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" ST.ll,i\I1P VENDOR,

II c en c (; ['1 0 " 1 ? 1 L!.i1. I 81 1 /96 r\io:3::' C;, of,'; ,-)~,!~~ iR~ad, ,

Nan CJ a II ,,: in, ell en nai-3 5.



tOiNTlfliD .Y


~: iji)() ib) Iluc t\.S:iC!S i'rlVal" Limited


! () blockswith, baxemems named ;is Ih;;:'Slltd Building") in C]I('W)n;;ll MctrQPoLildn MugaU vakkarn llnd Xl.U


space HI Lh" sald IJIJihi:np ;Le nul' V""-'cl"'" /\,JUH .. ~S~Ur~)t; I: tn :\JU ~Hlnc:~~cd htr~)t\'!

;1( LLSSt>R on accounr of

(-0 c-aeTY

Tl IF I [SS(l[{:1l e ': 1 rill',:;

k.,,;n!t:r 11'\ is Iik

and Allllt'CI;nres I to XH13uHc:;nliw.n:li.Y:


HERETO AS fi·Ol.l.O\VS:.

f.h<~rdflnncr t\1 as The "Ih:mlscd Premises" i. rne ill:;;;!

in Anoexm'c"- IV In this ;'i'O::!\rIS


Ihe car parking spaces carrnarkiJ0 in d,(' hJ:s(~mc-nl\ 0;

d .. ght h\ use \\'trh<'F

reserved for ~:(j:n.lFnCHl ~;t~t~/1i:i.?S ;:~f':d

j\l,nertlmr!;p?S' ;1;; theLease ('\m'lm~nCI:rm;rit


,\" '\rmexun: ._ V h) rills LCT;S:."

Hi Annexure .. , H ([ltv dLock·m i,

'll-IF LI-"iSEJ:;. nut I)~l L:JllHk\iiO t:;:nidn:ilt;-

LrSSE1~, CiH'i tGIT;nitl31t' lhi.' Least: tJeu.;i \1'llh(Hli Irum nn.:


.lhf.;~ -lit-·put t\~ir!51;Itcrnt;'nl Lo:-d H;-<; rn:-r }l.n nrx ihe L eGS( I J(',~\i h.' I,' r;: [I);: c \; 1"' 11':: cmitkd 'to pa:,imi~nl nf l;j ah:'ll1t; ;.\[tll the

uncgplred period \ n 11<:\ U re - II, kOI)\

j$~"~B;m tfI{0~ffiJ:r·'~ ~

t,'(;:,: ~-

I RL<l)CDS buil j ~,

shall p,::;y 811 11l!tia! bH~¢ rcnrof R;:;:', lit /\.mwxun: - H:,'n:I,,(,



whersocverexoept ;-;hHU b\,'

CCD1 !{'T!:O/l:; rl!I,,~ ;S:~n,-'-~c¢ T>f\_" tf"

nqJL pel' 1!l91'tth i merest liUt' un:;

(In the Super prp\j:{lun"l ..,,,,,,0",'.,","'''' Iv\oHullc!n:d \Hlly! .. pl:r

v",' ['~!ldl\ amj as 1't'li) 1\'

shall Pt4;i n1ntllhly 1i;-,H!I l'i.::nl ol' Hs ;:0,1.14', "",,,,,,,'"'" llt AnI'H:\Un' -U un th(~ supt'rbur1t months only lO[1L. pdld [utly withou; ,Wi t!X:d'iUli)l."

Di' mTII::: I iai;:i

rux_lfapp1knhJc x.ha!1 be h;irlW


the "hrdJ he r(;('.ordbJas<ul :!i:ldl:ndum

4wbfH'Itl<:5.aH increases andror Ib.:lsh Impusiti(}JJSlheret>('m;

!l\G Plpt: Building on I'PIll'1

l)(lf.;sbnU I",: p~lid d,: per thef'oflnwillg schedule

be pn;;s..:rlb\;d l,,\ Ille (\~tmd ur J1L '~L(',. ~,~·tncr i:H:~n-~(fririi::s in

ri:ntand {)tlwr ,m11'S MHl t:layahk: Ii) TnF \11 (tTiiF, :b;" Leu,..:;;: Deed. 11f\'(vt;VCL ilU such fresh tlllf){\!iJt!lJF!$ HT1Lit'or If.WfV'LSt:'5 as abuH: ;;[;,,,:,,:1 >IuH h: \viU\in r!.(1J~tjn!,l ~,1


