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OS/24/2010 MON 15= 34 FAX HOU!

ton Chroniole



1. Today is Tuesday June 23rd, 2009 OFFICER Today;s Tuesday June 23rd, 2009
approximately 9:16 p. m., I'll be approximately 9:16 p. m., nl be meeting
meeting with an individual who has a with an individual who has a business,
business, uh, who wants to buy some uh, who wants to buy some stolen
stolen tefevisions on the 5700 block of televisions on th,e 6700 block of Hillcroft.
Hillcroft .
. [Bip] [Puerta abre] [Beep] [Door opening)
3. De volada. SAAVEDRA Quick.
4. ~Que tal? OFFICER How are you?
5. Te digo que ya tenemos un chingo de SAAVEDRA I tell you that we've already been here a
tiempo aqul esperando a ustedes, long -fucking time waiting for you all,
unos cuarenta minutos. about forty minutes.
6. Agarramos a la derecha en la, la NAVA We took a right on, on Bellaire.
7. No mames. SAAVEDRA Don't jack around.
8. Hey, es que hay un Fiesta pero bien NAVA Yeah, irs that there's a Fiesta but a long
retirado. wav off.
9. Subete alii para Que las yeas. SAAVEDRA Get up there so you can see them.
10. Son eh ... i,Que tal? OFFICER There are uh... How are vou?
~~ Buenas ... MENDEZ Good evening.
12. --=--- CARRILLO What's up, what's up?
laue hubo Ie, que hubo Ie.
13. Ten9_o treinta de las Sonys. OFFICER I have thlrtV of the, of the Sonys.
14. A-ja. CARRILLO Uh-huh.
15. Y tengo tres Phillips y una Samsung. OFFICER And I have three Phillips and one
Y tengo dos de las laptops. Son 10 Samsung. And I have two of the
unico que me queda. laptops. Those are the only thing 1 have
16. ... unintel... MENDEZ . .. unintel ...
17. Es que me las ... OFFICER It's that 1...
18. [silbando] [Whistle1
19. l_Por que no cierran alii? MENDEZ Why don't you all close that right there?
20. l Cuantas son par todo? CARRILLO How manv are there in all?
21. Mande. OFFICER Excuse me?
22. G Cuantas son? CARRILLO How many are there?
23. Son treinta y cuatro, ino? MENDEZ There are thirty-four, right?
24. A ver, deja me subo. NAVA Let's see, let me get up there._
25. Es que me las robe del, de los OFFICER It's that I steal them from, from the
camiones cuando vienen en vieja. trucks when they're on the trip.
26. (risa) (Laughter)
27. Cuando vienen en trans ito. CARRILLO When they come in transit?
28. Si. SAAVEDRA Yes.
29. Estan nuevecitas. Usted puede ver. OFFICER They're band new. You can see.
30. Que barbara. fal fondol SAAVEDRA Unbelievable! [backqroundl
31. La cosa es conectarlas. i,No hay CARRILLO The thing is to plug them in. Is there no
forma? way?
32_ No. OFFICER No. Cause No. 1221664, 1233225 & 1260355, 1233224

