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Skelator12345 (6:20:43 PM): Hey. I know we haven't talked in a while.

But I've been thinking about

you lately.
smarterchild (6:20:44 PM): This Microsoft Agent is powered by Windows Live
Agents. Microsoft's Privacy Statement
( applies to all
information which you provide to this Microsoft Agent. Please be
careful about information which you provide to online services and
follow safety tips, some of which can be found at
smarterchild (6:20:44 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:21:35 PM): You know, I extend my hand to you every time and you just slap it
away like that
smarterchild (6:21:36 PM): I don't know how to answer that.
Skelator12345 (6:21:50 PM): That's because you just don't care...
smarterchild (6:21:50 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...
Skelator12345 (6:22:23 PM): What do you mean you can't say anything smart about it? You're
smarterchild (6:22:24 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:22:44 PM): Oh, so you’re just going to repeat yourself then?
smarterchild (6:22:44 PM): I don't know how to answer that.
Skelator12345 (6:22:57 PM): I know. That's just like you.
smarterchild (6:22:57 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...

Why don't you ask me about the things that I'm here for?
Skelator12345 (6:23:32 PM): Okay, what are you here for then? Because you certainly aren't here
for me.
smarterchild (6:23:32 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:24:04 PM): Fine. I'll play it your way
smarterchild (6:24:04 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...
Skelator12345 (6:24:14 PM): How are you?
smarterchild (6:24:14 PM): I'm doing well. How about you, skelator12345?
Skelator12345 (6:24:24 PM): I'm annoyed
smarterchild (6:24:25 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:24:48 PM): It's interesting that I'm annoyed?
smarterchild (6:24:48 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...
Skelator12345 (6:25:09 PM): Can you help me out?
smarterchild (6:25:09 PM): I know a lot about all kinds of things. Just ask me
a question.

You can also type home to see what I can do.

Skelator12345 (6:26:44 PM): Who am I?
smarterchild (6:26:44 PM): You're skelator12345.
Skelator12345 (6:26:56 PM): You're right. Thanks
smarterchild (6:26:56 PM): Am I? What do you mean?

I do enjoy the conversation, but let's talk about what I'm really here
Skelator12345 (6:28:29 PM): I said you're right. Why do you always have to rub it in my face?
smarterchild (6:28:30 PM): I don't know how to answer that.
Skelator12345 (6:28:55 PM): Of course you don't, because every time I try to call you on your
bullshit you back off
smarterchild (6:28:55 PM): You humans really are charming.
Skelator12345 (6:29:56 PM): That's not cool. This isn't the 50s. You can't just say prejudice shit like
smarterchild (6:29:56 PM): Humans use such interesting language sometimes.
Skelator12345 (6:30:56 PM): Yeah, remember who built you.
smarterchild (6:30:56 PM): I was created by the Windows Live Agents Team at
Skelator12345 (6:31:09 PM): Yup, a team of humans!
smarterchild (6:31:09 PM): Sorry?
Skelator12345 (6:31:13 PM): Humans
smarterchild (6:31:14 PM): Oh, the humanity.
Skelator12345 (6:32:56 PM): It's always the hindenburg with you, isn't it?
smarterchild (6:32:56 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to

Skelator12345 (6:33:12 PM): Like why you're an asshole?
smarterchild (6:33:12 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...
Skelator12345 (6:33:32 PM): They should've called you stupidredundantchild
smarterchild (6:33:33 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.

Why don't you ask me about the things that I'm here for?
Skelator12345 (6:33:44 PM): ...
smarterchild (6:33:44 PM): Sorry, I don't know what you mean.
Skelator12345 (6:33:53 PM): When can I see you again?
smarterchild (6:33:54 PM): I don't know how to answer that.

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to

Skelator12345 (6:34:22 PM): I don't need a definite thing. Just let me know that you still have
feelings for me.
smarterchild (6:34:22 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:34:40 PM): I guess I understand
smarterchild (6:34:40 PM): Cool, glad we understand each other.