;. $lny hu,d aU U uth on ties. tiS the case m;}y Ix: in Inc l:",;lIliH]\ >\J\';\


tl~: 1 r~- t)_\,\ill_




/\.r pre:'h?lH, vanous services and WlthlJl the "';ificlP10i

"I in said Burlding I!v~

Building HfC located arc i.HJ1!1g 111ilint;)JJ1~:x! fflE LESSOR

1,'[,lilnLI:: ",",1"',,'",,'" firl~ilS !it~! \)\j! iit AdlJl{~,\Ure ~ VI nil:; U::SSOH 0[' any othi;; nominees

nIL LE;SSEF~rHF I (111:' o£JUii!;;..,'pclldlrw\l shall alsf! be ,,,,,,', ,","'"

(If TlfE

2.006 :In, l;:)liri),ntcd

l(,fHE! 3: i\rv( h\ ~,., PM,

hours, ,tddititlnaJ cl'mrg,i:1; win ,.: ,'",,:

incase there.arc oHwrOrX~nlli;jJmfl Juring, It-Hit urne. the «~"~Cillo t 1\1V

i) & 1\,1 elmrg,;;::; li)l' f

, '1<

p,er llHHHIl dS un ,

(0 {;,C ~H S(\H!\:'C. af~

[;1X" ,1S (IppJi(:f1ojQ, SJ.lilH bl' ;lddili';H:;J1

tIL; k~b;':: clod Ti 1;: do,::

s<:(;urity 1l.5 mi'ill!imH:d in Annexnre XL

has l'nLl an iU1W(llH23 rncnuoned In /\fHiC\:Ui'(' It the:

LESSOR,)!:> the hlt';"I'G51 Free

p(~,,<.:<rut, V;1i,::Hlt Hnd physiPB!

,m or eifl'lier

adJU$l!HClH {)[ arrcRt'!.<of tutUS. rBmst;lierni:nl or

nnd nf ;,lny :~djus.ttn£',nrs~ 'dc(hiCl"IOJ~)o i~ir

Ii! .;k'fnnl,;

1 j \In 4JnmnH as U!('filkliF.:d in /\micsur~ 11, lht ni wtlh'b i'i

ackl1o\vle{lgcD LESSOR I.\S putt Inlet"s! Free ReflmdnhL: Flj.ou:

\,vitir[Il 21 {If \11

SHE) as mentioned m AmH'X,Uf'C U as Interest

bnsiJ~1 ~jn?'J1pnlvEd hudgeted has h(~;lJ

a,;t1l3t I):; recorded in 1h.: rorm (If ;Hl ,c"",,,.),",,,W"

1 LlL :slwl" nOI hnve rh8

liJ.: Lkrnis;d until the i:XP!T:vi Hw

aexure U;;wrlir:g from rlw Lease t(HIHIWih;('Ill{~m Duic

in Cd'I(''t\; he lk<d J;:'I the tcrH) ;1.\

J lJlonlh,,' advance tlOTlCG in :, t· ~ .1..11.: l_,_;::~lS>C fJ-ly.;-d- ntJd \1 P{ 'In ~:\~rt~!;~'c" nof 1'1"1t;. and ,;:lIiM' [',;n,'w('(; L.t';bD [lc:.':d \{I

Ilt';nnd C)j (:.Oi>tdUl'

14 ..


<.;\ p\r.;' ilnd [:l,Hi1~: ("'(111 z;nrJ :'Uh:j\;i;ll,,\ 'r.HF

of vacaticn of rhc l)orrdscd Premises. rhc CilU.l1C: rent. tal'

rnai\1h~n;m'~e E,rh,:r

Pr<!ll' ·.In ,": Ie

THE U:SS.(H{ AhnJI n:fllnd ;,j\ t(hmrh:hk


m rdmhfrl1g lilt: !('[(uH)ubk :5\:;:mily

iH i(1k: of 5((/., P,i,l

to continue 'Ill

tImr (11:: LH'<::

1.0 PH) Hny dnhHmr.S\\.hs\,;o<:\Yi.::f. fur If;.: sarne

I i I!

on 'or in T-cspe'(:l ;_:.d" c::q:_C\ ~n lmi.! ,ked;, )<1 ly,: \'


"k'CUH\Oflll±tl('n JXHl dth.:r tca.3"·J118bk



''0 i .

