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Name : Irma Erviana

Class : Bilingual
Reg num : 071 404 166

Biology Departement
Mathematic and natural Science Faculty
Makassar State University
Division of the kingdom of protista consisting of the photosynthetic organism
commonly known as green algae. The general characteristics are the various
species can be unicellular, multi-cellular, coenocytes (having more than one
nucleus in a cell), or colonial. Chlorophyta are largely aquatic or marine, a few
types are terrestrial, occurring on moist soil, on the trunks of trees, on moist
rocks and in snow banks. Various species are highly specialized.

The Species

1. Ulva lobata

The specific characteristics are a thin flat green alga growing from a discoid
holdfast. The margin is somewhat ruffled and often torn. It may reach 18 cm
or more in length, though generally much less, and up to 30 cm across. The
membrane is two cells thick, soft and translucent. and grows attached,
without a stipe, to rock by a small disc-shaped holdfast. Green to dark green
in color this species in the Chlorophyta is formed of two layers of cells
irregularly arranged, as seen in cross section. The chloroplast is cup-shaped
with 1 to 3 pyrenoids. There are other species of Ulva which are similar and
not always easy to differentiate.
2. Codium fragile

The specific characteristics are the spongy textured green Codium comes in a
number of forms, growing either as thalli that are divided into dark green
finger-like branches, or as crusts, which can be convoluted, glassy and
smooth, or form domed circular patches. Despite these different appearances,
all species in the genus have very similar coenocytes construction (a
continuous cellular matrix without cross walls in which there are many nuclei
and chloroplasts).
3. Halimeda sp

The specific characteristics are the Halimeda plant is a green calcareous

macro algae found within tropical oceans worldwide, and is a beautiful
decorative plant for a marine aquarium. The irregular oval segments of
Halimeda appear as several small green coins glued from end-to-end, forming
a chain. For this reason, Halimeda may also be called the Money Plant.
Calcareous algae deposit calcium carbonate in their tissues, and require a
sufficient calcium level in the aquarium in order to thrive. Halimeda are
generally hardy in a marine aquarium, and few fish will feed on it. It is not an
invasive plant that will cause harm to close neighboring corals or
invertebrates. In addition to light, it requires a sufficient level of calcium to
grow. They are not as tolerant of high nitrate or phosphate levels compared
to some other algae. They also do not tolerate extensive pruning.
4. Caulerpa flexilis

The specific characteristics are that vary in form, with blades that are either
feathery, beaded, or look like young rimu leaves: these species are also
coenocytes, can grow in areas of softer sediments, either growing on shell
fragments and small stones, or extending from solid substrata across softer
sediments with stolons or runners.

Small phylum of the kingdom protista, The general characteristics consisting
of mostly unicellular aquatic algae. Some euglenoids contain chloroplasts with
the photosynthetic pigments; others are heterotrophic and can ingest or
absorb their food. Reproduction occurs by longitudinal cell division. Most live
in freshwater. The most characteristic genus is Euglena, common in ponds
and pools, especially when the water has been polluted by runoff from fields
or lawns on which fertilizers have been used. There are approximately 1000
species of euglenoids.

The Species

Euglena viridis

The specific characteristics are Euglenid flagellate, with one or more green
plastid or plastids, elongate or ovoid cells, some cylindrical, others flattened
and/or cork-screwed in shape; one or no emergent flagella; swimming
involves helical rotation of the cell; most species squirm but a few are almost
rigid; gliding occurs in some taxa; eyespot and flagellar swelling present;
canal opening subapical; about 125 species, mostly freshwater, a few marine;
widely studied.

Large group of eukaryotes algae commonly called golden algae, The general
characteristics found mostly in freshwater. Originally they were taken to
include all such forms except the diatoms and multi cellular brown algae, but
since then they have been divided into several different groups based on
pigmentation and cell structure. In many chrysophytes the cell walls are
composed of cellulose with large quantities of silica. Formerly classified as
plants, they contain the photosynthetic pigments chlorophyll a and c. Under
some circumstances they will reproduce sexually, but the usual form of
reproduction is cell division.
The Species

1. Navicula sp

The specific characteristics are Photosynthetic, freshwater and marine; large

component of phytoplankton, cell walls are two valves with silica; overlap at
the girdle, abundant fossils, and reproduction mostly by fission.

