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Diana cutting the cake at her going away party

Chronicle - June 2017

This time of year brings with it changes. We are moving from spring into summer
and with the change of season come graduations, weddings, the end of school and for
some, summer vacations are on the horizon. It is also the time of year when we might
think about moving or relocating; recently we said goodbye to Marty and Veva as they
left to begin a new chapter in their lives together, and to Sr. Diana as she returned to
the convent in Cincinnati. Soon we will call a new rector and it will be time for me to
say my goodbyes. It seems the season of change is upon us.
Recently we needed repair work on the gas pipes in the parish office and on the
furnaces in the church basement, all this while the education wing bathrooms were being remodeled. Everywhere
I turned there were contactors, doing necessary work, but work that caused disruption to our usual everyday
routine. This, with the recent departures, means that life has been somewhat unsettled to say the least. I began to
think about my life, about our lives in this place, and how at times, they can seem so scattered, despite how much
we yearn and strive for stability. The truth is that nothing stays the same, no matter how hard we try, and in this
world, we can never know exactly what is in store for us.
We are about to embark on a new adventure, looking to the future and, with our new rector, we will work on our
hopes and dreams for this, our parish church. Our mission and ministry, our life together, as a community of faith,
will most likely shift; there will be changes, some we may like and others maybe not so much.
As I began to write this I found myself thing about the passage from Lukes gospel where Jesus is about to
embark on his journey to Jerusalem, a journey that will take him to the cross and on to his Resurrection and
Ascension. When the days drew near for Jesus to be taken up he set his face to go Jerusalem. (Luke 9:51) We
can hear that Jesus is determined, He set his face to go to Jerusalem this sounds like a definitive decision, he was
off to Jerusalem no matter what would happen on the way, what might happen when he got there. So should we
be as we get ready to move into the future. Determined, focused on what is to come, and trusting that God will
send us the right priest to be with us for the next stage of our journey.
We are all present day disciples, followers of Jesus and he, in no uncertain terms, tells us what this entails. As
they were going along the road, someone said to him, I will follow you wherever you go. And Jesus said to him, Foxes have holes,
and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. To another he said, Follow me. But he said,
Lord, first let me go and bury my father. But Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim
the kingdom of God. Another said, I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home. Jesus said to him,
No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:57-61)
In this passage we hear Jesus speaking to a man saying, Follow me. The man replies, Lord, Let me first go
and bury my father, and Jesus says to him, Let the dead bury their own dead; but as for you go and proclaim the
kingdom of God. Another man tells Jesus he will follow him, but first he wants to say farewell to those at home.
No one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is for the Kingdom of God, is Jesus abrupt response.
The followers of Jesus, these disciples, probably not the twelve, wanted their life to be predictable, they wanted
order, and they wanted closure, just like us. They wanted the new venture to be comfortable, convenient, arranged
to their liking. Unfortunately Jesus says no, if you really are going to follow me, it will not be like that. There will

be no specific destination or measurable goal, things will probably be uncomfortable, unfamiliar, and not the way
you would like them, because it is about faith.
Faith is a journey; it is about movement, about days that havent happened yet, people we have yet to meet,
places we have yet to go, and things we have yet to do. Jesus tells us, get on board, you cant know where this will
take you, leave all that was behind you, and dont hang on to the old ways. So here at Christ Church, as we move
forward into the future, let us leave yesterday behind. Being faithful followers of Jesus will stretch us beyond our
knowing, but along the way we will discover new things about ourselves, about others, and about God. As we
journey we will uncover new needs for our parish and our community, and find new companions for the way.
So my brothers and sisters in Christ, celebrate change, for the change that is coming will be good, positive, and
life affirming. Most of all do not worry, and do not be not afraid, but rather set your face on the exciting, new
opportunities and challenges ahead. Look forward to all that life may bring and journey together in community as
children of God, made in Gods image and filled with God given potential. Most of all, remember these words
spoken by God to Joshua after the death of Moses, words God speaks to us all in times of change.
Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Sister Dianas final sermon at Christ Church
The Seventh Sunday of Easter, May28, 2017

