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November 2005

The Parish Newsletter

No. 379

Sunday 6th NOVEMBER 3r d before ADVENT

10.00 am Holy Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield

10.00 am Family Service St Mary’s , Stratfield Saye *
4.00 pm Evensong & Communion St Mary’s , Hartley Wespall
by Extens ion
Sunday 13 th NOVEMBER 2 n d before ADVENT
Als o see page 12
10.00 am Re membrance Family Service St Mary’s , Hartley Wespall
10.00 am Sunday Club in the Liddel Hall Sherfield
10.45am War Memorial Service Sherfield
10.45am Parade Service St Mary’s , Stratfield Saye
Sunday 20 th NOVEMBER C HRIST the KING
10.00 am Family Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield
4.00pm Evensong (BCP) St Mary’s , Hartley Wespall
8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) St Mary’s , Hartley Wes pall
10.00 am Toy Service See page 4 Sherfield Village Hall
Joint service with the Baptist Chapel
11.15am Matins St Mary’s , Stratfield Saye *
Sunday 4 th DEC EMBER ADVENT 2
10.00 am Holy Communion St Leonard’s, Sherfield
10.00 am Family Service St Mary’s , Stratfield Saye *
4.00 pm Evensong & Communion St Mary’s , Hartley Wespall
by Extens ion
* Drive up close to white gates, which will then open automatically
(BCP = Book of Common Prayer)


1 See details above and page 4 about the road clos ure.
I was with my mother when war was declared on Iraq - she
wept. I was surpris ed by her reaction until I recalled that
she had lived through the Blitz in London from 1940 until
1945. Memories came flooding back and she knew what
was about to happen to many ordinary people in Iraq. Can
anything good ever come out of war?
Fortunately , in 1939 Winston Churchill perceived the horrific
consequences of an evil, fascist regime becoming a super-
power. So, something good did happen, tyranny was
defeated and freedom was preserved.
In July the clergy of the Diocese of Winchester met together
at Swanick, in Derbyshire, for a conference. The main
speaker was Jurgen Moltman, a Christian and respected
theologian, now in his eighties. He told us that the last time
he was at Swanick was as a German pris oner of war, when
he and other prisoners began to discover the true evil of the
regime they had been fighting for. He experienced a deep,
life-threatening depression when some local Christians
invited him into their home and to their church. A chaplain
gave him a Bible and while reading the passage about
Jesus on the cross, he opened his life to Christ, since when
he has been working for peace and reconciliation.
War is never good but the power of good will always
Remembrance Sunday is a time to stop and think about the
potential of human nature. Humans are capable of extreme
evil, as in the contemporary experience of suicide bombers,
or extreme good, which is rarely reported.
For Chris tians, God’s way is made abundantly clear in His
only Son, Jesus Christ. It is the way of love for God and our
neighbour, if necessary to the point of self-sacrific e.
Christian greetings,

Roman Catholic Mass at Breach Lane Chapel
every Sunday at 8.45 am

for all the family
Sunday 28th November 10.00am
Sherfield Village Hall
Christmas is approaching and the young people in our
community may well want to make room for new gifts and
toys that they hope to receive for Christmas.
This year the Toy Service will be held in Sherfield Village
Hall with St Leonard’s Church and the Baptist Chapel.
We are pleased to receive and toys that
can be passed on to local children in need who will be
receiving very little, if anything, this Christmas.
We welcome larger toys such as bikes, trucks and scooters
as well as small ones.
If you would like to buy and wrap a present specially for
this occasion please would you be kind enough to attach a
label and write lightly in pencil the gender and age for
which your gift would be appropriate.