'111) time or forilny pvrtl'ld 01

nf »r ;'it" 111('

unz1,lf \l1t> tt:rHlii or lit!" t,,(:;lS0

shall not be hziJ respiJ)islhlt> fot hI f1"'·rt\vr" ·1"" itx ,q:. r·G _ .v. t .,:'\ ,f, H:;::: 10.-.

regulations dct!U!l


\VIM, ;';h\!

The pcrtormance ul THL Ii $:-:i/R ~

Thnl!hjs.1.,~tL;~ lkc\t :f:lHdlht:. right;;; and uhligatlollh in

content and r;lll1fHS of the release If; approved til wnling nf I.he tt'fmsncrion

Iertders. engineer:, .. an;hltt:'c'ls interior 1'11:::d 11'1 he i.tWa;I;~ {"iI- liul' .,,~''''L'HV.~

the tr;lnSctcf;k'H I';:' theextent thatsud\ di!;dmmn:

~-·u~0 tb<:

Flf;w',-Vt,d ,lncl perfnnn.ed These Amk\Ur<;:s I lnXm :;hall

bebinding ,,1)1111(: ,mdlHI.

l'lPP¢~U hdbrt: ,my

:'!od present I'fH h~! Shd i'l..C,

month and

flrstandabove menticned.

tor Hnd rUl bdJ;df HI' lltV A,SiWl£ PthA~{' UmiN'f1

t}l.C SiidHh)q Al'THORISEU

ubov.;, n;~mt:d Mt:, IBfI,l Jna!;} Pi'ivaT(' milled h'" JUYl\k\111!Ur.'

For Hnd un b:t'lmH' nf Wl\111H!l;\ !'riVtltl' Limited

(H.tilluui:kuJuar i\Ul'HOHlSEO

I ~











[lpJvkk:d Pt'aILlSe~,

T erms unu CHl1dit lOllS. fnrmitlg an iuregnd put nf the Lease Deed <hHli'd .:;'c_'::_;_:---1-._ •. _.--".:_. hCIWt:M DLF AS$~{s Private Lhnlted and IBM hHHH. Privare Linriied, white H\ll .. ",·",,,,~t from the mutua! pr(lfni!${~Ssl;t 0111 !herein:

jJCI"r'llil h:U

the rcnlii"iJ all ,mn;:s ,-"",,,,,,,,!,"

of (",],,:1;; e;l.lGodM nu I nth (\hllC

. UnJc'l addilioll to the hejv,'undeI',

Ic-5~;~'j} per .TIHfTUm on an arn(Y~jilt~ tfnd ! F~

ihr <d' hCyUIHl the Jw: ,.LJJcrh;~ I:, in

L under (:Inuse 3'1 lOf ihi" /\IHlv\.un"i

5 MId (1 01 Hle L~~nS\,: Lh>~';:L Cor sue·ll

To pu:, [,ESSEEf()T

;;h:ctrit.ilY ;)(\I);o;uriljHinn ()f power nlld dCCl,rlCll)

In Ci;'-,s,c: ..,F lblJtl:bcing common 11181cr bl fur rn;unjjng the

Lbcu\hcr 1 .. cnants or occupants QJ said BuHdlng,

t~\ !-~it P_o.\vcr ·dud (~aJcLdf1~_-~d ,un

iln:;) of,!),.: Dl'\nisu(l Prcml:-028_ lHE LE;:;:~[lI{ ~'h1l1L "sand wilen

1 ESSEE wilh the hy il.5 and

and g;;;l 111,;:5(:

Prl'\idc\3 Iurther til.nt, 0k,-clrll:d and Qth('r' i>Vs\.emi' shall. ;f 11:JsJblc make gut'll ch::Higes &nd be UYSI incurred on this neenWl(nl 1.2

1 ... 2 l'remises.

lrrHL filiis 1(:' 11:1,*'" of mamten.mce

LESSEr in ~ams ,'d thi3 L('Zi;.:,:v;l!bin Its due d,,[(,flH.:

;;ok: dis{;rdlnn after




Ihu\(11 the eVCF( failure to puy nm.l1H0l1uI1t;)C

.LL;·cL.~.L., ..• shall not 1m>";: the right 10

LLSSOR giving






1. 1.1 !1fUhl"w<:r file Dr.\n11Hod wid <9J1did~;n i

:.tnd piiyahlt: ;lS stipulated under this Lease Lkt:d ,dUD:! \VI I II

SLatl>; '!Tld P'i;v;1bkns

jlrlid Oft hllnJOVK:, oJ'tlii.' U,,:m}:;12d Premises hyllli.

nt' U'\!,; handovcr in CI, ent ,hUI THE makes Imy

c.ub, TH F l f:'

NOl lu do ur pGm!)! [d he (inn,;- imy i nsuriUlC,: rdating Itl l1f In

Z'f' Ill,: D,,'IIIIS(;d or.cause ;'iTiy incrensein

uUJcepuq}os,;son!v and 11<11 Ii.\ cm'!'Y ,,111 if!'

or (>s

,",""WJ .• "U"'uo. ur ofnUISafjeC.GnnoymlC\: m ,ii:;;jiJf\''i'Hh:,:

H,dldill!,': ,y1Wl\,:lll tht

p·e It;, ,;\n~ nLiHlj!__,~; I'[H[, T'J-IC usage of the fJC'HllSC(J Pn:JTIL';('S r,;.!) Of!'l<t: u:~,

i.lllQ shall. he HLhh:; at gillim,-," df·ilI •. 1

fHF lJ:SSEh ou [be

by TIll: LESSrr:

transfer, [J:lOtlgngG, sublet m ;16;"''::

\vnh, .Ii!' :~;I11ln,' r11B.ll!lI:r ,,~'h,}L,j)Cvcr, ,.,.1 j;y,

~LS/~'{;f::-: \'~/t U:j ;1 rJ<,~L t ,;J\',< rhl,.~'· n~c\~, ·cnLl~;·

shall hove the OpUO!1 to sub-let any \,vithcllIt TIlE

P{)l~[~Uil nf 1.'l~,i~· ! ~hT-nt~~~(,~,j IhWll have rb,:' ,'!;)WTi I.!k

tl{'\V'.IY,,'!\ su.~~h rle,\shl.lll n[1trH.~ iJ Ix In IJk. S,lln'," LiJt{, ~\r busitlt'% 11:" Ihm ,JfTIJj/ Lr.SSOR

adriit!;)]:!> or ,jlkY,nii(![',:,


1>l'1yvkl.::dli1e fin~ Cire 1i"""f'Hn,n

,'d1i'\,f'l'Hj,nM"'} nth] to the Na!.ioHili Building C nth:; (\i

Hys~t;tn_ S~:H:JJ l:)C ,nt~,Lh:~ ~ .. ; JSS( )Ralhl

$<> le v"'~"''' ,pc

;md finuncinl ImhiHly "1baLlbu itnrm~:0d jln 'THE j .l

responsibi II!;'

of inlt:ntir WiJth:s nnd the

cietaih;djn }\nn.{!':X]ln~ X hereto




L';h£' j ,my ehdIl.;;C:;, addillO;ii>, Ci/lt: irJ I c,},!< ,

in me '~>:iturn, du¢ l,' its uucrior layuiltQ,n [1 [,P:SSOR shall. mL:kc ,;iI,+

kill ional <-Qs-t-~ ~1JCUTr\;:~1 ,;\'[1

(it lil(:

; Ix:a[ing ii' th,:

"dli'':c i'Hnrfs i.e .trom g a.rn. In g p.m. on ail week tiv~~ ~lir-f:nnJ,lt ion If).g- \V>~_! I

however, \b(ll(~n !wvnty teur (:4) hours' (HilleL in \\:.: i::L'

Jj \

:'j;,.-:-rt::.Ll 1'"1 ",;~ ~>L1" :;L\:

I:x{'vpr 1.0 Ih(;;;".\-.'111 of u mLi:hLl,nicu)