On this final Sunday in Eastertide we stand between two of the most mysterious
events in the wonder that is Jesus. They are barely describable even by the most
powerful symbols. On Thursday, we celebrated the Ascension; when the Risen Christ,
who had been with his friends during the weeks after he was raised from the dead,
departed. Luke reports that he was taken up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.
Next Sunday is the glorious Feast of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit the living
power and life of God came with what can be faintly hinted at in the symbols of roaring wind and flames of fire.
But today we stand with Jesus first followers between what has been and what is to come.
It is a familiar place for all of us. We have spent time together looking back on the history of this congregation;
those events and people who have blessed and challenged us. We have a time-line in Lewis Hall that shows the
skeleton of the story of Christ Church. We have shared our stories, our uncertainties, our hopes. We know that
the long search for the next Rector is progressing as it should but do not know who is to come and what that
will mean for the future of this parish. We do know that the essential, life-giving Sacraments will continue to be
celebrated. Worship, prayer, companionship and service to each other and to those outside these walls will
continue. Growing in relationship, support, practicing forgiveness when needed will continue. We dont know
how things will change, what new life and ministries will be revealed; how the Holy Spirit will be at work here.
There will be sorrowing farewells as leadership changes hands. Saying farewell to Mother Lesley will be
particularly difficult. There will be joy and challenge; the need to let go of some things to make room for new
insights into beloved traditions. You will welcome your new Rector with generosity and open hearts because that
is who you are. And there will be much grace and more new life in Christ. As a wise member of this
congregation once said to me, It doesnt really matter who is in the pulpit and at the altar because God is always
The reading from Acts describes the choices we have in times of transition; times of farewell and times of
welcome. Its almost funny. Jesus, as they had known him, had gone. So they stood staring in the direction where
they had last been able to see him. In my less reverent moments, I think of that scene from the Wizard of Oz
when the balloon is ascending and all the people of Oz are calling, Come back, come back, dont leave us!
Though Jesus ascension required no balloon, there must have been a sense of incredible loss on the part of his
friends. Even so, they needed to be freed from clinging to the way they had known him; to be stopped from
gazing longingly at the past. So God sent two angels to challenge them; to ask them why they kept looking up
toward heaven. Jesus would return, they were told, but gazing into the glories of how Jesus had been with them
in the past wasnt going to get them anywhere.
Responding to that challenge, they went back to Jerusalem and, were constantly devoting themselves to
prayer. Those praying together in that waiting time were not just the twelve, but many others; certain women,
including Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers. They prayed together in hope and in unknowing, seeking
more understanding, awaiting whatever would come next. They knew it would be good and difficult at times, but

they didnt know what it would be. Its the same with us.
While we look forward to the joys of worship, ministry, growth in our hearts and in our church, we know also
that it is not always going to be easy. Things will not always go the way we want them to. (Hows that for stating
the obvious?) There will be struggle, suffering, loss as well as joy, new life and surprises.
We have a reminder of how to respond in the hard times in the letter of Peter we heard a few minutes ago. He
is writing to people who are suffering persecution because of their faith in Christ, their refusal to bend their faith
to fit the prevailing cultural, social and political expectations. This is not the sort of suffering with which we are
familiar. As one commentator noted, polite indifference is more likely to be what we Christians encounter in
the west. For me, that is suffering. We have the best news in the world, the greatest hope, the gift of God that
people need. Yet when we try to share it, we often meet, at best, with that polite indifference. As we stand in this
graced place between what has been and what is to
come, perhaps that is part of our challenge. Do
we really believe that what we proclaim, what we
celebrate, the One we worship matters more than
anything else possibly could? How, then, do we
cope with polite indifference and remain faithful
to our call to share the incredible hope and life
weve been given? Those questions are part of
both being in this in-between time and waiting for
the Holy Spirit to guide us in sharing the hope and
joy we have in Christ.
The writer of this letter tells us not to be
surprised if people revile us for living our faith
freely and generously. Rather we are to rejoice at
sharing Christs sufferings being part of that self-
giving love that changes everything. We may not
be suffering literal martyrdom as the Coptic
Christians are in Egypt, but there is still struggle.
In the face of such struggle, the letter writer
reminds us, we are to be humble, to trust God, to
be disciplined in all that we do. We are to be
aware that there are always those who will push
back hurtfully, angrily, even violently against those
whose lives are based on Gods priorities. As the
prophet Micah reminds us, those priorities are to
do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. (6:8) Yes, this place between what was and
what is to come can be uncomfortable as we think on these things. Yet it is very real.
When we listen to our reading from the Gospel according to John, we encounter what is perhaps the most
important factor in this in-between place. As John struggles to put the insights he glimpses into words, his
wisdom can be hard to follow. Yet what shines through is the oneness of Jesus with Abba. There is no

