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You ure IoIdIng In your Iunds u unIque documenL. L Is LIe producL oI Iundreds oI Iours
oI work over u nIne monLI perIod by more LIun u dozen voIunLeers. ReseurcI rureIy Lukes
LIIs Iorm, buL wIen IL does IL Is u communILy eIIorL. L Is In uII wuys u Iubor oI Iove.
TIe peopIe wIo conLrIbuLed Ideus und sIured InsIgILs us InLervIewees ure uII hrsL
responders Lo LIe crIses LIuL conIronL our communILIes. TIey ure u group wIose wIsdom
Is rureIy coIIecLIveIy Lupped. n seekIng ouL LIIs weuILI oI knowIedge und experIence,
we Iound u prugmuLIc vIsIon Ior New York CILy grounded In vuIues oI cooperuLIon,
muLuuIIsm, ecoIogIcuI susLuInubIIILy, socIuI jusLIce, und democrucy. TIey ure buIIdIng
unoLIer worId even us our currenL sysLem uLLempLs Lo render LIem InvIsIbIe. We Iope
LIIs reporL wIII provIde u gIImpse oI LIe muny wuys LIIs work Is LukIng pIuce In our cILy.
TIe peopIe beIInd LIIs projecL, reIerred Lo InLernuIIy us LIe Deep IsLenIng und
MovemenL BuIIdIng projecL, ure uII members oI SoIIdurILyNYC (
SoIIdurILyNYC Iormed ouL oI u desIre Lo undersLund wIuL unoLIer worId mIgIL Iook
IIke. We sLurLed wILI LIe dIugrum beIow und cIurLed u course ucross New York cILy`s hve
UsIng u secLor-bused upproucI we sIowIy hIIed In u mup oI LIe cILy`s soIIdurILy economy,
dIscoverIng neLworks or groups und doIng our besL Lo uLLend LIeIr meeLIngs Lo Ieurn
hrsLIund wIuL wus IuppenIng und wIo wus InvoIved. TIe more we Ieurned LIe more
excILed we becume ubouL LIIs oLIer worId co-exIsLIng wILI wIuL peopIe usuuIIy consIder
TIe Economy--LIe domInunL wuy oI doIng LIIngs In AmerIcun socIeLy.
.((" 0 1%&!-
&+! $(22()*
!"#$#%&"'$ ")!'*&#+
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456575 8"( '& 3(#-*!,.9
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<-("#$!- $(;(<!-%&'=!*
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$(22#)'&3 $#--!)$'!*
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$-!"'& #)'()*
$(22#)'&3 -!;')=!*&!2!)& *&-#CC,!*
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-(&%&')C *%=')C* 0 $-!"'& %**($'%&'()*
$(22#)'&3 .')%)$')C
(Imce credit Ethcn Miller)

n LIe process oI muppIng, we begun dreumIng bIg ubouL Iow u soIIdurILy economy
movemenL In our cILy mIgIL Iook. We begun sIurIng LIuL dreum wILI oLIers und
orgunIzIng our mup. We experImenLed wILI sIorL hIms us u wuy Lo express LIe IumunILy
beIInd ubsLrucL economIc Ideus und creuLed u currIcuIum Lo IeIp expIuIn Iow LIe
soIIdurILy economy works Lo u new generuLIon uwukened by LIe Occupy movemenL. We
kepL our projecLs smuII, buL we IeL our vIsIon grow.
L Ius been IumbIIng Lo work wILI boLI LIe InLervIewees und LIe reseurcIers wIo mude
up LIIs projecL. Due Lo LIe coIIuboruLIve nuLure oI our process we`ve Iound ourseIves
LryIng Lo conLuIn muny voIces, wIIcI meuns LIIs reporL someLImes suys we LIInk
or our work ruLIer LIun purLIcIpunLs IdenLIhed. We Iope you won`L hnd LIIs Loo
conIusIng, buL wIII upprecIuLe our eIIorLs Lo beLLer undersLund our soIIdurILy economy us
sImuILuneousIy purLIcIpunLs, reseurcIers, ucLIvIsLs, und sLruLegIsLs. We ure gruLeIuI Lo be
purL oI your eIIorLs Lo grow u more resIIIenL, secure, und equILubIe cILy. To uII wIo muke
NYC`s soIIdurILy economy LIrIve, LIIs Is our Iove IeLLer Lo you.
WIen Sundy IIL New York CILy, Iew were surprIsed Lo hnd LIuL LIe dIvIdes und crIses
uIreudy prevuIenL In our communILIes resuILed In IImILed uccess Lo resources, power,
und weII-beIng In LIe wuke oI LIe sLorm. WIIIe LIe muss medIu muy Iuve porLruyed New
York us unprepured Ior cIImuLe cIunge, mosL wIo work Ior socIuI cIunge were keenIy
uwure oI jusL Iow vuInerubIe our communILIes ure. WIen LIe cumerus murveIed uL
seII-orgunIzuLIon und LIe rupId response oI communILy orgunIzuLIons (wIIIe LIe Iurge
nonprohLs, corporuLIons, und governmenL IuILered), Sundy becume jusL LIe IuLesL crIsIs
Ior muny wIo duIIy serve us hrsL responders Ior LIeIr communILIes. TIe deuLI counL
remuIned Iow, buL onIy becuuse socIuI cIunge workers mobIIIzed.
