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Martin, Spell Army Plans -See H Row9 Records Radford Flies

Orphan Yule Parly

Hold Yule Services Phone Tariffs HQ., SBD TMB8, Korea,
Dec. 2«~A Christmas party To Formosa
In Japan Units for Korean orphan* may re-
ceive nation-wide notice OB
For Parley
Along Quiet Front ZAMAt Japan, Deo. 26 (Pao.
S&S)—The Army announced to-
day thai effective Jan. 1
Edward B. Morrow "See
Now" show.
Members of Headquarters
TOKYO, Dec. 28 (Pao. S&S)
—Admiral Arthur B. Radford,
By PFC John Gueinzins monthly service fees will be 3rd TMRS sponsored a chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S)—As Christ-
mas Day dawned grayly over
AF Search charged for the use of "un- Christinas party at the Sam
official" telephones of the U.S. Took Home for Crippled
military phone system fa Ja- Children for ISO youngsters.
of Staff, left here today for
Formosa where he will meet
later today with Generalissimo
the 155-mile U.N. front yes-
terday, soldiers of every faith
gathered to worship the Prince
For Missing pan. The children were given
An AFFE spokesman aaid clothing, food and toys sent
Chiang Kai-shek.
America's top military "man
arrived here last night follow-
the new policy is in "keeping from railroads and friends
of Peace in a land which had
just shaken off the strife of
Jet Resumed with the government's econo- and relatives In the States.
my program." The Marrow crew arrived
at the party in time to see
ing a whirlwind two-day tour
of Korea. He will remain in
Formosa for two days to con-
The presence of two major TOKYO, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S) Telephones designated as Santa Clans distribute the fer with the leader of the anti-
American church leaders did —Seven planes, a helicopter Class B service—those which gifts and recorded the scene Communist Chinese bastion
much to lend a homelike at- are not utilized for official on sound film for television there. Accompanying Rad-
mosphere to the frontline cha- and a para-rescue team re-
business—will be subject to a audiences to see Dec. 28. ford to Formosa was Walter
pels and contributed highly to sumed the search early this flat monthly rate. The service S. Robertson, assistant secre-
Yxiletide morale. morning for two Air Force offi- charge for telephones in gov- tary of state for Far Eastern
Protestant Bishop William C. cers aboard a jet trainer miss- ernment quarters, including
Martin and Military Ordinate
of American Catholic Service-
ing since Christmas five, FEAF billets, which are allocated
for family or personal quar-
Japan Seeks Pulp affairs.
While in Korea yesterday,
headquarters announced today. Radford said he did not think
men Francis -Cardinal Spell-
man visited troops throughout
the now quiet Korean front to
The officers were flying
from Itazuke Air Base on Kyu-
ters will be $4 a month. Phones
installed for the American Red Mill in Alaska the Communists would resume
the war. "We are facing an
Cross and quasi-government armed enemy," Radford said.
conduct Christmas services for shu to Tokyo's; Haneda Air- agencies will be $7 and those WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (AP)
men regardless of their faith. port. Near Tokyo they radioed —The head of a Japanese group "I don't think the Communists
for the use of commercial con- will start the war again, but
Thousands of troops of all that they were low on fuel and tractors, concessionaires and interested in securing Alaska
denominations flocked to the were having engine trouble. timber yesterday said techni- we will be ready in case they
other civilian businesses will do."
