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rendezvouses in which clans from far and wide would come together to contract

marriages, select tribal elders, and trade news and intelligence.

Although the Wandering People are nomads, they are strikingly different from
most tribal people in Minaria. They do not like empty wasteland and must
depend on settled communities of foreigners for their livelihood.

The Wanderer, as the individual of their nation is often called, is generally a

wagon-box dweller. Over the centuries the tribesmen came to prefer life in the
outdoors, taking shelter in town only during harsh winters. Even so, the
Wandering People have always dreamed of a place of their own free from sus -
picion and persecution. They do not intend to settle there, but to instead use it
for "safe ground" for their assemblies, the Corneiu-Derga.

Life is hard enough for the Wandering People on the road. Some Wanderers
ensconce themselves in cities during the cold months, but if they do not return
to the road in springtime they are no longer considered true Wanderers and lose
status. Despite the stigma, some clans have grown into semi-nomads, making
their way from town to town, staying some months in each earning their bread
The Ercii and the Wandering as sieve-, spoon-, bowl-makers, knife-sharpeners, rag-pickers, and other minor
occupations. A famous glass-blower of Tadafat called himself a Wanderer, but
People his nomad kin called him an ignerna, a Wanderer term for a mule who cannot
keep up and so is cast-off and left behind to fend for itself.

The Elves maintain that no half-bloods existed in Neuth before the coming of the Many Wanderers actually dare the fury of winter out in the open, and not always
Sion Hac, human invaders who ruled Neuth for more than a hundred years. The from a lack of rent money. Corwel of Attara, a collector of the nation's countless
history of these obscure tribesmen is lost, but it is supposed that they were a stories, likens them to wasps who settle into any convenient cranny for their win-
primitive group which formerly lived west of Elfland until driven east by the ter hibernation -- a ruin, a cave, a burned village, or even an abandoned military
Ogres in the Sixth Century (circa 565 A.C.). entrenchment.
Elven history makes it appear that Sion Hac rule in Elfland consisted of nothing The Wanderers who winter in towns do not soon assimilate. They tend to rent
more than temples burned, houses looted, daughters ravaged, and Elven patri- only what comes cheapest -- usually dilapidated hovels in the beggars' and
ots hanged. To this day an Elf may be fined and sent to a forced labor gang thieves quarters of the town. These unheated, bare rooms are packed with
merely for denying that the Sion Hac were human beasts beyond the pale, traveling gear and only a few tribespeople stay in them as guards during day -
sadists and madmen all. light. The rest of the clan comb the city in search of food or look for a chance
to steal or to do business. Some Wanderers have actually become wealthy and
No doubt their rule was harsh, but the most rankling offense they ever commit- have bought houses, but most often they will pay a lawyer to manage these
ted against the Elves must have been to strip them of their pride. After they fell, properties as rental real estate, while the owner himself sleeps in a wagon box
the Elves wished to efface every trace of their existence except for calumnies; along the roadway.
but they were never quite ruthless enough to stamp out the living legacy which
their enemies left behind -- their part-Elf, part-human descendants, the erciir, a Such wealthy Wanderers are few. When the tribesmen have gold, they tend to
term of contempt meaning "half-bloods". spend it profligately. Wanderer People in the countryside are often considered
mere robbers, but they earn more as itinerant laborers, often taking jobs as
If law and custom had not always isolated the Ercii in their own communities, blacksmiths, locksmiths, and harvesters. Their wages are quickly spent and
the minority might have been peacefully absorbed into the general population their wagons are packed with costly costumes and impractical baubles -- which
by now. But such a solution was abhorrent to the leaders of Elfland, who thus are generally bartered away as the inevitable bad times return. The tribesmen
perpetuated the problem through the centuries. do not show much grief at the loss of their tawdry goods; they demonstrate no
strong attachments to anything at all, except for family, friends, and the neces -
Although the Ercii were forced to the bottom of society, they were, oddly sities of his life -- wagon, horse, and donkey. While circumstance might deprive
enough, left free of some of its worst constraints. Certain types of work, such the Wanderer even of these, he does not discourage easily and takes bold steps
as rag-picking, money-lending, fulling, and astrological forecasting, were con- to acquire a new horse and wagon.
sidered so demeaning that few Elves would engage in them, and so the half-
bloods were able to eke out a humble livelihood. In fact, as the centuries The Wandering People train their children to beg, but this is policy, not a sign of
passed any trade that the Ercii engaged in soon became stigmatized. Some abject demoralization. The Wanderer in fact takes considerable pride in his
Ercii grew prosperous, but at first they were scrupulous not to flaunt their wealth, independence, seldom seeking help from others -- not even from members of
lest it be confiscated. Later on, as Neuth's government grew more corrupt, rich his tribe better off then him.
Ercii paid bribes to officials, who then allowed them to live in ostentation.
Unpopular with outsiders, Wanderers might be treated worse than they are,
True-blood Elves reacted with anger, and so corrupt office holders sometimes except for the fact that they have the reputation for working powerful magic.
diverted public anger from themselves by stirring up resentment against the Stories are told how people who attack Wanderers or cruelly humiliate them are
Ercii. During one public explosion, a large community of half-blood herbalists, cursed. Yet the magical skills of the Wanderers are exaggerated. True, many
astrologers, and hedge wizards was routed from their homes by rioting mobs. tribesmen actually do know sleight of hand, fortune-telling, and the use of herbal
Instead of protecting them, the government confiscated whatever the rioters medicines and poisons, but not many practice real magic. As a whole, though,
hadn't already taken. Ruined outcasts in their own land, the affected Ercii pulled they have a strong mystic bent, and a form of shamanism has always flourished
up stakes and fled abroad. inside the nation. It is also true that most traveling bands have a wizard or witch
in them.
These first half-blood exiles soon found themselves subject to suspicion in the
outside world. This attitude was hardened by the pilfering habits that these Ercii Whenever a Wanderer encampment is located near a foreign community, it
had developed during their days of privation. Finding themselves unwelcome, becomes a source of suspicion, but also a magnet for people seeking mischief
the outcasts developed into a nation without borders, wandering along the roads and entertainment. The camp often turns itself into a sort of carnival with for-
of Minaria in tribal bands, becoming famous as the "Wandering People." They tunetellers, tricksters, and acrobats striving to amuse and also, alas, to gull vis-
kept their reputation as magic-users and thieves. They are particularly apt to itors out of their coins.
steal magic devices when they can find them.
Like all Ercii, the Wandering People are a good-looking race. Elves tend to
The Wandering People developed a rich culture of their own with feast-days and leanness and humans to stockiness, but the half-blood often enjoys a happy

