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Command DC and Control DC are the same thing.

The following errata were mentioned on the paizo messageboards by James Jacobs and Jason Bulman.

Barracks (6 BP): Defense Modifier +2; Unrest 1.

Exotic Craftsman (10 BP): 1 minor item, +1 Economy, +1 Stability.

Graveyard (4 BP): +1 loyalty

Watchtower (12 BP): +1 Stability; +2 Defense Modifier; Unrest 1.

Below can be found a collection of questions & Answers from the Paizo Messageboards.

Leadership Roles

Q: What are the rules for wearing more than one 'hat'? For example what if a pc wants to be the High-
priest and Councilor? Or Ruler and General etc?

A: Yup; only one hat per character. This is partially because there's a sort of balance of power thing; if
one character wears too many hats, then suddenly he has too much power. It's also to help prevent a
calamity in case your kingdom loses that character; if a leader dies or quits or whatever, you have
only one vacancy. But if he was in multiple spots, suddenly you have lots of vacancies.

The MAIN reason, though, is that we want to have NPCs in there as fellow leaders. This makes for a
more entertaining gameplay experience if not all of the slots are taken up by players, and gives the
GM a chance to exert some influence over the kingdom as NPC co-leaders. Also, there are lots of
events that involve leaders having problems or scandals or the like, and it's usually better to just say
that a scandal involves an NPC than forcing some sort of situation on a player.

And also, by limiting the roles to one character, this forces the players to actually have to make some

Expansion & Hexes

Q: I'm assuming that the players start out by deciding on their starting hex, and then must expand
out from that hex at the usual speed and BP costs? Basically, they don't get any 'free' hexes added on,
even if they've explored and subdued them, right?

A: Correct. No free hexes. First you have to spend the time to explore the hex, and then you have to
claim the hex; two steps.

Roads & Rivers

Q: What are the effects of roads & rivers on travel?

A: TheeffectsofroadsandriversontraveltimearecoveredinthePathfinderCoreRPG,inChapter7.
is claimed, and you can't claim a hex until it's explored.) By building roads, you're making it easier to
Q: Just for clarification, I assume Roads are the same as Roads/Trails in chapter 7 of PFRPG Core and
not Highways?

A: Correct. Roads are roads. Highways are something else entirely, and are beyond the scope of the
rules as they currently stand.

Experience Points:

Q: On the Gaining Experience chart for different kingdom accomplishments, are those numbers per PC
or to be divided among PCs?

A: All XP awards are divided among PCs. We'll say if an XP award is ever for a single PC, and I highly
doubt we'll EVER do that since it's not really fair or in the spirit of the Pathfinder RPG.


Q: Can the consumption of a kingdom be negative? If a kingdom has many farms and not so many
non-farm hexes and cities, it would be possible that 2 times the number of farms is bigger than the
size plus the city districts. In this case, would the kingdom actually gain BPs from consumption?

A: No, consumption can't go below zero.


Q: In generating income it says to make an economy check against your command DC and if
successful divide the result by 5 and add that amount to your treasury. If I had a +12 and rolled a 13
that would be 25. The DC would be 21. Do I divide 25 by 5 to get 5 BP or the 25 minus the DC of 21
to get 0 BP? I think it is the 5 BP but wanted to check.

A: That is correct. Successful check = divide result by 5, get that many BP. Failed check = you get


Q: What do you do with the Edict Penalty reduction in the case of multiple cities having Cathedrals,
Arenas, or Waterfronts? Do you halve each time?

A: Nope; one four-square building is enough to halve the cost of edict penalties. Multiple arenas,
cathedrals, or waterfronts don't further reduce overall edict penalties (but multiple arenas, cathedrals,
or waterfronts DO have a cumulative effect otherwise).

Q: Upkeep Phase Step 2 (Pay Consumption) precedes that months Improvement Phase Step 6
(Edicts), so how one can determine the increase of Consumption by Edicts? By previous months
Edicts? Or should a Ruler declare that months Edicts before Improvement Phase?

A: A change to edicts doesn't affect the consumption for that month; it takes a bit for the change to
go into effect, and so won't hit consumption until the next turn's Upkeep.
Q: More important question. It seems that Festivals are measured by numbers per Year. But
Consumption and Loyalty are needed by monthly rate. How does it work? For example, does No
Festival per Year mean Loyalty -1 at the end of 12 consecutive months with no Festivals?

