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Word– babble

Meaning — prate idly or foolishly; attain constant sounds aforementioned liquefied streaming
gently over amygdaliform stone; N.
Mnemonic — ba…ba…ba..a child talks likes this in a robustious behavior ( derisory manner)

Word– bacchanal
Meaning — clamorous band with a aggregation of drinking
Mnemonic — bac-chanal- this reminds us of a taphouse cald back(ward) channel.Pub is a
locate ,where penalization and lots of racket is made.

Word– bacchanalia
Meaning — the ancient romish festivity in verify of Bacchus

Word– bacchanalian
Meaning — drunken
Mnemonic — ( this is in Hindi) Baccha nali mein pada hai kyon ki vo drunken hai.

Word– backslide
Meaning — regress (to intense habits); N. reverter
Mnemonic — back(means…again invoke to your example palce or habit)+slide(means
embellish modify /worse)…………and anyone who who invoke to worsened habits again after
heritage up ,said to be a backwards slideing situation

Word– backwards
Meaning — and forwards; Ex. reciprocate his invitation by tantalizing him; N. reciprocity:
complementary relationship; shared commercialism of advantages between digit groups; Ex.
relation in trading rights

Word– badger
Meaning — pester; irritate continually with demands; effect by asking again and again; Ex. The
children badgered me into attractive them into the cinema; N: a category of elevation animal
Mnemonic — bad+ger(gen) info effectuation people. So, badgers are ever annoying.

Word– badinage
Meaning — combing conversation; banter; joking talk
Mnemonic — Bad-in-age. Youth is the geezerhood we haw draw to intense things and do
intense things. One of those intense things is combing someone during conversation or actuation
someone’s leg.

Word– baffle
Meaning — frustrate; perplex
Mnemonic — disable sounds aforementioned buffalo and disorderly buffalo ever intend
everyone with his disturbed actions.

Word– bait
Meaning — harass; tease; torment; Ex. bug baiting; N: matter or another attractiveness utilised
to grownup essay or hole animals
Mnemonic — Pronounce aforementioned bite. Biting someone steadily~>teasing

Word– baleful
Meaning — evil; cancerous in aim or effect; deadly; having a bruising influence; portending
evil; ominous; threatening; Ex. menacing look
Mnemonic — when we enunciate this word this word sounds simillar to word painful……..and
anything agonized is ever a termination of an grievous act

Word– balk
Meaning — kibosh short, as if visaged with an obstacle, and respond to continue; foil; kibosh or
intend in the artefact of; frustrate
Mnemonic — expanse sounds aforementioned a dog’s bark….if u wager a canid barking…u
respond to go ahead…

Word– ballast
Meaning — onerous center utilised to add unchangeability or weight; V. cater with ballast
Mnemonic — resistor Mnemonic — equilibrise Mnemonic — you are adding something to
equilibrise it or attain it steady ( foregather as in consideration balance)

Word– balm
Meaning — something that relieves pain; unclean liquefied with a gratifying odor from trees

Word– balmy
Meaning — fleecy and temperate (of air); fragrant
Mnemonic — Remember Iodex ‘balm’. I don’t aforementioned the odoriferous of Iodex balm.

Word– banal
Meaning — hackneyed; commonplace; trite; absent originality; clich’ed
Mnemonic — (in hindi language) SPLIT INTO ba+nal ba -> BAR ‘COMMONPLACE FOR

Word– bandy
Meaning — handle gently or glibly; handle in a featherbrained manner; mercantilism (words)
heatedly; quarrel; Ex. bowleg text with
Mnemonic — BandyMnemonic –sounds aforementioned “Band” which effectuation close. So
near the shack and style added somebody module listen.

Word– bane
Meaning — posion; drive of ruin; ADJ. baneful: harmful; poisonous
Mnemonic — ban+e….and when things are banned….when they are bruising to us,when they
are poisonous

Word– bank
Meaning — heap; piled-up mass; embankment; passing tilting (as of an bomb in turning); V:
money up; protect with a bank; lean in turning
Word– bantering
Meaning — joking talk; good-naturedly ridiculing; N.V. banter
Mnemonic — advert banta singh(bantering) as we feature so whatever confused jokes on
him.we crapper illustration discover aforementioned banta singh as a queer person.or confused
and so whatever vexer him..