The stata of Texas VS

Xiomara Mendez & Andres Nava

In the 232nd District Court Of

Harris County. Texas


OS/24/2010 MON 15~34 FAX Houeton Chronicle










33. LNo tiene un lugar? CARRILLO You don't have a place?
34. Pero estan nuevecitas, las puede ver. OFFICER But they're brand new, you can see
Estan en, vienen empacadas asl them. They're in, they come packed
como vienen de la, de la warehouse. like they come from the, from the
35. t.. Cuanto va a querer por todo? CARRILLO How much are you going to want for
36. Quiero seis mil quinientos par todas. OFFICER I want six thousand five hundred for all
of them.
37. Por eso, para que ya." [al fonda] MENDEZ Well that's right, so that then ...
38. EI-pedo es que si van a prender a no, CARRILLO The problem is if they're going to turn
buey on or not, dude.
39, Si prenden uno, usted puede ver OFFICER If you all turn one an, you can see
que ... that. ..
40. Hey_bue~ SAAVEDRA Hey_dude.
41. ... estan nuevecitas. t_Que onda OFFICER . .. they're brand new. What up dude?
42. Dice la senora que te arregles con SAAVEDRA The woman says for you to work it out
ella. with her.
43, _C_rale. OFFICER Alright.
44. Bueno, ustedes hablen. CARRILLO Alright,_Y_ou all talk.
45. . .. unintel. .. MENDEZ ... uninteL.
46_ Culdate. CARRILLO Watch y_ourself,
47. "Como las podemos calar? ;.. Como MENDEZ How can we try them? How can we ... ?
las podemos ...
48. t.. Y _Q_rsnderlas, d6nde? NAVA And turn them on, where?
49. i C6mo Ie vamos a hacer. .. para MENDEZ How are we going to do this ... to try
calarlas? them?
50. Pues yo no tengo en donde, en donde OFFICER Well, I don't have anywhere, anywhere
_p_renderlas, to turn them on.
51. t_No tiene un lugar? SAAVEDRA You don't have a_place?
52. 1.._No tienen ustedes? OFFICER You all don't have one?
53. Un lugar - No, porque nosotros MENDEZ A place ------. no, because we came from
venimos de lejos. [se de1 Nosotros no far away. [laughing] We didn't come
venimos de a_qui cerca. from near by here.
54. No tengo, pero ... Si me las compran ... OFFICER J don't have, but, .. if you buy them
from me ...
55. Por eso, eso ... MENDEZ That's lust it, that.. ,
56. Usted, usted las puede conectar y ver OFFICER You, you can plug them in and see that,
_gue,__g_ue _Qrenden. that they come on.
57. Por eso _pero 10 que queremos ... MENDEZ That's right, but what we want. ..
58. LQue horas son? CARRILLO What time is it?
59. segura, lome entiende? Porque MENDEZ ' .. is assurance, you understand me?
... unintel ... Because we don't ... unintel. ..
60. Son las nueve veinte. OFFICER It's nine twenty. Cause No_ 1221684, 1233225 &. 1260355, 1233224

lB StBtB of Texas S

ornara Mendez 8. Andres Nave

In the 232n~ District court Of

Harris County. Texas

------_ ... __ ..

--------_._--- .....

OS/24/2010 MON 15: 35 FAX ~".:...:.:.:;-:_. :::.!:r>".

Houeton Chronicle


.1 ,

TRA But if we take them right now you'll
61. Pero si las agarramos ahonta usted MENDEZ
las lleva a ... carry them to ...
62. LA donde? OFFICER To where?
63, Hasta el cuarenta y cinco y al Fiesta, MENDEZ To forty-five and the Fiesta, right?
64. La Aldine Bender. .. NAVA Aldine-Bender ...
65. Cuarenta y cinco norte, la Aldine- MENDEZ Forty-five north, Aldine Bender, around
Bender, par alii. Por donde andaba el there. Around where the guy was.
66. Si, nero ... OFFICER Yes, but...
67. EI conoce. lSi? MENDEZ He knows where. Yeah?
68. .,.si me las cornpran, OFFICER . .. if you buy them from me.
69. No, pues sl, y alia las calamos, en la MENDEZ Oh, well, yes, and we'll try them out
casa de 61. No hay pedo. Nosotros over there at his house. There's no
somas gente decente ... unintel ... problem. We're decent people
70. Alii en mi casa. '[al fondo] NAVA There at my house. (background)
71. Trabajadora igual que usted, blsnsros. MENDEZ Hard workers like YOU, business people.
72. Orale. Alright.
73. Par esc hasta a mi hija me traje, mire. MENDEZ That's why I even brought my daughter,
(Se rie) i,Bueno entonces que? iNos see. (Laughs) Well, then what? You'll
slque entonces? follow us then?
74. Oquei, este, lome pagan aqui 0, c6mo OFFICER Okay, uh, are you going to pay me here
Ie hacemos? or, how do we do it?
75. No, pues cuando las de. NAVA No, well when you give them.
Aqul nos arreglamos .. No, no, no MENDEZ We'll work it out here. No, no, don't be
tenga rniedo, que si quiere pues tiene afraid. If you want, you have our phone
los nurneros de telefono de nosotros y numbers and everything. He also
todo. EI conoce a donde fue alii knows where he went there.
77. Mira si quie ... si me las quieres pagar OFFICER Look, if you wan ... if you want to pay
ahorita, ustedes, uno de ustedes me now, you all, one of you can, can go
puede, puede ir conmigo para with me to guarantee that, that they're
garantizar que, que van a lIegar alii. going to get there. But I can't take them
Pero no se la puedo llevar sin que me for you with out you paying me first.
paguen prirnero.
78. No, no, no. NAVA No, no, no.
79. Alia las pagamos y yo me lIevo el CARRILLO We'll pay for them over there and I'll
cami6n y usted se va con elias. take the truck and you can go with
... unintel. .. va a traer el dinero. them. . .. unintel... going to have the
Tamblsn con ... unintel... no crea que money. Also with ... unintel. .. don't think
me 10 voy a chinqar. I'm going to fuck you.
80. Esta bien. OFFICER That's fine.
81, Mm bueno, deje, dejenrne hablar con MENDEZ Mmm alright, let, let me talk to him then.
el entonces.
82. Oquel, NAVA Okay. NSCRIPT