A: As for the festivals, the number per year is as much the number you actually hold as it is the
number you promise, and the number that the common folk prepare for and look forward to over the
months. This assumes that the king isn't lying when he tells the commoners "we'll have 12 festivals
this year!" You get the stat changes automatically, in other words; if you reduce the number per year
later, the modifiers change then.


Q: Are the unrest increases and reductions from buildings one time effects on the build turn, or are
they ongoing?

A: Unrest reductions and increases occur only once, when the building is created. Unrest can get out of hand
really fast, so a recurring unrest effect would be really bad.

Q: For the buildings that are required to be "Adjacent" to a house, what counts as Adjacent??

A: Anything counts as adjacent; left, right, above, below, diagonal, or even across streets. However, you
can't "double duty" a house. Once it's used as a prerequisite for another building, it can't serve as a
prerequisite for a second building.

Q: Is the Tenement supposed to act as a house?

A: Yes. Tenements act as houses for the purposes of fulfilling the requirement; they're basically a good way
to build cheap houses since the unrest only hits you on the turn you build the house.


Q: Is there a limit on the number of districts you can have in a city?

A: Not really. A GM can certainly limit the number of districts a party puts in a single city if he wants, but
multiple districts would be the only way you'd ever be able to model a really BIG city, after all. A city the
size of Westcrown would take, IIRC, nearly 30 city grid districts. Of course, your kingdom needs to be able
to AFFORD all of those districts!

Magic Items:

Q: How often can you attempt to sell a magic item per phase?

A: You can attempt to sell a magic item once per Income phase per district. So if you only have one city,
you can only try to sell one item per Income phase. But if you have multiple cities (or a city of multiple
districts) you can try to sell a magic item from EACH district
Q: How are items that the PCs want to sell (and thus convert directly to BPs) classified? If they've found a
+1 sword while adventuring, is it a minor or medium magic item? It appears on both lists so can they
choose or is it automatically the lower (or higher)? I can see circumstances where each of the two options
might be better.

A: An item that appears on both lists should always default to the lesser. So a +1 sword would count as a
minor magic item.

Q: The city is created and the magic shop ends up having an item a particular Ruling PC wants but
doesn't want to pay for, I mean after all he is the King/Ruling Elite and he and his friends created this
Kingdom. So he demands it or demands half price for himself. What are the possible ramifications of
this for the kingdom? Is there citywide Unrest? A special Event?

A: Just treat withdrawing items from the public the same as withdrawing money. The rules are already
there in the Economy phase. +1 Unrest for the cash grab, regardless of amount. Then, a Loyalty check
equal to +1/2000 gp withdrawn. If the check fails, you gain 1 unrest/2000 gp withdrawn.
Some alternate rules as found on the messageboards can be found below. (Jason Nelson, and James

Event Phase: During the event phase you can hire adventurers:

Hiring Adventurers: By hiring adventurers, the PCs can effectively purchase one time bonuses to
any Economy, Loyalty, or Stability checks made as a result of a kingdom event. A group of low-level
adventurers (level 12) grants a +2 bonus on the check but costs 4 BP. A group of mid-level
adventurers (level 35) grants a +5 bonus on the check but costs 8 BP. A group of high-level
adventurers (level 6 or higher, but never higher than the PCs Average Party Level) grants a +10
bonus on the check but costs 16 BP.

Full Time Rulers: If a character spends time doing nothing but rule for the month, you get +4 to
each ruler's contribution.

Leadership Feat: The leadership feat grants a bonus to your ruler bonus for whatever your role as
leader is. Equal to +1 for each 10 points of your Leadership score. This represents a PCs followers
acting as their agents and loyal and efficient infrastructure throughout the kingdom, spreading good
word of mouth, setting a good example for others, relaying rumors of unrest or honest assessments of
the needs of the kingdom from the grassroots level back to the leadership, and generally being model

Shrines, Temples and Cathedrals: Instead of providing fixed bonuses to loyalty, stability or
economy the building provides bonuses to an attribute related to the alignment of the god worshipped.
Cathedrals and Temples provide a bonus of +2 to each attribute, whereas shrines provide a bonus of
+1 to one of the attributes related to the gods alignment. Lawful gods provide a bonus on Economy
checks, Chaotic gods provide a bonus on Loyalty checks, Good gods provide a bonus on Loyalty
checks. Evil Gods provide a bonus on Economy checks. Neutral gods provide a bonus to stability
checks. (a temple dedicated to a truly neutral god provides this bonus twice).
Some alternate rules as found on the messageboards can be found below. (Jason Nelson and a bit of
my own, the lock)

Presented below are additional buildings and improvements that can be build outside of cities. Please
note that constructing any of these improvements takes the place of the "build a farm" action in your
kingdom turn.