If you are unable to attend the service but would like to

contribute please contact me so that I can arrange for
collection. Thank you. Revd Bob Politt


On Remembrance Sunday 13th November, the Reading Road will
be closed between the village ponds and the shop from
approximately 10.45am to 11.15 am.
WPC Mandy Jewell

Text for the month
Therefore, since we are s urrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us throw off every thing t hat hinders and the sin t hat so
easily entangles, a nd let us ru n wit h perseverance the race ma rked
out for us. Let us fix ou r eyes on Jesus, the aut hor and perfecter of
our fa ith, who for the joy set before him e ndured the cross, s corning
its shame, and sat d ow n at the right hand of the throne of God.
"The NI V B ib le

In the month which starts w ith A ll Saints day we thank you Lor d, for
the g lor ious pledge of the hope of our calling which you hav e giv en us
in y our saints. May we follo w their ex ample and be stren gthene d by
their fellowship so that we can r un with perseverance the ra ce that is
set before us and with them receiv e the unfading crow n of glory .
Jesus your ca ll draws us but nev er ensnares us, s how us what it
means to leave se lf behind an d follow you all our days. Teach us to
trust you eno ugh to giv e you every thing as raw mater ial for yo ur wor k
of healin g and reconciliation for your lov e’s sake. Lord, th is month is
also the time when we re member those w ho hav e died in t he wars of
the la st ce ntury a nd those who risk death on o ur beha lf eac h day.
grant comfort to all who are tor n away from t heir h omes and their
lov ed ones by war, famine or the cruelty of their fe llo ws; grant that we
who d well se cure in this insecure wor ld maybe generous in car in g for
all who are displaced a nd in need of help and shelter.
In Jes us name we pray. A men

Pray for all who were inj ured, bereav ed or made ho me less
by the earthquake in Pak istan and India a nd for t hose still
struggling with the effects of h urricane Katrina.
Pray for the pe op le of Iraq as they ta ke their first steps
towards indepe ndence and a new constitutio n
Keep pray ing for peace in o ur country.
Pray for those wh o are gr ieving the loss of so meone close to the m.
Pray for the success of t he Biblelands’ Child Sponsorship Sche me that
many may supp ort it a nd many children may benefit from it.

Charlotte Hayward 16.10.2005 Sherfield

Charlotte Wakefield 16.10.2005 Sherfield

Toddler Time
Wednesday 20th November
St Leonard’s Church, Sherfield
Nursery Rhymes, Story, Prayer
We meet on the red carpet in church. All welcome !
Telephone Revd Bob Politt 01256 882209
Toddlers please bring a grown-up with you!

The St. Leonard’s Church Christingle and Crib Service, in

support of The Children’s Society will be held on
24 th December at 4pm.

Have you got your new 2006 diary yet?

If so please note this date:
Sherfield Fete will be held on Saturday 10th June 2006

A Harvest ‘Thank You’
A big thank you to everybody who brought gifts of harvest
produce to the Harvest Festival services in September and
October. Three cars full of produce were delivered to the
Loddon School, who would like to pass on their appreciation
to all w ho kindly donated gifts. The quality of the produce,
which included much lovingly home grow n ‘goodies’ was much
appreciated. Revd Bob Politt

An Experiment in Worship and Prayer

About 20 people turned up for this time of worship last
month and we look forward to meeting again in November.
This experiment in worship resulted from a suggestion that
we put aside an hour on a Saturday each month,
4.00-5.00pm, at the end of the day, before evening events
take place.
All are invited to join with us in an informal time of
Worship and Prayer on:
Saturday 12 November, 4.00-5.00pm, in the Baptist
Chapel, Breach Lane, Sherfield. Revd Bob Politt

‘Make a difference to a child’s future’

Th e ti tle of an articl e I wrote i n th e S ep te mb er ma ga zi n e.
I wrote to you about the opportunity our readers have to
help educate a child in need through the Biblelands Society,
in Palestine, and Gayak-Link UK, in Ghana.
I am pleased to report that there has been a very
encouraging response. If you have not already signed up for
one of these schemes it is not too late. Please contact me
for further information. Revd Bob Politt (01256 882209)



Sherfield Sunday 13th November 2005

War at the
Memorial Stratfield Saye Remembrance
Service Day Service.
10.45am Assemble at 10.45 am outside
13th St. Mary’s Church.
November After the service members and
their families are invited to a
buffet lunch at the Bramley
Eric Ward


Performance House to house collection
in during the first two weeks of
The Anvil November.
Please give generously.
The Armed Man Taxpayers
A Ma ss for Pea ce Please complete a “gift aid”
by Karl Jenkins envelope so that we reclaim
Saturday 26th November an extra
7.45pm 28p in £1
Tickets start from £8.
Box office Telephone Natalie
01256 844244 880075 to help.