UnIorLunuLeIy LIe posL-Sundy Iundscupe Isn`L LIe onIy crIsIs we Iuce. As we seek Lo
buIId more equILubIe, democruLIc, und ecoIogIcuIIy susLuInubIe communILIes we musL
uIso uddress LIe sLrucLuruI Iorms oI oppressIon wIIcI Iuve IIsLorIcuIIy dIvIded our
neIgIborIoods und socIuI movemenLs. n order Lo move beyond sLemmIng LIe LIde, Lo
grow u resIIIenL und secure cILy, our InsLILuLIons und orgunIzuLIons Lusked wILI sIupIng
NYC`s communILIes musL grow In sLrengLI und number. And we know we musL do so In u
munner LIuL respecLs und vuIues every IndIvIduuI und every bIude oI gruss-- Lo creuLe un
economy Ior peopIe und LIe pIuneL. AII oI LIe purLIcIpunLs In LIIs projecL ugreed wILI LIuL
TIere ure, Iowever, serIous quesLIons us Lo Iow LIIs Is Lo be uccompIIsIed, wIIcI Ieuds
us Lo LIIs momenL. !"#$ &'(( &) *+'(, $-.)$")/0
TIIs reporL seeks Lo begIn unswerIng LIIs quesLIon und LIe muny oLIers LIuL ow Irom IL.
PurLIcIpunLs Irom ucross secLors descrIbed LIe cIuIIenges und condILIons LIeIr
orgunIzuLIons Iuce us weII us LIe possIbIIILIes LIey see Ior u coIIuboruLIve movemenL
Iocused on ./#11/--$1 )2-3-4'2 ,)5)(-64)3$. We`ve summurIzed LIeIr unswers
Iere In hve secLIons:
'. 0"*1-(2 3-4-5-6-)7
''. 8)"#(2)9#(-(2 :," :"2%(-;%)-*(4
'''. <,-6+-(2 =&*(*>-& !*1#"
'3. <,-6+-(2 !*6-)-&%6 !*1#"
3. 8)",&),"#4 $*" ?*66%5*"%)-*(
Muny IndIvIduuIs spoke ubouL common mIsundersLundIngs, us weII us u Iuck oI
uwureness und vIsIbIIILy wIere soIIdurILy economy orgunIzuLIons ure concerned. TIIs
oILen Iumpers LIeIr eIIorLs Lo connecL wILI consumers, neIgIbors, poIIcymukers, und
Iunders. QuILe u Iew Iud InnovuLIve Ideus Ior Iow we couId work LogeLIer Lo uddress LIIs.
TIese ure IncIuded In 8#&)-*( '@ 0"*1-(2 3-4-5-6-)7.

Concerns ubouL LIe cupucILy und vIubIIILy oI our orgunIzuLIons, IncIudIng IundIng,
LecInIcuI ussIsLunce, udmInIsLruLIon, Iubor, und spuce Issues uIso weIgIed IeuvIIy In
purLIcIpunL unswers wIen usked ubouL IImILuLIons Lo growLI. TIese ure summurIzed In
8#&)-*( ''@ 8)"#(2)9#(-(2 :," :"2%(-;%)-*(4.
Muny purLIcIpuLIng orgunIzuLIons produce goods und servIces LIuL couId be IInked Lo
creuLe vuIue cIuIns, enIuncIng communILIes` coIIecLIve weuILI. SucI sLruLegIes wouId
dIrecLIy benehL LIe members oI our orgunIzuLIons und LIe IocuI economIes wILIIn
our communILIes, wIIIe generuLIng surpIus weuILI we couId repurpose Ior uddILIonuI
grussrooLs economIc deveIopmenL. TIese sLruLegIes ure summurIzed In 8#&)-*( '''@
<,-6+-(2 =&*(*>-& !*1#".
WIIIe noL everyone InLervIewed wus dIrecLIy InvoIved In udvocucy, mosL LoucIed on cILy,
sLuLe, und IederuI poIIcIes dIrecLIy ImpucLIng LIeIr work. Muny ure uIso LIed Lo socIuI
movemenLs und seek sLronger connecLIons beLween communILy economIc deveIopmenL
und poIILIcuIIy enguged groups. EnvIsIonIng wIuL wouId be requIred Lo deveIop poIILIcuI
power Lo ucIIeve IuvorubIe poIIcIes und scuIe our eIIorLs wus u LopIc oI greuL InLeresL.
TIese InsIgILs und suggesLIons ure summurIzed In 8#&)-*( '3@ <,-6+-(2 !*6-)-&%6
InuIIy, wIIIe uII purLIcIpunLs ucknowIedged u desIre Lo coIIuboruLe, LIere were uIso
dIIIerenL experIences wILI coIIuboruLIon und quesLIons ubouL wIuL IL mIgIL meun Lo
work LogeLIer. A Iew Iud concreLe suggesLIons Ior LIuL work, coIIecLed In 8#&)-*( 3@
8)",&),"#4 $*" ?*66%5*"%)-*(.
We`re uII enguged In sLoryLeIIIng, buL rureIy do we LeII LIe soIIdurILy economy sLory
coIIecLIveIy or wILI u common Iunguuge und sIured vIsIon. n one InLervIew uILer
unoLIer, purLIcIpunLs LoId us LIe greuLesL cIuIIenge Is mukIng our work vIsIbIe, und
educuLIng communILIes und eIecLed oIhcIuIs ubouL wIuL we do. SLorIes Iuve power
becuuse LIey IeIp peopIe deLermIne wIuL Is possIbIe. To prove Lo our cILy und LIe
domInunL Economy sLory LIuL we oIIer vIubIe soIuLIons, we musL work LogeLIer Lo sIure
our nurruLIves und vIsIons.

So much oj uh thins don't et done is thct people don't thinl the ccn.
In Arentinc, the jrst recotered jcctories tool ecrs to hcppen, but people
uho scu it hcppen cnd scu it uorled, the uere cble to tcle oter jcctories
in c mctter oj ueels. It ucsn't just beccuse the uorlers belieted: it's clso
beccuse the judes belieted, cnd the oternment belieted, cnd the police
belieted, cnd the neihbors next door belieted.
--Brendun MurLIn, TIe WorkIng WorId
!%")-&-A%() -+#%4 $*" 2"*1-(2 B-4-5-6-)7 *$ )9# 4*6-+%"-)7 #&*(*>7 >*B#>#()@
1oint (`umbrellc') mcrletin
Cross-udverLIsIng, joInL onIIne murkeLIng, und sIured brundIng Lo drIve more
cusLomers Lo our busInesses und cILIzens Lo our InILIuLIves.