The State of Texas VS

xromara Mendez; & AnCires Nava

In the 232nd Distrlct Court Of

Harris County, Texas

CaU$f:! No. 1221664, 12332251'. 1260355, 1233224

OS/24/2010 MON 15: 35 FAX HOll!ton Chronicle


83. 8ajate de aqul, ya la arreglamos. CARRILLO Get down from here, we already worked
it out.
84. No) no, usted no .... MENDEZ No, nO,jt_ou're not going to."
85. EI ya me dijo el precio, oiga. CARRILLO Listen, he alreac!Y_ told me the price.
86. Por eso, vamos a habJar con el, MENDEZ That's right, we're going to talk to him.
(_Cuantos dijo que eran, trelnta y How many did you say there were,
cuatro, no? thir!Y_-four, right?
87. Son treinta y cuatro V dos Laptops. OFFICER There are thirty-four and two laptops.
S8. Y dos laptops. Bueno, pero el precio, MENDEZ And two laptops. Right, but the price,
10 menos que, que ... Es que este buey the least that that... It's just that this
la cago. Lo trajimos a el para que dude fucked it up. We brought him so
nos ... Y EI tambien ... that... And he also ...
89. Pues es que no me dijo que yo me OFFICER Well it's just that you didn't tell me that I
(Simul) tenia que arreglar con usted. (simul) had to work it out with you. I
Yo no, yo no, yo estoy diciendote que didn't, I didn't, l'rntelllnq you that I didn't
no sabla. know.
90. (simul)No, es que yo era la que MENDEZ (Simul) No, it's that I was the one that
estaba ... Si, yo, yo Ie dije a el todavla was ... Yes, I, I, told him still, the guy,
al muchacho, que, Ie dije que yo era that I was who was in charge.
la que estaba en el media.
91. on, OFFICER Oh.
92. Yo a ellos nada mas los traigo de MENDEZ J only brought them to ... unintel... I don't
... unintel... EI chaparrito ni '0 even ... uninteL Shorty, but the other
... unintel. .. pero el otro si. tCuanto one yeah. How much is the. the lowest
es el, el precio menos que nos da? price 'you'll give us?
93. Seis miL .. Como Ie digo, en sels mil OFFICER Six thou-like I said, I'U let you have
quinientos se 10 dej ... se Ie, se las them for six thousand five hundred, and
dejo todas. I'lIlet_y.ou have all of them.
94. Son treinta y cuatro ... MENDEZ There are thirty-four ...
95. Son treinta y cuatro televisiones y dos OFFICER There are thirty-four televisions and two
laptops. I~tqps.
96. SI, perc, l,no, no los deja en los seis MENDEZ Yes, but, can't, can't you let them go for
mil cerrados? Pues Ie vamos a seguir six thousand even? Well we're going to
comprando. Porque si regamos esto keep buying from you. Because if we
rapido, rapido Ie volvemos a agarrar. move this fast, we'll get from you soon
Usted dice que agarra cada quince again. You say you get every fifteen
dias. Sabe que com pro yo tarnbien days. You know I also buy tools.
97. Si, es que, es que, como Ie digo, me OFFICER Yes, it's that, ifs that, like I tell you, I, I
las, me las robo ... Tengo un steal them ... I have a partner and we
compar'iero y nos las robamos de los steal them from the trucks when they
camiones cuando vienen en transito. are in transit
98. M-jm. MENDEZ M-hm.
99. Asl es que, nunca sabemos que OFFICER So, we never know what we're gOing to
vamos a sa ... que va a salk. ge ... what's going to come out.
100. No, pues am no. No, por eso Ie digo MENDEZ No, well, of course not. No, that's why I
nosotros tenemos negocios y los tres tell you we have businesses and the
somas negociantes. three of us are business people. TRANSCRIPT TRANSLATlON