separation. That is what Jesus prays for us; that we, too will be one; unified, undivided, together in love and
service, together and in unity with Christ. Its hard work, as we all know. But it is what Jesus wants for us, how
Jesus prays for us. There is much more that can be said about this complex passage, but, for now, in this in-
between moment, lets stay with this.
We are all looking at an unknown future. Nothing will be the same as it has been. Yet, in that incredible love
of God, the ever-flowing, intertwining love of the Holy Trinity which wraps us, embraces us, challenges us;
nothing essential will change.
In case it hasnt been blindingly obvious, this is one of those sermons I am preaching to myself because I need
to hear it. I do not want to leave Eureka, and, above all, I do not want to leave Christ Church. As much as I love
my Sisters to whom I am returning in Cincinnati, this change is a painful loss. Leaving here tears a huge hole in
my heart. Yet nothing essential will change because we are eternally bound together in Jesus Christ. When we
worship you here, and I in Cincinnati we are together. When we pray we are together. When we reach out
in love and caring to others we are together.
Thank you, my sisters and brothers in Christ for all the love you give. Thank you for all you have taught me by
example about living faithfully and generously. Thank you for your tremendous support as I discerned a call to
priesthood, went through formation, was ordained and began to learn how to be a priest. Thank you for the
welcome and support and love you gave to
Sisters Alice and Teresa and Lydia, Sisters Hope
and Adrian in their brief times here, and to me.
As we live and pray in this uncertain in-
between time, may we give thanks for what is
past, receive the gifts of the past, but let it go
into Gods loving hands. May we entrust the
changes that are coming in all our lives to Christ
who brought incredible, life-giving change and
hope to the world. May we be open to the wild
wind and fire of the Holy Spirit who enlivens
and guides and strengthens us for life and
service. We are blessed. Let us give thanks.
Sister Diana, CT

Welcome to June! Can you believe that the year is nearly half over!? Where has it
gone? Before we answer that question, let me share with you how busy a month May
was here at Christ Church. As I mentioned in last month's Chronicle, the repairs on the
education building bathrooms were about to begin and so they did in May.
First, Gary from Maples Plumbing came in and replaced one of the toilets in the la-
dies room. He then repaired (instead of having to replace) the other toilet. He also in-
stalled two on demand, tankless water heatersone under each sink. And he repaired
the urinal in the men's room.
When Gary was done, Grant from Trinidad Electric came and he and his employee, Dave, installed new lighting
fixtures, new hand dryers, and fans in both restrooms. As of this writing, the bathrooms are almost done. They
just need a little bit more work and they'll be as good as new. And prettier. I hope to have photos of the repairs
and cleaning of the bathrooms in the next issue of the Chronicle.
I almost forgot to mention our latest visitor: a lovely port-a-pottie has been hanging out in the courtyard be-
tween the chapel and the Zander room. What an addition to our campus! Luckily, it's only temporary until the
bathrooms are complete.
Also this month, as I was taking my first trip of the year out of Humboldt County (all the way to Ukiah), I was
notified that we had a gas leak. I would like to thank Dan and Merry Phillips for their fantastic assistance that
weekend. Merry, for noticing the leak while on her way to practice the organ and Dan for calling PG&E and be-
ing there when the tech arrived. The gas has been turned off in the apartment/office building until repairs can be
made. Calls and appointments are being made to have the leak fixed. I will update you next month on this ad-
And a big thank you to Kathy Clague for having her landscaper friend remove the Lilies of the Valley plants
from the area near the parking lot. This helps, because it will make it a easier to see if people are or have been
sleeping in the rocks near the fence. And maybe with less cover, it will discourage folks from sleeping there as
As I have learned since owning my own home, things happen when you least expect them and repairs must be
made. Thankfully, often these issues can be fixed quickly, leaving the church better than ever, in some cases.
So until next month my friends,


