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uear arenL/Cuardlan:

As menLloned lasL sprlng, Lhe enrollmenL process and verlflcaLlon sysLem for Lhe 2014-2013
school year wlll now Lake place uslng lamlly Access. !"#$ #&'# #&() *+",$)) +$*-',$) #&$ *'*$+
."+/)0 (rlnLed conflrmaLlons of Lhe lnformaLlon are noL necessary.) !"#$%# '()*"#+# *,-(, +(
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1he sLeps for compleLlng Lhe verlflcaLlon sysLem for your son or daughLer are as follows:

1. Log lnLo lamlly Access.

2. Cllck on Co Lo lnformaLlon verlflcaLlon for (your son or daughLer)".

3. CompleLe Lhe sLeps ln order, as llsLed on Lhe rlghL-hand slde of Lhe screen.
- llelds shaded ln gray cannoL be changed unless you go Lo Lhe bulldlng wlLh proper
documenLaLlon. Some changes can be made buL wlll sLlll requlre verlflcaLlon aL Lhe bulldlng
- All forms are compleLed onllne, Loo, and Lhey lnclude School arLlclpaLlon, 1echnology
use, lL8A, MedlcaLlons and Concusslon.

4. When compleLlng Lhe School arLlclpaLlon sLep, cllck on Lhe llnk called School arLlclpaLlon",
hlL yes" on Lhe pop-up wlndow Lo compleLe lL now. LnLer Lhe proper lnformaLlon and cllck
save" ln Lhe Lop rlghL-hand corner.

3. Lach sLep requlres you Lo selecL l have compleLed Lhls sLep" ln Lhe boLLom rlghL-hand

6. 3+#*% 4 +1,(/51 6 $,# (*+-(7$"2

7. Cnce all sLeps are compleLed, SLep 10 allows you Lo submlL Lhe lnformaLlon.

An lnformaLlonal reglsLraLlon vldeo has been creaLed Lo asslsL you.

1hank you for your asslsLance as we LranslLlon Lo a paperless envlronmenL.

uoug vander!agL, h.u.
AsslsLanL SuperlnLendenL of Puman 8esources
8ockford ubllc Schools

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