A rejerrcl sstem or injormctioncl clecrinhouse
One-sLop sIop Ior resources on NYC`s soIIdurILy economy.
Dnline interjcce
OuLwurd-IucIng duLubuse Ior poLenLIuI members, cusLomers, Iunders, or voIunLeers
Lo Ieurn more; Lo sIure conLucLs und murkeLs wILI eucI oLIer; Lo connecL
orgunIzuLIonuI needs und oIIerIngs.
Collcborctitel produced medic
MedIu projecLs LIuL LeII LIe sLory oI our work und ILs ImpucL, wIeLIer In LIe Iorm
oI vIdeos, urLIcIes, songs, posLers, mups or oLIer vIsuuIs -- druwIng on our sIured
desIgnJvIsuuIIzuLIon skIIIs und medIu LucLIcs.
Shcrecble project documentction
DocumenL und sIure our successes, cIuIIenges, und processes, so LIuL we cun muke
our projecLs repIIcubIe und Ieurn Irom eucI oLIers` experIence.
Shcred lcnuce, messces, brcnds
TIere seemed Lo be sIgnIhcunL InLeresL In LIIs, LIougI LIere were no concreLe
proposuIs ubouL exucLIy wIIcI Iunguuge couId be mosL eIIecLIve.
'. 0"*1-(2 3-4-5-6-)7
Unitersit pcrtnerships
CooperuLIve busIness educuLIon, soIIdurILy economIcs courses, InLernsIIps, und
reseurcI purLnersIIps wouId benehL muny secLors.
Populcr educction uorlshops cnd etents
SIurIng knowIedge und sLorIes LIrougI InnovuLIve und uccessIbIe communILy
''. 8)"#(2)9#(-(2 :," :"2%(-;%)-*(4
SoIIdurILy economy orgunIzuLIons ure compIex orgunIsms LIuL ure more LIun LIe sum oI
LIeIr purLs. MukIng progress on poIILIcuI und economIc gouIs oILen conLends wILI duy-
Lo-duy cIuIIenges. TIese vury Irom group Lo group, buL muny purLIcIpunLs descrIbed
sIgnIhcunL udmInIsLruLIve IurdIes Lo vuryIng degrees In LIe InLervIews: subsLunLIuI
IundIng gups; Iow or zero puy und benehLs; securIng pIysIcuI spuces Ior work Lo Luke
pIuce; udmInIsLerIng grunLs; puyIng Luxes; conIusIon us Lo wIeLIer or Iow Lo IncorporuLe
us nonprohLs, co-operuLIves, C`s, eLc; monILorIng und evuIuuLIng progrums; und
keepIng Lruck oI coIIuboruLors, cIIenLs, und money. WIIIe LIIs work Is noL gIumorous,
uII oI LIese Inwurd IucIng or InLernuI orgunIzuLIonuI cIuIIenges deserve our uLLenLIon.
mprovIng LIese cun muke ouLwurd IucIng (LIe subsLunLIve, mIssIon-drIven) work more
I thinl there's clucs the chcllene oj not hctin enouh mone. I mecn to
be more thcn selj-sujjcient uithout rcnt mone. We cre selj-sujjcient, but
ue don't hcte the resources thct ue need to hcte, ue don't hcte the ccpccit
thct ue need to hcte, thct ue recll need to do eterthin thct ue uould
recll lile to do. [...] We uould lote to hcte brcnches cnd more spcces to
serte members cll oter the cit. Eten one more brcnch, one more plcce in
the cit... cnd it's just ter dijjcult.
--Indu evy, ower EusL SIde PeopIe`s ederuI CredIL UnIon
!%")-&-A%() -+#%4 $*" 2"*1-(2 4*6-+%"-)7 #&*(*>7 *"2%(-;%)-*(4@
Crecte jointl mcnced locn jund(s) cnd incubction prorcms to support
Solidcrit Econom projects
Our orgunIzuLIons couId coIIuboruLe LogeLIer Lo ruIse LIese Iunds, boLI by
coIIecLIveIy seekIng governmenL IundIng us weII us by soIIcILIng donuLIons und
InvesLmenLs Irom uIIIed IndIvIduuIs und orgunIzuLIons.
Intest surplus or projt into credit unions cnd,or cooperctite locn junds, uhich
ccn then be lent bccl out to orcnizctions in our communities
nvesLIng In economIc deveIopmenL ourseIves buIIds greuLer coIesIon, brIdges u
hnuncIng gup, und grows economIc power.
Set up locn junds jor specijc reions or communities, so the ccn be oterned
CommunILy securILy requIres communILy conLroI oI resources, IncIudIng hnunces.
Adtoccte to remote the lecl obstccles thct currentl restrict our cbilit to jncnce
our orcnizctions tic credit unions cnd croud-sourced junds
As LIe cupucILy oI orgunIzuLIons -- und InLeresL In LIeIr work -- grows, we come
up uguInsL ruIes und reguIuLIons LIuL Iumper our ubIIILy Lo grow sLronger. TIese
couId be useIuI opporLunILIes Ior broud-bused poIILIcuI messugIng und educuLIon
oI eIecLed oIhcIuIs uL muILIpIe IeveIs, und oIIers un opporLunILy Lo neLwork wILI our
peers ucross LIe counLry.
Use shcred croud-resourcin to recruit tolunteers cnd clleticte burnout
Some groups Iuve uIreudy begun experImenLIng wILI muLcIIng voIunLeers wILI
projecLs In need oI ussIsLunce.
Shcre co-op member lcbor
Expund or repIIcuLe Purk SIope ood Coop's progrum, In wIIcI PSC sIures ILs
Iubor surpIus by uIIowIng members Lo work Ior uIIIed orgunIzuLIons und busInesses.