Your Vestry has been hard at work for you during the past few months. Some highlights to report:
-The two bathrooms in the Thompson Education Building are being renovated with replacement of leaking
toilets and addition of exhaust fans, hot air hand dryers, and on-demand hot water. Fresh paint and a much-
needed professional cleaning will make the bathrooms much more welcoming.
-To ensure the physical and emotional safety of parishioners, visitors and groups meeting at the church, the
Vestry adopted the Safe Use and Conduct Covenant posted at several campus locations. The Vestry also
authorized installation of a fence and gate between the office and vesting room and a gate at the top of the steps
near the Education Building. (For more information, please refer to pages 4-5 in last month's Chronicle.)
-Repair of recently-discovered gas leaks has been successfully attended to by PG&E, furnace repair folks and city
-The scholarship fund has been renamed the "Helen Person Scholarship Fund." Gifts from the family have
been transferred into it from the Memorial Fund.
-The sale of Transfiguration House is essentially complete, and it is ready for a few repairs to be made so it will
be available as a rectory for our next rector.
-The ARC (Applicant Review Committee) has forwarded the names of candidates to be considered in selecting
our next rector. The Vestry is currently interviewing candidates and will meet soon with Bishop Beisner before
issuing a call.
Be sure to check the Lewis Hall bulletin board for approved minutes and financial reports, read the Chronicle
each month, and check with Vestry members or Mtr. Lesley for additional information.
Peg Gardner, Clerk

George and Jane Bermudez June 4 Spenser Erickson June 5

Jim and Carrie Hogan June 8 Doug Moorehead June 10
Nick Smithler June 16 Irene Hannaford June 22
Bill Taylor June 22 Royal and Willie McCarthy June 22
Bob and Sara Hines June 23 Willie McCarthy June 26
Howard Gardner June 28

In 2010, Christ Church was the recipient of a grant of $15,000.00 from the San Francisco Foundation. The only
stipulation was it must be used for scholarships. We were delighted to comply.
We first formed a committee, and we looked at many scholarship forms and then designed one of our own. An
application and accompanying letter of explanation were sent to all Episcopal churches in our deanery. Our first
award was given to a very deserving young man from St. Albans.
In the course of the next six years, we changed the amount of money to be given to each person selected for the
award, and we increased the area where the recipients lived. We were able to present awards to eighteen
outstanding young men and women from Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna, and McKinleyville High Schools.
We added money to our account through several different sources, but by the end of 2016, we had only $213.00
In 2017, we received an outstanding gift from our long time Christ Church member and life time educator in the
Eureka School DistrictHelen Person. She bequeathed $3,000.00 to Christ Church. The Vestry felt the ideal way
to recognize this gift was to add the money to our scholarship account. At this time, the Vestry changed the name
to THE HELEN PERSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND. We are so happy to be able to honor Helen, and we know
this move would please her.
Once again we need a new committee. Julie Cairns has volunteered to be on the committee with me. We need
two or three others. If you are interested, please call me (Helen Taylor 707-825-8189 ) or leave your name at the
office. We will be designing a new application and searching for ways to increase the available funds. Donations
are always accepted.

Lay Ministries
Were about half-way through the year and wed love to have new faces finish the year with one of
the lay ministry groups shown here. Come and join us for fellowship and a feeling of accomplish-
ment when you use your talents in one of these areas.
Marty Vega

Eucharistic Visitors
Contribution Counters
Ushers and Greeters
Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers
Lectors and Intercessors
Nursery and Sunday School
Coffee Hour Hosts


Anne Pierson Acolytes and Eucharistic Ministers 442-2025

Sanford Pyron Announcers 444-0968
Lynne Bean Coffee Hour 822-6086
Bob Hines Contribution Counters 445-8974
Elizabeth Harper-Lawson Eucharistic Visitors 445-1726
Marty Vega Lectors and Intercessors 443-9782
Pam Gossard Nursery and Sunday School 445-1959
Susan Whaley Ushers and Greeters 445-2924

Getting to Know our Neighbors

Who are our Neighbors? Christ Church has been in its present location since 1939 and yet we remain strangers
to our neighbors and they to us. I am hoping to change this dynamic with your help. Do you remember your
neighborhood when you were growing up? If it was like mine, we all knew each other by name. No one was a
stranger. It would be wonderful to have this relationship with our church neighbors. Join me in this adventure I
have some ideas and welcome yours as well. Together we can make a difference, transforming strangers into
friends. Call me at 442-2025 or email me :

Looking for a volunteer opportunity?

We received a letter from St. Joseph Hospital asking if there are any among us interesting in volunteering at
either St. Joseph Hospital (SJH) or Redwood Memorial Hospital (RMH). They are currently seeking volunteers for
the following ministries:

SJH: Front Desk Floor Duty

Gift Shop Clerk
Sub List Coordinator (from home)
Shuttle Driver

RMH: Front Desk Floor Duty

Gift Shop Clerk

The floor nurses have no time available to devote to the services being provided by the ministries listed above.
Volunteers can be of help to both visitors and patients, providing the personal touch so needed in a very busy and
focused institution. Ive been a Volunteer at SJH for over 16 years so I can personally testify to the importance of
volunteers in helping to provide a positive experience for both the patients and visitors.

