catch-22s that we have, the more fear and anxiety that we will struggle with daily. These catch-22s are actually a blessing in disguise, as they turn up the internal heat inside of us, not allowing us to remain blind to our inability to control life. RESISTANCE Another face of control is resistance, and this too can be done actively or passively. When we feel we are being controlled by another person, we try to get our power back through resisting their perceived control. We only resist supposed authority figures, whether it is a person or our concept of God. We become resistant to life as a result of a childhood filled with parents and authority figures who dominate our young lives. An example of actively resisting authority is when we stand up to somebody who is attempting to actively or passively control us, and we do this by being either aggressive, passive aggressive, or even assertive. We often mistake this form of resistance as speaking our truth, as we are attempting to gain our control back, instead of owning how powerful we already are here and now. An example of passively resisting can be best illustrated by a child who walks slowly to their parents when told to come here right now! They obviously do not want to walk towards their parents, because they are in trouble and about to receive a punishment. To be forced to walk into a punishment is not their truth, so they do what they can, they resist by walking slow. The child is submitting to the authority figure to gain acceptance and to avoid a worse punishment, and at the very least, they feel some small amount of perceived control in that moment. Passively resisting can also be mistaken for being, as it is just another mask of passive control. INTEGRATION In order to speak our truth, we must first examine the two extremes of the issue that we are dealing with. In each of the control dramas that we find ourselves immersed in, we find that we believe there is a right and a wrong, a good and a bad. It is by examining the two ends of the situation that we find out what we are afraid of, as well as what lies we are telling to manipulate and get our way. Through admitting the lies that we have been telling to justify each limiting belief, and by releasing the two

extremes, along with the root fear contained within the limiting belief, we neutralize the old pattern and shift into not only speaking our truth, but being our truththis is integration. To sum it up, it is by integrating the opposites of duality, and by eliminating our lies, that we actually speak our truth and reach that place of surrender, acceptance, and oneness. THE SEDONA METHOD Integration takes a lot of emotional awareness to begin to work the process, something that the reader may not have initially when beginning this journey. This is why I will take the time now to do a generic release that will prepare you for your trip towards complete spiritual awakening. This is a great trick from The Sedona Method, a form of emotional releasing by Hale Dwoskin, called a holistic release, for neutralizing the energetic charge surrounding an issue that is causing you distress. It toys with the duality of any given issue while assisting you to integrate the two extremes, thus settling into an overall acceptance of it. You can simply ask these two questions back and forth, answering yes or no, until the control drama dissolves. There is no right or wrong answer, as both yes and no will create the necessary space your mind needs to let go of the issue. EXAMPLE: Could you allow yourself to welcome the feeling of being in control of [this issue or person]? Could you allow yourself to welcome the feeling of lacking control of [this issue or person]? EXERCISE: Can you allow (love & accept) yourself to be as controlling as you are? Can you allow (love & accept) yourself to be as accepting as you are? Can you accept yourself as much as you lie? Can you accept yourself as authentic and truthful as you are? Can you allow yourself to resist authority as much as you do? Can you allow yourself to welcome reality and what is as much as you do? Can you allow yourself to be just as black and white as you are? Can you allow yourself to be just as gray as you are? Can you allow yourself to be just as dualistic as you are? Can you allow yourself to be just as one as you are? Can you allow yourself to be just as afraid as you are? Can you allow yourself to be just as peaceful as you are? Can you allow yourself to DO as much as you DO? Can you allow yourself to BE as much as you ARE?

Can you allow yourself to be as fearful and controlling as you are? Can you allow yourself to be as loving and accepting as you are? Can you accept yourself as asleep as you are? Can you accept yourself as awake as you are? In any of the above exercises, you can add a specific situation or person to the phrase to release on your situation, or you can simply use the generic phrasing that I included while thinking about the issue. Also, you can change it up even more, adding the words love and accept in place of allow. For more on releasing with The Sedona Method, I recommend that you purchase the book by the same name. Additionally, my blog covers releasing our childhood beliefs with both EFT and The Sedona Method. CONCLUSION Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~Marianne Williamson So to answer the original question, we do not need to do anything outwardly to assist humanity to connect, for connection is who we already ARE. First and foremost, it is about connecting and relating intimately in every moment with ourselves, and from this space of deep self connection, we have the ability to connect to others. Like Marianne Williamson said, this freedom automatically liberates others, we do not have to DO anything to liberate them from their old patterns, we ARE liberation. We do not have to do anything to free others, we ARE freedom, we do not have to love others enough, we ARE love, we do not need a marketing genius to get us hits or bring people to us, who we ARE is the magnet to those who need us in any given moment; being the change is ALL there is. To BE these things to people, we must first BE these things to ourselves, and this is where releasing and integration comes into play. It is by integrating our limiting beliefs through addressing the duality of right and wrong, of good and bad, that we create the space necessary to settle into a state of surrender and acceptance. Our progress may be slow to start, but as we continue to clear out the duality surrounding our beliefs, we will begin to see the results that our freedom has on those around us. Then we will be plugged into the universal flow, heading downstream with acceptance and surrender in each momentwe will BE peace, we will BE the change.

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