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New Year Greetings & Call for National Unity by KNU

1. On the occasion of 2010th international New Year day we would like to wish
all the Karen people and their friends a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year!
We hope that there will finally be reconciliation, justice, peace, unity and
freedom, for all the peoples of Burma.

2. It is now a time when unity of the Karen people is vital. The SPDC military
dictatorship has been working systematically to break up unity of the Karen
people, by various means.

3. In the past 15 years, the SPDC has sown conflicts among the Karen people
through perfidious means, causing serious harm and loss, and much grief to
the entire Karen people. Disunity of the Karen people has benefited only the
adversary of the entire Karen people, the criminal SPDC military

4. The most important need of the Karen people politically, in the New Year of
2010 is unity of the entire Karen people, irrespective of dialect groups,
religious creeds and regional differences.

5. Only when we can establish a solid unity of the Karen people, we will be able
to liberate ourselves from the oppressive rule of the SPDC military regime. It
is time for the Karen people to learn a lesson from the bitter experiences of the
past 15 years.

6. At the beginning of the international New Year, we the KNU, earnestly urge
and welcome each and every Karen to rally under the flag of the Karen
National Union (KNU), for a united struggle against the common enemy, the
SPDC military dictatorship, for the liberation of the entire Karen people from
oppression and serfdom.

January 1, 2010 A.D.

Central Executive Committee
Karen National Union

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