chapels, many of which were An F-94 night-fighter jet, be $9. cians would be sent next spring
overcrowded upon their arrival. equipped with radar, immedi- to investigate possible sites for Accompanied by Eighth Army
Fervant prayers,, Christmas ately tried to locate the miss- Reduced Bate Ones a pulp mill at Sitka. C .imander General Maxwell
carols and thoughts of home ing1 plane. Yesterday morning When available, the spokes- Sadao Sasayama, chairman D. Taylor, Radford ate Christ-
were the order of the day. two Navy destroyers and more man said, party lines will be of the board of the Alaska mas dinner with the men of
At the 25th> Div., Thursday planes combed the area near offered at a reduced rate. Pulp Co., told a news confer- Co. G, 2nd Bn., 35th Inf. Regt.,
afternoon, Cardinal Spellman Chiba Prefecture, 30 miles AFFE said the new policy ence the Sitka site has not been U.S. 25th Div. First Lt. Clyde
told soldiers that Communism South of Tokyo. does not effect telephones in definitely selected but that he Ormond, Ogden, Utah, com-
would destroy "not only the A FEAF spokesman said that Special Services hotels or believes it to be the best avail- manding officer of the com-
flesh of man but also his th'e plane, a two-seater T-33, those furnished to contractors able. No other location has pany, was host at a table at
Bpirit." He added that our was on a navigational training by the Army under terms of which Radford, Taylor and
American tradition "came bas- flight from Korea to Japan. been considered, he said.
their contracts. nine enlisted men from each
ically from religion." The officers had landed at Ita- division in Korea was repre-
"Important or emergency"
President of the National
Council of Churches of Christ
zu*:e and then departed for
Tokyo, long distance calls may still be Japan to Boost Corps sented.
be placed over U.S; facilities TOKYO, Dec. 26- The Japa- i the morning Radford and
in America, Bishop Martin held Taylor worshipped with 350
a Christmas Day service for during certain hours. Military nese National Safety Board an-
troops of I Corps. The^ Texas Free Asia Official Dies requirements, the spokesman nounced Wednesday it will es- members of the 1st Bn., 38th
Inf. Regt., 2nd Div. in a large
Protestant leader stressed the HONOLULU, T.H., Dec. 26 added, will continue to take tablish three more fleets of tent chapel. Earlier Radford
role of Christ in the lives of precedence. Coastal Safety Corps in the
overseas military s.ervicemen. (AP)—Harold J. Noble, 50, a near future, Kyodo News Ser- and Taylor visited the newly
Unofficial toll calls over the built X Corps Chapel that was
Morale on the Yuletide was consultant for the Committee Japanese commercial tele- vice reported.
high. Although thoughts of to be dedicated in a Christmas
for Free Asia, was found dead phone system will be prohib- The three fleets, to be at- morning ceremony. They also
home were p r e d o m i n a n t , in his berth today on a -Pan ited from phones of the U.S. tached to the Yokosuka base,,
thanksgiving for the silence of met high-ranking ROK com-
American Airways plane en system. will bring to 13 the total of manders at the X Corps group
the big guns permeated the
Christmas atmosphere. route from Tokyo to San Fran- Local dialing facilities in the CSC units now in operation. headquarters.
Spirited caroling could be cisco. He was found lifeless Tokyo-Yokohama and Kyoto- One of the new fleets will be After the X Corps stop, Rad-
heard echoing from distant out- two hours before the plane Osaka areas still will be avail- composed of four frigates, a ford and Taylor stopped at the
posts and the cheery "Merry able to unofficial telephone us- second of six LSSLs and a 180th Inf. Regt. to talk to
reached Honolulu. Friends in ers. third of four LSSLs. troops and visit unit kitchens.
Christmas" greeting exchanged California said he had been
by soldiers rang in bitter con-
under treatment the past few
trast to the challenge of rifle-
bearing sentinals. months for a heart condition.
» « *
» *
» »
See Film
, *
earsarge Players to Give Two Injured Performers Replaced by Roberta Haynes, Merry Jtaders
r. Roberts' Dec. 26-29 WITH U.S. X
Some 1,000 men
BOARD THE CARRIER Lt. (JG) Eugene S. Ince Jr., afternoon braved a cold, driv-
CORPS and starlet Merry Anders each
GROUP, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S)—duplicated their previous fine
yesterday performances.
