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Truth or Dare with The Cullen’s part 2

Please tell me I’m dreaming I pinched myself nope I’m

not dreaming great here comes a living hell I looked at
him in his eyes all I saw was lust probably Jaspers
controlling his emotions.

Oh my god why? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyy?? Why did

it have to be Emmett? Why Emmett? Come on! That’s
right Jaspers controlling all the emotions. Great! Just
great!! Emmett is the WORSET person or should I say
THING in the world! Oh well! I guess Edward is going
to kill him afterwards. Wait a second! I’m still pissed
off at him. So this should be a perfect way to get
revenge! Mwhahahaha. Bring it on!

I shook my head from the thoughts I took a quick

glance at Emmett as he was leaning closer to me. OH
GOD! What’s happening to the world!? The last game
of spin the bottle I had to kiss Mike Newton isn’t
that enough torture for 1 person I guess not. But still
Emmett he is my brother for fucks sake. I looked
across the circle for everyone’s reactions. Alice was
bouncing up and down eagerly like always. Over hyper-
active pixie. Jasper was concentrating hard to get the
emotions through Emmett Jacob was shaking his head
in disgust. I slowly took a look at Rose’s reaction. I
was frightened of Rose to say the least but I would
not say it to her face who knows what torture she
could unleash on me. As I slowly took a glance at
Rose. To my amazement to say the least she was just
sitting there with a big grin on her face while painting
her nails a blood red color. I almost forgot about
Eddie I turned my head around and looked at him but
he wouldn’t meet my gaze but instead he was full on
death glaring Emmett. HE was PISSED!!

Its now or never I turned to Emmett and pressed my

lips slightly to his and held them there for 15 seconds
then quickly pulled away. I wiped my lips. As Emmett
did the same.

“All right little sis you had your fun now it’s my turn”
Emmett said.

He took the bottle in his hand and gave it a quick spin

as the bottle came down to a slow stopping point. I
had to bite my lip to try and stop my laughter from
coming out. But I couldn’t contain it anymore. I
started rolling around on the floor laughing as did
everyone else, except Emmett and Alice. Hahahaha! I
looked at Jasper and felt worried for Emmett. Jasper
stood up and had pinned Emmett to the ground all in 3
seconds. WOW!!

“Don’t you dare even try anything funny ya here me!?”

Japer screamed in his Texas drawl.
“Dude, chill I wasn’t even going to take it that far”
Emmett said back.

Alice got up to try and calm jasper down.

“Jazz its okay it’s just a quick peck” Alice said

Jasper through one last death glare to Emmett’s

Direction. And went back to his spot on the carpet.
Alice quickly pecked Emmett’s lips. And went back to
her spot. Just as Alice was about to spin the bottle
there was a mysterious knock at the door. I went to
go get the door as I opened it I saw Sam, Quill,
Embry, Jared, Paul and Mike Newton out at our front
door. What the fuck!? How was Mike still alive I
thought he died of shook when he went to one of
Justin Bieber’s concert’s and Justin Bieber pulled him
up stage and started singing “One less lonely girl” to
him. Hahahaha Good times. We paid Justin To-do
that to him. And shortly after the concert he
proclaimed his love for Edward by singing ‘baby’ to
him. Lol. You should of seen Edwards face. I still
laugh about it whenever I think about it. Any ways
back to the topic.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” I all but
‘politely’ asked them.

“Were here for the games Bella” Sam said

“Yeah the Cullen’s are here right?” Jared asked
“Yeah” I replied
“Oh speaking about the Cullen’s is my sweetie-pie
Eddie here?” Mike squealed in a high pitch voice.
“R…ight” I said
“Well come on in” I said

They walked in and joined in on our circle.

“Okay guys this is boring let’s play truth or dare”

With nods from everyone except from Mike who was

to busy checking out Edward. I snapped my fingers in
front of his face trying to gain his attention.

“Mike. Mike. Mike! Mike!! Mike!!!” I yelled in

“Huh! What?” He said confused
“Do you want to play truth or Dare?” I asked in
“Yeah okay” he said with enthusiasm
“Okay who wants to go first?”
“Oh I do I do” Mike said
Mike being the child had to say that.
“Okay Mike choose someone.” I responded
“Hmmm??” Mike said looking around the circle thinking
of who to choose.
“Ah ha I’ve got it” Mike yelled.
“Emmett truth or dare?”
“Dare” Emmett responded
“Okay I dare you to order a pizza and put
strawberries, ice-cream, dirt, chocolate, cheese, and
sugar and an ice-coffee. And eat it all” Mike said
Emmett’s jaw dropped.
“Are you fucking kidding me!! How could a pansy wimp
like you come up with something like that?” Emmett all
but screamed at him.
“Just do it Emmett” Edward spoke for once.
“Fine” Emmett said
He ordered the pizza and ice-coffee and they arrived
all in 5 minutes top. The stuff was already on it and
the ice-coffee was by his side. Emmett looked down
took a bite and a sip of the ice-coffee and then…

Emmett’s POV-

I have never tasted anything more disgusting then this

but so addicting I took another sip of this magic pixie
drink called ‘ice-coffee’. I felt weird I chugged half
the bottle and I was bouncing around like Alice always

“Heyguysimgoingtocharliesnowbye!!” I all but screamed

at my family members and the others. As I left the
house I heard them screaming “Emmett come back”
But I kept on running.
Hmm where to go? Where to go? I’ve got lets go to

Until next time (what do you think Charlie’s Reaction

will be?)

Plz comment.

Lucy xXxLucyxXx

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