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Modern Public School

Multimedia and Web Technology

Class XI

Home Assignment II

1. Explain the tools that are needed to start with HTML documents.

2. Explain the procedure to edit a HTML document.

3. Give the use of:

a. <HTML> tag

b. <HEAD> tag

c. <TITLE> tag

d. <BODY> tag

4. How can we add a comment in document? Explain with a example.

5. Difference between <HR> and <BR> tag in HTML.

6. Explain the <font> tag with all its attributes.

7. Difference between <font> tag and <basefont> tag.

8. Give full form of:

a. <EM>

b. <P>

c. <DT>

d. <SUB>

9. Name the tag and its attributes to have a 5 pixel thick horizontal line
across 50% of the window and right aligned.

10. Difference between <UL> and <DL> tag.

11. Explain the use of the ‘type’ and ‘start’ attribute of <OL> tag.
12. Explain the use of compact attribute of <DL> tag.

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