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Islam- Greatest Illusion

The illusion of Islam lies with the presentation of Islam by the so called
“moderate” Muslims here in the western world. The illusion is their attempt at a
peaceful portrayal of Islam which unfortunately a huge majority of westerners
actually believe to be true. The illusion is also the presentation of Islam as a
religion while neglecting to properly identify it as an actual political system
based in the so called religion. – Randy Taylor

By Randy Taylor

The 52 year old male pedophile watched the young six year old girl outside her
home, playing with her dolls. He felt an overwhelming stirring in his loins and
knew he was sexually attracted to her and he knew this in his entire being. He
wanted to take away her innocence, and indulge himself sexually with the child.
Would he get away with this perverse fantasy? What would the authorities do when
he, a travelling salesman was caught?

They would do nothing. The man was Mohammed and he was the authority. He married
this young girl at the age of six and indulged himself with her sexually when she
was nine. Her father basically traded her off for a high position in this new
“religious” movement. His name was Abu Bakr and he later became the first Caliph
according to the Sunni Muslims. The Shiites disagree. It’s immaterial as he was
swine either way.

In today’s society this pedophile and her father would have been charged with
sexual abuse and locked up. Back then this travelling salesman had people
convinced that he was a prophet. He claimed that his pedophilia was Allah’s will.
This pervert named Mohammed and his companions are the authors of the Qur’an and
the person that established the “religion” and political ideology of Islam.

The founding father of Islam, Mohammed, is no different than Adolph Hitler,

Charles Manson, Reverend Jim Jones in Jonestown, David Koresh of the Branch
Davidians, Marshall Applewhite of the Heaven’s Gate Cult, as well as other cult
leaders who draw people into their following because people think the self
appointed leader is the “enlightened” one whether because of political reasons or
more sadly, religious reasons, or both. The common thread is the abnormal view of
reality and the world around them.

Each of these cult-like followings mentioned share some common characteristics.

They use psychological and physical (often sexual) coercion to entice, recruit,
and retain membership.
The founder is self appointed, charismatic, messianic, holds no accountability and
is usually sexually perverse or teaches sexual perversion as acceptable.
In a non-conforming to their belief host society they form a society separate
from, yet within society and choose to govern themselves according to their
beliefs regardless of the laws of the host country.
Death is the end goal of all their efforts and they welcome it as a pathway to
their version of heaven or paradise and tragically, innocents always die with them
or because of them.
In the case of Islam and Nazism, the end goal is a total transformation of society
to their twisted belief system. This requires an army of followers which is where
the smaller cults fall short.
This twisted ideology is the very founding of Islam. Right from the beginning, the
validity of any teachings by Mohammed should have been ignored and discarded as he
was nothing more than a dangerous fool. The similarities in the Qur’an that mirror
only small portions of the Bible or the Torah can probably be attributed to the
fact that Mohammed was a salesman involved heavily in trade, import and export.
I’m sure in his travels he obtained copies of the Bible and the Torah, from which
he derived some well known names such as Jesus, Noah, Moses and Abraham which
would lend validity to his teachings as we all know, in every lie there is a
certain amount of truth.

As one researches the Qur’an you will note that there is no chronological order to
the book. His early written ramblings seem rather peaceful yet later they become
quite menacing and preach hatred and death to those outside of their belief
system. One reason is that when Mohammed first started the Mein Kampf of Islam in
Mecca, he was still nothing more than a pedophiliac salesman and trader, hardly a
prophet by any standard. The Meccan tribes were hostile to him and his teachings,
so he retreated with his followers to Medina. Later, in Medina as he gained a
following which literally turned into an army his teachings became more forceful,
hateful and very violent. He then returned to Mecca and interestingly enough, took
over Mecca without much of a fight. Much like the Muslim organizations are
attempting today in the United States and where they have been very successful in
the UK. The strength of the Muslims lies in sheer numbers.

Still notably, he wasn’t a prophet by any stretch of the imagination, anymore than
Charles Manson is a prophet although his followers thought he was. Mohammed was
merely dangerous because of the number of followers, much like Hitler was in
1930’s Germany. Refusal of Islam meant death. Each of these two particular
historical tyrants hated the Jews and I would attribute that to envy in each case.
The Jews are God’s chosen people and neither of these men could stomach that.

As a side note, one remarkable similarity between Islam and one of the stated
examples, Charles Manson for instance, is that the spokesmen such as Osama Bin
Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri entice others to murder and die for the cause if need
be, while they sit back and keep a hands off stance in the murders they order,
just as Manson did.