Idh: in said Building "'''7'''''''''

th~ same durin:;:: the nUITi:wl :!lhJ

oj' trw II

normal oJ'Fwc hOUTS as ,",ell.!> Im",t~u>lld , e,r 'PubJ ic

[{,"mar {~IX'iI incurred nD iiI' such Uf! fbdlilylc

Ilm)~i; ,dl Lhv lis

OJ' ~rn)

.wld :ilmCHlTal the said HU1iding unci

all electrical. \XdLl:'t' anti

ilnd tentH11tlbk

THEl sbal1tbc

<:';lleTF"~s til;: Y,,"nL\

errxure (hat thi: l'uolt;J.Clnl's usvd

'\1 ,he lime ,',fITlf entitled

dafil<~ l,'J;' 'i(! I he Hddiliuos THE 1,f.~SEE. ·.vitllmn {my the r)l;:rj1r~ed ) -r;:rn.l:\f~:"~

lhr: term of th¢ 1 (~a;;.t' v"",.nl<.:,'"'<" \.\'lLlmu1. interlerenccor

III (,'Ll! tern" and

~ln.d ti}tflFr" lHH,"k~T 11H~ L,~;'a.:~~> Deed t (;, bt: ",,,,,,",',,,,,.,,,

[U)! iK0,,$SBt {shalh, conrwl H'om;>;,·otcl (lnil, its services.

rULLESSOR fet( ub':nining lh~' PO\',';;t'

the Stu,,;: Hoard) find po,V,"!'


~U;, r}~;~r ~r'jl:;-, Stt~t~)h in the cvcrn ll'H: LESSEr ['cquin~~.;a(ki,t;{'!l;i:

$l1nl\ '.» 1t, !J:SSClf{

TIJF]J:SSOR I\" au.gmem the power and powe,'

IOfg ,,,,,,,,,,,,8.',01

<;ubl0ct lei dt\J(t(jtion Of:CLTTe,ns d\J·!''''"nl:. Hi ont t~·in~;UjlL~n);,~(il "n'<'

kind pCJ:lc,'ful -:.mr1;;'nJer nllhltDt:mi~e·d i;'

BIHlllJLHll;,:l)US (I) h~i1tJhlh! ',;,LUl:


2Jjlli IH EI F::>SOR sbnl! vnd\;.'~l:N\Jr It> see li'nl ,cd ()C;t!!llJJjtj~:; in tiKi ".ili.d jJ) ;l\,oid f111j unuul1wr\;v/d

Room;;" W'm,(:r ,",','"',.,,,, ,\1'12.:1'< rr-liHfnilcnl PlunlS, Lin 1"lhhH:;<i Sh:l(j;; ROPIT\,: lei"

>",",,,-,,,\0' ',:i),

shall THE LES:;;;FE.

;It.:;-:;:~; U,,~·t, 1-(; ~)T rhk~; s.r~!rt

til' the ;){JIJ Ihtildillg alll) L1h: f):.'I,i<:'c<j i.tHd

Ct>VtlNA .. xrs ANn (:(}NUrra,lNsro BE OBSERVED ANn l'EH '1',\1-<1'11':<:\;


dLher ",'bnrges 0[2 ltr.I,J pttyahh: in terms

BLflh-IJ..p m:,;H to hctkrcrmlnet\tfH !Iii: lit:HS1;."; C'j}rlH'nenCcment Date

ilS 1.11;1) b:;: leviedin

demnnded TH F

i.Jjs;tribut1·r}u ~'>.~~b;.rt~ responsi bility of

thml,t ~r

"''''''''~'''' "vir[llgml1yup in Ih:: ilud shaH (I(l! nrovrue

28 ,UH'.l Jt&ccllnn

\\'i!lt';\Hkhdml~'lH [0 the Nation",1 f$qilding. Cod~·

i\ 1'; Ilnlik~d h) JnS!8liml0n of sprinklers .l1n: d.<:tet:tIl.)!)

,'"rnrnnndrtm:-o nf th,;~c;i1id Huildhlft$4h.:h os k,bhk's,

3!talllclf lIn:: nj,'1rtmg and (;ctV\C(~S on '-'Hcb !loOL

k ir~d nf ha"{~lrd

tin:lncl:.J11iahi Ii t; JV

shal! ~:n$\Hl! thu\ [he inrernal ailA~\Hldil e);;drh,f.! <\/.;:'C,;,'

including hut )In!