Ihe State of Texas oJS

(Iomara Mendez & Andres Nava

In the 232nd District Court Of

Hams County. T8XaS

Cause No. 1221GS4, 1233225 s 1280355.1233224

OS/24/2010 MON 15: 35 FAX Houeton Chronicle



101. L Tiene el dinero? OFFICER Do you have mon~?
102. (PDr telefono)Esperame, ahorita te MENDEZ (On phone) Hold on, 1111 call you in a bit.
marco. Hey, aqui estoy en el Fiesta Hey, I'm here at the Fiesta on Bellaire.
de la Bellaire. La-ja estUpida. La-na Stupid.
(al oficial) No, pues entonces mire, (to officer) Well then look I uh, how can
este, L.c6me Ie hacemos? Para que we do this? So that it ... unintel .. , to
los dejara a mejor precio. you?
103. LC6mo? OFFICER What?
104. Para que 10 dejara a mejor precio, MENDEZ So that you would let it go at a better
mire ... price, look ...
105. Puss como en, como Ie digo, si tiene OFFICER Well like in, like I tell you~ if you have
los sets mil ahorita se los, se los the six thousand right now 1'111 "II take it
agarro. from_you.
106. (puerta cerra) (Door closes)
107. _LEste cami6n no es de aqul? MENDEZ This truck isn't from here?
108. No. Es rentado de aqui. Pero es de OFFICER No. It's rented from here. But it's from
Oklahoma, i ve? Oklahoma, see?
109. {. Oklahoma? MENDEZ Oklahoma?
110. Sf, pero es rentado de aqul, Aqui en OFFICER Yes, but it's rented from here. Here in
Houston. Houston.
111. (" Ya Ie dijo a 131 que tiene las laptops MENDEZ Did you already tell him you also have
tambien, the laptops?
112. Elias via. OFFICER He saw them.
113. (sonido de cache que se pone en (sound of vehicle starting and hom
marcha, toca el claxon) honking)
114. Es que la cagamos. Yo Ie dije a este MENDEZ It's that we fucked up. I told this guy we
que no tralerarnos al otro, should not bring the other guy.
115. GNo que? , OFFICER Not what?
116. Que no traierarnoe al otro. MENDEZ That we should not bring the other gu_y.
117. Pues eso es cosa de ustedes. OFFICER Well that's you all's thing.
118. (se oye la alarma de un coche) (a car alarm is heard)
119. Pues si, 10 que estaba ... Fue porque MENDEZ Well yes, what was ... It was because
la ... Porque yo para mi para mi este the ... Because I, as for me as for me uh,
el, este de veinte quince no Ibarnos a the, shorty and I were going to split this
repartir entre yo y el chaparrito y el va twenty fifteen, and he's going to buy the
comprar la otra, la otra parte. Porque other, the other part. Because we told
Ie dijimos ibarnos a buscar otro him we were going to look for another
muchacho pero no- se aguit6 el guy but he didn't- the guy backed out in
muchacho al final. Entonces. '" the end. So ...
120. Dice Robert que Ie des las seis mil NAVA Robert says for you to give him the six
quinientos por todo el paquete. thousand five hundred for the whole
121. Sf. MENDEZ Yes.
122_ Oquei, entonces varnonos a la casa. NAVA Okay, then let's go to the house. Who's
l.Quh~n se va por delante 0 quh§n going ahead or who's driving?
123. 8il pero quiere _que Ie Q_a_g_uemos. MENDEZ Yes, but he wants us to pay him. Cause No. 1221664, 123:3225 & 1260355, 1233224