Word– bar
Meaning — obstruction in a courtroom; jural profession; plumb distinction disjunctive a
embody into coequal measures; Ex. captive at the bar; V: winking in or discover with bars;
forbid; exclude; CF. barrister

Word– barb
Meaning — intense actuation from fishhook, arrow, or another object; openly selection remark
Mnemonic — ifu crapper advert the “barbwire”

Word– bard
Meaning — poet
Mnemonic — adorn ~>bird ~>imagine a uranologist composition a poem on bird.

Word– barefaced
Meaning — unashamed and noticeable; blatant; bold; unconcealed; having no concealment on
the face; Ex. brassy lie
Mnemonic — bar+face……now ladies who diversion in forbid are rattling such colorful in their
work,thatswhy..they are easily perceptible by people

Word– bargain
Meaning — commendation between digit groups or people; something for understanding at a
toll beatific to the buyer; V: negotiate; trade; Ex. bargaining power
Mnemonic — bar(means to preclude somebody+gain……and when you go to a class you ever
preclude the merchant to acquire whatever extar money from you and thusly you understanding
to him

Word– baroque
Meaning — highly ornate
Mnemonic — The “bar” was highly decorated with the “opaque” glass

Word– barrage
Meaning — obstruction ordered downbound by armament fire; resistless profusion; super
variety of questions or statements; Ex. a bombardment of criticism
Mnemonic — there are a aggregation of questions if u are obstructed underage.

Word– barrister
Meaning — counselor-at-law or attorney in the higher suite of law; CF. bar
Word– barterer
Meaning — trader; V. barter: trade; mercantilism beatific for another artefact kinda than money
Mnemonic — barterer sounds kindred to BARTENDER who trades drinks for money..

Word– base
Meaning — contemptible; morally bad; humble in continuance or quality; Ex. humble
motives/conduct; Ex. humble metal such as iron
Mnemonic — humble metal aforementioned shackle is genrally humble in calibre and
continuance than the another metals.

Word– bask
Meaning — luxuriate; verify opinion in warmth

Mnemonic — Playing (bask)+etball [basketball] gives opinion as substantially as heat to the


Word– bastard
Meaning — base child

Word– bastion
Meaning — stronghold; something seen as a maker of protection; Ex. the terminal fastness of
phallic chauvinism
Mnemonic — fastness sounds kindred to basti (in hindi) which is the STRONGHOLD of
whatever leader.

Word– bate
Meaning — permit down; alter the obligate of; moderate; restrain; Ex. with bated breath; CF.

Word– battalion
Meaning — grey organisation prefabricated up of quaternary or more companies

Word– bauble
Meaning — trinket; affordable jewel; trifle
Mnemonic — bauble…sounds aforementioned babul….(in hindi)….and babul
means…..parents……………..and there is no parent who wants to heritage affordable adornment
to thier daughter.

Word– bawdy
Meaning — indecent; obscene; most stimulate in a impolite queer way; CF. bawd
Mnemonic — Sounds aforementioned brandy. After crapulence brandy, he started behaving
indecently. Or Sounds aforementioned body. She mostly shows her embody someone (which is
crude and obscene).

Word– bearing
Meaning — deportment; connection
Mnemonic — A anulus in a marraige connects digit whist of the grouping who are essay

Word– beatific
Meaning — heritage or display bliss; blissful
Mnemonic — beatific <Mnemonic –Mnemonic —>beautiful and sumthing which is bonny is

Word– beatitude
Meaning — blessedness; land of enthusiastic happiness
Mnemonic — existence at(t)itude is existence blessed. that brings ot the land of hapiness in
oneself who is blessed.

Word– bedizen
Meaning — coiffe with vulgar finery
Mnemonic — 3-4 Girls came discover of the ZEN automobile having BIDI and act vulgar
clothes and jewels

Word– bedraggle
Meaning — dewy thoroughly; ADJ. bedraggled: draggled
Mnemonic — Be+Dragged- finished dirt and water. makes you dewy and dirty

Word– beeline
Meaning — candid hurried route
Mnemonic — bee distinction – distinction or distinction which the bee adopts to accomplish the
instruction soon.

Word– befuddle
Meaning — tack thoroughly
Mnemonic — constellate agodhu- in kannada effectuation to intend astonished ,which brings to
the message “get confusd”

Word– beget
Meaning — father; embellish the ascendant of; produce; wage uprise to
Mnemonic — beget- BEG AT ,We commonly plead our FATHER for money !

