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Forgar was not what you would think a Master Smith and Alchemist to be.

From th
e first look, you'd see a very tall but very skinny person. You can see on his f
ace the wisdom of a few generations, basically because he's a Deva - and he uses
his experience well. Mord on the other hand is everything else than tall and sk
inny. He's rather small for a Half-Orc at 5'8" and while he's around 220 lbs he
doesn't look the slightest like one of the most agile fighters there are - but F
orgar hired him for a reason. Both enter the shady backally at the docks at sund
own and Mord knocks on a small, mosscovered door. A small pair of eyes appears b
ehind a shutter. "What's in ya mind?", can be heard in thick dwarven accent. "De
With a cracking sound two locks are opened and the door slides open. Behind it a
dark, gloomy stairway leads to more darkness. The dwarven guard at the door is
urging Mord and Forgar to enter and closes the door behind them swiftly. Forgar
needs to duck down a bit in the small tunnel, that's only lit by a torch the dwa
rf is holding. It takes around five minutes going through the tunnels, ignoring
any entrances to other tunnels - or at least it seems to Mord like they move str
aight through the system. They reach another door and the dwarf knocks on it wit
h the handle of his club in rapid succession. Another lock is opened and another
dwarf urges Forgar and his Bodyguard to enter.
Ruuk is sitting at a table in the far corner of the room. It's not big, but ther
e is enough place in here for around 25 persons, while there is only Ruuk sittin
g there right now, with a dwarven barkeeper preparing a few mugs of ale. On the
way to Ruuks table, Forgar feels a presence in the room and knows that Ruuk is n
ot quite alone here. As he knows who most likely accompanied Ruuk, he's thinking
of the corpse of a Kalashtar hanging from the gallows. Within seconds Nevitash
appears on the chair to the left of Ruuk and smiles. "Greetings, Master Artifice
r Forgar. As I see your senses are as sharp as the weapons, you craft." It took
only the blink of an eye and Mord was beside Nevitash and smacked one of his Cra
ghammers against the chairs leg, which gave way and on the way down, Nevitash sp
illed all the ale he had in his mug. "Calm down, my friend ... you'll have enoug
h time to split some heads soon enough!", Ruuk stopped Mord in his motion to bri
ng down his second hammer on Nevi. Forgar smiled at his companion and signaled h
im to sit down on the only chair that was left. All the time since they arrived
in the docks, Forgar has not said a single word. Now he thought it would be his
time to say something. "Ruuk, you invited me here because you want my help. I fi
gure since you're no longer in your old house in the more common area, and since
Nevi's foster father has put out a big reward on the head of his own son for th
e murder of Ruuk de Raku. Now I see you both here, and I figure Nevi's father, t
he big politician, is the reason you'd need my help, isn't it?" - Ruuk nods sile
ntly and takes a mouthful of ale, befor he answers: "I was betrayed, but it was
not only Nevi's father. I took on many jobs for the council of this city and wit
h the knowledge I gained in the cellars below the city and from the people I tor
tured - I am the public enemy number one. Well, they crossed me and I need good
friends, like you - to bring this whole thing down. First of all, I need someone
with your skills for the more subtle missions I have planned. As an Alchemist y
ou can help a lot and as I see, you also brought a friend, who seems eager to ju
mp in a fight or two." ... "As for your payment and that of your friend here, I'
m sure we can decide on something once I collected a few debts."
"Ruuk, we worked together a lot the last decade and I know what you're capable o
f. I'm in and will assist you in every way possible, even if it means I have to
fight myself. My arcane arts might be a bit rusty, but then, death is nothing I
have to fear and I was sitting around too long. I'm in. And so is my friend Mord
." Mord nods grimly, still focusing his gaze on the likes of Nevitash, who's now
standing at the wall by the table and reading Mord's mind: "I'm in, but don't l
et this Assasin try to cross me, or my hammers will shatter his skull before he
even has the chance to do one of his mind tricks."

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