Your Village Hall
needs YOU!
Also see page 20
Sherfie ld on Lodd on Villa ge Hall

A message from the Chairman

At the A GM on 23 November. we need to welcome some

extra faces onto the Committee.
Running the Hall takes a lot of hard work, a variety of skills
and continually fresh ideas. It is also very
rewarding and can be the source of lasting friendships.
Our team needs to grow and to recruit more people with
the enthusiasm, energy, time & skills that w e need!

We are not a sub-committee of the Parish Council but a

Charity, running and funding ourselves and w e would very
much like to share the w ork (and the fun) between a few
more w illing hands! Each year there are some changes, so
you wouldn’t be alone. And as the Hall caters for the whole
Village, we are seeking volunteers from all age groups.

Esme Ward Chairman

The Loddon Players are proud to announce their first

By David Tristram
in association with Samuel French Ltd.

Friday 18th November

Saturday 19th November
8pm in Sherfield Village
Tickets £10 which
includes supper.
Box Offices
Sally on 01256 880224
or the Shop
or the Post Office

Happy Faces Playgroup

Chocolate for Chocoholics Party.

The Sherfield Village Hall Garden

Wednesday 2nd November
9.30am to 12.30pm


Featuring: Saturday 26 th
The Berkshire 7.30pm
Baroque at St Leonard’s
Ensemble Church

Early English Tickets

Classics and £7.50
Carols Children and
by students half
Candlelight price

Ticket includes refreshments, mulled wine & mince pies

Tickets are available from Sherfield Shop, Garage,
Post Office and Gill Austin and other members of the PCC

Monday evenings in Sherfield Village Hall at 8pm
All welcome.

Mary Chessell is still collecting used stamps for a friend who

is involved in buying Guide Dogs. They can be left
either at the Church or at her home : 7 Larkfield, Chineham.

Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall Management Committee
Wednesday 23 rd November 2005
at 8:00pm in the Liddell Hall
(See page 14)
Four (4) elected Trustees are required.
Serving Trustees are eligible for re-election.

A Trustee must be over 18, have lived within the Parish Boundaries
for at leas t the past year and not be ineligible by way of bankruptcy
or been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty.

If you wish to be nominated as one of the 4 elected Trustees , please

fill in the form below or obtain one from Village Hall or Post Office.

Trus tees may als o be nominated from the Floor at the AGM and
will require a Proposer and S econder.

Name:________________________________ Tel No. __________

I agree to be nominated: (Signature)__________________________

Proposed by:___________________________ Tel No. _________


Seconded by:__________________________ Tel No. __________


Pleas e return this form by the 18th November 2005 to the

Village Hall or the Secretary 22 Bullsdown Close, Tel: 881979

by Sheena Archer

Another very full magazine, so no excuses for anyone to be

bored and not find enough to do or places to go! However,
no-one mentioned Guy Fawkes Day, so I have added a bonfire
picture myself!

The next edition of the

Loddon Valley Link will
combine Christmas and New
Year, December and January.
Please get your articles to me
and small advertisements to
Winston Bruce as soon as
possible and certainly by
18th November. See our
contact details on page 49.

Best Wishes. Signed with my normal signature.

See page38!

Plea se Note
i Th e Man ageme nt Committee of the L od don Li nk ca nn ot acce pt for
p ub li cati on an y i tem received an on ym ou sl y. Ple ase sup p ly yo ur na me
a nd a dd ress with m aterial you wi sh to be con sid ere d for pu bl i ca ti on.
i An no un ceme nts, i n vi tation s o r a dve rti se me nts ca nn ot be accep ted from
thi rd p artie s. On l y some on e di re ctl y i n vol ve d i n the even t sh ou ld su bm it
cop y for co nsi de rati on fo r p ubli cati on .
i Pl e ase n ote that th e “Lo d do n Va lle y Li nk” Com mi tte e
ca nn o t b e hel d resp on si b le for th e reli a bil ity or qu al i ty of
an y work o r se rvi ce p rovi de d by ad ve rti ser s.
A Memory of Summer 2005!
Sherfield on Loddon inter-pub Cricket match for the
Julie Dowling Memorial Trophy.
July 31st 2005

