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In This Issue
Presidents mes-
Treasurers report
2014 Outings
Hard rock sam-
pling in the field
Club Facebook
Price List
Next Meeting, Aug 27, 2014
Place: Eagles Building
Address: 975 Wall Ave, Ogden UT

Presidents Message

It is August already, pretty soon we will stop
complaining of the heat and start complaining
about the cold. For all of you that has had the
chance to get out and do some prospecting,
good for you. For those of us that hasn't, we
still have a couple of more months if we hurry.
This month we will have Rich Fellows come
and talk at the meeting, should be interesting.
He will be talking on placer mines, sampling
techniques and possibly treasure hunting. He
will have his XRF analyzer there and for $10
per sample will tell you what you have in any
rock you wish to bring. So if you have any
rocks and your dying to find out what is in
them, bring them with a ten dollar bill and you
can find out.


Northern Utah Prospectors Association August 2014
Gold: $1295.83
Silver: $19.48

As of Aug 19, 2014
Mailing Address: Northern Utah Prospectors Association
P.O. Box 13301
Ogden, Utah 84412
Kim Patterson

1st Vice President
Curtis Roche

2nd Vice President
Bob Shriber
Rich Roper
Sheri Gaddis

Dave DeHeer

Claims Director
Lonnie Fausett

Members at Large
Leo & Donale Richan
Hal & Lynda Berry
Sandy Patterson
Curt Dayton
Treasurers Report August 2014
Checking Savings
Balance $ 3084.84 Balance $ 5096.36
White Ticket: (Door Prize)
3 1/2 Mini Flashlight Suzie Smuin
Pistol Grip Blow Gun Doug Smuin
Door Prize Dirt Bag Bruce Smith
Snappy Grip Bucket Handle Buzz-Orval
Pick Curtis Roche
Bag of Sand Val Lundgreen
Bag of Sand Wendell Memmott
Bucket Grips Suzie Smuin
Classifier James Pavelka
Door Prize Nugget Delwyn Jensen

Door prize (white ticket) winners are asked to bring refreshments to
the next meeting.

Blue Ticket: (Raffle)
Raffle Bag of Dirt Randy Batchleor
Classifier Walt Hillyer
Map Measurer Bob Shriber
Pan & NUPA Sticker Bruce Smith
Mug Doug Smuin
Scoop Randy Batchleor
Shirt Donale Richan
Tote Bag Rich Roper
Bag of Sand Bruce Smith
Small Nugget Rich Roper
Big Nugget Doug Smuin

2014 Outings / Activities:

September 19, 20 & 21 NUPA 5
November 8 Turkey Shoot (It is a pot luck and will be at the Log Cabin in
Harrisville at 4:00 PM)
December 10 Christmas Party (you must RSVP by the Nov meeting If
you dont then dont come) It is also at the Log Cabin in Harrisville.
Let us know if anyone has any good ideas for other outings for the summer.
Membership dues are from January
through December. Anyone joining
after October 1 will be considered a
paid member through the next
calendar year.

New membership $40.00
Renewal $30.00
Mailed Newsletter $5.00

E-mail copies of the newsletter are
included as part of membership.
Mailed newsletters add $5.00 to
renewal to help defray cost of postage
and printing.

You will have an opportunity to
choose your newsletter delivery
preference when you renew your

Hardrock Sampling in the Field
Wouldn't it be nice if we all had access to geologists, drilling
crews, and huge rock crushers to sample hardrock deposits?
Well, if that's not in your budget but you still need to determine if
an outcropping or vein might be promising before you stake a
claim, a few grab samples can work nicely. A grab sample is just
that -- randomly chosen rock samples you need to crush and test
for gold or other precious metals.
Although grab samples can seem counter productive because
they are random, they can still provide you with an overall under-
standing of the area and help determine the possibility of higher
grade ores in the vicinity. When looking for a grab sample,
choose mineralized portions of the vein, pieces of mine dumps
near a portal or shaft, or chunks of mineralized float that have
broken away from the vein. Mineralized quartz on a mine dump
near a mine portal or shaft makes for good grab samples. Often
the operators of small mines had to sort and ship only the best of
the ore. That means high grade materials can be left behind in
mine dumps.
An especially helpful tool to have when hard rock sampling in the
field is a light weight crusher. You don't have to collect and then
lug around heavy rocks and wait until you get back home or to
your camp to know if they are worth anything. You can crush a
few small rocks right in the field, then pan out the powder to see
if its gold bearing. Having a small
crusher with you in the field saves
guess work. You'll know for sure
right there and then if the site
you've discovered is worth further