Cameras snapped and whis-
IX Corps to fill in for two act-
resses who were accidentally
burned yesterday, troupe man-
ager Johnny Grant announced.
KEARSARGE, Dec. 26—"Mr. Fresno, Cal.' as "Mr. Ro- ing rain and stood up for one tles were loud and clear when The injured performers—vo-
Iloberts," the Broadway hit- berts": Ensign John G. Kirk, hour and a half huddled in Sheila Connolly, currently ap- calist Phyllis McCann and pret-
play which skyrocketed into a New York, N.Y. as "Doc", and parkas to watch Terry Moore, pearing in the picture "Babes ty starlet Lucille Bennett—re-
movie by the same name, will Ensign Kevin F. X. Delany, Penny Singleton—and the rest hi Bagdad," entered the stage. ceived minor first and second
be presented at the Yokosuka Brooklyn, N. Y. portrays Ens. of the energetic Johnny Grant * * 4
degree burns of the face when
Enlisted Men's Club Dee. 26 Pulver. troupe stage its third show in WITH U.S. X CORPS a stove exploded, spilling scald-
and 27 and at the Ernie Pyle Miss Phyllis Strickland, Tal- an outdoor theater five miles GROUP, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S> ing water. They were immedi-
Theater, T o k y o , by players lahassee, Fla. was "discover- from, this corps headquarters. —Vocalist Roberta Haynes and ately rushed to a Seoul hospital
from the aircraft carrier Kear- ed" in Tokyo, where she is motion picture starlet Merry and it is not likely they will
sarge on Dec. 28 and 29. employed by the American Approximately 900 troopers Anders today are scheduled to
return to their troupe for furth-
After seeing a rehearsal of Embassy. She will enact the last night jammed their way leave the Terry Moore troupe er performances.
the play aboard the Kearsarge part of the Army nurse, L. into the new Jade Theater at touring this corps and fly to
recently, Mark Robson, direc- Girard. corps headquarters. Miss McCann was later eva-
tor of the forthcoming Para- Penny Singleton was again cuated to Tokyo.
"Mr. Roberts" will be an ama-
mount production "Bridges of teur production with no com- the spotlight of the show as Spaiiman Hdps ROKs Ironically, Miss Haynes
Toko-ri", said that he thought pensation to the cast or spon- she went through her 20-min- Thursday came down with a
it was very well cast. He ex- sors. All contributions and pro- ute song and skit routine and In Wrecked Jeep slight case of the flu and Miss
pressed amazement when he ceeds will be forwarded to a crept into the hearts of all the ON TRfi E A S T E R N Anders singing was hampered
learned that the show.had pro- selected charity. man. FRONT, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S) by a touch of laryngitis. How-
gressed so far after only two" The evening performances in Nightclub singer Susan Za- Francis Cardinal Spellman ever, both are in top-flight
months of rehearsal. Yokosuka will start at 7 p.m., nuck, vocalist Roberta Haynes yesterday helped poll four condition now.
Leading roles in the story of with a matinee at 2 p.m., Dec. injured South Korean soldiers
a man's struggle against a ty- 27. Both Tokyo performances
rant captain will be played by will begin at 8 p.m.
U.N. Votes Milk Aid front an overturned jeep dur-
ing a trip to the 45th Div.
Tokyo Imports increase
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., TOKYO, Dec. 26 — Foreign
The cardinal was riding in goods imported through the
Dec. 26 (AP)—The U.N. Chil- a jeep after a snow and
Pacific Stars and Stripes dren's Fund announced yester- sleet storm grounded the light Tokyo port and the Tokyo In-
ternational Airport during 1953
day that a $132,000 allocation plane that had been readied
Edited, published -and printed in Tokyo, Japan, and printed in to buy skim milk powder for to fake htm up front. He and totaled 56,370 million yen
Seoul, Korea, seven days weekly by the Troop Information and ($156,583,333), an increase of
Education Section, Army Forces Far East. APO 500. Distributed Japanese children has been ap- his party saw the ROK vehi-
£rei? ill,3S'rea; home or billet delivery $1.50; unit subscriptions in proved in a mail poll of the cle overturn just ahead of 16,180 million yen ($44,&44,444)
pulk, £1.25. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Distribu- fund's 26 board members. over 1952, a Tokyo Customs
tion in Korea supervised by KComZ TI&E Section. Pacific Stars victims. house survey announced this
and Stripes receives AFPS materials. Civilian publications are not The fund's announcement said It. Col. Patrick Devine,
authorized to reprint such materials appearing herein without week.