I as an American am 100% for Freedom of Religion and the liberty of Americans to

worship the God of their choosing. However, in the case of Islam, the Muslims
don’t want to just keep to themselves, worship their Allah and make the world a
better place for mankind. No, instead they want to have ALL other religions and
people to submit to their twisted Sharia system which is a combined ideology of
politics and religious beliefs with absolutely no separation between the two.
There is no place in western society for this dangerous ideology. Religions like
Hindu, Buddhist, Baptist and Catholic do not call for the destruction and
overthrow of western civilization as Islam does. This anti-government, anti-
western, hate filled, murderous belief system in itself should call for the
removal of the worship of Islam in western society. It doesn’t belong here as it
contradicts the liberties and freedoms of western civilization, to the point of
bloodshed. It is poison to mankind.

There is no consistency in Islam teachings either which makes it even more

puzzling that anyone would adhere to it. The so called “western, moderate Muslims”
will quietly say to you that they don’t believe in the Qur’an in its entirety or
that a few Radical Islamists have hijacked the religion. However, they won’t say
that out loud in the company of other Muslims due to fear of what they may be
accused of. I find this to be ridiculous that any religion has you in fear to
voice an opinion or disagreement with the text of some ancient book. I can
disagree with my pastor and don’t have to worry about being beheaded for my words.

The illusion of Islam lies with the presentation of Islam by the so called
“moderate” Muslims here in the western world. The illusion is their attempt at a
peaceful portrayal of Islam which unfortunately a huge majority of westerners
actually believe to be true. The illusion is also the presentation of Islam as a
religion while neglecting to properly identify it as an actual political system
based in the so called religion.

The so called “Moderate” Muslims seek to spew forth only the “flowers and puppy
dogs” versions of text while discussing Islam and insist that Islam is a religion
of peace. That is a ridiculous statement in itself. Mohammed’s last statements
and teachings are the true teachings and they are hate filled, violent and seek
death for all non-Muslims. There is no peace in Islam. There is no “Qur’an, the
Western Edition” book floating around out there that “moderate Muslims” can quote
accurately and claim to be peaceful people and still be true Muslims. To even
attempt to modify the Qur’an results in a death sentence. Just ask the two Afghans
facing death right now because they modified the Qur’an into the Afghan language
from Arabic. That doesn’t sound like “peace, Love and Tolerance” to me. Looks like
freedom of thought and speech are out the window on that deal too. This is just
another shining example of Democracy and Islam within the same government.

The Muslims that claim to be moderate are not true Muslims. They cannot be true
Muslims and be moderate at the same time. For example, the man who just beheaded
his wife in New York was considered a “Moderate” Muslim, the owner of an Islamic
TV station that sought to undo the “misunderstandings” about Islam here in the
western world. No, he is a true Muslim and cannot be called moderate in his
Islamic beliefs. And incidentally, he showed us the truest version of Islam.

When it comes to religious teachings, as to a change of tone in teachings, you can

say the same of the Bible to a very limited extent as it is a compilation of
scriptures and accounts written by men, inspired by God. (Example is Old Testament
says “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” while the New Testament says “Turn the
other cheek”). The similarity stops there however. The Old Testament was harsher
than the New Testament as the Old Testament was written before God made a new
covenant with man, that covenant being the teachings in the New Testament. God’s
gift of his only son Jesus being the symbol of his new covenant with man as his
son died on the cross for our sins that all who believe in him can go to heaven.

There is no new covenant with man in the Qur’an from their “Allah”. There couldn’t
be a new covenant as the Qur’an isn’t inspired by God, nor is it recognized by God
as the Muslims refuse to recognize Jesus as anything more than a prophet on a
lesser level than Mohammed. This in itself is a mighty insult to God. To place a
pedophiliac salesman as a higher prophet than Jesus is indeed an insult to
almighty God and Christians worldwide.

As you research the Qur’an, you will note that it is written in reverse order if
anything as in the first Quranic texts; it was much more peaceful and
accommodating of other religions and peoples. This changed as Mohammed gained
followers because Mohammed was nothing more than a sinful man, a mere mortal,
gluttonous and intoxicated on his new found power which once again makes him less
than “Prophet” material. The newer, more violent text nullifies the older text
therefore removing any peaceful intentions from the Qur’an and Islam itself. This
tosses the “moderate” Muslim theory right out the window.