Ill be meeting with SJHs new Volunteer Services Manager, Sarah Renner, this week and will educate myself on
what is entailed regarding a few of the less familiar volunteer ministries listed above. Feel free to contact me about
any of these volunteer ministries.
Anne Pierson

The Cycles of Prayers for our Diocese and the Anglican Communion
Please pray for the dioceses, congregations, and clergy listed below on the Diocesan and Anglican cycles of
Every Sunday, our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner, requests we pray for:
The Diocese of Jerusalem, The Most Rev. Suheil Dawani, Archbishop and newly elected Primate for the
Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, the Diocese of Jerusalem, and for the Christians in the Holy
Every Sunday, The Very Rev. Sara Potter, Dean of our Semper Virens Deanery, has asked us to pray for:
the congregations of our deanery and especially for the people of St. Francis, Fortuna and
their pastor Jeri Gray-Reneberg during this time of sabbatical. Grant them learning, refreshment and
renewal in this mutual time of rest.
Specific Sunday Prayers for our diocese and the Anglican Communion:
June 4, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Trinity Episcopal Church, Folsom, The Rev. Todd Bruce, Rector, The Rev. Charlie Knuth,
Assistant Rector, The Rev. Tom Johnson, Associate
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
North East India (North India) The Rt Rev. Michael Herenz

June 11, Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Fort Bragg, The Rev. Randy Knutson, Priest
In Charge, The Rev. Tansy Chapman, Associate
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Northern California (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Rev. Barry Beisner
June 18, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Francis Episcopal Church, Fortuna, The Rev. Jeri Gray-Reneberg, Priest-in-Charge
(on sabbatical), The Rev. Geri Cunningham, serving while Rev. Jeri is on sabbatical,
The Rev. Mara Arack, Deacon July 1-December 31 of each year.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Northern Territory, (Queensland, Australia) The Rt Revd Greg Anderson

June 25, Pray for:
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
St. Lukes, Galt, The Rev. Barbara Elizabeth Nixon, Vicar, The Rev. James Townsend,
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Nyahururu (Kenya) The Rt Revd Stephen Kabora, Nyahururu Maralal Area
(Kenya) The Rt Revd Jacob Lesuuda

July 2, Pray for:

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer:
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Grass Valley, The Rev. Seth Kellermann, Rector,
The Rev. Mary Hauck, Associate, The Rev. Dr. Richard Johnson, Associate, The Rev. Mark
Parker, Associate, The Rev. Gary Brown, Archdeacon
Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
Ogori-Magongo - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Rt Rev. Festus Davies
Ohaji / Egbema - (Owerri, Nigeria) The Rt Rev. Chidi Collins Oparaojiaku

If you wish to offer prayers daily for the church in the world, our Anglican Cycle of Prayer has a daily list of dio-
cese and clergy who would benefit from your prayer ministry. This list can be obtained via this website:
If this does not bring up the full prayer list for the year, tap on View on the line
ACP 2017 Full version View under Anglican Cycle of Prayer (January 2017-December 2017 and you will access
the daily Anglican Cycle of Prayer. If you do not have a computer, I would be glad to make a copy of the 2017
Anglican Cycle of Prayer for you.
Anne Pierson

Trinity with Christ Crucified, National Gallery London
about 1410, Austrian

The Rt. Rev. Barry L. Beisner
Bishop, Diocese of Northern California


The Rev. Lesley McCloghrie

Interim Rector
The Rev. Nancy Streufert
Associate Priest
The Rev. Sister Diana Doncaster
Associate Priest
The Rev. Pam Gossard
The Rev. Anne Pierson
Merry Phillips
Organist and Music Director
Dr. Douglas Moorehead, Organist Emeritus
John Hammond, Sexton
Barry Ross, Administrative Assistant

Lyn Klay, Senior Warden
Heidi Erickson, Junior Warden
Jackie Moore, Julie Cairns, Irene Hannaford, Lin Chase,
Helen Taylor, Elizabeth Harper-Lawson, Belinda Zander,
Bob Hines, Rex White, Gail Freeman Asst. treasurer
Bob Hines, Treasurer, Peg Gardner, Clerk


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