2. Pinnularia viridis

The specific characteristics are this group of freshwater, marine, and

terrestrial algae includes the golden algae. Although most members of this
group are autotrophy, the vast majority of them can become heterotrophy
when light levels are low. Food is stored as oils, and photosynthetic pigments
include chlorophyll a and c and yellow carotene pigments, some of which may
be removed to other phyla in the future, such as the silicoflagellates and
yellow-green algae. reproduce asexually, each received one old valve. The
new valve fits inside the old one; therefore, the new diatom is smaller than
the original one. Once the shells reach a certain size the diatom reproduces
sexually and restores its size, allowing the asexual reproduction cycle to begin
a new.

Phylum of the kingdom protista. The general characteristics consisting of
those organisms commonly called brown algae. Many of the world's familiar
seaweeds are members of phaeophyta. Like the chrysophytes brown algae
derive their color from the presence, in the cell chloroplasts, of several
brownish carotene pigments, as fucoxathin. With only a few exceptions,
brown algae are marine, growing in the colder oceans of the world, many in
the tidal zone, where they are subjected to great stress from wave action;
others grow in deep water. There are approximately 1500 species of

The Species

1. Turbinaria ornata

The specific characteristics are a stiff, erect seaweed with distinctive angular
turban-like blades and a central stem. Light brown to brown, from 2 to 20 cm
tall, it grows on rocky intertidal coastlines, in tidep ools, and on reef flats and

2. Sargassum vulgare

The specific characteristics are Color & Pigments, Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, b

Carotene, Fucoxanthin, Absorbs in Green Region. They are almost entirely
Marine. The species are found in Fresh Water. They are most abundant in
Colder Waters. There are Few Large Species in Tropical Waters, which are
found in tide pools & wave-swept areas.

3. Padina japonica

The specific characteristics are by a flat blade rolled into a circle and an in-
rolled margin. The upper surface of the blade is whitish due to the presence of
calcium carbonate, while the lower surface, with less calcification, is brownish.
This seaweed is very common in shallow tide pools, where it reaches a height
of 10 cm, and on reef flats, where it can be 20 cm high.

Phylum of the kingdom protista. The general characteristics consisting of the
photosynthetic organisms commonly known as red algae. Members of the
division have a characteristic clear red or purplish color imparted by accessory
pigments called phycobilins. The red algae are multicellular and are
characterized by a great deal of branching, but without differentiation into
complex tissues. Most of the world's seaweeds belong to this group. Although
red algae are found in all oceans, they are most common in warm-temperate
and tropical climates, where they may occur at greater depths than any other
photosynthetic organisms. Most of the coralline algae, which secrete calcium
carbonate and play a major role in building reefs, belong here. Red algae are
a traditional part of oriental cuisine. There are 4000 known marine species of
red algae; a few species occur in freshwater.

The Species
1. Euchema spinosum

The specific characteristics are aquatic organisms that exist in both

freshwater and marine habitats, although mostly marine. They are found in
tropical, temperate, and cold-water environments. Also farmed and harvested
for use in food and gels. useful for the study of metabolic pathways, cell
biological processes, and genetics.
2. Gracilaria sp

The specific characteristics are currently a beautiful darker reddish/brown

color. This algae almost looks like a root system. Quick refugium filler. Best
floating. It is a very "rubbery" algae which divides through fragmentation. It
is heavily regarded as it is a very highly nutritious fish food which many
marine fish will readily consume, grows well in both temperate and tropical
waters.This algae looks like a root system and is a highly nutritious marine
fish food.

3. Gelidium sp
The specific characteristics are chiefly marine, multicellular organisms that
are, as a rule, smaller and more delicate that the brown algae. Some are
filamentous, but most are branched, having a feathery, flat, or ribbon like
appearance. Sexual reproduction involves oogamy, although the sperm are
not flagellated. The food reserve is floridean starch, a polysaccharide that
resembles glycogen.

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