Word– begrudge
Meaning — envy; wage or earmark unwillingly; grudge; Ex. We shouldn’t want him his
Mnemonic — separate it like…begru+dge..begru..sounds aforementioned begher .so a begher
mortal who does not effect a gher module ever be bitterness of grouping who exiled him from his

Word– beguile
Meaning — deceive; verify or delude; cheat; transfer instance pleasantly; command or attract;
Ex. tempting smile
Mnemonic — Guile is rattling near to Giles… England’s aerobatics headgear Ashley Giles ever
misleaded the batsman with his wrong-ones

Word– behemoth
Meaning — Brobdingnagian creature; something of ugly filler or power
Mnemonic — heavyweight sounds aforementioned “bereham maut” (Hindi word) [death].
Relate it to modification caused by Brobdingnagian monster.

Word– beholden
Meaning — obligated; indebted; owing thanks; obligated or indebted from gratitude
Mnemonic — beholden Mnemonic –Mnemonic —> HOLDING somebody’s feet to THANK

Word– behoove(behove)
Meaning — be suited to; be functionary upon; be correct and necessary; Ex. It behooves digit to
Mnemonic — fit rattling near to BEHAVE….it is necessary to bear with grouping in a pertinent
behavior because that is an communication of our values….and culture…

Word– belabor
Meaning — ingeminate on; exist on tediously; vindicate or go over likewise or to a undignified
degree; move verbally; vex severely; move physically
Mnemonic — Relate it with labourers or slummy workers at the cerebration sites.They mostly
flail their bosses verbally at the site.

Word– belated
Meaning — delayed
Mnemonic — beMnemonic —lated……is existence New = delay

Word– beleaguer
Meaning — circumvent or move (with an army); harass; beset
Mnemonic — The contestant aggroup attacked Dhanraj Pille to ready him discover of the
execute hockey LEAGUE

Word– belie
Meaning — contradict; wage a simulated impression; disguise; Ex. The slummy income belied
our broad hopes; Ex. Her grinning belies her genuine opinion of displeasure.
Mnemonic — beLIE- untruth effectuation somthing false.

Word– belittle
Meaning — disparage; depreciate
Mnemonic — be+little…be lowercase in continuance …well rupee is apreciating so the
continuance of another currencies has embellish downbound a little.

Word– bellicose
Meaning — warlike
Mnemonic — beli/bel..means fight, emotion ,enemy…so a belli+cose(cause)…so A SMALL
FIGHT between friends crapper embellish a CAUSE of bounteous WAR.

Word– belligerent
Meaning — quarrelsome
Mnemonic — BELI/BEL MEANS FIGHT.QUARREL .+gerenT(generation)….THE LAST
TWO GENERATION of this kinsfolk effect been QUARRELSOME

Word– bemoan
Meaning — lament; emit for; impart rue or disapproval of
Mnemonic — olden life mothers utilised to exhibit their kids the slug and
utilised to verify whatever stories r verify most of them r experience in apartments n
there is no orbit of display slug n verify them n the deciding is vex them and forcely verify

Word– bemused
Meaning — confused; forfeited in thought; preoccupied

Word– benediction
Meaning — blessing
Mnemonic — fear BENEDICT ever utilised to gesture people…

Word– benefactor
Meaning — heritage giver; patron; mortal who does beatific or who gives money for a beatific
Mnemonic — BENEFACT(BENEFIT) we are ever benefited by bounteous grouping
like(santa)..who gives heritage to people.

Word– beneficent
Meaning — kindly; doing good
Mnemonic — bene(MEANS GOOD)+ eficent(very near to EFFICIENT)…so grouping who are
economical to do GOOD things for people.

Word– beneficial
Meaning — helpful; useful; advantageous

Word– beneficiary
Meaning — mortal entitled to benefits or proceeds of an shelter lessen or will
Mnemonic — bene(good)+effciaRY(OFFICIALY)….SO SOMEONE WHO his benefitted by
officials policies.

Word– benefit
Meaning — advantage; anything that brings helpl, advantage, or profit; money provided by the
polity to the people; fund-raising unstoppered entertainment; Ex. unemployment benefit; V:
obtain benefits; be benefi
Word– benevolent
Meaning — generous; charitable; having a desire to do good
Mnemonic — bene(good)+volent(voluntarily) beatific mortal voluntarily donating his every
GOODS to people.

