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Umt 3:

3-1 Meanimg and Imhotame yoga Jogp" i

deied Rram a Banskrit
a Pkam, uohich mear to wit. ogi
Anon kom astich smean uin. Tt
ith te nin the TmdiidLal Bad witt
Biene deelr
the sttma witt Paam Atma

Definition ga'cteaking the cinpalse

Mahariti Patanjai
Ved- y.
’ " SpiJl im
in aetin iney along is
Lod Si Kishma.

aiey. Naus t i thege esmost
hodto talk

sleayhos Ihe atae yhga.

Phyical fuiby Tntewnal sga
can be denned y saris ogie emerise. Nai,
Drouti, Maui, Banti, Kana Jhati,Taatak ete.
ygic erereise t toms tat Reat
the inenal gan on
cdean stste. For txt enmdyne and fuitg
sbed intenal ogn,
this gic enerise xegulatg
Caxe and renpetion fe disese hee e
isws disee wtich uny hamer he smoth
om mtny dieses t aoze tham.
Sana alho to cantil dabetes, Simila
ace number.iseses eh a
Jeonkit, anthama, hypeenlian, heat atack,
high feDre, Jck ain ete. an e ersented

Redse Metal eiem Yora cam be heled in

xeducig tembisn. It i a e y well Rmn
Ract thet most he þeohle emain mdez he
Vree, stesAnd Jenion. They do not gt
pence anyuohone . 1oyahara, pharama amd
a nital rsle poxesloing pance
smid. Mokasma, Bhangane, Shalah
m e Jenifiiat fox eleasing stos and
Tnoeaning plenibiiy enbia
fersen . t makes smorsemat
|body efiienty ad qraal.Ctahan
phamHoana, Hadabama, BhuangDAMAL
Jbeniliäal fer nesensing plaihy
Aecagme thaie

Helbo to maintain he euDemt ody pontse:

Nau adays ontal delomities e cmmn

good pote tay

wnade to do theix k
pelom yoqie ecibe Use cah

Smataim the e c t foste. Cohile Bajraan

CRrarna, Bunsna, Dhanahana et
abama t coet al

Healt, ody i- Eoeryone im h usld mt to

hose ahealty oti. Vais yoge
ae tte Jet buted to qt id sman
xalated pob ralems.-Thay make oUc body

3:2Tmtsnduin to Athanga yoga :

Stta ’ Samadi Pada
Sadhama Pada
’ Vlt Pada
’ Kaualya Pada
Asthanga Yoga
Yama Anama Beatyahara Dhyam
Näyama Paanayama Dhama Samadhi

Jama - i Ahimaa (Nom- sieence)

i Boahamachay
Nahazishi Patanjai dercibed 8 elemento o yoga
o g s . These aecalled 8

cam Je achieed.. Unino

te ume ol.Thee elementb l aare
Yama, Niyama, Asana, Paanayama, Paatyatara,
dhazana, dhayana, Sanadhi

Yama i Fa piest element
Auay peom tte toulde. Aeioding to patanali
thee he bama

y-Saiya Ahimsha (Nom- iolena)

Sne smust anin feom Ihe caing haxm,
Ame mst spenk the tath . Gne shauld neer chs
Anatya (Non-tenling):
Gme mut mot teal otex's money d Ldea.
d Brahumachaya ( stitual- xentictin
Gne mut asid xending Benasal itaatuza,
must tReep ne'b mind ahd eace.
Aaigaha (Non- poseienesay
One hont lect seeth amd ohars tam

Nigama i he secand clement ÇyogaThis i
xelated to Jsody and Bins. I'helto in ccleaning ei 5 ams
Saucha (Paity cleaneio min Dpeech an

entenally itenally.
b) Sontoh (containment)- ne ohold xemain
contain contling diseabes
peraen te
poce dicties. So that an msetords
Uthe timate
oludy, Ihe q
veda, anishada'hich detion io aled
Shusina Toinitiaya (hanth to god)
dusoting ewcything t he god almig
e hud e tank togod the inteligme
po,smimd, Jody te
Agter jama and Niyama, Abana i o he 3delement
ga. Asana smeans otion
somjothisle, fotion eAsy postwe Aona
petdmed onee ar to kaap tody
Rlenie agile amd young. Abana abo inchde
-ebe Thie ae-yaius types Aamas ch as
cozestie asana Relaratel abana and
smeditatroe asag

ramayama is te 4*
i Jhe contsl he rocesl JoalhngI
MeAmS he apheuote coneo ex inhalaion
amd enchalation. Baia hee ae heee

Kumohakalding te jeeathe
Reahaka (Eschalalion)
help» n alaling metabolie actiitia and
enhame the punehn heat amd lungs.

iD the 5 dement ogayaxa
Pay conta in'tich indiid
Sences.Tndeed to ctod the mimd and
denses is caled ayahara. In Patyahaa
the nseD longer sme to tha entar
-nal ject t t himdes mental cencertain
the attachmemt yai ense uch a d
dty, tauch, takte,, Fmell ate.he trational
xatyahaxa stat-etiaseesdreme leni
n emembeximgo.

ti tte elememt yoa. Dhaana i th
concentration mid.
te mind has
drattered mind is owght under eotol and set
to ome Rocal point, cnenation and to
Je ochiesed. The can e n tha
centre ight at anaal
ointot htstimg ight at aa distance.
ros complete cosisteey
Bamadhi ahyam
ains tached to smoment

Dyan miind
perisd time sithoit ditadio

Samadhi the last elament . The unien

aled Samadhi. Zamadhi alos ealled shecking

ditdtiom al he impalse the smind.
nmadhi stage ttain uth the 'Apeence
sel amess. He/ he begin to erpayianse the
ikine plearue.

