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Bill Schuette Candidate for Attorney


Web Site


Each question was scored using 1-10. A score of 10 being the

highest score.
A scoring of “I” was an incomplete or unanswered question.

A Scored 10 Answer equals; The most through, complete,

thoughtful, specific and responsive answer that demonstrated a
strong level of understanding and commitment to constitutional
conservative ideas.

Answer(s) to Question 1 “What are your reasons for running AND

Question 10, “What is your definition of limited government’ ARE

Please refer to the M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire by clicking the

for the reminder of the questions

Results of M.A.P.S Candidate Questionnaire

for Bill Schuttee Attorney General Candidate

1. What are your reasons for running for office?

Two years ago, I completed my term on the Michigan Court of

Appeals. After serving as a Judge, I went to work in the private
sector for one of Michigan’s most respected law firms, Warner
Norcross & Judd.

As a judge, I witnessed the Lansing political establishment raise

taxes – the MBT – and release dangerous prisoners early. Raising
taxes hurt families and our economy. Releasing dangerous
criminals puts public safety at risk. Bad policy and bad leadership
caused me to run for Attorney General.

I was born and raised in Michigan. This is the state in which I

married my wife 19 years ago, and it is where Cynthia and I have
raised our two children. I remember how Michigan was once a
national powerhouse. Today, we are a punch line for late-night talk
show hosts. I was not going to watch that slide continue. I was not
going to sit on the sidelines.

That’s why I am running -- To be part of a new team that turns our

state around, puts Michigan back on the right track, and provides
bold leadership and solutions to the challenges facing our state.

2. 10

3. 10

4. 10

5. 10

6. 10

7. 10

8. 10

9. 10

10. What is your definition of limited gov’t?

I believe that Article I of the Michigan Constitution, the “Declaration

of Rights,” sets this out very clearly. “All political power is inherent
in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit,
security and protection.”

America’s founding documents make clear that we the people are

empowered by our Creator, not by government. As President
Lincoln would later say, we are a government “of the people, by the
people and for the people.” We are not a people for the

Moreover, America’s founding, our separation from Great Britain,

came about because of taxation without representation – an
encroachment of power by the central government in London over
the rights of the colonists, who had no say in how they would be

This is why governments need to have fixed powers, with clearly

defined limits. History demonstrates that power tends to corrupt,
and that governments naturally tend to enlarge over time.

Both the 10th Amendment and Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S.

Constitution make clear that power flows from the people, to the
federal government, and to the respective state governments. Not
the other way around.

11. 10

12. 9

Grassroots in Michigan

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