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Resolutions 1. That the Oklahoma Republican Party discourages the construction or use of additional state prisons in Oklahoma, including those managed by private companies such as CCA. Instead, early release of non-violent prisoners should be encouraged, starting with those whose prison sentences are for possession of marijuana or other drugs. 2. That the Oklahoma Republican Party seeks to allow and encourage school districts to abolish or share with adjoining districts the office of school superintendent. Districts may substitute a rotating council of principals with an elected spokesman. Districts taking advantage of such flexibility should not be penalized by lower state funding. 3. That the Oklahoma Republican Party seeks to suspend the disciplinary activities of state licensing agencies until such time as the rules concerning the rights of those accused can be rewritten consistent with rights of the criminally accused as set forth in the U.S. and Oklahoma constitutions and subsequent laws and rules. 4. That the Oklahoma Republican Party seeks to disallow state licensing agencies, boards, commissions from increasing their income from fines, fees, etc., in order to compensate for cuts in funding from the state legislature 5. That the Oklahoma Republican Party seeks to move Oklahoma away from self supporting agencies, boards, and commissions, as such agency funding is inconsistent with the concept of representative government and that such funding is too much an invitation for self interested actions at the agency level.

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