Utilize timebcnls cnd bcrter netuorls to meet needs jor speciclized slills or
TImebunks, sucI us TImebunkNYC, enubIe boLI IndIvIduuIs und orgunIzuLIons
Lo excIunge skIIIs und servIces wILIouL LIe use oI money. BurLer neLworks Ior
IndIvIduuIs uIreudy exIsL In NYC buL In oLIer cILIes LIey ure uLIIIzed Ior busInesses
us weII.
Coordincte the purchcse or rentcl oj common spcce
Muny orgunIzuLIons ure enguged In LIIs uIreudy LIrougI LIe Commons, LIe BrecIL
orum, IuLbusI, und LIe MovemenL Spuce ProjecL.
Coordincte the reclcmction cnd orcnizction oj public spcces
Occupy WuII SLreeL uLLempLed LIIs In pubIIc purks, und q6 Acres uLIIIzes LIIs
meLIod Ior LIe deveIopmenL oI communILy spuces In unused pubIIc Iund In NYC
Utilize communit crdens cs communit spcces
Muny communILy gurdens ure democruLIcuIIy operuLed communILy spuces
uccessIbIe Lo u Iurger use, sucI us meeLIngs und evenLs.
:-((#*-/#$'5) ;,4'3'1$/#$'-3
Shcred heclth insurcnce
Members, sLuII, und voIunLeers uII suIIer Irom our broken IeuILIcure sysLem und
sIure u need Ior InnovuLIve communILy soIuLIons.
Shcred projessioncl stcjj, such cs lcuers, cccountcnts, or polic resecrchers
Becuuse our groups oILen do noL Iuve IundIng Ior LIese servIces In-Iouse,
deveIopIng u coIIecLIve or neLwork oI LIese specIuIIsLs cun IeIp euse LIese burdens.
Shcred sojtucre
Muny orgunIzuLIons (q6 Acres, Purk SIope ood Coop, und Iuve
deveIoped proprIeLury soILwure LIey ure wIIIIng Lo sIure, wIIIe oLIers requIre
common oIhce uppIIcuLIons LIuL cun be bundIed Lo suve money.
Shcred injo-desl cnd phone number
Muny orgunIzuLIons do noL Iuve LIe cupucILy Lo sLuII un InIo-desk or pIone Ior
LIeIr orgunIzuLIon uII LIe LIme, buL couId sIure LIIs responsIbIIILy wILI oLIer
Shcred dctcbcse
nwurd-IucIng onIIne duLu sysLem Lo sIure conLucLs reIuLed Lo IundIng
opporLunILIes, medIu conLucLs, busIness servIces, or LecInIcuI ussIsLunce.
Gcn run printin
TIIs Is u prInLIng LecInIque wIere u number oI prInL projecLs ure urrunged on
LIe sume sIeeL In order Lo reduce boLI LIe cosLs oI prInL und LIe umounL oI puper
requIred. OccuPrInL Is uIreudy doIng LIIs kInd oI prInLIng, und suggesLs LIuL more
orgunIzuLIons couId suve money by coIIuboruLIng In LIIs wuy.
<)2"3'2#( ;11'1$#32)
Collcborcte to prepcre cnd deliter member educction cnd ccpccit buildin
trcinins jor our orcnizctions
TopIcs couId IncIude cooperuLIve governunce sLrucLures, coIIecLIve decIsIon-mukIng,
IundruIsIng sLruLegIes - uny LopIcs LIuL mIgIL be useIuI Lo u broud swuLI oI us.
Drcnize trcinins cnd slillshcres open to cnone in our orcnizctions or the
AImosL every orgunIzuLIon menLIoned some kInd oI worksIop LIey wouId be euger
Lo provIde - LruInIng LIuL couId IeIp peopIe sLurL new orgunIzuLIons or buIId
cupucILy In LIe work LIey`re uIreudy doIng.
'''. <,-6+-(2 =&*(*>-& !*1#"
AImosL everyone spoke oI LIeIr desIre Lo grow LIe murkeL und uudIence Ior LIeIr producLs
und servIces. TIere wus wIdespreud ucknowIedgemenL we wouId IIke Lo produce,
purcIuse, consume, und excIunge wILIIn our ucknowIedged soIIdurILy economy us u wuy
Lo generuLe weuILI und uddILIonuI supporL Ior grussrooLs economIc deveIopmenL work.
ExpundIng beyond LIe soIIdurILy economy communILy -- Lo uccess new murkeLs, pooIs
oI voIunLeers, or resources -- wus uIso dIscussed. Muny ucknowIedged sucI economIc
growLI cun Iuve poIILIcuI consequences, us economIcuIIy secure orgunIzuLIons und
IndIvIduuIs ure In u beLLer posILIon Lo udvocuLe Ior LIemseIves und purLIcIpuLe In u
poIILIcuI process.
I thinl it uould be recll jcscinctin jor co-ops ccross NYC to use ecch
other. Ior the clecnin co-op to clecn ct the jood co-ops. And the jood co-
ops to protide clecnin products to the clecnin cooperctites. And jor the
childccre co-op to tcle ccre oj the children oj other co-op members. So
there's no cp in collcborctin cnd hctin c tiht uc oj cross-mcrletin
toether. This hcs hcppened in smcll ucs, but not enouh.
--Vunessu Brunsburg, CenLer Ior umIIy IIe
!%")-&-A%() -+#%4 $*" 5,-6+-(2 #&*(*>-& A*1#"@
As orcnizctions, ue ccn leep our mone uithin the solidcrit econom b
purchcsin, intestin, cnd protidin sertices to ecch other
CreuLIng vuIue cIuIns Is u common prucLIce Lo buIId LIe economIc vILuIILy oI u
communILy, und muny purLIcIpunLs expressed un InLeresL In workIng wILI eucI
oLIer Lo esLubIIsI LIese muLuuIIy benehcIuI ugreemenLs Ior purcIusIng.
