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Male Questions

What almost always has a

water pump: a car engine or
a toilet?
A car engine
Is a clay pigeon a pigeon lure,
a shooting target or a prison
A shooting target
What were the names of the
two Saturday Night Live
bodybuilder characters that
wanted to “Pump you up!” in
the 1980s?
Hanz and Franz
What does the acronym SEAL
stand for in the military?
Sea, Air, Land
What is the name of the
1970s musician who could
play the electric guitar with
his teeth?

Jimi Hendrix
What is a motorized spool of
cable, often mounted to a
vehicle, called?
A winch
In the Olympic Games, is the
shot put for women lighter or
the same weight as it is for
What is a 5-point buck?

A male deer
If you are looking at home
plate from center field, is
right field to your left or to
your right?
To your left
Who is the alter ego of David
Bruce Banner?
The Incredible Hulk
What is the Iditarod?

A dogsled race held every

year in Alaska
What is the name of the bolt
used to fasten a car wheel?

A lug bolt
What are you doing if you get
two minutes for checking?

Playing hockey
What Chinese actor performs
his own stunts and starred in
Rumble in the Bronx?
Jackie Chan
What is the famous alter ego
of Australian Paul Hogan?
Crocodile Dundee
In what game can you hit a
What is the name of the Ford
F-250 4x4 credited as the
original “Monster Truck?”

What is the name of the
failed football league that
was dismantled in 2001?

What is a carpenter referring
to when he talks about studs?

Wall supports
When describing an off-road
vehicle, does 4x4 mean four-
wheel drive, a four-wheel
drive four-seater or a vehicle
that can pull four times it’s
Four-wheel drive
In baseball, what is referred
to as a slider?

A pitch
What is an adjustable width
wrench called: a slide
wrench, a crescent wrench or
an adjustable wrench?
A crescent wrench
Name four sports in which at
least one player wears a

Ice hockey, baseball,

lacrosse, fencing and football
What does DH refer to in

A designated hitter
Female Questions
Some doctors recommend
estrogen therapy to combat
the side effects of what?

Is a votive: a small candle, a
cake decorator or a lace veil?

A small candle
On a woman, a facial mole is
called a what?

A beauty mark
Is berber a type of: carpet,
window covering or paint?

Which finger should you use
when applying eye cream?

Your ring finger

Who replaced Kathie Lee
Gifford on Live! With Regis
and Kathie Lee?

Kelly Ripa
What bespectacled British
schoolboy did author J.K.
Rowling create?

Harry Potter
What sport does Olympian
Mia Hamm play?

Is Desitin a brand of: hair
styling products, sewing
machines or diaper rash

A diaper rash ointment

Name three of the five
original Spice Girls.

Posh, Baby, Sporty, Scary

and Ginger
Does alpha hydroxy acid:
whiten teeth, exfoliate skin
or suppress the appetite?
Exfoliate skin
Name two of the four March
sisters in Little Women.

Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy

What color is chartreuse a
shade of?

What is a body wave: a kind
of perm, an herbal body wrap
or stubborn cellulite?
A kind of perm
What anesthetic shot may a
woman receive during
An epidural
Why did many people take
the drug known as Phen Fen?

To loose weight
Name the creamy face
cleanser in the blue package
known for its menthol

What sweet treat is
commonly found in ambrosia

What actress plays the role
of Erica Kane on All My

Susan Lucci
What do you call the fabric
that drapes around the edge
of the bed, reaching from the
box spring to the floor?

A dust ruffle or bedskirt

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