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sssi018 Gmail - Withdrawal of Memberstip Gmail Karen Root Karen Root Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 11:44 PM] Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:44 PM To: Karen Root Ce: rorindiey; ‘Subject: Re: Withdrawal of Membership Matt and Richard, “™ Any back story on her email? Where is she living? Have we tried to help push her under our care? Love you brothers, .. Steve Hardin ~ Campus Pastor, Dallas Northway ‘THE VILLAGE CHURCH 972-537-1320 | On Feb 11, 2016, at 3:31 PM, Karen Root wrote: Dear Richard and Matt, Please see the attached letter regarding my withdrawal from membership of The Village Church, effective immediately. {lam stil willing to meet with you at our scheduled time tomorrow if you feel it would be beneficial Please confirm if you would still like to meet; | will need to know before noon tomorrow if you do. If the meeting happens, | plan to bring a friend with me, Because The Village Church has taken responsibilty for overseeing Jordan's care, and for the ‘sake of children, | want to plead with the church one more time to recognize that there is a serious possibilty that Jordan is not being fully honest with you, that sexual abuse of children may have occurred, and that Jordan might pose an ongoing risk to the safety of children. | sincerely hope the cchurch will do everything in its power to ensure that any child wha may have been harmed is given the opportunity for justice and healing, and that children are protected from possible harm from this point forward, ‘ips goose com/mallu0ui=28ik=bdebO4vew=plaseatch=InboxSim sg eT Mafthodsadatsml= 14c724atbe4o00 we

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