Mohammed was nothing more than a con artist yet far more dangerous than some of
the western religion con artists that we may have seen in pulpits or on television
at one time or another. The danger is that Mohammed eventually sought the blood of
non-believers of Islam. His methodology and the methodology of Islam are quite
deadly. Refusal of his Islamic teachings means death to the unbeliever, the
infidel. This is hardly a selling point in my opinion.

Our western con artists just want your money, not your head.
Western religions also seek to entice people to join with them yet do it in a
different manner. They make their way appealing, attractive to where someone will
listen to them and if they join them, it is of their own free will. Islam on the
other hand says “Submit or die”.

Once again, people often mistakenly refer to Islam solely as a religion when in
fact it is actually a very diabolical political system based on their so called

Herein lies the problem in the western world as people who only see the religious
aspect of Islam as an issue, not realizing it runs much deeper than just
exercising ”rights to religious freedoms”. Islam has carefully presented their
argument as a religious argument so that people in the western world will be
tolerant, because if people fully understood Islam, they would refuse it. To put
it in perspective, imagine a Nazi center flying a Nazi flag where every mosque is
located, operating freely under the guise of “religious rights”. Would you
tolerate that?

It is similar to Nazism in every aspect as a totalitarian society model with no

freedoms or liberties for its followers. It is a “Do as we say or die” type
political system which leaves a wide path of death, murder and mayhem in every
part of the world where it is the government model. Democracy and Islam cannot
exist in the same government model. We have for instance, Republicans and
Democrats. They go to the floor of Congress and the Senate and they argue back and
forth, sometimes resolving the issue and agreeing, sometimes not. In Islamic
government, if there is a disagreement, someone dies. Look at the Sunni’s and
Shiites in Iraq and the way they settle their disagreements. They do it through
bombings of each other’s mosques, assassinations and killing civilians according
to their designation. Is this what America wants when there are disagreements in
the House or Senate? Settle the differences by killing each other?

If we keep letting people like Keith Ellison and other Muslims infiltrate our
political system, you will eventually come to this type of government model. Look
at Ellison for instance, that clown wasn’t in the office for even a few months and
the Muslims went berserk in Minneapolis with Muslim cab drivers refusing to
transport certain people and more notably the incident of the six imams who staged
their Islamic charade on the airliner. Imagine the chaos if there were 100 Muslims
as Congressional members or Senators.

We are being infiltrated at all levels of western society by Islam. We had the
acknowledged frontal attack on US soil on September 11, 2001to which there was no
denying that the US had been attacked by Islam. Since then there have been other
instances of Islamic terrorism on US soil, much of which are swept under the rug
by the government. Yet more interesting and even deadlier are the back door
attacks which have been underway for years.

Let’s look at these closely. In some areas it started with Muslim footbaths in
universities. Small, subtle change but still it serves as a deteriorating mark on
our soil by allowing this. Better yet, this occurred with the Muslims demanding
these footbaths. One could ask “how does this hurt anything?”

The explanation is quite simple. The United States has slowly been drifting away
from God in general in a feeble and self destructive method. The majorities of
young people in the universities right now don’t come from Christian homes, don’t
have a strong religious upbringing and are more interested in political
correctness than doing what is right. Once the footbath issue comes up, it creates
a curiosity point on the campus. The “moderate” Muslims are there, quick to spew
their false version of Islam being a religion of peace, their religious rights and
so forth. Typical college student hears all of this and either dismisses the
footbaths as a “non-issue” and accepts the Muslims basing their acceptance on
“freedom of religion”. The college student only accepts the issue at face value,
not realizing that Islam isn’t simply a “religion” but instead a political system
unto its own. It isn’t the college students here who hold the blame. It is
American society as a whole because most Americans only see the Islamic issue as
only a religious issue. So now the footbaths are in and Islam is visibly present
on campus. This also leads to the potential of a student being curious about Islam
and there are plenty of recruiters available to usher the student into the Islamic
way of life.

The wearing of hijabs and facial or head coverings on Muslim females is another
Islamic issue they claim is their right due to freedom of religion. However, it
has nothing to do with their religion. It is a cultural tradition yet if they
manage to get us to accept these facial and head coverings, Islam will have won a
small battle in a larger war. This will result in another visible Muslim marker on
US soil. Considering the amount of terrorist that have been caught overseas
disguised as women, I say the hijabs should be outlawed especially when it comes
to photo ID pictures. Under no circumstances should a Hijab be part of an official
US government or US government contracted security uniform.