rhe State afTexas "s

<icmara Mende;: & Andres Nava

In the 232n~ District Court Of

Harris County, T6XaS

__ .. __ ._-


OS/24/2010 MON 15: 35 FAX HOll!ton Chronicle


124. LAqui quieres que te paquemos? NAVA You want us to _Q_B_Y_l'_OU here?
125. Sf, aqul, Y se van conmigo. OFFICER Yes, here. And the_y__go with me.
126. Que no, si quiere el biJIete aqui, NAVA No, he wants the bills here, buddy.
127. (a una distancia) l,Oh, si? lEntonces CARRILLO (at a distance) Oh, yeah? So are you
aqul Ie va a pagar? Oquei. l.S[ going to pay him here? Oquei. Did he
arregl6 can usted? L Ya estuvo? work it out with _you? Is it done?
128. El se va a IIevar el cami6n. SAAVEDRA He's going to take the truck.
129. Esta bien. OFFICER That's fine.
130. Tu te vas conmigo. SAAVEDRA You go with me.
131_ L Ya se arreglaron? Vayan 0 vayanse NAVA Did you all already work it out? Go on,
los dos. Vayanse los dos para que or the two of you go. Both of you go so
nos sigan tarnbien. Vayan ustedes you can follow us also. The two of you
dos. Sabes lIegar ami casa. l.C6mo go. You know how to get to my house.
ves? LEsta bien? How do _you see that? That alright?
132_ Esta bien conmigo. OFFICER That fine with me.
133. Pues as la misma, Andres. Este CARRILLO Well it's the same thing, Andres. This
cami6n bu~ ... truck dude ...
134. Es la misma. MENDEZ It's the same thing.
135. (risa) _(_Iau_g_hter:l
136. Que coraie, CARRILLO What a pisser.
137. EI pedo nada mas es la, la, la MENDEZ The problem is just the, the, the test.
138. Es el iale. NAVA Thafs the job.
139. Si quieres mejor vete con el senor y SAAVEDRA If you'd rather, you go with the man and
yo me voy con ellos, 1'11_9.0 with them.
140. Como quieras. NAVA However you want.
141. No me vava a robar, eh. MENDEZ Don't__you steal from me huh?
142. ... unintel... MALE . .. unlntel.,
143. (, Yo c6mo me la voy a robar a usted t SAAVEDRA How am I going to steal from you, right?
144. No pues ... NAVA Well...
145. LQue onda? OFFICER What's l!J2_?
146. o sea que, necesitamos calarlas bien. NAVA I mean we need to try them out qcod.
147. Sf, Lpero bajarlas todas, mano? CARRILLO Yeah, but unload all of them, bro?
148. SL NAVA Yes.
149. Pues yo voy con ustedes para OFFICER Well I'm going with you all to try them.
150. lQue tal si te bajas alii en la luz? (se NAVA How about you get out there at the
rie) I!ght? lLal!_g_hsl
151. I.Que quieres? CARRILLO What do ypu want?
152_ Que acompariante. (se rle) "C6mo ve NAVA What an escort. (he laughs) What do
el jale? you think of the job?
153. No, pues ... MENDEZ We".,.
154. No, pues es que asl esta bien, mira, CARRilLO Well, it's that it's fine like that, because,
porque el senor se va air contigo y yo look, the man is going to go with you
me voy a IIevar las teles. and I'm _90in_g_ to take the televisions. TRANSCRIPT TRANSLATION