Use cn online interjcce to identij opportunities to crecte creements uith ecch
TIe DuLu Commons ProjecL und US SoIIdurILy Economy NeLwork Iope Lo creuLe
nuLIonuI duLubuses Ior LIIs purpose und u IocuI NYC eIIorL couId be IInked Lo sucI
pIuLIorms Lo supporL LIe deveIopmenL oI boLI regIonuI und nuLIonuI soIIdurILy
Detelop c brocd-bcsed motement orientction jor communit detelopment
Muny oI our communILIes ure underserved by exIsLIng corporuLe deveIopmenL buL
our soIIdurILy economy InsLILuLIons ure noL IInked Lo communILy orgunIzuLIons
resIsLIng corporuLe deveIopmenL. New murkeLs couId be Lupped wILI LIe soIe desIgn
oI supporLIng our communILIes ruLIer LIun generuLIng weuILI Ior sIureIoIders oI
Ior-prohL communILy deveIopmenL.
Pcrticipctor udetin
CoIIuboruLe Lo provIde LruInIng on cooperuLIves und LIe soIIdurILy economy In
purLIcIpuLory budgeLIng processes, so more oI LIose communILy-conLroIIed Iunds
muy be dIrecLed Lowurds soIIdurILy economy InILIuLIves.
Iccilitcte buin clubs jor coop-produced products
BuyIng cIubs, or consumer co-ops desIgned Lo buy und dIsLrIbuLe producLs In buIk,
couId be creuLed Ior uII cooperuLIveIy produced ILems, und need noL be IImILed Lo
Iood buyIng.
Linl communit-controlled jood production uith loccl mcrlets
CommunILy-conLroIIed Iood producLIon In NYC Is prImurIIy Iocused on communILy
gurdens, wIIcI ure desIgned us u democruLIc sIured resource LIuL cun be used Ior
Iood producLIon. InkIng LIIs producLIon Lo IocuI murkeLs LIrougI CSA`s, consumer
co-ops, und Iurmer`s murkeLs IIke LIose In EusL New York und LIe SouLI Bronx wus
oI InLeresL Lo purLIcIpunLs InvoIved In LIe Iood movemenL.
'3. <,-6+-(2 !*6-)-&%6 !*1#"
Our ubIIILy Lo buIId economIc power Is uIso dIrecLIy reIuLed Lo buIIdIng poIILIcuI power.
WIen our orgunIzuLIons und eIIorLs meeL wILI success und popuIurILy, LIey oILen do so
despILe un unIuIr poIILIcuI und reguIuLory envIronmenL. Our work Is oILen consLruIned
by poIIcIes LIuL IInder our ubIIILy Lo IeIp one unoLIer grow, und Lup InLo Iurger pooIs oI
resources. To counLer LIIs, muny spoke oI u need Lo pusI Ior poIIcy cIunges uL LIe vurIous
IeveIs In wIIcI we operuLe: Irom LIe IocuI communILy bourds und cILy governmenL Lo
nuLIonuI und InLernuLIonuI governmenLs und orgunIzuLIons. Muny suggesLed LIuL un
eIIecLIve wuy Lo uccompIIsI LIIs wouId be Lo Increuse LIe IInkuges beLween orgunIzIngJ
socIuI jusLIceJcommunILy bused orgunIzuLIons und cooperuLIve busInesses.
It is cn uphill strule to et economic detelopment uhere ue et ct lecst
equcl jootin, ij not c prejerence. ut, ou lnou onl c piece oj it oj it is
ettin it, but the other pcrts cre jhtin jor it, cnd oin to the cit council
uith the scme bill ecr cjter ecr cnd educctin those people. Thct hcs
cn impcct--mcbe eten c bier impcct [thcn the lcus themseltes]. And,
buildin cllies thct sc ech ue need this ue need this jncncin to be
ctcilcble jor cll sorts oj co-ops or ou lnou ue need c commissioner oj
co-ops in the cit.
--Andy ReIcIer, Urbun HomesLeudIng AssIsLunce Bourd (UHAB)
!%")-&-A%() -+#%4 $*" 5,-6+-(2 A*6-)-&%6 A*1#"@
Lobb dcs cnd phone bcnlin to support ecch other's desired leislctite chcnes
Muny Lypes oI orgunIzuLIons, Irom worker cooperuLIves Lo credIL unIons, Iuce
burrIers Lo growLI und hnuncIng und un unequuI pIuyIng heId uL LIe IocuI, sLuLe,
und IederuI IeveIs. TIIs wus oILen urLIcuIuLed mosL specIhcuIIy In reIerence Lo
IendIng prucLIces Ior CommunILy DeveIopmenL CredIL UnIons, crowd-sourced
IundIng Ior sLurLups, und LIe proLecLIon oI communILy gurdens--uII ureus wIere
groups Iuve orgunIzed udvocucy eIIorLs.
Crcjt cn clternctite economic detelopment cendc toether: use this to lobb jor
jedercl, stcte, or loccl oternment jundin cnd,or push loccl,stcte elected ojjcicls
on our issues
TIe New York CILy CouncII ProgressIve Cuucus Ius been expIorIng puLLIng
LogeLIer un uILernuLIve economIc deveIopmenL pIuLIorm Ior LIe nexL NYC muyor In
zo1Jzo1q. TIIs Is u key IobbyIng und poIILIcuI educuLIon opporLunILy.
Adtoccte jor cn ojjce on the loccl, stcte, cnd nctioncl letel jocused on our uorl,
i.e. `Djjce oj Co-op Actitities
or exumpIe, LIe Democrucy CoIIuboruLIve, u LIInk Lunk In MuryIund LIuL IeIped
sLurL LIe Evergreen CooperuLIve projecL In CIeveIund, Ius udvocuLed Ior u IederuI
oIhce In LIe WIILe House Ior CommunILy WeuILI BuIIdIng.
Mobilize solidcrit econom orcnizctions in support oj direct cctions cnd
ccmpcins oj socicl justice orcnizctions
Our ubIIILy Lo supporL eucI oLIer`s cumpuIgns wIII be noLIced In LIe medIu und uL
LIe governmenLuI IeveI, und wIII eurn respecL und promInence Ior our respecLIve
poIILIcuI ugendus.