written permission from Armed Forces Press Service. the emergency step was ta- them, and rushed to aid the Kyodo News Service report-
The editorial views and opinions expressed in the Pacific Stars ken after reports were received Dallas, Tex., accompanying ed that exports through the
-->SS?pea are uot neceasarUy those of the Department of Defense. that the illegal practice of the cardinal, said the four ^ea and air channels decreas-
Officer in Charge Maj. Joseph F. Morgan child-selling had been revived Koreans were not seriously
Executive Officer Maj. Errol E. Ewing (USAF) ed by 3,290 million yen ($9,-
NT Ma i
^€" e Editor Eugene R. Miller by desperate families in crop injured.
News Editor, Alan R. Pascals; City Editor, M/Sgrt Herbert B. shortage areas of north Japan After caring for the acci- 13S.888) from last year to
Scott; Feature Editor, Richard H. Larah; Regional Editor. 2nd Lt and that conditions were seri- dent victims, the Cartft^al n.SV) mit'io-i yen ($31,222,222).
William C. Morgan: Sports Editor, PFC Jack Squire; Composing ous in typhoon-torn sections of
£S2.m^?r,eman' Ra*asay S. Hiabinuma; Maintenance Superintendent, res >m?:l his trip to the 45th,
SFC William D. Ramage. central Japan. where he held mass. Pacific Stars & Stripes
Martin, Spell Army Plans -See H Row9 Records Radford Flies
Orphan Yule Parly
Hold Yule Services Phone Tariffs HQ., SBD TMB8, Korea,
Dec. 2«~A Christmas party To Formosa
In Japan Units for Korean orphan* may re-
ceive nation-wide notice OB
For Parley
Along Quiet Front ZAMAt Japan, Deo. 26 (Pao.
S&S)—The Army announced to-
day thai effective Jan. 1
Edward B. Morrow "See
Now" show.
Members of Headquarters
TOKYO, Dec. 28 (Pao. S&S)
—Admiral Arthur B. Radford,
By PFC John Gueinzins monthly service fees will be 3rd TMRS sponsored a chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S)—As Christ-
mas Day dawned grayly over
AF Search charged for the use of "un- Christinas party at the Sam
official" telephones of the U.S. Took Home for Crippled
military phone system fa Ja- Children for ISO youngsters.
of Staff, left here today for
Formosa where he will meet
later today with Generalissimo
the 155-mile U.N. front yes-
terday, soldiers of every faith
gathered to worship the Prince
For Missing pan. The children were given
An AFFE spokesman aaid clothing, food and toys sent
Chiang Kai-shek.
America's top military "man
arrived here last night follow-
the new policy is in "keeping from railroads and friends
of Peace in a land which had
just shaken off the strife of
Jet Resumed with the government's econo- and relatives In the States.
my program." The Marrow crew arrived
at the party in time to see
ing a whirlwind two-day tour
of Korea. He will remain in
Formosa for two days to con-
The presence of two major TOKYO, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S) Telephones designated as Santa Clans distribute the fer with the leader of the anti-
American church leaders did —Seven planes, a helicopter Class B service—those which gifts and recorded the scene Communist Chinese bastion
much to lend a homelike at- are not utilized for official on sound film for television there. Accompanying Rad-
mosphere to the frontline cha- and a para-rescue team re-
business—will be subject to a audiences to see Dec. 28. ford to Formosa was Walter
pels and contributed highly to sumed the search early this flat monthly rate. The service S. Robertson, assistant secre-
Yxiletide morale. morning for two Air Force offi- charge for telephones in gov- tary of state for Far Eastern
Protestant Bishop William C. cers aboard a jet trainer miss- ernment quarters, including
Martin and Military Ordinate
of American Catholic Service-
ing since Christmas five, FEAF billets, which are allocated
for family or personal quar-
Japan Seeks Pulp affairs.
