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The Satanic muse!

Art and beauty surrounds the world.

Fight for a world that will no longer
criticize anyone for their difference in
belief, morals, and even diversity in that
person’s choice in sexual orientation.
Why choose to fight for a culture that has
the need to dictate a person’s actions,
once again sexual orientation, to go as
far as even trying to tell its followers
what to eat on a certain day.
Were we not as humans given the
freedom to choose our faiths?
Were we not as humans given the
freedom to choose our own spouse?
Were we not as humans given the
freedom to take life or even choose to
save a life?
Were we not given the choice to be able
to give life through the miracle of
Such god like power lies within grasp,
infinitely taping into our inner god, we
have been given such godlike
The reality is that humans are gods of
the earth; the planet is in the shape it’s in
because of our choices as humans, not
some devil in which we can pass the
blame off to, or in some god of good in
which we could thank for our triumphs.
We have only ourselves and each other
to thank and blame.

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