If you don't have water to pan the powder on the spot, crush the rock and store the powder in a
plastic bag. Label the bag with GPS coordinates so you know EXACTLY where you got it. Then,
after you've panned it later, if you find it contains a good bit of gold, you will know exactly where to
return for further testing. It's also helpful to snap a photo of the place where you collected the rock.
Matching the GPS coordinates with your photo ensures you'll be able to get back to that exact spot
at a later date.
In addition to collecting rocks, you might want to take some chip samples from a wide vein. Use a
rock hammer to break off small pieces and then run them through the crusher. Again, pour the pow-
der into a well labeled bag if you can't pan in the field and can wait until a later time to get the re-
Nugget of Knowledge:
How Dry is Dry Enough for Drywashing?
If you're wondering exactly how dry your material should be for drywashing, the short answer is
VERY DRY. But exactly how dry is dry? The best test is to take a handful of your material and
squeeze it in your hand. If it clumps, it is not dry enough to guarantee the best recovery results. An-
other thing to keep in mind for best results is that you want an even flow of material over the riffle
tray. A nice even flow is necessary to allow the heavies to settle to the bottom. This is accomplished
by adjusting the box angle and shovel speed. You also might want to classify your material to .5
inch or 3/8 inch mesh before running it through your drywasher.


All you need to do is sign up for a Facebook account and you can search for our club's page. (Just
look for the magnifying glass to begin your search.)
If you already have a Facebook account, just hit the "LIKE" button and you will become a
"FRIEND." If you are a friend already, then invite others you know to become a friend as well!

When this page gets to be more popular, we can post prospecting stories, information about pro-
specting/mining subjects, information on club outings, and anything else that is club related.

Ad Size 3 Months 6 Months 12 Months
1/4 page $3.00 $5.50 $10.00
1/2 page $4.50 $8.00 $15.00
Full Page Business Ad for 1 month $8.00
Smaller ad .15 cents a word $2.00 minimum for 3
Free non-commercial advertising for NUPA members.
Submit your information to
ATV cover $25
ATV Rear Basket $85
12VDC Igloo Cooler $35
Gold Buddy $225
Gold Magic rotating pan w/battery $275
Air Compressor New in crate 150 psi, 15 cu ft/ min
Honda gas motor retail $2385/ Offer
6500 Watt diesel Generator 10 HP, 75 db noise lev-
el, 203 lbs, wheels new in crate retails $3975/ Offer
3" Diesel water pump new 220 gpm, 98' lift, retails
gold pans large $2.50, small $2.00,
Plastic Classifier 5 gall bucket size $3.00
5 gallon outboard motor fuel tank $10
125-150 HP boat props 2 ea $25 ea
Appliance lift (not Chinese) $45

Frank Kuba 801-643-5090
"I buy silver coins.
Any type, any condition"
Kim 801 393-2132
If you wake up and your out pro-
specting and you cant see be-
cause a fog bank has rolled in,
grab your camera and take a
short drive. Its amazing the
kind of photos you will be able
to take.
I took this one last week when I
was up at the King and Queen.
Its about 4 miles up the road the
sun just coming up over the
mountain through the fog.
NUPA Price List

Non Pocket T-shirt $10.00

Pocket T-shirt $15.00

Short Sleeve Denim $20.00

Long Sleeve Denim $25.00

Hooded Sweatshirt $25.00

Hat $10.00

Visor $8.00

Tote $12.00

Blanket W/Logo $22.00

1/2 Mesh Stainless Steel Classifier $24.00

1/4 Mesh Stainless Steel Classifier $24.00

1/8 Mesh Stainless Steel Classifier $24.00

10 Crevice Tool $9.00

12 Crevice Tool $11.00

Snappy Grip Handles $3.00

Old Prospectors Never DieMug $15.00

Gold Panner Belt Buckle $13.00

Jobe Black 10 inch Gold Pan $4.00

Black Panning Gloves (24 inch) $15.00

If you would like any of the above items, call Sandy and
she will bring them to the next meeting. (801) 393-2132
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August 2014
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Labor Day
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September 2014

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