Julie Dowling, who lived in the village since 1973 died in

February 2005. She had been the children’s cancer nurse
at Basingstoke hospital. The proceeds of the day,
amounting to £3000, were donated to her favourite
charity C.L.I.C. Sergeant, the UK’s leading children’s cancer
The match was
briskly contested
betw een the Four
Horseshoes (left)
batting first and
notching up 242
runs in their 30

The White
Hart (right)
made a
response but
could not quite
match their
opponents’ run Edi tor— I know ver y li ttle abo ut cricket,
rate, managing but s hould ther e not be 1 1 aside?!
a credible 187
..and there were some
casualties! (right) With
Umpire Sandy Johnston

The weather mostly

behaved itself for the
inaugural match of the
revival of the inter-pub
contest. The spectators
were entertained with a
bar, barbecue and raffle.

Neil McCaskill’s sponsored hair cut raised £440.

The auction of a
signed Hampshire The White Hart
County cricket
team vow ed
shirt raised £400,
revenge next
donated by Barry

The Child’s Trust for India
by Anne and Jim Hills
of “The Flower Shop”, Sherfield on Loddon
We were introduced to the Child’s Trust by Mark and Julie
Thomas at our Church. Mark and Julie were creating a
child sponsorship scheme so we asked if we could help.
This gave us our first child in India, for the sum of £15 per
month, an amount we do not miss. This gives a child we
have never met a chance to reach their potential.
This whetted our appetite for fund raising and for us to
find new sponsors.
Anne and I had the privilege of going to India to see at
first hand what difference our money was making. We paid
our own fares and Y MCA bills. Every penny donated to Child
Trust is used for the children’s benefit.

We visited the
Jeetgarh Children’s
Home and were met by
a very happy group of
children aged from
8—16 years old.
The Himalayan foothills
enclosed the children’s
home and school at
Jeetgarh. It was
established primarily to
care for healthy
children whose parents
have leprosy.
The home also provides
shelter and education
for children whose
parents have insufficient
income to feed and
clothe them.

The boy’s dormitory at Jeegarh.

There are no television or radio sets, but there are other

means of communication such as computers and mobile
Water is limited to two hours a day and the electricity
supply is erratic to say the least. Sometimes it is off for
hours, especially in the evenings, when the older children
need to do their school homework. The buildings require
urgent attention.
Whilst we were there we bought them sports equipment,
bikes and paint and curtains with which to decorate the
We are looking forward to setting up a solar lighting
system throughout the home. However, this requires cash.
We try to raise this by sponsored walks and other
If you feel moved to sponsor a child or help in any other
way, come and see us in the Flower Shop or check out the
Child’s Trust website:
or contact Mark and Julie Thomas 01256 324328
Child’s Trust. PO Box 6056, Basingstoke, Hants. RG22 5PY
from the Church Wardens
The Sherfield PCC are extremely grateful to the following
organisations who have recently promised grants or interest free
loans to assist in the restoration work for St. Leonard’s Church.
Garfield Weston Foundation £3,000
Historic Churches Preservation Trust £2,500
Hampshire & the Isles Historic Churches Trust £2,000
(plus interest free loan) £2,000
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (Stage I work) £2,000
Ecclesiastical Trust £200

The work, carried out in two stages, is being backed by English

Heritage, who is supporting us to the tune of £11,000 for Stage I
and £62,000 for Stage II.

Is the Project Development Work which is intended to diagnose the

causes of defects in construction, to ascertain the extent of those
defects as well as to determine any repairs required under the
subsequent Stage II.
The areas of the Church whic h are under specific consideration are
the Spire, the West wall of the Nave, the Tower back gutter and the
Vestry roof. Our architect advises us that final recommendations
will shortly be submitted to English Heritage, after whic h a Faculty
will be applied for from the Diocese wit h the Tender offers going
out in the New Year.
These will be finalised well before the closing date for Stage I work.

Work should start soon after 31 March 2006.

Details of this will be published as soon as final recommendations
are approved, but the major part will be re-shingling of the Spire.
The total cost of the work is e stimated to be about £120,000.

