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Listening practice: SQA Intermediate 1

(Based on listening 1B from New English File Intermediate workbook. Use CD for

Where required, answer each question in no more than three words. (Check

1. Why did the speaker hate science subjects at school?

(a) the teacher was really strict
(b) she hated physics
(c) she didn’t understand them
(d) she was too young

2. She never cheated in the physics exams because the teacher was
_______________________________ and he always watched the pupils

3. What was the chemistry teacher doing during the exam?


4. What did the speaker’s friend write on a piece of paper?


Complete the following sentence:

5. The teacher saw the speaker’s friend passing over

6. What two things happened after this? Circle the correct answers.
(a) the teacher went out of the room.
(b) the teacher was annoyed.
(b) the teacher told the pupils’ parents.
(c) the students failed the exams.

New English File Intermediate workbook, page 9.

Listening practice: SQA Intermediate 1


1. c
2. (really) strict / (really) carefully
3. reading a book
4. all the answers
5. a / the pencil case
6. b/c

New English File Intermediate workbook, page 9.

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