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1)When remote calls are made on the container provided implementations of the EJBHome and EJBObject, various

transactional and security checks are applied before the call is actually passed on to the bean
instance. The Container provided implementations of EJBHome and EJBObject are performing what Design
Pattern's task?

a) Command b) Adapter
c) Bridge d) Decorator
e) Facade

Answer is b) Decorator.

If a use case had a requirement "Calculate account balance," which OOAD
artifact would be the BEST source for determining the name of the public
method used to invoke the operation?
a) Use case
b) Interaction diagram
c) Class diagram
d) Activity diagram

Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).


True or false. Ideally, all public methods in business model objects are
defined directly or indirectly because of a use case requirement.
a) True
b) False
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).


To MOST effectively manage teams working on different packages within a
large project, which one of the following should be true?
a) One technical lead should control the project details and
communicate decisions to the different teams.
b) An architecture board of team leads should negotiate and coordinate
changes to inter-package messages.
c) The team leads should focus on quality designs for the internals of
their packages, mentoring their team members.
d) Communications between the teams should be minimized to reduce
overhead burdens while they work on separate, independent use cases for
their packages.
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).


Which of the following are true about services resulting from use cases?
a) New requirements in use cases generally result in one or more public
methods in a business domain class.
b) Private methods are required by the system's use cases.
c) Use cases drive the design of interaction diagrams, which in turn
define public methods in model classes.

Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question
has 2 correct choices).


Which of the following is true about a deployment diagram?
a) Since there is always some kind of response to a message, the
dependencies are two-way between deployment components.
b) Dependencies between deployment components tend to be the same as
the package dependencies.
c) Deployment diagrams are NOT to be used to show physical modules of
d) Deployment diagrams do NOT show physical distribution of a system
across computers

Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).

Which of the following are true about software architecture?

a) Two tier software architectures do not scale to as many clients as

three+ tier architectures.
b) Two tier architectures lead to more reuse than three+ tier
c) Thin clients are restricted to GUI parts
d) Technologies such as CORBA, RMI, DCOM, and Servlets allow multiple
clients to work with the same server-based business objects.

Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).


Valid reasons for grouping classes into the same package are that, the
a) are related by aggregation.
b) are worked on by the same group of developers.
c) are related by specialization.
d) support the same high-level services.

Multiple Select - Please select all of the correct answers (this question
has 2 correct choices).

Benefits resulting from designing and implementing layered application
components include:
a) reduced initial design time.
b) reduced time for initial devlopment cycle.
c) maintainability and reuse of the application components
Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).


UML interfaces are used to:
a) define an API for all classes.
b) program in Java, but not in C++ or Smalltalk.
c) define executable logic to reuse across classes.
d) specify required services for types of objects.

Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must


10)Which one of the following is a good strategy for resolving class name
collisions that occur during OO analysis?
a) Allow each team member to choose a preferred name.
b) Create a class for each domain name, passing on requests to the one
class that implements the behavior for all of them to share.
c) Discover better names for different concepts that are referred by
the same term.

Single Select - Please select the best answer (one and only one choice must
be selected).

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