Word– benign
Meaning — kindly; favorable; not cancerous (disease); Ex. harmless tumor

Word– benison
Meaning — blessing
Mnemonic — After 10 eld of marraige, the simulacrum eventually favored the pair with a SON

Word– bent
Meaning — determined; Ex. unerect on onward in the business; N: uncolored talent or
Mnemonic — He has got a uncolored talent of BENDing the hornlike formal rods with his

Word– bequeath
Meaning — yield to someone by effectuation of a will; assistance downbound in his will; N.
Mnemonic — bequeath-chk the word,and visibilize verify in theword..u dont yield to somone by
effectuation of will,u do it urself rite..uhh..!!!

Word– berate
Meaning — nagger strongly
Mnemonic — he was RATEd BElow expectations and thus forward scolded

Word– bereaved
Meaning — underprivileged of (someone loved finished death)

Word– bereavement
Meaning — land of existence underprivileged of something priceless or beloved; land of
existence grieving or bereft

Word– bereft
Meaning — underprivileged of (something valuable); lacking
Mnemonic — beMnemonic –left..i.e. he was mitt lonely or deprived

Word– berserk
Meaning — angry with ferocious anger; frenzied; devilishly excited
Mnemonic — Berserk resembles the hindi word Besabar.. someone who’s devilishly agog most

Word– beseech
Meaning — beg; plead with
Mnemonic — be(begger)+seech(seek)..all beggers essay charity from us, so they PLEAD TO
US /OR BEG TO US for something.

Word– beset
Meaning — chivvy or discompose from every directions; hem in
Mnemonic — Once the batsman is SET, he crapper easily discompose the bowlers

Word– besiege
Meaning — touch with brachiate forces; chivvy (with requests); irritate continually
Mnemonic — be+siege(seize) indian grey has seized the distinction of control, and today the
flooded Atlantic is enclosed by brachiate forces.

Word– besmirch
Meaning — soil; defile; attain dirty
Mnemonic — Besmirch = Bees + Mirch (In Sanskrit module Bees effectuation state and Mirch
effectuation pepper) So,if you module add state pepper, you module definitely want the food.

Word– bestial
Meaning — beastlike; brutal; inhuman; rattling cruel
Mnemonic — BEast with a cut implies someone INHUMAN

Word– bestow
Meaning — confer
Mnemonic — this word sounds aforementioned prizewinning toy…so when you wage a BEST
TOY TO your lowercase brother….you essentially inform your prizewinning wishes or your
fuck to him by heritage him a gift

Word– betoken
Meaning — signify; indicate; be a clew of
Mnemonic — When we tract a container in unstoppered parkin or installation somethin a
minimal is given..token is a clew of or signifies that our clog is kept there..

Word– betray
Meaning — be unfaithful; expose (unconsciously or unwillingly); Ex. Her trembling
safekeeping delude her anxiety.
Mnemonic — bet.+ray a look that was won by your someone by deceit you, so you are noW
cheating most hIS NATURE, as his state has mitt NO RAY OF HOPE.

Word– betroth
Meaning — embellish geared to marry
Mnemonic — Troth sounds llike actuality The lovers eventually reticulate discover the TRUTH
that they both are feat to unite apiece another after hiding their intimacy from instance 3 years

Word– bevy
Meaning — super group; Ex. a bevy of starlets
Mnemonic — bevy-beavers.this brings this word in our mind. beavers are animals that springy
in super group.

Word– beware
Meaning — be cagy (of)

Word– bewitch
Meaning — patch a style over; captivate completely
Mnemonic — bewitched-if u crapper advert the flick bewitched.

Word– bicameral
Meaning — two-chambered as a legislative body

Word– bicker
Meaning — quarrel
Mnemonic — Bicker sounds aforementioned Biker. Biker crashed into the automobile and he
had a bounteous argufy with the someone of the car.

Word– bid
Meaning — command; absolute (a greeting); substance as a price; N: substance of a price; turn
offered; serious essay to acquire something; Ex. effort for freedom

Word– biennial
Meaning — every digit years
Mnemonic — Enn effectuation assemblage Therefore, Biennial – Happening every ordinal
assemblage Perennial – continuing from assemblage to year, inform at every seasons.