Please also note that Camps, Farms and Mines are mutually exclusive - you can have a farm OR a
mine OR a camp in a hex. None of these improvements represent a single building in a 12-mile hex.
It's not just one farm, or just one mine, or just one camp. Building means you have devoted the
primary physical and human resources of that hex to the activity of farming (farm), mining (mine) or
logging (camp).

Camp: (6 BP) A logging camp can be build in a forest area with a road or river. +1 Economy, +1
Stability. The economy bonus is doubled if the hex contains a resource like rare lumber: +2 Economy,
+2 Stability.

Fort: (12 BP). A sturdy structure that serves as a guard post and lookout for danger. +1 Stability; +2
Defense Modifier; Unrest 1. A fort can be build in any hex containing a road or river, even if a camp,
farm or mine has already been established. If a city is built in an area with a fort, the fort is treated as
a watchtower.

Lock: (8 BP). A lock allows ships to traverse along height differences in a river. A Lock turns three
hexes of unnavigable rivers navigable and provides a +2 Economy bonus.

Mine: (6 BP) A mine is used for recovering valuable or less valuables minerals, ores and gems. A mine
can be built in hills or mountains if a road or river is present. +1 Economy, +1 Stability. The economy
bonus is doubled if the hex contains a resource like gold or silver ore: +2 Economy, +2 Stability.

Rivers: Much like roads, rivers can be used for commerce. For every 4 hexes of navigable rivers your
kingdom controls that contain navigable rivers, you gain +1 Economy. (Yes, hexes with a river and a
road count for both.)

Terraforming: Instead of building a farm hex, you can convert a forest hex into hills or a swamp into
grassland. This takes 6 months and costs 24 BP. You could also plant a forest in a grassland or hills
hex for the same cost. You continue to gain the benefits of a camp during terraforming, but at the end
of the terraforming it is destroyed.

Continual Flame: In the night, criminals and monsters use the darkness to hide their evil business, even
in your cities. If you illuminate all districts of a city with Continual Flames, the kingdoms Stability and
Loyalty increase by 1. To illuminate a whole district, 250 castings of Continual Flame are necessary.

Teleportation Circle and Permanency: If you link two cities with two permanent Teleportation Circles,
the kingdoms Economy increases by 8 and its Stability increases by 4, as goods and people can be
exchanged between the cities without lengthy transport by road. Two cities can only benefit from one pair
of Teleportation Circles, but one city can be linked with many different cities. Additionally, the
Teleportation Circles can be used to move armies quickly around in the kingdom.

Wall of Fire and Permanency: A City Wall can be enforced with permanent Walls of Fire placed in front of
it. A City Wall is 750 ft. long. The Defense Modifier of City Walls enforced by Walls of Fire increases by 4.

Wall of Force and Permanency: In theory, a City Wall can be enforced with permanent Walls of Force,
although this is incredibly expensive. A City Wall is 750 ft. Long; a 20-ft. high wall has 150 10-ft. squares, a
30- ft. wall has 225 10-ft. squares, and a 40-ft. wall has 300 10-ft. squares. The Defense Modifier of City
Walls enforced by Walls of Force increases by 8.

Crystal Ball: A Crystal Ball placed in a city allows its officials to quickly gain information on the progress of
patrols or even to spy on known criminals. The kingdoms stability increases by 2. A city can profit from
only one Crystal Ball.

Crystal Ball with Telepathy: With this Crystal Ball, city officials can also easily communicate with patrols
and officials in other cities. The kingdoms stability increases by 4. A city can profit from only one Crystal

Decanter of Endless Water: This item supplies fresh water for gardens, sewers and fountains when placed
in a city. The kingdoms Economy, Loyalty and Stability increase by 1. In addition, the city gains a +4
bonus to any Stability check made to avoid the destruction of a city block after a fire. A city can profit from
only one Decanter of Endless Water.

Ring Gates: If you link two cities with Ring Gates, these cities can instantly exchange information in an
easy way and exchange small amounts of goods, for example potions. The kingdoms stability increases by
2. Two cities can only benefit from one pair of Ring Gates.

Vorpal weapon: If the kingdom has a Royal Assassin who adds his Strength modifier to Loyalty and who is
known to carry a Vorpal weapon, the fear inspired by the Royal Assassin reduces Unrest by 2 during each
Upkeep phase.
The following sheets provide support for the Kingmaker Kingdom Systems:

Berhagen's Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet V1.5.

Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet

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