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OMS First Response Team Duties 2009-2010

Code Word for P.A. = "First Response Team" please report to the <Area> please
We may go into a "HOLD" soon after the Team is Called or immediately
ex. "Pardon the interruption, would "The First Response Team" please report to the Cafeteria"

Team Staff
Encore Sara
7O Jason
7M Kevin
8O Nate
8M Amy
SPED Larien
Pupil Services Ryan
Admin Kerri/Chris

Response Team MEMBERS Responsibilities

1. When called be sure to remind a team member you need to leave so your class/room is covered
2. If you have a cellphone please bring it, great if you have video capabilities.
3. Bring a pencil or pen and notebook (something to write on).
4. Bring your emergency pack that you received near the beginning of the year.
5. If you forget any of these don't worry, but they are good if we all try to have these so we at least have
them covered.

1. Calmly leave room, let your students know that you need to go,but that someone will be in
shortly to check on them.
2. Take cell, pencil, pack with you.
3. Arrive on scene.
4. FIRST PERSON on scene is Team Leader, unless it is decided that other members take that
position ahead of time.
1. Assess the Situation
2. Plan the Intervention
3. Direct other team members
4. Communicate w/person in crisis (only the team leader speaks to the student/
adult in crisis).
5. AUXILIARY TEAM MEMBERS - not first people on team. Listen to direction of Team leader.
Duties are as follows:
1. Check Safety, Environment and People
1. What this may look like.
1. Moving objects away form incident if deemed necessary
2. Ask spectators to move away - define a safe perimeter.
3. Close classroom doors if able to do so.
2. Address Safety Concerns and Intervention Strategies
3. Recognize when things need to change (code for change) A team member is escalating
by not responding at appropriate level appears to need a break.
4. Engage in supporting team leader decisions.
1. Documentation (write everything down, who does what, who said what) If enough team
members have two people do this, one to two people need to do this.
2. Recorder - If Camera/Video Phone - record the incident.
3. Watching team members involved to check for Care, Welfare and Safety, Support fellow
team members
4. Help create a safe perimeter - this may involve asking students to move out of area and
or moving objects
5. Keep away from Team Leader and student (client), unless directed to do so by Team
6. If holds are needed be sure to watch for safety, welfare and security. It is important that
holds are used correctly for the safety and health of everyone.
7. In almost every incident Kerri and or I will be there. If need be we will make decision to
go into any type of physical restraint. Although some team members are not
comfortable with this level of action, it is important that everyone is knowledgeable
about these holds to monitor safety and proper implementation.
8. Non-Violent Crisis Physical Intervention is a last resort - and is only used when a
student has displayed actions that cause the team leader (or administration) to
determine that the student is going to hurt themselves or others.
7. CPI COPING MODEL (After the incident)
Back under physical and Back under physical and
emotional control emotional control
To basics facts from clients to basic facts from staff
Orient perspective (just listen to perspective
their story) *Document Incident*
of staff & team response
* Praise when did well
Patterns of behavior and triggers
* help when poor skill or
need help
Ways to improve staff and
team response
Alternative Behaviors
Resources to help staff &
Investigate Resources to help behavior
team response
* Why is it "Larry" that
always uses restraint?*
Behavior Change Contract Change to staff & team
(PBIS models) response
Responsibility back to
encourage and support Encouragement and
(Positive Behavior Support
Interventions and
List of ALL Staff Trained in NVCI Holds

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