The guise, the illusion that Islam uses for infiltration is that “Islam is purely
a religious issue”. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is our downfall
as a nation because we fail to recognize Islam for what it is. It is an entire
Sharia based political system bent on destroying western civilization. Allowing
true Islam into our system at any level is no different than allowing Nazism and
Communism into the system. It is a Sharia political system based on a violent
religious belief, not a “peaceful” religion as Muslims claim.

Islam is very sneaky in their convert recruitment methods as well. It always

starts out with the peaceful ramblings of the pedophile prophet. It preaches inner
peace, self improvement, along with many selling points of any other religion.
However, within a short period of time the Islamic political agenda enters the new
convert’s lessons. It starts with perhaps the Palestinian issue and moves to the
so called persecution of Muslims worldwide. The Islamic lessons are carefully
orchestrated and before you know it, your son, daughter, nieces or nephews are
caught up in this insane ideology which started as a “religious” thing and now is
fully political in nature. Of course the political views are anti-US, anti-
Christian and anti-Jewish. Before you know it you are hearing arguments from them
about Islamic issues with the focus on political not religion.

The majority of Muslim converts in the US are young people, inner city dwellers
and prisoners. These are the disenchanted ones within our society and the young
ones that don’t know much about life at 19 years old. Remember when you were 19?
You had it all figured out. So did I. Then reality set in. Life came at us hard.
Life brought us careers, spouse, kids, mortgage payments, car payments, economical
setbacks, creditors, etc. We look back and realize that at age 19, life looked
pretty rosy. We were open to things new and different and we were susceptible to
most anything. Had Islam been as predominant then as it is today, chances are
someone would have talked to us about Islam. These same kids they are recruiting
today are the politicians of tomorrow. That is enough to keep you awake at night.

The inner city dwellers, the disenchanted ones are ripe for recruiting to Islam.
They feel they have nothing else and that the American system has let them down.
They live in the ghetto and draw welfare and food stamps. However, Islam is quite
generous with their inner city recruits. Before you know it there is a mosque
nearby and you will notice improvements on the houses closest to the mosque. Most
people don’t go into the inner city due to fear but I have on many occasions and
in many different cities in the US. Islam owns many of those people now. They
complain about slavery in the US some centuries ago yet willingly signed up to be
slaves to Islam. They are still taking handouts but the paymaster is now Islamic.
Islam is building an army of these people.

Prisoners, well that goes without saying. Most Islamic converts in prison are
black with nothing to lose. It’s called “jailhouse religion”. Problem is that most
of these are repeat offenders and once on the street they will do whatever the
Muslim paymasters ask them to do. That in itself is a dangerous group of converts.
Now we have gang members, robbers and murderers on the Islamic payroll. Islam
should be removed from the prisons considering the fact that it is a detriment to
mankind and certainly shouldn’t be taught to criminals as a way of life. Islam is
building an army of these people.

Every step of this Islamic infiltration into our society was carefully planned by
the Muslim Brotherhood several decades ago. The papers spelling out the plan were
found years ago, written by the Muslim Brotherhood describing exactly what is
currently happening and going to happen in the western world as to the Islamic
invasion of our society and political system. Yet, we are too stupid to realize
that we actually got our hands on the enemy’s playbook. What more could western
civilization ask for than to be given the enemy’s formula for our destruction?
Yet, we do nothing to stop it.

The UK is further along in this Islamic invasion than we are yet the US is falling
in much the same manner. Geert Wilders was only recently refused entry to the UK
because of his anti-Islam beliefs and for the simple fact he doesn’t hide them
from anyone. The travesty is that Free Speech in the UK when it comes to anything
against Islam is apparently forbidden. Muslims have taken over entire section of
various cities in the UK and non-Muslims fear to enter these areas because there
have been vicious assaults by the Muslims against the non-Muslims. If Islam is
such a “peaceful religion” as many moderate Muslims claim, then why are non-
Muslims assaulted? I watched a video in January of this year where the London
police in the UK actually ran from the Muslim protesters who were chasing them,
hurling things at them and cursing them.

This isn’t an issue of Freedom of Religion or the right to exercise religious

beliefs. This is an organized takeover of our entire way of life, our government
and our homes. I clearly remember Osama bin Laden telling us, the United States
that Islam would use our own rights and freedoms to destroy the US.

Are you starting to understand what he was saying?

Be safe. Stay vigilant.


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