Thanks to the generosity of villagers and the congregation alike,

and fund raising from the Fete, the Summer Concert, Percy’s
Plant Sale, the Sponsored Bike Ride and other activities,
we a re now only £15,500 short of this amount.

We need to raise this over the nex t year.

Ca n you give a Pledge for a monthly direct

debit or contribution for a period of
12 months?
This would enormously help to bring this
esse ntial work to a successful conclusion
and would also help the PCC in assessing
our proje cted capital available for the
project. A Gift Aid is particula rly helpful,
allowing us to reclaim tax on the dona tion.
If you can help, please contact our Treasurer
Steve Hemmings on 882523 or one of the
Church Wardens, Gill Austin on 882364 or
Donald Dawson on 882379.
If you are unable to give financially,
please pray for the project .
God will provide, but he needs to be asked.

Christmas Fayre
Thursday 24 November 6pm onwards
Join us for this Christmas celebration,
A reading by local author Tania Crosse,
performances by Mortimer Dramatic
Society, Christmas carols, gifts, cards,
decorations and food, winter flower
arranging, a town crier, sepia portrait
photography and much more.
£5 ticket includes a mince pie and a glass
of mulled wine.
Trunkwell House Hotel, Beech Hill, Reading, RG7 2AT
Please call: 0118 988 5688 to book tickets
or email

RNLI Lifeboats
Mortimer and District Branch
Christmas Fair
St. John’s Hall, Mortimer.
Saturday 19th November
Admission free
Donations of seasonal food, tree decorations, toys, games,
videos, jewellery and collectables
welcome. Telephone 01256 881540,
0118 9883425, 0118 982707
or 01189 761395

Ken’s Christmas raffle is opening
at The Shop on All Hallow’s Day

All proceeds, as usual, to St. Michael’s Hospice.

Loads of fantastic prizes.
Make sure of your tickets.
Call in at The Shop, Sherfield on Loddon, today.

The annual gathering for a sing song of carols, mincepies

and mulled wine in this beautiful, traditional house.
Book the date in your diary.
Tuesday 13th December
No tickets. No booking. Arrive at 7.30pm.

Bramley Cub Pack.

Leaders urgently needed

The Scouting Association is busy getting ready for

its Centenary in 2007and planning special activities
throughout the whole year.
Bramley Cub Pack is dangerously close to folding.
We are desperately short of uniformed leaders.
Full training and loads of support is available.
If you could be involved in summer camps, night
hikes, sleepovers in unusual places, orienteering,
climbing, abseiling, archery and rifle shooting
telephone Tracey Grigoleit, Group Scout Leader
on 01256 883146. Email:
Keep Scouting alive in Bramley

November 3rd, 17th.
December 1st, 15th, 29th

Sherfield on Loddon, Carpenters Close 1.15 pm to 1.50pm

Sherfield on Loddon, Village Hall 2.15 pm to 2.40pm

Stratfield Saye New Street 2.55 pm to 3.15pm

Hartley Wespall Bus Shelter 3.30 pm to 3.45pm

The theme of the October meeting was "Weeds".
Members identified various specimens and tips
were swapped on methods to controlling, if not
eradicating, them.
If you enjoy gardening and would like to meet like minded
people to swap ideas w e are an informal club.
We plan to have occasional talks and garden visits, also
Thompson and Morgan Seeds will be available for members
to order at discount prices.
Beginners, experts and those in betw een are welcome. We
meet on the third Monday of the month in the Garden
Room,Sherfield on Loddon Village Hall, 8p.m. until 9.30p.m.
Our next meeting is on Monday 21st November.
Call Linda Shergold 883328 or Linda Syckelmoore 882341

Chris Horton

85 Hungry people munched their way through a huge pile of

sausages, bacon and eggs at the fourth fund-raising breakfast
party on October 15. Natalie and Mervyn Larner’s house was
transformed into “Café Natalie”.
It was a glorious day and thanks to
amazing friends and supporters
£1,000 has been raised for
Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
Thank you all – you know w ho you
are! Thanks too to The Shop for
providing the delicious food.
L ef t to Rig h t. Chri s Ho rto n, Ca ro le N utton ,
L iz Buc k lan d, G ill Fea ro n, J an e B rydg es a nd
N ata lie La rn er.

