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The Future Paradigm:

An Introduction
Francois O'Haly 5/7/2010

Can u see the future? Consciousness is expanding in the

mind of the human. A huge paradigm shift is occurring
right before our eyes. Given urgency of course by the
present state of the environment. Environmental disaster
is such a reality that very few would choose to argue
otherwise. Those who would are dinosaurs. Even if you
choose to believe that global warming is not a man
made phenomenon. You can't ignore the multitude of
other problems that presently assault the planet. And
problems will grow and multiply a lot faster than they will
do the opposite for the foreseeable future. Things are
about to get more and more messed up.

The masses will not be quiet this time. In the end.

Capitalism can not survive in its present form. We have
outgrown it. How can you not blame capitalism for the
dire situation that we increasingly face here on planet
earth? Capitalism is the world's economic system. All of
us in one way or another provide for ourselves and our
families through it. Our very beliefs, everything we think,
even how we think has been forged in the fire of
capitalism. None or very very few have completely
thrown off its shackles. Capitalism of course is a morally
corrupt system being based on the values of greed and
accumulation. Corporations, the agents of capitalism
are huge abstract entities that serve, the stockholder.
They are global in scope and hence are not always
answerable to government. Everywhere on the planet
they have used their money to alter laws, influence
politicians and the public, and generally fool everyone
into letting them rape the planet and its citizens. All in the
name of profit.

Indeed the most successful of all people have been the

very greedy, the most morally corrupt. George W. himself,
one of the most villainous figures in human history, is now
making millions of dollars on tour as a public speaker. It
would be nice to think that people pay to see him talk
for purely comedic reasons. But probably not. Maybe his
total lack of remorse helps spread into the minds of his
fellow capitalists a feeling of disassociation thus helping
them sleep at night. Look at our present situation.
Morally suspect people thrive in the Orwellian world of
capitalism. The politician that can take away your rights
and watch your life crash completely into disaster
without so much as a single afterthought. The oil
executive who can corrupt local law officials and order
environmental demonstrators executed as we see in
third world countries. People with absolutely no regard
for the environment. These are the type of people who
run this world.

People with good morals who would stand up and

speak out against corruption and wrong doing. They are
not needed. Of course these great people do exist and
much of what is good in the world is thanks to their
tireless work but of course, these people don't control the
world economy. Money, the greatest power in the world
is controlled by the corrupt. At one time in human history
people like this, corruptible, morally suspect people,
were the bad seeds and were not wanted in the human
tribe or village. Times have changed.

Yes we increasingly see people and businesses with

good moral practices making their way successfully in
the world. But the vast majority of the world is still
controlled by the type of individual that has not
cultivated good moral behavior. Yes most capitalists do
take proper behavior seriously in their dealings with
each other and their families. Many capitalists donate to
charity and are interested in doing some good in the
world in their own limited way. It is of course because of
ignorance that capitalism marches forward unfettered.
Capitalists view the world abstractly. They are primarily
interested in increasing their personal fortunes and
would rather not think about what the companies that
they hold their stocks in are really guilty of. My stocks are
doing good, great. If I'm not doing what I do then
someone else will. There are enough people who would
love to wake up tomorrow and be an executive for BP,
British Petroleum. Or a general in the US Army. We all the
know the power of ignorance and how easily the
human being can lie to him or herself. People need to
get to sleep at night. If the abstract entity that the
corporation is needs some dirty work done then there
are people ready to do it for a buck or two. How did
anyone come to believe that raping Alberta to extract
oil from the tar sands was a good idea? The bombing of
Iraq? Somethings wrong. We could write a million page
essay on the evils done to this world in the name of

So we have on one side capitalism, the worlds rich,

environmental destruction and on the other, what? We
have people who are fed up with the way things are
and are working to change the world in one way or
another. There are people involved in all areas of human
endeavor who are trying to help make things run on a
more conscious level. The vast majority of people who
may not be presently involved in this type of behavior
are devoting time to thinking about how they too can
help heal the world. Even capitalists themselves are
starting to slowly be converted to this way of thinking. If
in the old world the pure accumulation of wealth was
the height of human accomplishment then we see that
we are entering a new world. Thinking itself is evolving.
The new leaders of the world will be the great thinkers
who can come up with the solutions we now so
desperately need. Many capitalists can feel this. I'm not
cool anymore how can I recreate myself so I feel at
peace in the world? Indeed entire corporations will be
forced to change their business practices just to survive
in the future. The accumulation of wealth, the endless
pursuit of profit, disregard for humanity and the planet
must be now seen as it should be. As quite frankly
criminal. These are values that we must now do away
with. Completely.

We could have a reality show like Hoarders where they

talk people into getting rid of useless crap and clutter in
their homes but it would be for capitalists. I have eight
homes and a billion dollars in assets while thousands of
people in my own city are homeless because the bank I
work for has foreclosed their homes after their payments
were late. You'd have a counselor who would come and
meet with them, patiently explaining how their bad
habits were helping destroy peoples lives.

People are becoming more environmentally aware.

Driving gas guzzling vehicles is increasingly becoming
very uncool. The eating of flesh as well, believe it or not,
is being seen in the same light. Core values are
changing. Living in a house that is too big or
extravagant for oneself. Fast food? Pre packaged food.
Cigarette smokers are now ashamed to light up in
public. In the same way unhealthy people are ashamed
to stand in line at the grocery store. I'm buying
vegetables and whole wheat bread and I'm looking at
you with a bunch of microwaveable crap thinking yikes.
And you're looking at me in turn, ashamed, like I hope
he didn't notice what's in my cart. It's not the eighties
anymore. People know that they're making bad
decisions that will harm themselves and the planet.
We know where we want the world to be. Change is a
process and we have to focus on the process of change
and not become discouraged because we are still so
far away from where we need to ultimately arrive at.
Even in environmental disaster. These are the grave
consequences of our behavior that will finally awaken
the masses of humanity to change. We need to focus
completely on the process of evolution. Its not about
completely changing someone's viewpoint in one single
interaction. It's about planting the seeds of change.
Figuring out how to open their minds to change in
whatever capacity that we can without alienating them
from the process in light of future interaction. Let people
have the space to consider what we've said and have
them feel comfortable to share their thoughts in the
future. We must be positive. And appreciative. Oh you
stopped eating as much pre packaged food. Good
work. People are creatures of habit and with patience
and understanding we can help the world adopt better

So if we focus on the positive. On the changes occurring

in the human consciousness. Then we see hope.
Capitalism and the associated values of materialism will
die off gradually. The internet is now a powerful tool
promoting higher consciousness on a global level.
Corporations are confused. They are losing all of their
ability to control the flow of information. More and more
people are choosing the internet as their primary source
to keep themselves educated and informed. I can find
out way more information about a physical ailment
through Google than I can by talking to a physician for
instance. This level of freedom then reflects itself more
and moreso in mainstream media. Journalists now have
way more freedom in major newspapers then they used
to for instance in saying what they want to say.
Capitalism is confused. The beast knows that it is dying.
No one will miss capitalism. Even the most greedy will
find solace in its termination.

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