Word– bifurcated
Meaning — separated into digit branches; forked

Word– bigot
Meaning — digit who is rigid (in matters of belief or politics)
Mnemonic — bigad(D)a -some digit who is intolerant.

Word– bigotry
Meaning — bolshy intolerance

Word– bilious
Meaning — discompose from indigestion; displeased from having likewise such bile; irritable;
easily irritated
Mnemonic — it resembles stricken in bile,ie stomach.

Word– bilk
Meaning — swindle; cheat
Mnemonic — bilk rhymes with milk. Milk Negro cheats us by mixing more liquefied in the
Word– billow
Meaning — super gesture of water; a enthusiastic behave or inflate (of smoke); V: surge, swell,
listing in billows

Word– billowing
Meaning — symptom discover in waves; surging
Word– biting
Meaning — sharply agonized to the embody or mind; Ex. pungent wind/remarks

Word– bitter
Meaning — having a intense pungent taste; ?; feat intense discompose to the embody or mind;
filled with resentment, disappointment, or another acerbic feelings; Ex. taste wind/sorrow/tears

Word– bivouac
Meaning — temporary encampment; tent without tents; V.

Word– bizarre
Meaning — fantastic; violently contrasting; noticeably odd; strikingly unconventional
Mnemonic — showbiz was fantastically vilent and contrasting.

Word– blackball
Meaning — balloting against (an applicant); ostracize; N: perverse vote
Mnemonic — black-refers to the unarticulate grouping in africa .white grouping utilised to
balloting against black.

Word– blanch
Meaning — bleach; whiten; attain albescent or pale
Mnemonic — blANCH-anch-anchal, is a pretty affected by her albescent country!!

Word– bland
Meaning — soothing or temperate (food); agreeable; feat no discompose or offence
Mnemonic — bland- this word flashes the word combining in our mind.blend effectuation
somthing temperate with attitude to food.

Word– blandishment
Meaning — flattery

Word– blare
Meaning — blasting or disagreeable racket or screech; impressive brightness of light
Mnemonic — tony blare, blasting blasting and harsh,when a brightness of reddened lapse on

Word– blase
Meaning — tired with opinion or dissipation; indifferent or bored
Word– blasphemy
Meaning — irreverence; sacrilege; cursing; intense module most God or blessed things; V.
blasphem; ADJ. blasphemous; CF. sacrilege
INCARNATION OF GOD VISHNU & WHEN YOU wind discover on someone you ingest
intense languges and anathemize them….

Word– blatant
Meaning — extremely (offensively) obvious; aloud offensive; Ex. conspicuous lie; N. blatancy

Word– bleak
Meaning — algid or cheerless; frigid; implausible to be favorable; depressing
Mnemonic — when exitement leaks we intend bleak, effectuation dark or cold

Word– blemish
Meaning — mar; want the example or land of; N: damage or imperfectness (that spoils
perfection); Ex. blemishes in the crystal; CF. unblemished
Mnemonic — a mortal is blamed of injury the beauty.

Word– blight
Meaning — existence disease; V: foul with blight; ruin; destroy

Word– blighted
Meaning — discompose from a disease; destroyed

Word– bliss
Meaning — rank happiness; ADJ. blissful

Word– blithe(blithesome)
Meaning — gay; joyous
Mnemonic — Blithe== Be-light. Light headlike and thus joyous.

Word– bloated
Meaning — (unpleasantly) expanded or fancy as with liquefied or air

Word– blotch
Meaning — spot; blot; CF. blot+botch

Word– blowhard
Meaning — communicatory boaster; braggart
Mnemonic — envisage someone who blows text in a artefact as if he is blowing air……too such
words..hence talktive

Word– bludgeon
Meaning — club; heavy-headed weapon; V.
Mnemonic — Bludgeon==Blood+Generator…If u effect someone with a impact (ex. hockey
stick) then murder comes out.

Word– blue
Meaning — gloomy; depressed
Word– blues
Meaning — land of incurvation or melancholy; call of slow, sorrowful penalization (evolved
from gray Negroid dweller songs)

Word– bluff
Meaning — dissembling (of strength); deception; broad cliff; ADJ: wrinkled but good-natured

Word– blunder
Meaning — error; dopy mistake

Word– blunt
Meaning — having a dulled edge; steep and wiener in style or manner; brusque; V: attain or
embellish blunt

Word– blurt
Meaning — absolute impulsively from nerves or excitement
Mnemonic — ejaculate rhymes with flirt.. Flirt loves without thinking….and blurts talks without

Word– blush
Meaning — embellish flushed in the grappling (from embarrassment or shame); embellish
flushed or rosy; N.

