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LISTENING (25 points)


Listen to a classroom lecture on Obesity and fill-in the blanks with appropriate words.
You will hear the recording two times.

Good afternoon. Today we’re continuing our investigation into obesity. We’ve
looked at several factors causing obesity including lack of exercise and a gen-
eral sedentary lifestyle and the role the media plays in promoting that con-
sumption of high-calorific food. In the coming weeks we’ll go on to examine
serious __________________ (1) such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia ner-

The __________________ (2) in formal eating times within the family and the
subsequent increase in the degree of snacking that takes places have had a
significant effect on obesity. Today, we’re going to turn our attention to an ex-
ample of this, what has been _______________ (3) ‘emotional hunger or emo-
tional eating,’ as opposed to the consumption of food to satisfy a physical
need. Studies have ________________ (4) how our emotional state can lead
to us eating more than we physically need. It was originally believed that neg-
ative emotions brought on through depression or ____________ (5) were the
main cause of this. But it is now _____________________ (6) that positive
emotions can have a similar effect on our eating habits.
Not everyone is _________________ (7) to emotional eating, and even those
who do suffer have highly individual symptoms. However, there are
________________________ (8). It seems that people who are already
overweight are more susceptible to emotional eating when
________________ (9) negative emotions than those who are underweight.
Equally, ______________________ (10) of this kind can happened during or
after happy events, when larger meals than normal tend to be eaten.


Listen to a woman talking to a group of students about opportunity of volunteering abroad

held by Time Abroad Company.
You will hear the recording two times.


Significantly improve the

English Teach- Helping with English ______________ (2) of
ing ____________ (1) many children and adults.

Agriculture and Promoting sustainable and - Promote ____________ (4)

Farming ______________ farming methods
(3) farming - Educate local communities
- Amazing insights into the
Veterinary Medi- - Helping the vet with - See a lot of fascinating ani-
cine ___________ (5) mals
- Joining the vet on home visits - Gain a greater _________
(6) of the difficulties in the


You will hear Dan Saunders, a wildlife expert, giving a talk about Pandas.
You will hear the recording two times.

Questions 1 – 2 (2 points)
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1. How much do Pandas need to eat each day?
a. very little nutrition
b. 12 – 38 kg of bamboo
c. 330 pounds of bamboo
2. How long do Pandas can live approximately if they are cared away from the wild? (1 point)
a. 6 months

b. 14 – 20 years

c. 30 years

Question 3 – 5 (4 points)

Write your answers (no more than three words or a number).

3. What are the two things that endangering pandas? (2 points)


4. What proportion of the panda population in China is protected by reserves? (1 point)


5. What did WWF create which encouraged people to support pandas?


Question 6-9 (4 points)

Complete the notes below with no more than three words for each answer.

Reasons that pandas may not be worth saving:

- extremely ____________________ (6) to look after.

- have a diet that is not __________________ (7)

Reasons that pandas will not die out:

- if humans don’t destroy their house by ____________________ (8).

- numbers of pandas in the wild are _________________ (9)



1. eating disorders
2. decline
3. termed
4. uncovered
5. anxiety
6. acknowledged
7. susceptible
8. common theme
9. suffering
10. excessive eating


1. conversation
2. learning experience
3. responsible
4. organic
5. sick animals
6. understanding


1. B (12-38 kg of bamboos)
2. C (30 years)
3. Poaching and Building of roads and railroads
4. 61 % (sixty one percent)
5. An excellent logo/ a logo

6. expensive
7. (very) nutritious
8. damaging the forests
9. increasing

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