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Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – Guitar lessons

Guitar Lessons in Edinburgh

Your Teacher - Rob MacKillop

Where? - 2, Orchard Brae Gardens West, Edinburgh EH4 2HL

Fees: I charge £28 per hour

[There is a £20 discount for block-booking ten lessons]


I am currently Musician In Residence at Queen Margaret University in

Edinburgh, working three days per week. That leaves me time for a few
dedicated pupils (beginners to advanced). Very often students come for
ten weeks or so, have a break for a couple of months to assimilate the
tuition, and return for a further ten or so lessons. Some continue that way
for a number of years, whilst others find that four lessons has been
enough to point them in the right direction, and off they go. Some have
lessons weekly, some fortnightly, and others every now and then.
Everyone is different, and I will do my utmost to ensure you have the
tuition that is right for you.

Contact: (0131) 343 2195 or write


Interested in learning guitar, ukulele, lute, mandolin, banjo or bass?

Finding a good teacher is harder than finding a good instrument. There
are many, many guitar teachers around today, and many of those have
only been playing a very short time. Take your time in choosing an
experienced teacher - in the long run it could save you a lot of time and a
lot of money.

Rob MacKillop has been teaching for over twenty years:

Stevenson College, March 2010

Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – Guitar lessons

Answer the questions in no more than three words.

1. Who is this written for? People who want _______________________

2. What levels does Rob MacKillop teach:

Complete each gap with a maximum of three words.

Rob MacKillop says that students often go to classes for about (3)
______________________________. Then they practice for a couple of months
before returning for more lessons. Some students continue with lessons for a few
years while others think that it is enough to have only (4) _____________________.
It is very difficult to find (5) _________________________________ , so it important
to choose someone with a lot of (6) ___________________________

Complete these headings for (a) and (b) in the text.

7. Every student is ___________________________________

8. Why it is important to find _______________________________________

Stevenson College, March 2010

Reading practice: SQA Intermediate 1 – Guitar lessons

1. guitar lessons
2. beginners to advanced
3. ten weeks
4. four lessons
5. a good teacher
6. experience
7. different
8. an experienced teacher

Stevenson College, March 2010

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