CaU~6 No. 1221664, 1233225 & 1260355, 1233224

The Slate ofTexas VS

Xiomara Mendez & Andres Nava

111 the 23Znd District Court or

Harris County, Texas

OS/24/2010 MON 15= 35 FAX Houston Chronicle



155. Oquei. NAVA Okay.
156. Sf. OFFICER Yeah.
157. lQuerfa fa mitad, no? l,Bien? NAVA You wanted half, right? Alright? Keep
Ouedate la mitad y dandole alia. half and give it to him over there.
158. Que me paguen todo antes de que se OFFICER You pay me for everything before it
vaya. Y yo voy can ustedes. Yo se leaves. And I'll go with you all. I'll, I'll
la- yo la manejo, a voy, voy de drive it or I'll go, I'll go as a passenger,
.pasajero 0 como quieran. or however _you all want it.
159. Seis quinientos, verdad, dijo, CARRILLO Six five hundred, right, you said, right?
160. LPor todo eJ paquete, seis quinientos? NAVA Six five hundred for the whole package?
161. Es dos cincuenta. l.Usted va a CARRILLO It's two fifty. You going to buy also,
comprar tarnblen, amiga? .girlfriend?
162. Ella es Ja que va a pagar todo. NAVA She's the one that's going to pay for
163. Jm! MENDEZ HmJ
164. Es la mera pesuda, CARRILLO She's the one that's loaded right?
165. Dejate caer, Tia, La ver? NAVA Let's see you fork it over, darling~
166. Oye aqueL MENDEZ Listen to that one.
167. A_gui hay ... NAVA Here is ...
168. Para mas adelantito, Andres. CARRILLO For a little later, Andres.
169. t., Ya no quiere trabajar? (al fonda) MALE You don't want to work anymore?
(background) .
170. Aqui hay, aqui hay_g_uince ... NAVA Here is, here is fJft:een ...
171. A trabaiar. (at fondo) MALE To work. (background)
172, ... Robert. NAVA .,.Robert .
173. Ponte la mitad y.... Mejor hay que CARRILLO Pay the half and-it's better to pay the
pagarle al muchacho y luego nos young man and then we'll split it up
repartimos ncsotrcs, Yo traigo la later. I have half, or do you want me to
mitad 1,0 quieres que yo pague la, la pay the, the other half?
otra mitad?
174. Pague todo usted. MENDEZ You pay it all.
175. (se rie) NAVA (Iaugh~
176. Pues sl, pague alii con Andres usted y MENDEZ Well, yes, you pay there with Andres
alia nosotros nos arreglamos. and we'll work it out over there.
177. loSf? NAVA Yes?
178. Falta otro cien, Andres, porque yo CARRIllO It's another hundred short, Andres,
traigo cuatro nueve nomas. because I just have four nine.
179, Tenga 10 g_ue tra190 yo a_g!Ji, Andres. MENDEZ Take what I've got here, Andres.
180. (Gritando a una distancia) Vengase CARRILLO (yelling from a distance) Come over
_28ra aca, camarada. hereJ_ budd_y
181, (Contando)_ (counting)
182. Si. CARRILLO Yes.
183. Cuarenta y nueve y me sobraron OFFICER Forty nine and I had fifty left over.
184. ... unintel ... MALE . .. unlntel. ..
185. Alii esta la nave del cami6n? CARRILLO Is the key_ to the truck in there? Causa Nc. 1221684, 12332258. 1260355. 1233224

