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PLEASE be patient to read the whole note

I will tell u about ptc (pay to click) sites. In these sites you will be given money for clicking a website or watching
an advertisement for 10-30 sec .

Each time you click , u will be given (approx.) 1cent/click .

Initially a site will give you 3-5 advt. to click i.e 3-5 cent daily . It seems to be low to you initially ,( if u r a starter
{new to this world of ptc} ) but with your dedication you can earn more .

Paid to click/PTC/ : This program will pay you for clicking their advertisements on website. It is the easiest
method for make money online and no skill or energy needed, just click and view 10-30 seconds. General the
links have values about 0.01$-0.02$ : it is pretty high.

Surely you will have a lot more ques. In your mind . few can be :

Q.1) Exactly how much will I earn from such ptc sites .
Ans. If u join 1 site (under my referral) :-

1 day’s earning -> (approx. 4 advt.) -> 4cent

30 day’s earning -> 120 cent -> 1.2 $

Reward from me -> 20 cent

TOTAL in 1 month => 1.4 $

If you join 10 sites (under my referral)

TOTAL in 1 month => 14 $

# if you join 10 sites under me I will give you 1 $ bonus

Total earning  15 $ (not bad na)

THIS is not the end :-

If you have 20 referrals under you then

1 referral will give you  .o2 $ / day

 .02 X30
= .60 / month

20 referrals will give you  12 $ / month

And if they join you on 10 sites then you will earn 120 $ / month (  it is not easy as looking )..


* BUT You should be active (i.e must click advt.) everyday to earn from your referrals .

Q.2) For much time I have to sit at the net for this purpose ?
Ans. It hardly take 4-6 min/site

& if you watch/click advt. parallely , your time will dec. more i.e. If you click advt. of 5 sites parallely
then it will take (approx.) 7-10 min/5 sites .

Q.3) it is really a low earning (initially only 10-15$/month*) . But I saw a lot of sites
paying 100-1000$/month .
Ans. Yeh , u surely saw such sits but my dear friend such sites are scams . as I alredy waste a lot of time on such
sites .

Q.4) Why should I joined as your referral ?

Ans. Bcoz

1). if you joined under my referral than I would give you some reward (i.e money ) from my account to you .
But for this reward you have to remain active i.e should clicks advt. continuously for some time .

2). And also tell you about the scam sites , which really don’t pay and really wastes you time .

Q.5) How can I earn more such rewards ?
Ans. 2-ways :-

1. Becomes my referrals on many other sites which I specify.

2. Tell your friend to become the part of this world under my referral .

Q.6) If I face /have some problem/doubts , where should I go & ask my doubts ?
Ans. You can contact me through email , any day , any time . I would try to resolve your doubt , as early as
possible .

Q.7) How I get the money from ptc sites & you .
Ans. There are many online banks available on the net . (I will provide you the link so that you can make a free
account in those banks . )

Q.8) will I get money always . even if I don’t click advt. ?

Ans. No , you will be paid only for those advt. which you click .


Q.9) How do you know , that I have joned under your referral ?
Ans. When u joined under my referall , then just mail me the following info :-

1. Name of the site under which you joined .

2. Date of joining .
3. Your Username / Userid which you used to register on that site . ( not your password)

About myself

You can contact me at my email

or at my blog …………..

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