This magazine, and much more, can be seen online here.


The Parish Council has now received confirmation from DEFRA
that we can proceed with arrangements to build a brick pavilion,
to replace the dilapidated wooden one in the football club car
park. We still need to secure funding but hope to begin work in
the spring. Plans can still be seen on the village website.


The Parish Council is continuing to push for a pathway to link
Sherfield Park with the village. In the meantime, we are also
making moves to have the school bus re-routed so that children
from the new development will no longer have to walk along the
grass verge to catch the bus each morning.

Stagecoach has agreed to replace the bus stops, flags and
timetables throughout the parish. Work should be completed in
the very near future.


The Parish Council is in the process of purchasing the triangular
area of woodland at the southern entrance to the village; some
clearance is required but it is hoped that this will become a
pleasant extension to a village walk.

The Women’s Institute
Re ported by Val Denny

Our trip to Denbies was a great success: a beautiful day,

the 'pretty route' along the Downs and very interesting,
well-organised tours (in little trains) of the Vineyard and
wine-making plant. I recommend it to you all - and the wine
tastings were very generous!
At the mee ting the President asked for members to think of
joining the committee, and gave an outline of what is in-
volved. Next month is our A.G.M. and although the present
committee are all willing to continue (it's good fun!) new
blood is always welcome. Did you know we were vampires?!
This month there is a Hampshire meeting in Winchester
with the main speaker talking about Horatio Nelson, also a
Group Skittles Competition for North Basingstoke W.I's.
There are still some tickets at the group rate for 'Wind in
the Willows' at the Haymarket on December 22nd.
The Speaker, Sue Biddle, Graphologist, showed with
examples (Charles Dickens, Jimmy Saville, Richard Nixon
among them) how hand-writing can reveal mood, health,
character and gender. No two people write the same,
though we all start the same way. Apparently if you under-
line your name, adding a full stop, then you are someone to
be reckoned with. The members found her talk entertaining
but some w ished she had taken samples from people present.
It would have been interesting to compare her analysis with
the people we think we know. Tea, raffle and conversation
finished the meeting. Val Denny
Reporter – Jean Wright

The meeting of October 3rd was the Evergreen's

Annual Harvest Festival. The Rev. Bob Politt very
kindly took the Service. Mrs Peggy Willson played
the piano and both were thanked very much by the
Tea was then served before the auction of goods,
which proved to be very successful.
The money raised at the auction will go to Club
funds. The Service collection is divided between
the Brownies and Bramley school who very kindly
entertain us each Christmas.
The November meeting will be a talk by Mary Blow
on Romania.
Please make a note of this date in your diary:
Our Autumn Fayre, whic h includes Christmas
goods, is on Saturday, November 12th
See the details on page 42

The Club welcomes all.

We look forward to seeing you.

Saturday 12th November
2.00 to 4.00pm in the Village Hall
With Christmas goodies.
Raffles include a £50 hamper
Admission 50p
Children free.

The next Whist Drives will be held

Friday 11th November
and the
Christmas Whist Drive
Friday 9th December
both at 7.30pm in
Sherfield Village Hall
Admission £1