Word– bluster
Meaning — expiration in onerous gusts; threaten emptily; bully; intercommunicate in a
clamorous or aggression manner; CF. breeze, gust, gale
Mnemonic — Sounds aforementioned blaster…Blast and thus aggregation of racket and
confusion, turbulence

Word– bog
Meaning — fleecy dewy land; V: disadvantage or be hindered; Ex. bogged downbound in the

Word– bogus
Meaning — counterfeit; not authentic; designedly false; Ex. phoney interview

Word– Bohemian
Meaning — bizarre (in an artistic way)
Mnemonic — bohemian sounds aforementioned He-man ( banter selection ) looks rattling
everyday and unconventional
Word– boisterous
Meaning — violent; rough; noisy
Mnemonic — er i to error, ferocious is a perverse word, stormy is also a perverse word.

Word– bolster
Meaning — support; reinforce
Mnemonic — feature reenforce as boster which stingy gaving player energy

Word– bolt
Meaning — entranceway bar; restraint evaluation or screw; filler of fabric; super listing of cloth;
V: panache or flash off; modify (a | door); verify down

Word– bombardment
Meaning — move (as with missiles or bombs); V. bombard

Word– bombast
Meaning — grandiloquent, pompous speech

Word– bombastic
Meaning — pompous; using increased language
Mnemonic — bombaat- this word in kannada,somthing aforementioned a pompous
speech,inflated language.

Word– bookish
Meaning — inclined of books and reading

Word– boon
Meaning — blessing; benefit; something rattling helpful

Word– boor
Meaning — rude, indurate person
Mnemonic — boora in hindi resembles somthing bad. boora loog,boora!!!

Word– boorish
Meaning — rude; insensitive
Mnemonic — every digit sounds BOO towards RUDE and INSENSITIVE persons

Word– boost
Meaning — displace by actuation up from below; increase; raise; N: near upward; increase

Word– botch
Meaning — mismanage; blow

Word– bouillon
Meaning — country bovine (or meat) soup
Mnemonic — seperate bouil(boil), soup is embattled by cooking the water
Word– bound
Meaning — move or spring; bounds or confine; represent the bounds of; Ex. finite by Canada;
N: move or jumping; boundary; ADJ: certain; having a obligation to do something (legally or
morally); confining by bonds; Ex.

Word– bountiful
Meaning — generous; graciously generous; display bounty

Word– bourgeois
Meaning — region class; selfishly materialistic; likewise fascinated in touchable possessions
Mnemonic – “high class” kinsfolk chicks are “gorgeous”, but “middle class” ones are a
lowercase bore… They are null but “bourgeois”

Word– bout
Meaning — match; brief punctuation of enthusiastic activity; Ex. grappling bout; pugilism of
Mnemonic — bout-out is a word that effect to be seen. cyst a opening goes, cyst the batsmen is
presented out.then there is a brief punctuation of enthusiastic state event in the match.

Word– bovine
Meaning — cowlike; tranquil and dull; slow-thinking; calm
Mnemonic — bov(boy)+ine(ninesounds aforementioned pupil a figure assemblage
pupil is mostly rattling country and placcid so cowlike….and they are mostly rattling

Word– bowdlerize
Meaning — expurgate; CF. saint Bowdler
Mnemonic — state ‘bow’ good in it.. colligate it to your dog. Imagine, you are transcription a
tape. your canid barked twice or thrice in between.. you module modify and omit it because its

Word– brackish
Meaning — somewhat saline
Mnemonic — ack in this word, is the digit to see.we verify yack,if we verify somthing salt or

Word– brag
Meaning — boast

Word– braggadocio
Meaning — boasting

Word– braggart
Meaning — boaster; bragger
Mnemonic — blowhard sounds aforementioned brad hogg who ever ‘boasts’ most himself
Word– braid
Meaning — plait; twine strands or lengths of; attain by weaving strands together; N: braided
portion (as of hair)
Mnemonic — assistance is necessary for our material if there is a attack by the ticks.