While in Korea yesterday,
headquarters announced today. Radford said he did not think
men Francis -Cardinal Spell-
man visited troops throughout
the now quiet Korean front to
The officers were flying
from Itazuke Air Base on Kyu-
ters will be $4 a month. Phones
installed for the American Red Mill in Alaska the Communists would resume
the war. "We are facing an
Cross and quasi-government armed enemy," Radford said.
conduct Christmas services for shu to Tokyo's; Haneda Air- agencies will be $7 and those WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (AP)
men regardless of their faith. port. Near Tokyo they radioed —The head of a Japanese group "I don't think the Communists
for the use of commercial con- will start the war again, but
Thousands of troops of all that they were low on fuel and tractors, concessionaires and interested in securing Alaska
denominations flocked to the were having engine trouble. timber yesterday said techni- we will be ready in case they
other civilian businesses will do."
chapels, many of which were An F-94 night-fighter jet, be $9. cians would be sent next spring
overcrowded upon their arrival. equipped with radar, immedi- to investigate possible sites for Accompanied by Eighth Army
Fervant prayers,, Christmas ately tried to locate the miss- Reduced Bate Ones a pulp mill at Sitka. C .imander General Maxwell
carols and thoughts of home ing1 plane. Yesterday morning When available, the spokes- Sadao Sasayama, chairman D. Taylor, Radford ate Christ-
were the order of the day. two Navy destroyers and more man said, party lines will be of the board of the Alaska mas dinner with the men of
At the 25th> Div., Thursday planes combed the area near offered at a reduced rate. Pulp Co., told a news confer- Co. G, 2nd Bn., 35th Inf. Regt.,
afternoon, Cardinal Spellman Chiba Prefecture, 30 miles AFFE said the new policy ence the Sitka site has not been U.S. 25th Div. First Lt. Clyde
told soldiers that Communism South of Tokyo. does not effect telephones in definitely selected but that he Ormond, Ogden, Utah, com-
would destroy "not only the A FEAF spokesman said that Special Services hotels or believes it to be the best avail- manding officer of the com-
flesh of man but also his th'e plane, a two-seater T-33, those furnished to contractors able. No other location has pany, was host at a table at
Bpirit." He added that our was on a navigational training by the Army under terms of which Radford, Taylor and
American tradition "came bas- flight from Korea to Japan. been considered, he said.
their contracts. nine enlisted men from each
ically from religion." The officers had landed at Ita- division in Korea was repre-
"Important or emergency"
President of the National
Council of Churches of Christ
zu*:e and then departed for
Tokyo, long distance calls may still be Japan to Boost Corps sented.
be placed over U.S; facilities TOKYO, Dec. 26- The Japa- i the morning Radford and
in America, Bishop Martin held Taylor worshipped with 350
a Christmas Day service for during certain hours. Military nese National Safety Board an-
troops of I Corps. The^ Texas Free Asia Official Dies requirements, the spokesman nounced Wednesday it will es- members of the 1st Bn., 38th
Inf. Regt., 2nd Div. in a large
Protestant leader stressed the HONOLULU, T.H., Dec. 26 added, will continue to take tablish three more fleets of tent chapel. Earlier Radford
role of Christ in the lives of precedence. Coastal Safety Corps in the
overseas military s.ervicemen. (AP)—Harold J. Noble, 50, a near future, Kyodo News Ser- and Taylor visited the newly
Unofficial toll calls over the built X Corps Chapel that was
Morale on the Yuletide was consultant for the Committee Japanese commercial tele- vice reported.