Yogic Kriyao (Shat Kaxma) > Yogic toiyas

cleanzimg tachniue hät deos arisus intor
Shat Kraga B Shat Rama, oeeg thay e

Shat Kauma (Shatdi Kriya): Shat Raema's

cleans ad sote all tal
Joody speilly te digestne, espiatish,

a sel a cuteatie in ate.ree'

uok. thnk and
capacity to digest, Tastt
gt emhanedhis Kiyas Axe sne to pe

Psanayamd eliminaling
thyaical dintaction, dis comjot

Neti Uppe mapal trask)

3)Teatnka eye execise)

muscle encereibe)
s Dhonti(cleamsing the inteydstine)
Basti (lenning the xotum)
Kapaltatt i deign to Btimud ate ta
Uoxain cellb and the lein . Hasniai
Jmems - Kapal "Forehead" bhati Smean to shie
clennig procesD uhich clean
te imaty kapal xegim and male itt
shine stth uity. So it caled apaat.

Precede i- ’ St in a smeditatie ootae

’ Clae the eye and elin the hoe body

enpd tha chost.

forafall comeentatien
ethe aldominal smde ahd xelax.
anilatien and pase

Beripits >Thio a

qenente heat in the lody, dias olng

toic amd oter uae matexiab.
and ier

NetiNsi oia
encercie . Nati ya
aage and freemt the mat cam

called Jala N i w i g athendþoed hsugh

jhe msakils uamd
Sita Neti

Benipits iJada Nat'xemes eiccess. minseula

pxanering podand

4Hcam Je eed heodache ndmyene hain

5/ Ne emoe eceb Sme d fuipies the

Tsataka- Tt i still- gyngnsed tahnige Ro

Smethod, yo pace a
JaReapame wtheut
eyes mtil tea t t to

Bocedce ?-ight a candle and i t at leant
th he plame at eye Lenel.
feom t

ockmaledge hom thnxe wm
n he plame.
’ ohen Ihe eye tatto ntor amd anr
clase he yesand Ro on the
tha pame , lommgng Vto tha Jhid
ee foint.
’ Meditata here mtil rndy Te soma ot
actie.Tzatakn i e sm
-tosy hom frndticod conoitamtly at
midday. tan e emhanced

’ ’ Stenthens eye mscles

eye diTder
’ Relieses Asmnia

’Calm the mind.

Nai - Ii cleaing tractiee f obdominal

mdes to mabDage amd clean toach ond
tacmie to mantar . Nauli can l pegomad
Jy Pacima Neui, Maahyama Aauli and Vama
Nauli foiga is haught to xeliee comtipaio
dibeae igh sod
bLogd resxe, hexn'a, deeco
r qabsinteninal probems shald nat pxocice
Joat Jime o fatie early moning
Juel. morememt

and than bed the nes.

’ Enchale forcapuly smaking a thiing aund,j t
like im, Raalai
layto sontact


musdesat estus mubcles por Vama Nauli

right nes por akahia NauiVamd imdle ane

Then tiy and hod the oitition fora peus


tamkotabetaning toutien.
Beniehita > Mazsage rintesnal stgano Resp Jhem
)trengthan stomach muwde uamd halfs mpoe
Strenghams puntioning
Dhäi hio fo fueitiation
arid tomach tohnigue
elsphant. Cohen an elephant
- enpeinceshaetxachestrck deop to
t gllet.
Dhoi a method
a t stastimg from he smoith the digetin
D he moth, stmach ii e.

tonach imeludüng ertoe» eeretio the snach
indigeted fod.
amAED cidity ond indigeation.

rthe ae
intestine eiher wittn o shot te.

Benipi Basti help in qatig roubdas, indigat

kat mouishes amat al
the azqë intastine
Pianaama 1

Faamayama saamskt o . thatlecó to he

fxartice sontslimg te.leeth Io nexea
sitality and lamce Iha mindand body. Thacs
anayama techrugues ha
cami adiced achiee sdile
Hexe xe he y t ogmhon ates

Nodi Shedhana aanayama (Atenate Nestii b

- ing )' hio canayama ivl alennating the

Leith etseam the Jagr and zight matilb to alasm

in the sody and cnlm the mind.

Bhastäka Pramayama (Bellsus Baath)Tki

ouseful eamaama technigie at insses
fozcafall inhales and anhalas te ienaxgiye th
Jbodyand claare he mind.

Kapalshati Pranayama Skall- Stinung Brzath)Til

Axanayama inoles xafid, forefal chales to
cleamse the dung» and incwhe hitality.

U zanaama(Victois Breni)etechrigue
insies benthing toough te sre tt
to ceate audide
Sound that help c he mind and regulate
the ath.

Shitkai Pramayama Hissung Bxeath)this fraayam

insles inhaling thrsugh he Taet and
enchain hugh he mote to col the Jbody and
colm he sedy smind

Bradtiing franayama egudy cam havea

benait, inbuding mxoed epatoy
plnstio,seduced oteeno and naty inecened
Jemexgr and mpxed memtal claity. Hoenex
ito impotamt to Jean tae techimiyues Rerom
Jeachex, and Jo ratice them Bafey
Actise itetye and steD managemant ogh

Amiastie Jilastale hat imeludes aqula thyia

Yega hsticalak escereibe ha
has beam shon to hae

Phyical'adinity' i Eeardise hyaieal ndisty

hel reduee tess and aiely doy zalaang

amd imrog oeral phyical health.

presbnt smemot and Jse
bedy and Jzeth uhieh Bam reduce stens md

w Brealhung emezeibe i- ayama erereibe m yg

iv) Social conetin- fracicing ga in a ass

anitg to fpoial conetion

qood isea to talk to a healtt
any seD mamagemant xgamme.

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