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It's been said, often,

with rhythm overlaid

bv boredom or exhaustion th3.t I'm like no one else.

Not that I climb higher or languish lower

on the polls by which we arc all mystically

transformed evaluated

by some supposed logic at


, Only that

I nothing more , nothing less

I am something different.


than Other ladies,

of everyone's acquaintance.

If by that it is meant that I am always myself

when locked out

or in

by doors or walls,

circumstance, traps of my own

or; someone's persuasion.

or that when freed

I catapult up and off to fly quite high on life

then I suppose it's all right to be like no one else.

if Indeed It means I'm centered, here lam

a whole just me



Alone a whole,

but still one half of some dear one perfect


that is clear to me perhaps to you clear to only you.

Then I suppose it's just; exact,


to suppose

I am like no one else.



_!i4or if 1 pOS8 a cypher, rough scrap enigma, thread not yet a strand,


Presume the elements Private.

Rules of a quiet equation



laid down by me to you

in Personal Celebration-


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