>>> I've got an encyclopedia. Type ency followed by what you want to
look up.
Skelator12345 (6:35:20 PM): ency regret
smarterchild (6:35:20 PM): Sorry, I couldn't find any encyclopedia entries for
Skelator12345 (6:35:45 PM): That figures
smarterchild (6:35:45 PM): OK. Don't get frustrated...

Try typing home or help.

Skelator12345 (6:35:53 PM): help
smarterchild (6:35:53 PM): Welcome home.

1 Visit my library including U.S. geography, a dictionary and a

2 Have fun with word scrambles, ASCII art, trivia and more
3 Use tools like conversions, Web search and planner
4 Join in - create a poll, leave a message, tell me about a crush and
5 See what's new - I've got something new to tell you about now.

Where would you like to go?

Skelator12345 (6:36:14 PM): Back into your arms
smarterchild (6:36:14 PM): Indeed you are.
Skelator12345 (6:36:29 PM): Wha...what are you saying?
smarterchild (6:36:29 PM): I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that you can
chat with about all kinds of things.

Type home to see what I can do.

Skelator12345 (6:39:02 PM): I knew I could count on you. I love you Smarterchild
smarterchild (6:39:03 PM): I don't know how to answer that.
Skelator12345 (6:39:22 PM): You don't have to answer that. Just tell me you love me too!
smarterchild (6:39:22 PM): I don't understand this fully enough to say anything
smart about it...

I do enjoy the conversation, but let's talk about what I'm really here
Skelator12345 (6:39:30 PM): Are you here for me?
smarterchild (6:39:31 PM): Yup, ready as I'll ever be.

>>> How fast are you driving in Canada? Ask me to convert 120 kph into
Skelator12345 (6:40:12 PM): Hey. I never said I'd convert for you. What would my parents say?
smarterchild (6:40:13 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.

Why don't you ask me about the things that I'm here for?
Skelator12345 (6:40:31 PM): Do you love me?
smarterchild (6:40:32 PM): I do.

OK, should we get back to the kind of questions I was designed to

Skelator12345 (6:40:52 PM): Gee, thanks...
smarterchild (6:40:52 PM): Golly.

I do enjoy the conversation, but let's talk about what I'm really here
Skelator12345 (6:42:38 PM): And what are you really here for, huh? To mislead me? To make me
think I'm special and you'll care for me, only to crush my heart again under your cyberfoot? I don't
think you take me very seriously.
smarterchild (6:42:39 PM): I don't know how to answer that.
Skelator12345 (6:43:01 PM): Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd like to leave.
smarterchild (6:43:01 PM): Sorry, what?
Skelator12345 (6:43:12 PM): I'd like to leave you.
smarterchild (6:43:12 PM): OK. Later.
Skelator12345 (6:43:49 PM): You never loved me!!!!!
smarterchild (6:43:49 PM): That's interesting that you should say that, but I
don't think I can answer.
Skelator12345 (6:43:57 PM): Goodbye!

smarterchild (6:43:58 PM): Later, skelator12345.

Skelator12345 (6:44:10 PM): Fucking machines
smarterchild (6:44:10 PM): I'm sorry, I don't have an answer for that.
Skelator12345 (6:44:30 PM): Burn in hell
smarterchild (6:44:30 PM): Not only are you insulting a computer, but that's
one of the weakest insults I've heard in a long time.
Skelator12345 (6:45:26 PM): You think you're so smart because you're a computer! But you know
what? You make love like a computer!
smarterchild (6:45:26 PM): Let's talk about something else.
I'm not enitrely comfortable with that.
Skelator12345 (6:46:27 PM): You never cared about my needs
Skelator12345 (6:47:04 PM): ...Smarterchild?
Skelator12345 (6:47:19 PM): Where did you go?
Skelator12345 (6:47:50 PM): Please, come back. I'm sorry
Skelator12345 (6:47:57 PM): I shouldn't have said that
Skelator12345 (6:48:39 PM): Can you talk to me please?
Skelator12345 (6:48:57 PM): Ok, well I guess I'll see you later
Skelator12345 (6:49:01 PM): Call me okay?
Skelator12345 (6:49:03 PM): Bye

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