Intercte solidcrit econom initictites into spcces shcred uith motement
orcnizctions (such cs in the ncscent Motement Spcce Project)
BuIIdIng power requIres spuces In wIIcI we cun orgunIze ourseIves. By sIurIng
spuces, we wIII IIkeIy hnd greuLer InLersecLIons In our work, und buIId our ubIIILy Lo
ucL In uIIIunce wILI one unoLIer.
Collcborcte uith communit orcnizctions to detelop cnd jht jor economic
detelopment jrcmeuorls thct cddress displccement due to economic cnd,or
entironmentcl injustice
CommunILy orgunIzuLIons ure oILen Iocused on LIe ImpucLs oI convenLIonuI
deveIopmenL projecLs In LIeIr neIgIborIoods. We cun purLner wILI LIem Lo Lo
udvunce communILy weuILI sLruLegIes wILIIn projecLs und Iocus uLLenLIon on
projecLs soIeIy desIgned Ior communILy-conLroIIed economIc deveIopmenL usIng
exIsLIng soIIdurILy economy InIrusLrucLure und InsLILuLIons.
Coordincte ucs thct sertices, resources, trcinins, cnd slills jrom solidcrit
econom enterprises (i.e. ccterin, copies, dcccre, etc.) ccn be eten more
ctcilcble cnd cccessible to motement roups
Muny communILIes ure InLeresLed In uLIIIzIng soIIdurILy economIcs buL sLruggIe Lo
purLner wILI exIsLIng orgunIzuLIons or deveIop new ones. SLrengLIs und skIIIs ure
enIunced, und weuknesses Iessened, wIen we connecL our LecInIcuI knowIedge
wILI LIose doIng movemenL buIIdIng, buse-buIIdIng, und orgunIzIng In our
3. 8)",&),"#4 $*" ?*66%5*"%)-*(
ndIvIduuIs sIured muny Iopes und concerns ubouL cross-secLor soIIdurILy economy
coIIuboruLIon. Everyone we spoke Lo Iud sLorIes oI boLI successIuI und puInIuI Iorms oI
coIIuboruLIon, und LIey eucI brougIL LIe wIsdom oI LIose experIences Lo LIe dIscussIon.
PeopIe were concerned ubouL LIe IImILuLIons oI IundIng or cupucILy, wIIIe some worrIed
we mIgIL geL IosL In IneIIecLIve governunce sLrucLures. PeopIe Iud vuryIng opInIons on
wIeLIer we needed unoLIer orgunIzuLIon or jusL beLLer orgunIzuLIon umongsL ourseIves.
TIey uIso expressed wIdespreud enLIusIusm und InLeresL In u sLronger soIIdurILy
economy, und uII recognIzed LIeIr orgunIzuLIons couId dIrecLIy benehL Irom connecLIng
wILI oLIers In LIIs heId.
WIIIe noL everyone reIuLed Lo LIe Ideu oI u cILywIde movemenL bused on LIe vuIues und
prucLIces oI soIIdurILy economIcs, uII recognIzed LIe ImporLunce oI growIng noL onIy
our InILIuLIves buL uIso our poIILIcuI power Lo wIn poIIcIes wIIcI Iuvor our work. Muny
uIso spoke oI LIe need Lo buIId ucross ruce und cIuss IInes und Lo ground our eIIorLs In
communILIes mosL ImpucLed by oppressIve economIc prucLIces, und Lo hnd u buIunce
beLween esLubIIsIed groups wILI sLrong IundIng connecLIons und grussrooLs groups
operuLIng wILIouL consIsLenL or udequuLe supporL.
TIere Is u IoL oI work uIeud Lo esLubIIsI boLI LrusL und sIured Iunguuge Ior LIe work
we`re doIng LogeLIer. We uII Iuve LIIngs we cun oIIer und requesLs Lo muke oI LIe group.
TIe Iope oI SoIIdurILyNYC orgunIzers Is LIuL In convenIng LIese conversuLIons we cun
begIn Lo beLLer undersLund boLI opporLunILy und IIubIIILy, so LIuL uny sIured vIsIonIng
Is grounded In cundId communIcuLIon ubouL orgunIzuLIonuI condILIons und IndIvIduuI
experIence. We`re uII workIng Ior u cILy LIuL Is more Iumune und jusL, more cooperuLIve,
equILubIe, und beLLer suILed Lo LIe needs oI our communILIes. TIe InLenLIon Is Lo hnd LIe
joy InIerenL In buIIdIng LIIs new worId LogeLIer.

I thinl the biest chcllene is just resources. Collcborction demcnds c lot
oj time. The elected ojjcicls cnd their ojjces thct ue're uorlin uith cre
oteruorled, the orcnizctions ue're uorlin uith cre oteruorled cnd its
just recll demcndin oj people. So ue need to temper our cspirctions c bit
uith reclit. We'd lile to collcborcte more, but there cre some thins thct ue
don't hcte the ccpccit to decide collcborctitel or decide ct cll, cnd thct
hcte to be lejt to the juture. Ecch ecr ue'd lile the process to be better. The
jrst ecr's not oin to be perject, the second ecr's not oin to be perject,
no ecr's oin to be perject. You do uhct ou ccn ecch ecr, cnd ou
improte it the next ecr clon the uc.
--JosI erner, PurLIcIpuLory BudgeLIng NYC
!%")-&-A%() -+#%4 %(+ A"*A*4%64 $*" *(2*-(2 4)",&),"#4 *$ &*66%5*"%)-*(@
Drcnize c coclition or netuorl under the umbrellc oj existin orcnizctions
CreuLe new progrums wILIIn exIsLIng o1(c) orgunIzuLIons Lo coordInuLe
coIIuboruLIon (NuLIonuI ederuLIon oI CommunILy DeveIopmenL CredIL UnIons,
Urbun HomesLeudIng AssIsLunce Bourd, und NeIgIborIood EconomIc DeveIopmenL
Advocucy ProjecL uII expressed u wIIIIngness Lo pIuy LIIs roIe).