high. Although thoughts of to be dedicated in a Christmas
for Free Asia, was found dead phone system will be prohib- The three fleets, to be at- morning ceremony. They also
home were p r e d o m i n a n t , in his berth today on a -Pan ited from phones of the U.S. tached to the Yokosuka base,,
thanksgiving for the silence of met high-ranking ROK com-
American Airways plane en system. will bring to 13 the total of manders at the X Corps group
the big guns permeated the
Christmas atmosphere. route from Tokyo to San Fran- Local dialing facilities in the CSC units now in operation. headquarters.
Spirited caroling could be cisco. He was found lifeless Tokyo-Yokohama and Kyoto- One of the new fleets will be After the X Corps stop, Rad-
heard echoing from distant out- two hours before the plane Osaka areas still will be avail- composed of four frigates, a ford and Taylor stopped at the
posts and the cheery "Merry able to unofficial telephone us- second of six LSSLs and a 180th Inf. Regt. to talk to
reached Honolulu. Friends in ers. third of four LSSLs. troops and visit unit kitchens.
Christmas" greeting exchanged California said he had been
by soldiers rang in bitter con-
under treatment the past few
trast to the challenge of rifle-
bearing sentinals. months for a heart condition.
» « *
» *
» »
See Film
, *
earsarge Players to Give Two Injured Performers Replaced by Roberta Haynes, Merry Jtaders
r. Roberts' Dec. 26-29 WITH U.S. X
Some 1,000 men
BOARD THE CARRIER Lt. (JG) Eugene S. Ince Jr., afternoon braved a cold, driv-
CORPS and starlet Merry Anders each
GROUP, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S)—duplicated their previous fine
yesterday performances.
Cameras snapped and whis-
IX Corps to fill in for two act-
resses who were accidentally
burned yesterday, troupe man-
ager Johnny Grant announced.
KEARSARGE, Dec. 26—"Mr. Fresno, Cal.' as "Mr. Ro- ing rain and stood up for one tles were loud and clear when The injured performers—vo-
Iloberts," the Broadway hit- berts": Ensign John G. Kirk, hour and a half huddled in Sheila Connolly, currently ap- calist Phyllis McCann and pret-
play which skyrocketed into a New York, N.Y. as "Doc", and parkas to watch Terry Moore, pearing in the picture "Babes ty starlet Lucille Bennett—re-
movie by the same name, will Ensign Kevin F. X. Delany, Penny Singleton—and the rest hi Bagdad," entered the stage. ceived minor first and second
be presented at the Yokosuka Brooklyn, N. Y. portrays Ens. of the energetic Johnny Grant * * 4
degree burns of the face when
Enlisted Men's Club Dee. 26 Pulver. troupe stage its third show in WITH U.S. X CORPS a stove exploded, spilling scald-
and 27 and at the Ernie Pyle Miss Phyllis Strickland, Tal- an outdoor theater five miles GROUP, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S> ing water. They were immedi-
Theater, T o k y o , by players lahassee, Fla. was "discover- from, this corps headquarters. —Vocalist Roberta Haynes and ately rushed to a Seoul hospital
from the aircraft carrier Kear- ed" in Tokyo, where she is motion picture starlet Merry and it is not likely they will
sarge on Dec. 28 and 29. employed by the American Approximately 900 troopers Anders today are scheduled to
return to their troupe for furth-
After seeing a rehearsal of Embassy. She will enact the last night jammed their way leave the Terry Moore troupe er performances.
the play aboard the Kearsarge part of the Army nurse, L. into the new Jade Theater at touring this corps and fly to
recently, Mark Robson, direc- Girard. corps headquarters. Miss McCann was later eva-
tor of the forthcoming Para- Penny Singleton was again cuated to Tokyo.
