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Schneider Pierre

The themes and meaning found in the book the stranger is that not everybody think that life

have a meaning to it, just as the main character in the book Mersault, Camus want to show how

most people have difficulty accepting the things happening, and constantly trying to identify and

create a rational structure and meaning of they lives ..

In the passage the stranger , the author Albert Camus suggest that the main character

Mersault go on in observing things that’s going around him and take fate in to his on hand by

killing a man. This passage take place while Mersault and his girlfriend Marie and Raymond are

at Raymond friend house on the beach, Mersault friend Raymond start it a fight with an Arabic

man because Raymond hit a woman who the Arabic man know. Mersault leave Raymond house

Masons to go for a walk on the beach and wonders across the Arabic man and shot him.

In this selection from the stranger, the author Albert Camus give the meaning of the passage

through word choice, by getting the reader attention and making the reader think about mersault

observation .for example on (page 59) when mersault say (the dazzling spear flying from up

from the knife in front of me) a draw the reader attention and make the reader think about what

does mersault mean about a dazzling spear, and giving it a big impact in the passage. Another

example is the (scorching blade) meaning he is saying that the burning of the sunlight is hurting

him and is important because he is afraid of the sunlight .

Albert Camus use a lot of certain things to make the reader understand the length of

mersault observation in order to fully understand what he is trying to say, for example he said

( the sea carried up a thick, fiery breath) by him writing that he is making shirr that the reader

can understand the extreme surrounding mersault see, Albert Camus make a normal situation in

mersault life seen extreme, for example (it seemed to me as if the sky split open from one end to
the other to rain down fire) this is important because he is saying that the sky is hot a feel like is

raining down fire.

Most of the sentences in this passage let the reader know that, in mersault perception are

not normal and don’t seem to be clear for example at the end of the passage when he shoot the

Arabic man he say (it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness) this

sentence compare the sound of the gun shots to the sound of knocking on a door, making the

reader stop for a moment and make the reader wonder of all the exaggerated phrase of this


In conclusion this passage is the end of part 1 in the stranger, a take place when the main

character Mersault walking down the beach and has a confront with an Arabic man and kill him.

Albert Camus uses a lot of certain tone in this passage using exaggerated phrases through word

choice and simile.

The previous essay of the stranger I talk about how the author give meaning of his work

through word choice and that the main character Mersault go on in life observing thing that’s

going around him and thinking that the society he live is boring and is repeated itself. However

in the second I wrote about that Mersault doesn’t really think anything of himself, his just going

in life caring about himself and being alienated in the society around him. The similarity they

both share is that the author use word choice to show his meaning and both give the themes and

meanings of the book by talking about the author techniques.

In the passage Act 7 in the stranger, the author Albert Camus suggest that the main

character Meursault doesn’t really think nothing of himself, his just someone that’s trying to go

through life without caring about anyone else except himself and being alienated in the society

that’s happening around him. In this passage the author resolves his points through word choice

to show his purpose of what he his saying.

The beginning of the passage start off with another character named Raymond who is at the

court house as a witnessed to Meursault murder case, he is saying that Meursault is innocent in

that is his fault that he is in this position right now. Albert Camus start by making the prosecutor

at the court ask a question “was he your friend” (p.96) Raymond answering him “yes” then ask

Meursault the same question “I looked at Raymond, who returned my gaze. I answered yes” this

line is showing that Meursault didn’t really care about Raymond being a friend and being there

as a witnessed to help him, the author show that Meursault just answer yes to show he care but

he really don’t.

As a result of that the author go on to show that you should not believe in what Meursault

said his truth, he wrote “the same man who the day his mother died was indulging in the most

shameful debauchery killed a man for the most trivial of reason and did so in order to settle an

affair of unspeakable vice” (p.96) meaning that the same day his mother past away he went to

take a man life away just for no reason, because he only care about himself and just to anything

to past time in his life, and also that part is saying that he doesn’t show no remorse to death of his

mother the prosecutor word don’t reflect Mersault view because he really doesn’t care what they


At the end of the passage the prosecutor his showing that Meursault is selfish and doesn’t

have a heart “I accuse this man of burying his mother with crime in his heart” (p.96) when the

prosecutor said that Meursault didn’t show no type of reaction toward what he said, so this

sentence show that Meursault was thinking he his right about what he said about burying his

mother with a bad heart. At the beginning of the book at his mother funeral he didn’t show he

had any sadness in his heart, he was just thinking about the weather.

In of conclusion the main character Meursault doesn’t really live a typical life, of only

caring about himself, does whatever he want to do, and his not part of the society around him,
The only person he show emotion to is his girlfriend Marie. He had just killed someone for

trivial reason and he is in jail and he doesn’t even care about it. He is just someone that wants to

live by himself and only by himself.

In the passage the stranger the author Albert Camus themes and meaning of the book is that

most people in the world go in on life feeling a different way than other people, most people

don’t want to be part of the society and that they alienated themselves from everyone else, and

that they don’t show emotion toward other people that want to be friends with then, like the main

character Mersault.

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