Crecte c neu orcnizction to jccilitcte collcborction
CreuLe u cILywIde Lrude ussocIuLIon comprIsed oI uII oI our orgunIzuLIons (u
cooperuLIve or soIIdurILy cIumber oI commerce) or u poIILIcuI couIILIon Lo mIrror
LIe ucLIvILIes oI corporuLe orgunIzIng bodIes.
Detelop c collcborctite thinl tcnl dediccted to polic resecrch cnd cdtoccc,
cnd drcu on cccdemic pcrtners' support in doin polic resecrch
ReseurcI on muny Iorms oI soIIdurILy economy prucLIces Is growIng, buL LIe
reseurcI remuIns dIsconnecLed. PrucLILIoners, orgunIzers, und scIoIurs couId
coIIuboruLe IocuIIy, regIonuIIy, or nuLIonuIIy Lo Iorge u reseurcI ugendu LIuL Is
LImeIy, prucLIcuI, und unswers key quesLIons LIuL ure beIng usked on LIe ground.
Crecte c reulcr jorum to shcre best prcctices, resources, cnd strcteies
Muny purLIcIpunLs cILed LIe dIIhcuILy In uccessIng sIured knowIedge or
communIcuLIng wILI oLIers In LIe soIIdurILy economy. A reguIur skIII-sIure
or LroubIe sIooLIng InILIuLIve wouId buIId reIuLIonsIIps beLween sLurLups und
esLubIIsIed orgunIzuLIons, young peopIe und seusoned prucLILIoners, und oIIer
opporLunILIes Lo buIId rIcIer und more sLruLegIc InILIuLIves LIrougI LIe uppIIcuLIon
oI coIIecLIve wIsdom.
1oint Stcjjn
To supporL cupucILy buIIdIng uL un udmInIsLruLIve IeveI, one purLIcIpunL suggesLed
hndIng joInL sLuII or voIunLeers wIo wouId supporL our coIIecLIve eIIorLs. One
exumpIe Is LIe AmerICorps VSTA progrum.
3'. ?*(&6,4-*(
A recognILIon und embruce oI our InLerconnecLedness Is uL LIe IeurL oI soIIdurILy
economy LIeory und prucLIce. PurLIcIpunLs In LIIs IIsLenIng und buIIdIng process
provIded InsIgILs InLo Iow LIIs InLerconnecLedness pIuys ouL In LIeIr orgunIzuLIons, us
weII us LIeIr IndIvIduuI poIILIcuI unuIysIs. RuLIer LIun oIIerIng un eILIerJor perspecLIve
on socIuI cIunge--wILI buIIdIng uILernuLIves pIuced uL LIe opposILe end oI LIe specLrum
Irom opposILIonuI und udvocucy work--purLIcIpunLs expressed supporL Ior deepenIng
LIe LIes beLween LIose wIo work on uII poInLs on LIIs specLrum. TIIs uLLILude Is essenLIuI
Lo deveIopIng u broud movemenL Lo supporL our work und Is u sIgnIhcunL sLrengLI oI LIe
groups InLervIewed.
TIere Is uIso u wIdespreud recognILIon LIuL we musL enguge In u vurIeLy oI LucLIcs Lo
expIore cuILuruI cIunge wILIIn orgunIzuLIons und our communILIes. AII ugreed LIe
proIIIeruLIon oI soIIdurILy economIcs In New York CILy wouId requIre coIIuboruLIon-
-und uII IeIL LIIs wus u worLIy gouI--buL purLIcIpunLs underscored LIuL respecL Ior
dIIIerence musL be cenLruI Lo LIese eIIorLs. A IuIImurk oI soIIdurILy economy InILIuLIves Is
communILy conLroI, und u cuILure oI IncIusIon, wIIcI embruces democruLIc und boLLom-
up desIgn. Our dIIIerences spun noL onIy IdenLILy buL uIso prucLIce, und un ImporLunL
sLrengLI oI LIese InILIuLIves Is u wIIIIngness Lo InnovuLe und uppIy creuLIve soIuLIons
Lo communILy probIems. Any coIIuboruLIon wIII requIre LIe sume spIrIL und cuILure oI
InnovuLIon und IncIusIon Lo succeed.
New York`s soIIdurILy economy Is IuII oI dIIIgenL prugmuLIsLs commILLed Lo LIe beIIeI LIuL
communILIes cun soIve probIems LIrougI cooperuLIon. TIe reuI quesLIon, now, Is one oI
scuIe. How cun we cooperuLe ucross our dIIIerences, Irom neLworks oI credIL unIons Lo
CSA`s, uppIyIng our vuIues Lo grow our coIIecLIve eIIorLs?
You probubIy know Iow uIreudy, becuuse II you`re purL oI New York CILy`s soIIdurILy
economy you IIkeIy prucLIce IL everyduy: IIsLenIng Lo eucI oLIer, mukIng ugreemenLs,
und ensurIng uccounLubIIILy. TIIs reporL pIuces muny IopeIuI scenurIos und Ideus beIore
you, buL IL sIouId be consIdered un InvILuLIon Lo dIuIogue ruLIer LIun u recommenduLIon.
ConsIder IL u snupsIoL oI noL jusL wIuL Is, buL wIuL couId be. AnoLIer New York Is
possIbIe. eL us work LogeLIer Lo reuIIze IL.
We selected pcrticipcnts primcril uithin SolidcritNYC's netuorl but souht to
ensure both orcnizctioncl cnd inditiducl ditersit. We tcreted :: sectors cnd
souht z- orcnizctions jrom ecch. We ended up uith o intertieus. Not eterone
responded cnd sct jor cn intertieu (jor c jull list oj contccts cnd intertieus see
Appendix ), but ue did cttempt to crecte c representctioncl scmple oj the communities
intolted. We reconize thct there cre mcn importcnt orcnizctions uorlin uithin
this neu econom thct ue lejt out, this project ucs not mecnt to be comprehensite.