medium. Beyond that, they tend to be fair complexioned and even-featured. Muetar, leaving nothing behind except a reputation that no monarch in the world
Ercii age somewhat more rapidly than Elves, but less quickly than humans do would ever again take lightly.
and usually are less overweight in their middle years. Wanderer girls are
proverbial for their beauty and, reputedly, for their wantonness. Harlotry is in Most Ercii, however, are not Wandering People. After the flight of the
fact practiced by Wanderer women, but tribal custom discourages it except in Wanderers from Neuth, the oppression of the half-bloods did not cease. In
bad times. Much of the bad reputation that Wanderer females draw comes from irregular waves over the centuries individuals and groups have left Neuth. Many
their folk tradition of public dancing. Ercii can now be found in homesteads and colonies all over Minaria. Addat has
enough of these outlanders for them to form a neighborhood of their own called
Unlike non-Wanderer Ercii, the Wandering People tend to marry only within their "Ercii Town."
own nation. Because they fear being assimilated and vanishing as a distinct
people, elders insist that foreigners who desire to marry a Wanderer must join The occupations of the foreign-dwelling Ercii are many. They had been good
the tribe and travel as they do. This discourages many mixed marriages, which merchants and bankers in Elfland and have done well in those fields elsewhere.
is the intent. On the other hand, if the passion is so intense that the outsider is They have the inborn Elven skill at craftsmanship, as well as the aggressive
willing to give up his or her own way of life, the newcomer is welcomed with zeal of humans to make good. Although few lands welcome Ercii actively, they
good will. work at many trades. Frequently their daughters contract worthy marriages with
wealthy foreigners, though as a whole the Ercii prefer to marry their own kind.
Most of the stories outsiders tell of the Wandering People center on their clev - Many of the poorer Ercii are not above engaging in acting, public dancing,
erness as thieves, their seductions, and the curses they place if angered. The smuggling, and money-lending. Many of their race, those with little wit or luck,
latter may be petty, such as an itching ear, or as terrible as the curse of the still do the humble work they used to do in Elfland.
Not all Ercii live in towns. Those who came from a rural background in Neuth
In the year 1240, the court magician Corfu tired of being a mere power behind have often sought a life of hunting, trapping, and small-farming. The largest
the throne. Thus he murdered the king of Muetar and his entire family, except, group of rural, settled Ercii is found in the town of Willowik in the Wetlands south
some say, prince Rustad, who vanished. of Neuth. They are fine woodsman and bring down large game by use of herb-
poisoned arrows.
Regardless of Rusted's fate, Egalon rallied much support against the usurpa-
tion. Corfu was dismayed to find that his public grasping of power made his Despite their diaspora, Ercii are ever hospitable to one another. The people of
overall position weaker, not stronger. Corfu therefore sought to secure his Willowik are on especially good terms with the Wandering People and
power by increasing his arsenal of magic weapons. He sent an invitation to the Wanderers are well-hosted in the Wetlands. Likewise, Ercii are kindly-received
elders of the Wandering People, offering them sanctuary in exchange for magic when they encounter Wandering People. For the most part however, Ercii and
devices and the support of their troop of warriors, themselves the wielders of Wanderer prefer to keep their own way of life, unless a love affair is involved.
magic weapons.
The Ercii of Willowik have their own mercenary company for hire. It has grown
The pact was made and Wandering People clans congregated in the place that infamous for its use of poisoned arrows -- a practice usually shunned by other
Corfu had set aside for them, coming and going as they pleased. They gifted Minarians. Poisoned arrows make their mercenary bands more powerful, but it
their evil patron the Flying Carpet, the Guiding Light, and the Spinning Wheel, creates extremely bad will amongst their enemies. It is not unknown for cap-
as well as a thousand able warriors. The court of Basimar teemed with their tured Ercii soldiers to be scratched by their own arrow. This ordeal is fatal
expert thieves and magic-users. All who had hoped for an early overthrow of unless the warrior has had the chance to take the antidote shortly before the
the tyrant felt discouraged now that he had gained such powerful new allies. fateful test. Even then hanging may follow.

