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THE EPI 7o STLE OF the Apoftle Paulto the Romaines, THE ARG vane RT. He great merci 08 Got i dered towarde man in Clnip es, hae rigtcofne is made wr Uroigh fuith For when ma ig veafn of ls owne corrapion calde net fai the Lawayeas committed mafe aboninably bole againft the Le mindefl of os promes made to bie frnant Abra vw of God and naturesthe infinite Lownie of Sody wie father of alt Cie ed eae felasion fhaide ouely flavd in the perf} olediewee of bis Sone Tofus Chrif:fo that not onely the ‘ircumfed L-wessbat ale the vacncamfed Geni iran fess weeny sed crc Sole tinge that rhe cownant which Ged made tes Pde Le faned ly ft in bi enon a8 A> if ely sag fut and yet sfermande recei~ 1a feleor Lge of the fume rightaufies by fesluetnd tothe intengthat none 10 binand Ins poflertienwas not performedcetler ecarfe the Lewes receined na" Chr)2 (whieh was the blffed fede) or els belened not that he wae the tive vedemer, becanfe be did ne8 onelyyor at leaf? more nacally prefirue the Lewes, the exam Bet of Uzel and Elen deckeresthst all se not Abrahams poleriiey which come of Abraham ae> fording iv the fra alo sh the fone to be favedysted of is rmozies of she Scriptures. Yet tothe intent that the efile the Gentiles to mule puffed vpstbe example of as prouthy thar God hat the mute pei of Aah gh pp thee Gone taret ph eer per Tones femeznt ee th wh ol and Gentes grafted in ly faith are made hives oa pedacs othe fecmttte le cited indgementreiefeth ales to be damacdyes appeareth by the tefli= Lewes frutle net be to muche beaten dene yuan ; his lel enen of ret no: [o 10 mans eye sand fir that preférment ‘Foohubidtestingh wifvedsocnnte by sis Clare )of them lathes Tas grounde ware of fith an dtlriaelgeyiationsof Clufian mavens alone teading tari a oa As in rouadenes of oheying the migitratgexersificg chart y patinrg ein hus ications with all patience and bumblenes sreurencing, and othe olde man, and puting o» Chritybearing ‘with the weake 5nd losing ane anarher according to Chrif's example. Finally S.Paal af-er Ins conmendation tothe bretiren exherteh them to sand fo concdeth with « prgere 2 Paul fee by whame ant what paspele be it lied, 13 Hosreaty wii 16 bat the Gofpel Be The feof creatures and ersforetiy vere Jntte, 24.24 Theingraitude, poruefitie aid pe momen ofall ma Ride = gaviaferuitofresys PA Ra icunisty scallediote Be ) Baan Aptis pur space ELE presche the Golpelof GEL G od, Feiwel bys a Ste led afore by his Prophe tes in thes holie Scriptures) Concerning his Sonne Tefus Chrift our Lord(which was made ofthe fede of Da uid according totke flesh 4 And declared miginely te be the Sonne of God, touching the Spirit of * fandti- ficationby the refurreétion fr6 the dead) 5. Bywhome we haue receiued graceand Apoitlethip ( frute alfo among you,as have a- ele mong the other Gentiles. ‘led 14 Tamdereerbothe tothe Grecians sand site peegto tothe Barbarians,bothe to the wifemen.& Gotpel, chap. vnto the vnwife, wien 2s Therforejafinucheas inmeig am ready ie The rewarde of ingratitude. To the Romaines. Allare finners, to preacheche Gofpel to you alfo that are atRome. * siti 16 For Tam not athamed of the Gofpelof ‘mocking of} Chrift:for itis the * power of God vnto ‘Gera, faluatié tocucrie one thar beleueth,to the porefcduat Tewe firltand alfoto the "Grecian. ‘oats. xy Forby ic che 4 righteoufhes of * God is Habaks reveiled,from faich to faithzas ie is writté, Eeiaate” — sThe iulte al live by faieh, w7283T-,.8 For che wrath of God is reueiled from ‘Rigidkgs heaven againft all Cengodlines, and vn- righteoulnes of men,which withholde the ~~ trueth¢ in vnrighteoufnes, ig Forafmuche as ¥, which may be knowen of God, is manifeft inthem:for God ha+ the thewed i vnco them. 20. For the inuifible chings of him,thatis, hiscternal power and Godbead, are e- ne by the creation of the worlde,being ¢ fidered in bis workés,to the intét thatthey fhulde be without excufe: at *Becaufe that when they knewe God, they « glotified him nor as God, nether werethankeful , but became vaine in their stet- imaginations,and their foolith hearc was raft ful of darkenes. Set ay When they profeffed them