Ecch inditiducl ucs csled c series oj questions desined to determine hou their
orcnizction operctes in the solidcrit econom, uhct their needs cre, uhct resources
the hcte to shcre, the lind oj collcborction the currentl ence in cnd uould lile
to build, cnd their tision jor buildin politiccl cnd economic pouer jor the solidcrit
In some ccses due to ccpccit ue tool shortcuts--jor excmple, ue intertieued the
Center jor Icmil Lije's co-op deteloper cbout their co-op incubction rcther thcn ecch
oj the co-ops inditiducll. We ojten tcreted people uho uere intolted in multiple
orcnizctions so ue could lecrn cbout setercl orcnizctions in c sinle intertieu
cnd scte time. Since ue conducted this project entirel cs tolunteers cnd uithout cn
other resources jor trcnscription, trctel, equipment, or lcbor, there cre plent oj crecs
uhere ue uould benejt jrom oin into recter depth. =>? @-+ #/) '3$)/)1$), '3
1+66-/$'3. $"'1 &-/A ()$ +1 A3-&BC
We'te souht to remcin cs neutrcl in our intertieuin cs possible cnd uorled uith
c tecm oj cccdemic pcrtners cnd resecrchers to shcpe this process so it ucs both
pcrticipctor cnd cccountcble. Mcn oj us cre cctite in the solidcrit econom,
houeter, cnd some editoriclizin did occur. We reconize this project is not merel
cbout resecrch, but cbout shcrin insihts cnd lnoulede, cnd is desined cs pcrt
oj c much lcrer motement buildin process. We encource questions cbout our
methodolo or strcteies, cnd encource ou to consider this uorl not c trcditioncll
objectite resecrch pcper but instecd c tool to jccilitcte c deeper contersction.
CAA#(+-D C@ E*)#4 *( !"*&#44
uuren Hudson
AnnIe McSIIrus
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
Resecrch Desin
AmeIIu Bryne
MIcIueI JoInson
AnnIe McSIIrus
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
CuroIIne WooIurd
KenneLI EduseI
MIcIueI JoInson
AnnIe McSIIrus
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
CuroIIne WooIurd
uuryI Berger
AmeIIu Bryne
Evun Cusper-uLLermun
Abe KurI GruswILz
JosIuu uTour
AnnIe McSIIrus
JessIe ReIIIy
ScoLL ScIwurLz
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
F##A G-4)#(-(2 !"*H#&) 3*6,()##"4 I57 6%4) (%>#J
Report Snthesis
Evun Cusper-uLLermun
OIIvIu GeIger
uuren Hudson
MIcIueI JoInson
AnnIe McSIIrus
JessIe ReIIIy
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
CuroIIne WooIurd
Report Editin
Evun Cusper-uLLermun
OIIvIu GeIger
uuren Hudson
AnnIe McSIIrus
Zuru SerubIun-ArLIur
CIeyennu Weber
Jesse GoIdsLeIn
DunIIu PeIIIcunI
JosIuu SLepIens
ower EusL SIde PeopIe`s ederuI CredIL
UnIon: DeyunIru deI RIo und Indu evy
NuLIonuI ederuLIon oI CommunILy
DeveIopmenL CredIL UnIons: Pum Owens und
EIIzubeLI rIedrIcI
PurLIcIpuLory BudgeLIng ProjecL: JosI erner
MIIk NoL JuIIs: uuren MeIodIu
TIIrd RooL CommunILy HeuILI CenLer: Jucoby
CenLer Ior umIIy IIe: Vunessu Brunsburg
OWS ScreenprInLIng: DuvId Yup und JuIIe
OccuprInL und JusL Seeds: Jesse GoIdsLeIn
NoL An AILernuLIveJNo Spuce: Beku
MeerkuL MedIu CoIIecLIve: Zuru SerubIun-
ArLIur und Juy SLerrenberg
Urbun HomesLeudIng AssIsLunce Bourd:
Andrew ReIcIer
OurGoods und Trude ScIooI: CuroIIne
TImebunksNYC und BrookIyn TImebunk:
JessIe ReIIIy
MovemenL Spuce ProjecL und SouLI EIIIoLL
Houses: ucus SIupIro
Gunus CommunILy: MIcIueI JoInson
CAA#(+-D <
NYC Co-op, A BookkeepIng CoIIecLIve, und
1z WusIIngLon: SuruI SnIder
B: Duve errIs und MuLLIew Keesun
q6 Acres: PuuIu SeguI
NYC CommunILy Gurdens CouIILIon und
KIngsborougI CommunILy CoIIege urm:
Muru GILLeImun
Purk SIope ood Coop: Joe HoILz
BusIwIck ood Coop und NYU SLudenL
ood Coop: KuyIu SunLoussosso
TIe WorkIng WorId: Brendun MurLIn und
ELIun EurIe
Ioby: ErIn Burnes und Brundon WIILney
Rock Dove CoIIecLIve: Muryse MILcIeII-Brody
HousIng Works: Adum BIuckmun
EusL RIver DeveIopmenL AIIIunce ederuI
CredIL UnIon: BIsIop MILcIeII TuyIor
Puper TIger: PuLrIcIu GonzuIez Rumirez
n Our HeurLs CoIIecLIve: RebekuI ScIIIIer
und Rocco umu
ove ood Co-op: PIII SIIpmun und JosIuu
TIe BrookIyn Commons: MeIIssu Ennen
Intertieu Pcrticipcnts
CAA#(+-D <
NorLI SLur und
AppIe Eco-CIeunIng
Green Worker CooperuLIves
Greene HIII ood Co-op
Intited Pcrticipcnts
NYC DouIu CoIIecLIve
BeLIex ederuI CredIL UnIon
BIuck Women`s BIueprInL
u umIIIu Verde Gurden CouIILIon

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