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Yeray Hernndez Sandoval



-Project 1
My life picture
Adverbs of possibility
Present simple and continuous

-Project 2
Making a poster

-Project 3
Memorizing a funny story
Writing a funny story
Past continuous
Past simple

-Project 4
Cooking a recipe
Comparative and superlatives
-Project 5
Write a postcard
Present perfect

I'm doing a scrapbook, a work with all I learned this year organized and
based in projects. Then of each project there are subsections with a little
explain about grammar, the vocabulary, etc...

Project 1

My life picture
My father's name is Mariano, he's 57, my mum's name is Mara Jess,
she's 47.
I've got a lot of pets in my house. One dog, two birds, some fishes and of
course my sister. Her name is Nerea and she's 10 years old.
I love go to the beach on summer, swim, read (books and the newspaper,
because I think is important to be informed) and play computer games.
I hate the commercial music, I believe it's only for gain moneys. I hate
the religion and the fashion too.
My favourite music is the one that have a good lyrics, with meaning.

Adjective Opposite Translation Translation
chatty quiet xerraire silencis
shy extroverted tmid extrovertit
friendly unfriendly simptic antiptic
moody cheerful malhumorat alegre
polite impolite educat maleducat

Adverbs of possibility
Maybe: Pot ser (beggining of sentence)
Perhaps: Pot ser (other position on sentence)
Probably: Probablement
Definitely: Definitivament

Present simple and continuous

Present simple is the verb form that you use for the routines and habits.
For example:

Aff.: I walk --> Jo camino (cada da, ara...)

Neg.: I don't walk --> Jo no camino
Inter.: Do you walk? --> Camines?

The present continuous is the verb form that you use for the activities
that you do at this exactly moment. We use the verb to be in present,
am, are or is + verb + -ing

Aff.: I'm walking --> Estic caminant (ara mateix)

Neg.: I'm not walking --> No estic caminant
Inter.: Are you walking? --> Ests caminant?
Project 2
Hi, I'm Sir Ector

I'm the foster father of Arthur. Merln came to me when Arthur was born
but I didn't know that Arthur was a son of king. I cared of Arthur when he
is a child. I've got another son, Sir Kay. I've got an armour, a sword, a
helmet and I'm a lord.

Making a Poster
It was the poster that I make for the XX Terra de Trobadors

Project 3
Memorizing a funny history

Word Translation

To punish Castigar

To raise Recaudar

Pew Banc (de l'sglsia)

Gaze Mirada

Writing a funny story

The exam

It isn't really a funny story, but tries to be funny. Explains the process of
how do an exam.

Before the exam

- The previous day you arrive to your house then a long day of
school. Of course you have not studied before.
- Time of eat. You take cakes, chips and a cola while you see the TV.
There is a interesting film.
- Oh My God! The half past eight. You didn't remember what you had
to study while you saw the movie. No matter, taking a shower all is
more clear.
- You think of studying an hour after dinner, no need more...
- Then of take the shower and have dinner you're very tired. Come
on, only half hour...
- The next day you wake up, have breakfast and you go to school.

During the exam

- Shit! Today there's an exam and you don't remember anything of

you've studied yesterday (probably because you don't study enough
good). Let's to study before the exam!
- The teacher enter in the classroom and you even are studying.
"Close the books!", say the teacher.
- "The exam is short and easy...", say the teacher. You thing
- The teacher give you the exam and... Oh no! 5 pages and you don't
know any question.
- "...If you've studied" finish the teacher. "Note to self, -you think-
puncture the tires of the teacher's car when finish..."
- Well, time to think. Yes, maybe you can copy to my classmate...
- You see to the right, your classmate are playing with his (maybe)
rubber. You see to the left, your other classmate is sleeping. Your
classmate of in front knows less answers than you. Nice!
- "10 minutes!" say the teacher. OMG... You must to do anything.
Anything! You invent some answers desperately.

Then the exam

- The first that you think when finish the exam is... Well, really you
don't think anything, simply set stupid face.
- Now is when you say the typical sentence "I need to hit
- Also you think that to the next exam you will prepare it well, you
will study more... But, be realist, you're a lazy.
Past Continuous

The past continous describes an action in progress in the past. We use the
forms was or were + verb + -ing. For example:

Aff.: I was listening to music --> Estava escoltant msica

Neg.: I wasn't listening to music --> No estava escoltant msica
Inter.: Were you listening to music? --> Estaves escoltant msica?

Past Simple

The past simple describes an action finished in the past. We use the verb
+ -ed (only regular verbs) with affirmative form. With the negative we
use didn't + verb. With the interrogative we use Did+ pronoun + verb

Aff.: I trained --> Vaig entrenar

(With irregular verbs we only use the past verb form: I drank --
> Vaig veure)

Neg.: I didn't train --> No vaig entrenar

Inter.: Did you train? --> Vas entrenar?

Project 4

Cooking a recipe
Lemon cheese cake covered with jam

Ingredients (8 people)

- 200g of napolitan cookies

- 80g of butter
- 250g of water over lemon jelly
- 400g of creamy cheese
- 200g of liquid cream
- 40g of sugar
- 200g of jam (the that you want)
- Two teaspoons of lemon juice
- Three teaspoons of jelly
- 50g of water

- Place the cookies on the glass and spray programming to five
seconds, speed 10.

- Add the butter and program five seconds, speed 5.

- Cover with this preparation the bottom of a removable cast of 24 or
26cm in diameter, pressing with the help of the cup to make it
compact. Reserve in freezer while making filling
- Pour water into the glass and program 5 minutes, 100, speed 1.
- Add in this order, the envelope of gelatin, cheese, cream and
sugar. programming mix of 20 seconds, speed 5.
- Remove mold from freezer and pour the mixture. Refrigerate until
the filling solidifies.

Coverage of jam

- With the clean glass, place of jam, the lemon juice, the teaspoons
of gelatin and the water. Program three minutes, 80, speed 2.
- Let the temper without curdling and pour over the cake. Put the
cake in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

And it's finished!

Comparative and superlatives

We use comparative to compare two things. In regular adjectives we add

-er to the adjective, then we use than to compare with the other thing.
With the words whit more than 3 syllables we change the -er in the
adjective for a more before it. With some adjectives we can use the two

We use comparative to say that one thing "are most". We add the before
the adjective and -est to the adjective. With the words with more than 3
syllables we change the -est in the adjective for a most before it. With
some adjectives we can use the two forms

For example if I say that Peter is the happiest boy that I knows, I would
say that he's happier than all the other boys that I know.


Adjective Comparative Superlative

small smaller the smallest
tall taller the tallest
happy happier the happiest
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
The smallest and the tallest men in the world

Project 5
Writing a postcard
Hi Lourdes,

I'm writing this email from Thailand. The weather is really hot and there
are so much humidity... But is better to think on the positive. We are
visiting a lot of temples. There are some of them really enormous.

But we've just arrived here in Ko Ko Phi islands, there are a lot of
precious beaches. The water is really transparent as in the photos... Is a
dream. So far I've enjoyed the exotic food. I've eaten grasshoppers!
really do not have a strong flavor... Is different.

Tonight we will go to a beach party. These people knows how to have fun.
Tomorrow I think that we stay on the beach. it should be relaxed.

I hope you're well, Lourdes. I will write again soon.


Present Perfect

We use present perfect when we describes experiences. The regular verbs

end in -ed and we add the auxiliary verb have before the verb on past

Aff.: I have climbed --> He escalat

(With irregular verbs we only use the past participle verb form :
I have run --> He corrigut

Neg.: I haven't climbed --> No he escalat

Inter.: Have you climbed? --> Has escalat

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