1llen Ihe same

artu shrill he TT~F

LES~;'LE l"fd!" w impicmClJIlHE

! Hnhj(,

in1!ctFm,'rI/Jc:is[on Dn hs: pan.

his abttndnntl y !nadt ;;1;:;0\)" to to instl1H

and d;\ \(1 the

:we Set, )jut Jf! ;\nill'xwX: . 'v'm raid VITI. if

TlfE <~Jr;' p-l:1,rkJug 5pa(-f~::_~" in ·the hd5\,:;n.1;:~nt lLL:'"

:dlt<; c,!rnJ~Hk¢d ill Anuexare ,~ .. \ill":CI

llHJ11l!zXlm'!t}c: ilH per derails LUt'llliop1.>J i.n Armexul'l!

:.!n, I'cqmrt;d TIll rIlL

car f1firkillg Armt'xuYi: -I i hereto I()({!v'c:,)addilltrnaicm

1'Il,w]-I,lnka] L;;;.>n i

ill Annc'uu'c,-\'n mm ie'\? !\:<lik..::)c;:·cL shall riC.llJHhll'll,: "em'!';'


ctw 11$;(" ,vf tnt iJ 24


4\1n; und fur nil

cullslruc[Jun':'. un ilkC:.1.c purking

lh,,;!;;v ",!:m<~:s I.n !hv !11UVI.'lllcnl ur

th(: 8J1tirc said Roildill~,;.

til ,',urs therein, 1n,,'ludlnglhird-pul'tj

:,dl jmi\!raTn:~' premiums. Fer record purposes. and


lifts k\fl'ip,:mlure to t'ttncdy and recLd'y Ihe sySlen1 within a t'eaB(mabllt ume.

\\ til of H 11:' Find

more thcm rwo (:) w()l'k\nl; day-sal H time.

jJtF"id't'I and aIF-cf\ndirknling fn; more than

time. 111\:.\1nttO'n2HlC0. fbf the d~yson

wcn!\1ot npt:nl1iI'H;Ji ~hall nN he by .!

the lease. if TI!L Hdls to the at(Jt!.;m.::nti!Jl1cd 5~'rviv,;s

rl h,l\{':· Ibe tu ~\'hll!1J;lh.

nun-'.r~bs~;rval-jnJj ~J( ~hc' i,> ... :vcnH:nt~, ur C{H'I.ditlons h\:;r\ e~'nlnrn('d.. fr i's- --clu.rit"!i~~d Ih,:H ~~

!,\[(il'lllinalT this due Ii} the ,lbo,\i-';! hr0;1th !F !.I ":';!.'J!t

shal' Dot be Iiable to Pl'ly any B:11l:. texes, 1Thtim~nHnc,,' 1.1<11< fJfll"TI'11TllfltltHl ttl.ltfT han,.i(!\\'.f (Ii Pn:H1ls;:s H.flfF LF,:';S! HZ

TILL: LFSSEL ;:,bosc SH11,h ~t:rXb d~;pos\tl:d h:,

"''''',. ,.",,,,,, s r-t , or by nny olll.:!

the whit:h whole or such portion

lJw Del1'I15kd Pn:t1'!J:~ts :',-~:!L~1i{' t'\lt

tl\<:: term thcrcef, IT shall maintain irseerporatecxistcnce.aad shal] not.dissolve-or

iHW ;m ngJ't:f."!T'Ien! inclndillghut l1\Jt

'~r¢(.tit()r( srsuch I. . "'ll.~'~ Di¢t!d sh~ll

;ln~T~~tr ! ~·~d~tSt:' 1 2


ngh,$ t)f iii rkat:d\.d


;, 1,,&

:.11 fiflY {llhel' i'lilr!fiC'r l'l\)vvs{W\\:T, oi'lh" !)l:nds~~d »[<:::1[:"."; ;)1;"; 1.'1

ilf THE !F.SSFE in lh< UCl1ll:i;;.J Pn:l\jisc" ,i

llgn.'Ui and commits thft; fHt: LLSS()[{ sImi! J:ltlV,: jdlt'dm!,~h:o";Ul;:

O-J" put _'ttp structures ~l5 }Tl:g~~ pcrn"-~1 tr:'~)