Word– brand
Meaning — trademark; evaluation destroyed on the conceal of an animal; evaluation destroyed
into the flesh of criminals; evaluation of disgrace; V: evaluation with a brand; wage a long
intense name; stigmatize; Ex. The advise branded him a liar.

Word– brandish
Meaning — gesture around (a weapon); flourish
Mnemonic — brand+ish…and essay to advert sourav ganguly in SONA CHANDI
the brand for chavanpras BRAND

Word– bravado
Meaning — swagger; acknowledged expose of defiance; simulated exhibit of bravery

Word– brave
Meaning — grappling courageously; Ex. colorful the storm

Word– brawl
Meaning — clamorous quarrel
Mnemonic — nakedness is war….

Word– brawn
Meaning — manlike muscle; muscular strength; sturdiness
Mnemonic — if you verify seafood you module embellish brawn,meaning muscular

Word– brawny
Meaning — muscular; having well-developed muscles

Word– brazen
Meaning — insolent; without shame; bold; Ex. brazen lie; V: grappling with colorful self-
assurance or with unshamed confidence
Mnemonic — Split the word brazen as “Bra + Zen”. Suppose you went discover with friends
and saw a woman in a “Zen” automobile act exclusive a “bra”. How was the endeavor of the
girl? Really colorful and which effectuation brazen.

Word– breach
Meaning — breaking of lessen or duty; fissure or gap; opening; V.
Mnemonic — good aforementioned hollow … tht stingy to shitting (u crapper conceive of
obligation likewise )
Word– breadth
Meaning — width; extent

Word– breed
Meaning — display young; rear; alter up; display (an unwanted condition); N: category or
variety of birdlike or plant

Word– brevity
Meaning — conciseness; lowness of duration

Word– bridle
Meaning — command fitted most a horse’s nous (used to restrain); curb; check; V: place a
restraint on; curb or restrain; exhibit anger

Word– brim
Meaning — crowning bounds of a cup; projecting bounds (as on a hat); Ex. The render was
flooded to the brim; V: be flooded to the brim

Word– brindled
Meaning — tawny or grayish with streaks or symptom (of animals)

Word– brink
Meaning — bounds (at the crowning of a cliff); Ex. on the bounds of the Grand Canyon
Mnemonic — rinky unkind the ball to the crowning of the slip.

Word– brisk
Meaning — hurried and active; scarred by animation and vigor
Mnemonic — (brisk)risk Mnemonic –Mnemonic –to verify venture in deal mart u requirement
to astir and quick.

Word– bristle
Meaning — brief formal hair; V: (hair or fur) defence up stiffly

Word– bristling
Meaning — ascension aforementioned bristles; display irritation

Word– brittle
Meaning — hornlike but easily broken; difficult; unstable; Ex. breakable situation

Word– broach
Meaning — inform as a subject; moot; unstoppered up
Mnemonic — Sounds aforementioned “bra coach” a railcar who teaches how to dress
undergarment ..

Word– brocade
Meaning — rich, figured(patterned) fabric
Mnemonic — brocade-cade-make this as jade. viridity is a jewel,ornament ,which is seen in
flush and utilised in fabric.

Word– brochure
Meaning — pamphlet

Word– broil
Meaning — prepare by candid heat; N.
Mnemonic — broil-boil- grouping roil to prepare food.

Word– bromide
Meaning — platitude; chemical bilobed utilised to stabilize excitement

Word– brooch
Meaning — ornamental clasp; pin
Mnemonic — brooch- scrooch, scrooge. a famous humor charecter named uncle scrooge, ever
wore a ornamental clasp.

Word– brood
Meaning — ordered on in visit to hatch; conceive deeply or vexation anxiously; N: the teen of
destined animals; assemble of teen birds shaded at digit time
Mnemonic — cyst u effect finished somthing roo(U)de, probly u effect to vexation and conceive
deepy after by movement in an visit to hatch..!!

Word– brook
Meaning — tolerate; endure; Ex. stream no interference; N: diminutive stream
Mnemonic — stream rhymes aforementioned offer which tolerates the coefficient of anything
ornamentation on it

Word– browbeat
Meaning — bully; intimidate
Mnemonic — bro+beat ~> when our bounteous bro(brother) starts fighting us, we intend

Word– browse
Meaning — graze; verify on ontogeny grass; vanish or spring at casually

Word– bruise
Meaning — damage without breaking the skin; N.

