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1.Who is most likely to be the first in their friend’s group to have a baby?

2. Who is most likely to become famous someday?

3. Who is most likely to bungee jump off a bridge?
4. Who is most likely to consider themselves an early riser?
5. Who is most likely to know the latest news about celebrities?
6. Who is most likely to be the one to bring snacks to a movie tonight?
7. Who is most likely to travel across the world?
8. Who is most likely to have the best dance movements?
9. Who is most likely to become a professional chef?
10. Who is most likely to be the most organized person in the group?
11. Who is most likely to start for a reality show organizing this week?
12. Who is most likely to have a phone handy?
13. Who is most likely to go exotic vacation this year?
14. Who is most likely to win the lottery one day?
15. Who is most likely to be the first to start a new restaurant in a city?
16. Who is most likely to be up for any adventure activity?
17. Who is most likely to become an entrepreneur?
18. Who is most likely to read the entire Harry Potter series?
19. Who is most likely to learn a foreign language?
20. Who is most likely to become a well-known artist?
21. Who is most likely to wear the best outfit/dress?
22. Who is most likely to be the best professional athlete one day?
23. Who is most likely to be the one that knows all the other’s secret stories?
24. Who is most likely to become popular in something unique activity?
25. Who is most likely to be an award-winning celebrity?
26. Who is most likely to be the key role in the party tonight?
27. Who is most likely to become the best fashion designer this year?
28. Who is most likely to get the best jokes always in mind?
29. Who is most likely to try their dream business in the near future?
30. Who is most likely to win an Olympic gold medal?
31. Who is most likely to always have the latest electronic gadgets?
32. Who is most likely to try new and daring activities?
33. Who is most likely to be a great leader one day?
34. Who is most likely to be someone who never gives up on any challenge?
35. Who is most likely to visit most of the countries in one year?
36. Who is most likely to be the best singer among all the other friends?
37. Who is most likely to start a charity mission or organization?
38. Who is most likely to have an answer for anything?
39. Who is most likely to become a professional photographer?
40. Who is most likely to be the life coach of their friend group?
41. Who is most likely to take on a new hobby this year?
42. Who is most likely to always have the latest trends?
43. Who is most likely to miss a workout session never?
44. Who is most likely to have the best advice for their friends?
45. Who is most likely to become a great public speaker someday?

Laugh out loud at these most likely to questions:

1. Who is most likely to be caught cracking silly jokes in a serious meeting?
2. Who is most likely to do something outrageous just for fun?
3. Who is most likely to climb a mountain just because it’s there?
4. Who is most likely to pull an all-nighter at the library studying for an exam?
5. Who is most likely to wear something outrageous in public?
6. Who is most likely to watch a funny movie rather than a serious one?
7. Who is most likely to binge-watch their favorite show instead of going out with friends?
8. Who is most likely to choose adventure over comfort and security?
9. Who is most likely to be catch daydreaming in the middle of class?
10. Who is most likely to tell a bad pun and then laugh at it for five minutes?
11. Who is most likely to forget their phone and not realize it until they get to the office?
12. Who is most likely to try bold and daring new hairstyles once in a while?
13. Who is most likely to catch up in an argument because they think they are right?
14. Who is most likely to eat a whole tub of ice cream in just one sitting?
15. Who is most likely to dance in the rain just to have fun?
16. Who is most likely to do spontaneous road trips with their friends or families?
17. Who is most likely to laugh louder at an inappropriate incident?

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