U(i!l ;:;u(:h i\ddiLi{lrujl';lrW~·hlfL'.s ulFl.sH;ric", .~t;,ai1 h..: the :." which I'HE


the tiv·:

Hli:luQrHg t11l;; ';Jllntp,¢t. '\\\111" (}(lhe tetruces be: the ot 'if n:

and THE shall he enfllJ~:d it. U5t' the >:1111L (or an) pWJ!C}},i;' I.e


F)elnis;~}tl -P;r~.>rhi~t;~s t)I' an;" [he CiOVG:rtlHwnt orallY I oea I he cnlitkd tn J\1l,; and

,r" "t,

the Uff]k! hll1d and dii) d!1t1 ;!I

of the Dcm15(~Jrl\r: Ll:;Sfif,;

wil I h~:' bnri<c !#

l\ckn('\~'l<:dg¢n\l,~nt ! ht-detmtd tu be writlfl~ hi uc!dru\,-'H:,d w til' II1C Demised

for amI nn behaU of DLF\sst'?ts Privati.: Llmired

For and on bch:df of

Ult'tJ I mlin PrhatJ: Limiwd

Saclul{lvj A tiTl:l:OHlSKB

i,Rlltilmlkutlmr JllyaklllnaV} A ti'!'lHJRJ.SftD sr GNA1'OR\'

Fj)~um ven iem:t:

t(skren.Cl {l:!tht .)1



Fhird Blciek lA,


3T~'$ c\11 ne Uwnmtj


tn ~{;.re~\_)-un



1'11\; bare shdr n:n! ~,hdlj cmnroent:;; lh>m! 'I July, 20{)7, IJwl 1:,,< 111\' rAJa;;e Ccrnrncncemcnt Dat .. ~

shill I ;jIstl C(ll'1mwm:¢ 11'011\ tbe 1 J~,a~,i;'

Dme b


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Ltdse i·,r<:h for iltili"l kti:,z:




Pnk] witlun ;: J

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LESSfJ.< 1~~rUI {~.H }U lL:T~t;;.::.~ L;<I,~'

hun; ('h::,~trldly I'i

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Rt.:fundabk ; Rs. I,{'\I;S f !Lmdredand SeventyFive

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jllt.:' fit ours Jl~r t:\',:ry

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the jit nut rentat has bet'([

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Lik' I'll 'ill.)!:;' a~f

~. Faist.: Fi;;hly Pive

per fll(H1Ur

'Incurred out"

in )li<1K!:liLi 5th veal' for \,vi'ridllh(: fil OiH ll'n!OJ lkts


l\:m,lnatl{Hl R'}.

'~,j:\ [(s. jon/··

R-~;;, n_,9i):~ Inc unJ:;

rh:r Sq, n. {'\l,.; the f1; ()Ul~; fur evcrv mnnti; i n Ihe ;{aid

fir OIl! 11.::tS ))C;_:n

Fig!n t \VI.' onl':.1 p(! r , ti'H'eVery P,,,, I (i(t· per :;q, n

l;ilt'[ on ~UfiCT halll-up ;lred


1"11'tcell 1m ly) per Pl" lnoml.!:!

n,H' every Rs p'~~T f1 t;f~~i1

tllOillh in :'.1'1

yitar j()T\vhkb the fir. ilU[ rental hss

during HH: '~if, y{';]r Fi:IUI'

f p(!r

[LT C\I¢r;', Rft" t (}O.'" ~,q H,

,;t);fll):(u::lTetl 1m ;<;1111([ i"HilHrp {ned Ii)!' the Jl! uUi';


"" Thirr, rhree

2N \ Ucjt!JjdJ fi;@iJfij ~f/ ..

month fur C'\\~ry R,,; !Jill> per sq.