Egalon knew he must act. He knew that the Wandering People haf no love for An exotic quality ever hangs about the Ercii and many stories of high-born
Corfu and only a strained agreement maintained their support for him. maidens being seduced by handsome Ercii boys is a common theme in poetry,
Foremost, the prince learned that the agreement required Corfu to protect the such as in this famous ballad:
Wandering People from persecution. The rebel resolved to show the tribe that
Corfu couldn't protect them, risking the chance that the Wandering People
would take harsh vengeance against him. Egalon chose to strike when many Quaid the Ercii Lad
Wandering People were gathered to celebrate one of their Great Days. A sec -
ondary force made a diversionary attack to draw Corfu's forces away, then Why bide thee all alone, fair one,
struck hard at the tribe's camps. Why bide thee all alone?
Thou'rt promised to a high lord's son
The rebels rode down and sabred everything that moved, while their varlets And soon shalt be his own.
came up behind to torch the wagons, tents, and virtually everything else that Aye, thou shalt be his own, his all --
belonged to the Wandering People. No reason to wax sad.
But, ah, she let her teardrops fall
After the rebels had withdrawn, the Wandering People could rightfully have For Quaid the Ercii lad.
taken harsh vengeance against Egalon, but in their despair their anger con-
gealed upon "King" Corfu, who had promised them safety, but who had instead Now let this foolish grief be quit
taken their own warriors away. So the elder sorcerers of the tribe pronounced And dry thy eyes so red;
a terrible curse upon the wizard Corfu, inflicting the "Curse of the Full Moon." Young Ludd is chief of Averwitt
For months thereafter Corfu became a man-wolf for three nights each month, And lord of Lannarmed.
prowling the fields and forests half-man and half-beast, feasting on the flesh and He's honored and well-loved by all,
blood of man and animals alike. The kindest master had.
But, ah, she let her teardrops fall
Corfu became preoccupied with his curse and the rebels gained ground against For Quaid the Ercii lad.
his forces. But he was a mighty sorcerer in his own right and discovered a hard-
but-effective means to rid himself of his curse. He did this by drawing the black Gowns of silk shall be thy pride,
magic into his left hand, which he then struck off with a magical knife. The harsh With gold mesh for thy hair,
cure achieved its objective, but forever after the Hand of Corfu had the power Downy cloaks all gaily dyed,
to both make and unmake werewolves. And diamonds clear and rare.
You'll be the envy of them all,
But by that time the Wandering People had already withdrawn from war-torn Bejeweled and ermine-clad.

But, ah, she let her teardrops fall
For Quaid the Ercii lad.

The temple filled at morningtide,

The candles glittered there.
But the wedding chamber lacked a bride;
They sought her everywhere.
Though they searched throughout the land,
The maiden was not had;
She's o'er the border far away
With Quaid the Ercii lad.

Aye, she's o'er the border far away

With Quaid the Ercii lad.

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