"Mr. Roberts" will be an ama-
mount production "Bridges of teur production with no com- the spotlight of the show as Spaiiman Hdps ROKs Ironically, Miss Haynes
Toko-ri", said that he thought pensation to the cast or spon- she went through her 20-min- Thursday came down with a
it was very well cast. He ex- sors. All contributions and pro- ute song and skit routine and In Wrecked Jeep slight case of the flu and Miss
pressed amazement when he ceeds will be forwarded to a crept into the hearts of all the ON TRfi E A S T E R N Anders singing was hampered
learned that the show.had pro- selected charity. man. FRONT, Dec. 26 (Pac. S&S) by a touch of laryngitis. How-
gressed so far after only two" The evening performances in Nightclub singer Susan Za- Francis Cardinal Spellman ever, both are in top-flight
months of rehearsal. Yokosuka will start at 7 p.m., nuck, vocalist Roberta Haynes yesterday helped poll four condition now.
Leading roles in the story of with a matinee at 2 p.m., Dec. injured South Korean soldiers
a man's struggle against a ty- 27. Both Tokyo performances
rant captain will be played by will begin at 8 p.m.
U.N. Votes Milk Aid front an overturned jeep dur-
ing a trip to the 45th Div.
Tokyo Imports increase
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., TOKYO, Dec. 26 — Foreign
The cardinal was riding in goods imported through the
Dec. 26 (AP)—The U.N. Chil- a jeep after a snow and
Pacific Stars and Stripes dren's Fund announced yester- sleet storm grounded the light Tokyo port and the Tokyo In-
ternational Airport during 1953
day that a $132,000 allocation plane that had been readied
Edited, published -and printed in Tokyo, Japan, and printed in to buy skim milk powder for to fake htm up front. He and totaled 56,370 million yen
Seoul, Korea, seven days weekly by the Troop Information and ($156,583,333), an increase of
Education Section, Army Forces Far East. APO 500. Distributed Japanese children has been ap- his party saw the ROK vehi-
£rei? ill,3S'rea; home or billet delivery $1.50; unit subscriptions in proved in a mail poll of the cle overturn just ahead of 16,180 million yen ($44,&44,444)
pulk, £1.25. All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Distribu- fund's 26 board members. over 1952, a Tokyo Customs
tion in Korea supervised by KComZ TI&E Section. Pacific Stars victims. house survey announced this
and Stripes receives AFPS materials. Civilian publications are not The fund's announcement said It. Col. Patrick Devine,
authorized to reprint such materials appearing herein without week.
written permission from Armed Forces Press Service. the emergency step was ta- them, and rushed to aid the Kyodo News Service report-
The editorial views and opinions expressed in the Pacific Stars ken after reports were received Dallas, Tex., accompanying ed that exports through the
-->SS?pea are uot neceasarUy those of the Department of Defense. that the illegal practice of the cardinal, said the four ^ea and air channels decreas-
Officer in Charge Maj. Joseph F. Morgan child-selling had been revived Koreans were not seriously
Executive Officer Maj. Errol E. Ewing (USAF) ed by 3,290 million yen ($9,-
NT Ma i
^€" e Editor Eugene R. Miller by desperate families in crop injured.
News Editor, Alan R. Pascals; City Editor, M/Sgrt Herbert B. shortage areas of north Japan After caring for the acci- 13S.888) from last year to
Scott; Feature Editor, Richard H. Larah; Regional Editor. 2nd Lt and that conditions were seri- dent victims, the Cartft^al n.SV) mit'io-i yen ($31,222,222).
William C. Morgan: Sports Editor, PFC Jack Squire; Composing ous in typhoon-torn sections of
£S2.m^?r,eman' Ra*asay S. Hiabinuma; Maintenance Superintendent, res >m?:l his trip to the 45th,
SFC William D. Ramage. central Japan. where he held mass. Pacific Stars & Stripes

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