Al lo tm ents. Joh n Do dd 8 82 58 7
Ba bysitti ng Ci rcle. Sa ll y 8 80 36 2
Ba sin gsto ke Ga zette. Ch ris Ho rto n 8 82 42 6
Bi n go . Ur sul a L am bd en 8 82 89 8
Bro wn ie s. Su e Han da syde -Di c k 8 82 33 7
St. Le on ard ’s Ch urch. Re vd. Bo b Po litt 8 82 20 9
Bre ach L an e Ch ap el. Ge off Belsh am 8 82 53 4
Ch ris Ru ssel l 0 12 7 6214 69
Cri cke t Clu b An dy Ste ve ns 8 82 41 4
Eve rg ree ns. Jea n Wri gh t 8 82 84 5
Foo tb all (Ju ni or) Fre d B erntsen 8 82 79 8
Foo tb all (S eni ors) To ny Sumn er 8 82 77 7
Ha pp y Faces Pl a yg ro up Pe gg y Hutchi n s 8 82 60 9
L od do n Va lle y Li nk. Se e b ack p ag es of ma ga zin e
L un ch Cl ub . He l en B elsha m 8 82 53 4
NW R. Gi ll Fea ron 8 82 10 6
Sh erfi el d P ari sh Co un ci l . Bru ce Batti ng (Cha i r) 8 82 60 5
L ucy Ma rsh al l (Cl erk) 8 81 74 2
Po li ce : Ma nd y Jewell 0 84 50 454 54 50/
0 77 70 471 65 5
Po pp ies. Na tal ie L arne r 8 80 07 5
Po st O ffi ce 8 82 21 0
Sh erfi el d Fete . Sa nd y Joh nston 8 82 50 7
Sh erfi el d S ho w. Sa ll y Bra in 8 82 27 5
Sh ort Ma t Bo wl s. Bi ll Watson 8 80 20 0
To ddl er Grou p 0 -5 s. Jaq ui Ski ll e tt 8 83 66 4
Tre e Wa rde n. Ge ral din e Ho use -Ba r kl i e 8 82 53 6
Vi ll ag e Grn . V ol un tee rs. Si mo n Hen ne ssy 8 80 22 4
Vi ll ag e Hall Bookin g s. Jan M artin 8 82 53 9
Vi ll ag e Hall Care ta ker. A la n Ma rti n 8 82 53 9
V. Ha l l Mg mt. Cttee . Esme Wa rd 8 80 50 3
Wh i st Dri ve . Jea n Wri gh t 8 82 84 5
Wo me n’s In sti tu te. Va l Den ny 8 82 41 0



Loddon Valley Link Management Committee
Chair m an: Dr . Don ald Daw s on Tel. 8 82 379
De puty Chairm an: Re vd. Bob Pol itt Tel. 8 82 209
Hartley Repre se ntative : Dr . John Will iam s Tel. 8 82705
Str atfie ld Re pr esentative Mr . Eric Price Tel: 8 81402
Se cr etary: Esm e War d
28 Pound Me ad ow ,
Sherfield on Loddon,
Hook RG2 7 OEP
Tel. 01 256 88 05 03
email: geoc.w ard@btinternet.c om

Adve rtising: Wins ton Bruce

18 Long bridge Close
Sh erf ield o n Lo dd on
Ple as e call Wins ton
Hook. RG27 0 DQ
for all adver tis ing
Tel. 01256 883277
enquir ies .
email: w in.bruc e@t isc

Editor for the She ena Ar cher

De c 05/Jan 06 edition 1 Orc hard Le a
Sherfield on Loddon
NB. The final d ate Hoo k
for m ater ial for the RG27 0ES
ne xt edition is the Tel. 012 56 882099
18th of Novem ber . e mail: s he enaarc m

Editor for the Br ian Arche r

Feb a nd March 2006 1, Orchard Le a
edit io ns Sherf ield on Lo ddon,
Hoo k RG 27 0 ES
Tel: 01 256 88 20 99
email: brianarc her@bt in terne t.c om

Editor f or the Clair e Os borne

April and May 200 6 4 7, Warb let on Roa d
edit io ns Chineham
Bas ingst oke
RG24 8RF
Tel: 01 256 32 4458
49 ema il: guyclaire@u
Rector: Reverend Bob Politt
33 Northfield Road , Sherfield on Loddon.
Tel. (01256) 882209
Kindly note the Rector’s day off is Thursday.

Readers: Mr. Richard Elphick Tel. 882860

Dr. John Williams Tel. 882705


Churchwardens: Mrs. Gill Austin Tel. 882364
Dr. Donald Dawson Tel. 882379

Treasurer : Mr. Stephen Hemmings Tel. 882523

Organists : Mr. Mike Abrams Tel. 881188

Mr. Brian Archer Tel. 882099
Mrs. Peggy Willson Tel. 880503


Churchwarden: Mr. Roy Bes t Tel. (01189) 882422

Treasurer: Mr Robert Craig Tel: (01256) 882253

Organist: Mrs. Fran Oliver Tel. (01189) 268364


Churchwardens: Mr Pip Iles Tel. 880559
Dr. John Williams Tel. 882705

Treasurer: Mr. Michael Webster Tel. 882413

Organist: Dr. Gill Williams Tel. 882705


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