18 State of Texas :;

crnara Mendez"" Arldres Nava

In the 2~2nd DIstrict Court Of

Harris County, Texas


OS/24/2010 MON 15:36 FAX Houeton Chronicle




186. LEsto es 10 Que falta? 8
OFFICER Is this the rest of it?
187. Cuatro nueve. CARRILLO Four nine.
188. Y mil seisclentos allf. NAVA And one thousand six hundred there.
189. . .. unintel... MALE ... unintel...
190. l.Eh? NAVA Huh?
191. (contando) (counting)
192. ... uninteJ... (al fonda) MENDEZ . .. unintel. .. (in the background)
193. (cantando) NAVA (singing)
194. Entonces te 8igo yo a ti, lno Andres? CARRilLO So I'll follow you, right, Andres?
195. Si NAVA Yes.
196. Cuarenta y nueve. OFFICER Forty-nine.
197. Cuarenta y nueve? NAVA Fortv-nlne?
198. Yo Ie di cuatro ... CARRILLO I cave you four ...
199. Cincuenta. Son seis quinientos, l no? NAVA Fifty. It's six five hundred, right?
200. Sf. OFFICER Yes.
201. Son mil quinientos. NAVA That's one thousand five hundred.
202. Oquei. OFFICER Okay.
203. i.Tu te vas a ir con el? MENDEZ Are you going to go with him?
204. No, yo me voy a lIevar la van. NAVA No, I'm going to take the van.
205. Yo me lIevo !a van y yo te sigo. CARRILLO I'll take the van and 1111 follow you. I
Traiqo mi telefono, have my phone.
206. Oh,oquei. lTu te vas a lIevar la ven? NAVA Oh, okay. You're _g_oil!Q to take the van?
207. La ven esta, CARRILLO This van.
208. Oh,oquei. NAVA on, okay.
209. Yo la mas nueva, buev, CARRilLO I'm taking the newer one, dude.
210. Oquei, NAVA Okay.
211. (Contando) (Counting)
212. L La lIavecita? CARRILLO The key?
213. Permfteme. It's a done deal. Tu OFFICER Hold on. II's a done deal. You drive or 1
manejas 0 yo rnane]o, drive?
214. Se va air usted con elr lno? CARRILLO You are going with him right?
215. ... unlntel., MALE . .. unintel. ..
216. LVerdad? CARRILLO Right?
217. t... Que dectas? OFFICER What were you saying?
218. ... unintel... CARRILLO ... unintel ...
219. l.Aqul 0 alia? OFFICER Here or over there?
220. Yo me vo'i_ con la senora. CARRILLO I'm goin.9 with the woman.
221. i.Y yo aqui? OFFICER And me here?
222. No, ttl te vas con aquellcs de la ven CARRILLO No, you're going with them in the white
blanca. van.
223_ Por aca INGRIS Over here.
224. L Y cual senora va aqui? OFFICER And which woman is _going here?
225. No, este, la otra mas grande. CARRILLO No, uh, the other older one.
226. l. Ya Heva las lIaves? INGRIS Do you already have the keys?
227. No, no me las die? CARRILLO No, he didn't give them to me.
228. i. Las Haves? OFFICER The keys?
229. LLas Jlaves? INGRIS The keys? COIllse No. 1221664. 1233225 & 1260355. '233224

The Slate of Texas VS

Xiomara Mendez & Andres Navs

In the 232nd DIstrict Court Of

Harris County, T.,xas

OS/24/2010 MON 15= 36 FAX Houston Chronicle




230. Espera, OFFICER Hold on.
231. l.Pusiste las !laves arriba, no? CARRILLO You _put the keys in there, right?
232. G.Usted va aquf con- G Yo voy con OFFICER You go here with- Do I go with you or
usted 0 can ellos? with them?
233, Con elias, los otros. CARRILLO With them, the others.
234. Con nosotros, aca INGRIS Over here, with us.
235. Orale. OFFICER Alright.
236. De Ie la lIave. INGRIS Give him the key.
237. 1. Trae la Have del carnian? CARRILLO Do you have the ke_y to the truck?
238. Si. It's a done deal. OqueL OFFICER Yes. It's a done deal. Okay.
239. _GD6nde esta la lIave? CARRILLO Where is the ke_y_?
240. Aqul la tengo. OFFICER I have it here.
241. (suena el telefono) (Phone rings)
242. . (par telefono) Go ahead OFFICER (On phone) Go ahead.
243. GD6nde esta la !lave? CARRILLO Where is the key?
244, Permiteme. OFFICER Hold on.
245, Esperate. La lIave. H~y! NAVA Hold on. The key. H~y!
246. [Hey, he_y! OFFICER He_y, hey!
247. lL_ Trae la lIave 0 no?! CARRilLO Do you have the key or not?!
248. lLa feria! NAVA The Money!
249. ILTrae la lIave?1 CARRILLO Do you have the key?!
250. jA_Y_l_buey! OFFICER On, damn!
251. j_Tirale! NAVA Shoot him!
252. i L Traes las lIaves?! i Dame la feria 0 CARRILLO Do you have the keys?! Give me the
te mato, cabr6n! Money or I'll kill you, asshole!
253. _(8alazos) _(_Gunshots)
254. It's a done deal. I'm shot. OFFICER It's a done deal. I'm shot. . \

16 State of Texas 5

Omara MendeZ & Andres Nav3

In the 232fld DIstrict Court Of

Harris County, Texas

Cause No. 1221664, 1233225 s 1260355, 1233224

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