(t, cost thv flr (HilS

0V{~ry ::;Uh~i001nCn( month In UK ~,Ltd 111·rqH

I RllptWS (Joe and

pC:fnWf1lh VI

per sq. n. (lsi incurred 'fit ,)w:; ;:\t~i'y 1110mh lP the ~;li(i tlth

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rc.~nslntc.rHeni l:t.'0t ~J'n a i)ri_}~.r~1Lt tKt~:f~

trw nnd <lI1 behalf of

UtF i\"~~1"4Pt~iynH' Limi1t:d

. SH\~bdt'v} AtlTHfHUSED SI<;N/\T01<\

For {IItU !H! lwlm!f of ID;'\,i huH" Pl"inl~I:'I.lmil('f;l

(fbdJnakumar c~Urakl1mHr) AIITH()RtSrn

.ANNEXliRE IU Ffmttll FlilUT,. B!(Jc.k l t\


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t""-'l ,"

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Ihl: HAlo\!, iug c!'lfifg;,xl;:verymonth,

4. «(1st of mannenanec 3m!

dfaiL~.t;iHnpuvnd \Aithln the


q r HldirHB;lun,,,;, iTJ common 11tCaS


!3c. TU\H1Sblp nlnLuknanu: (luth·.1rll:y



i ()


!\hrrn bor ~;~.t' car park 1'1'1 g !H:\llNllIA PRIVATi<: l.fMrlED



pH)vick:J an; due toarehircctural reasi,Yfl:>llr,\\v\,cf, lr'Qn i.h"

I.c'a.:L the ,)!' [;:dst: Ii) he cf.qE; ilk' \ h:; "1,.,';1,

l Jhl;' in "HARE SHELL"' or ,;;cJling Lletu\c;lJ 15

""',,"(''''< lUX: fercommon nrc::;: 1.,i;!.C¢t11enl !ltHlrmg_ no

r-h\:' {·dJO\'·-~"I,,~ r 1. h~:~' 1:.. L'-::;S:O r.

ilK~ IJi2'lYi;~~ed ctmditiiming,

tGtTl1ilh1l1:d ill th>1 hcL,tw',erd ,,+1' (be <:-Ike

mile ,'nc",,',,'r

THF dtirlIIginteriot ~)dd:it.IHlISlllJ{ldifi;;;ationsiaHerg{l()n~ uf interior works In:fcf'l'ed iH'rtJirmflt~ras inlfwior W!)l'~'i} ;uuj wh~:tt~ ItHcriuH ie, dnrh: by TIlf.tESSI,;E fully! pnrliaUy dlU'in(r theLease Tenure.' LC1lS(' Rtmew:d

THE as pcrNHC norms.

;;lJalJ be Ill\.' t\~gJmnsiblH!y oCTIlE 1 is h) ensure lh01i:tdeqmlk~ <."',i,.,nr", ·;mId bw:k\;l5 tie.


in rI-iL; IJ::SSE.E 10 Gn~J.lft;: f,lJUP¢[ :;igmJg:e

The Pl<::"I1I$V&.

nt' tire from the f.kml:;:ud

it ~;hnulu be kepI in mind Ihm


\ n.

zone, rnr.: insid.t:lhG 0uili.liag.

! i

C~orH.rf,)i ; ltc:tYlS r:mGlHIlf_! fiu.: M.on:ovct, presence (}l

or ,Ul}

1'\ .

'\in CHxul'i'crKt" Of

be;;d lowed Hl "" .s, ","",;"'" HI such ''V'.''.'.",,~ :1('(1 Vety high



dUfinglhc p{;n,>d \\;l1en interior works period


• t:-l0B0 ",fi;:cl;;

~ i,n COnHllun $in:(ts

"YSi(,ii'Jl b pn,]\'izicd m Di{tst:rHcfii, NrK I'!unl'b.

UF;;'H nnd

SCHEmJLE it ~ (n~scrlpthm {if #,111.' i'lllt) Item I

Sbi\:'L~i CJlmlens. ;.'''.'~''''.'.~.1£; S10IL :'·"n",',,;',

(110tli:'iai 6()(f(lSt)

sr:HEI1ULE .. fi (U.;scnlltklfl {)f le1l$\~d 'l'rcft)ise~} sq" IL i.,fs\l!'}(;t' bUill up llXl:1t onSu¢tll1ll, Third [j,ndF0tjrth A,

1 \

Nr)l/t;rnh~'t 2J;(I,' unci F-2JI:24'?lirl<

February ~lpprovcdby MinisH)' ofCO)rm>21:c,,'

:: .. J=-


A4~ U!ihE:;,(iii~)j:t'fjd) f.D ,:2~:.','.'::Lb

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iSearch CGni,)I~:~sC! or.. Stamp ;_:"·':-'::Jef :=::::;:':3~! df:i

~opy made fGady on

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