felues to be ict cone wife,they became fooles. Hao Porsbel cerned he glori ofthe incomup soto Ere ee ee ci Geli cible God to the fimilieude of the ima ners bracke ge of acorruptibleman , & of birdesjand Hore fore fred beaten of creeping things Fittiedey 24 Wherefore alfo God 7 gaue them vp ERGs, to theirhearcs|ulles,ynco vaclénes,to de wtuepaiely file their owne bodies betwene the (clues: 2, Whichturned the erueth of God vntoa lie,and worfhipped and ferued the creacu- te," forfaking the Creator swhich is blet fed foreuer,Amen. 26 For this cauf God gaue them vp vnto vile affeétions: foreuen cheir women did change the natural vie into that which is againitnature. a7 And likewifealfochemen lef the natu- ral vi¢of the woman, and burned in their “lufle one towarde another,and manwith man wroght filthines y8 receiued in them felues fuche recompente of theirerrour,as wasmete. 8 Foras thei regarded not to knowe God, even fo God deliuered them vp vntoa* re- edcgamieli probatmide,to do tho chings whichare shatt"™* oe convenient, [gic 39 Being ful ofall varighteouthes,fornica- serio Tyan Sisten income fs ‘cospivte, — tion,wickednes,coueteoufnes, malicioul- settle fie nes, full of enuie, of murther, of debate, Schie idgemene of difcete,taking all things in the euil acehifperer, so Backebiters haters of God,docrs of wrég, proude, boatters, inuenters ofeuil ehings, difobedient to parents, without vad peafedymerciles. ow se. Which iné,thogh chey knewesthe’Law 6, of God, how that they which commit fa-" che things, are worthie of death , yet no conely do the fame,but allo? fauout them ' thatdo them. nce figmraneilineandofeliance ith God, [eect mts tins 1p The gonity thatrconfsnce, 17 The ewes bythe Law writen. ‘Herefore thou artinexeufable, bmi, whofoeuer thou art that #iudgeft sforinthatehac thou iudgeft another,chou cSdemneft® thy felffor thou that indgeft, doelt the fame things. + Butweknowe thatthe iudgemét of God ji isaccording to 22 Thouchat filt,A man fhulde noe com- mitadulteric,docttthou commie adulte- rictchou that abhorrelt idoles,commitcelt thon ficriloge> a3. Thou that glorict inthe Law,through breaking the Law dithonorcit thou God? a4, For the Name of God is blafphemed Maser. among che Gentiles through you, *asit is 35 For cireumcifion verely is profitable, if thoudothe Law:but ifthoube atrantgeel The mde for ofthe Law;thy ® citcumeifion ismade vncircumeifion. 16. Therefore if che vncircumeiffon kepe the ordinances of the Law fhal not his vncircumeifion be counted for circum- «ifion® az And fhalnoe vncircumeifion which is bby nature (ifit kepe che LawJ"indge thee, whichby the letrer and circumeition art atranfgreffor ofthe Law? 8 Forheisnota Teweywhich isoncoutwar- de: nether is thar circumcifion, which is 6 ourwarde inche fleth: ‘yt a9 Buthe isa Tewe which is one within, & woe Keuaied 1 ESAee oF che cireumeition wof the heart, in the wtcoatiet © fpitit, notin leteer,whofe praife isnot ofmen,but of God. CHAP rte ine « Haning gramedfioeprerogatnetothe Lev brea Beef Gosifve andfiabtepromens 10. Heprouth by te Scriprures bbe ewes and Gunleste be fer, 2h 24 And tobe allied y grove trough faith o tt by marke, 31 And fothe La to beefalo « ‘Hat is ehen the prefermene of W iittchetorwhacesacprote of vumeifion?® 2 Muche euerie maner of way: for chiellyy becaufe vnto them were committed the “oracles of God. } Forwhar,thogh Come did not beleuc® thal their * vnbelief make the” faith of God fase Chap.III. Allare culpable. 71 wichout fed? 4+ God forbid:yeasler God be struc, and e- hn. uerie mana liarasiis writtd, *Thac thou pita mightelt bes iuftified inthy wordes and a ris “th ‘ouercome,whenthouart indged. ate ‘Now if our varighteoufies commende thy “geoines cherighteouthes of God,what thal we fay> #20 TsGod vnrightcouswhich punitheth (1 fomertesr fjcake asamnan,) eats 6 God forbid :els how hal God iudge the worlde> 17 Forif § veritie of God hathe more abi ded through my lic vnto his glorie, why am L yet condemned asa finnere # And(aswoare blamed and as fome af- firmethacwe fay }why do we not euilythat good may come therea/> whofe damnation Teint, 5 Whatthens

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