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The use of new technologies provide important resources for teachers, who
want to be more creative in their classes. Is a good way to increase
children¶s motivation.

In this reflection I try to make an optimistic view about the implications of

the use of new technologies in class.

Firstly I would like to speak of blogs. Clearly the de finition of what a blog
is, let us see the importance that can have its application in class. It would
be interesting that the teacher had his own blog. It can perform different
annotations, hanging articles that serve as a reference for other teachers and
what is more important; customize their own work of education. The use of
a blog gives you many advantages. A blog spoke of oneself, and you can
give the approach that you believe desirable. You can hang up songs with
their corresponding lyrics and share to the students, you can put videos,
films.. everything that you propose you can insert it in the blog. One of the
most important things of this new technology is the speed with which you
can do everything in a single space. No Longer you need thousand of files
on the barely remembering you where you have kept things. All the things
that you insert in the blog keep a certain order and this can help you in your
work as teacher. It would be also good that in addition to your own blog,
you will help students to create his own one without imposing them any
item. They must be able to design their own space. Students can learn a lot
and it really motivates them: Exploring different webs to find information,
hanging pictures, songs.. are important ways to connect their work with
real experiences in their lives. Imagine that you are going to expose one
topic. Instead of following a course book with specific objectives to follow,
you can do it in a different way. Imagine that you enter in class and you say
to your pupils: Today we are going to work with different countries. You
have in mind that they will be able to do it through the use of a blog. So,
you divide the class in different groups, and once you have done that , you
hang out different podcasts related to different countries like Spain,
England and they have to explore different things about that country
through the use of the media. So, students must reflect about the design of
their blog, they have to hang out different podcasts, songs.. They can
include different presentations about e verything and hang them in their
own space through Slide Share.

Another thing that I would like to comment is that it will be interesting that
the whole class create its own blog. They can share different information
and include it in the same blog. So, it is a like a construction of different
points of views of different pupils but in the same space.

Now I would like to comment the importance of the use of a webquest

which really help you to plan the topic you are going to present to your
students and it also facilitates you a rubric of evaluation.

A webquest can offer a great opportunity for teachers/authors/developers to

develop web-based materials for task-based language in a structured way
according to certain ackno wledged quality standards. It is very important to
have an easy and fast connection to the internet.
Surely I will take it into account in my future English classes and I would
like to apply it in the area of science. Different countries is a good topic to
make use of this important tool. I would like that my students work in
groups. Each one must investigate about one specific country: For example
England. Students have to discover by themselves its important
monuments, hanging beautiful podcasts, its culture, food, customs, and al l
that has something to do with their country. Once they have searched all
the information required with their videos, pictures, comments and much
more, I will tell them to make an overview of what they have researched in
a Power Point Presentation and if they have their own blog it will be good
to hang it in their own space.
Students must present to the whole class each project. A webquest is a
good help for a teacher because it lets you evaluate all that you have
proposed, and it also gives you a rubric w hich means decisive for your final
evaluation. Once they have presented their country and include it in their
presentations I will like to make a discussion about the different advantages
and disadvantages they have found using these technologies. It is im portant
to pay attention to them, and I am completely sure that they are going to
learn better becoming expert discovering pupils than reading a country in a
boring English coursebook.

In my webquest that I have done I present an interesting topic: Bora Bora

Island. Instead of reading a guide or a boring book I propose to my students
that they search different things about this island in different websites. So
students become main characters of its own film, they must find relevant
information about customs, people, nature and include them in their own
presentations. Students develop their imagination and their ability for
indirect learning through the Media helping them to achieve the objectives

Finishing I would like to say:

If I had to build the perfect Internet school, I would start by letting kids
have a lot of hands-on activity. Instead of having the teacher doing stuff on
the computer, have the student maybe even run a lesson off the Internet. I
believe that would get kids interested in school. By this I mean that for
each 3 minutes of school time, each student would have 1 minute of
Internet time. This would allow time for the questions to be answered, and
it would also force them to get to work, because you couldn't really give
them homework on the Internet.

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