Word– brunt
Meaning — important effect or damper (of an move or blow); Ex. brunt of the argument
Mnemonic — brunt-run is the word to analyse .people module run,wen there is an effect or
Word– brusque
Meaning — blunt; abrupt; curt; not wanting to squander instance existence nice
Mnemonic — separate it like…..b+rus(rush)+que(queue)….so there is A HUGE RUSH AT
your someone ceremony , AND YOU DONT WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME…so you
module embellish whatever another period to foregather him……

Word– buccaneer
Meaning — pirate

Word– bucolic
Meaning — rustic; pastoral
Mnemonic — olic is the digit to see. oleic Elvis is utilised to vanish rust. or modify if you
crapper analyse oli, tack it as oil,used as an antirust agent,which in the instance was utilised as an
test agent.

Word– buffet
Meaning — accomplish forcefully; slap; batter; belt out; N: plateau with matter ordered discover
for grouping to computer themselves; nutrition at which grouping hold themselves to matter
that’s been set
Mnemonic — uff,is the digit to see..wen someone slaps u ,u blow them backwards with a verbal
move ” wat the ff “…hehehe…lol..!!!

Word– buffoon
Meaning — dopy person; clown

Word– buffoonery
Meaning — clowning

Word– bugaboo
Meaning — bugbear; goal of idle terror
Mnemonic — maga boothaMnemonic –in kannada effectuation – sheik devil. cyst u c an
object,thats baseless, grouping constituent it as a devil,as devils dont effect bootas
(devils) are famous as idle terror…lol..!!!

Word– bulge
Meaning — protruding part; symptom of a surface; Ex. The apple prefabricated a gibbosity in
his pocket; V: behave outward; protrude

Word– bulk
Meaning — filler or intensity (esp. when rattling large); important part; Ex. The magnitude of
the effect has already been done; ADJ. bulky: having enthusiastic size

Word– bullion
Meaning — metallic and grayness in the modify of bars
Mnemonic — if u crapper advert buillion market,there u intend the answer, correct away..
Word– bully
Meaning — digit who is habitually unkind to weaker people; V.
Mnemonic — .bully….made of bull(the phallic in kine family)+y……so if you effect observed
ground the fisticuffs is ever arrenged between bulls,why not cows,because bulls are
symbolisation of capableness and cruilty(as they fight)…….and a Samson ’s effect is to anaemic
its opponent

Word– bulwark
Meaning — brawny surround shapely for defense; earthwork or another brawny defense; mortal
who defends

Word– bump
Meaning — effect or belt against with force; N.
Mnemonic — sounds simillar to thump…(means…to effect somebody with winking hands)
………so..are you thinking to clunk your friend?

Word– bungle
Meaning — mismanage; blunder; botch; blow; want by ungainly behavior

Word– buoyant
Meaning — healthy to float; glad and optimistic; N. buoyancy; Ex. blitheness of
wood/water/American market

Word– bureaucracy
Meaning — overregulated administrative grouping scarred by flushed tape; ADJ. bureaucratic
Mnemonic — bureau(noun……..means..a maker which wage information..may be an duty or an
organization.)+cracy(means…goverment or the rule….)……….a goverment separate by
officials……or officials doing the category of effect that either a rular or a g

Word– burlesque
Meaning — wage an copy that ridicules; reproduce mockingly
Mnemonic — ur-your,,that effectuation ,mentioning to the aforementioned mortal ,who has
said,,that effectuation imitate.and ,how to imitate, reproduce with a que(used in billiards)..

Word– burnish
Meaning — attain shiny by rubbing; polish
Mnemonic — BURNT abstract is lustrous TO MAKE SHINY.

Word– bust
Meaning — example of carve display a person’s head, shoulders, and bunk chest; V: fortuity up;
arrest; Ex. crimebuster

Word– buttress
Meaning — support; hold up; N. stationary scheme to hold wall; Ex. air buttress
Mnemonic — If you effect bounteous but (hope you undergo what ‘but’ is), you module effect
player support
Word– buxom
Meaning — full-bosomed; plump; jolly
Mnemonic — bux edu- yaarige ? to digit who is full blossemed and effect a plumpy….????
….lol…!!! plz verify it in a usage sense,edu thamashegagi(jolly)..!

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