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1. Where are you from?

2. Where do you live?

3. How many siblings do you have?

4. Are you in a relationship?

5. What do you do?

6. Do you have any nicknames?

7. Where do you study?

8. How old are you?

9. What’s your favourite color?

10. What’s your favourite food?

11. What’s your favourite movie?

12. What’s your favourite TV show?

13. What’s your favourite game?

14. How tall are you?

15. What’s your weight?

16. Who was your first crush?

17. Who was your first partner?

18. What is the date of your birth?

19. What are your future plans?

20. Do you like or hate your job?

21. What’s your hobby?

22. What are your talents?

23. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be?

24. What would your superhero name be?

25. What team would you join after becoming an superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc)

26. Would you reveal your identity to the world?

27. If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes?

28. How would your superhero costume look like?

29. Where would your secret superhero hideout be?

30. How would your hideout look like?

31. If you were to choose any superhero to become your sidekick, who would it be?

32. If you were to choose any superhero as your enemy, who would it be?

33. If you were to assemble a new superhero team, which superheroes would you include in them?

34. What would your superhero car look like?

35. Would you rather live a normal life or a weird life?

36. Would you sacrifice yourself to save other people?

37. If you were to find out your loved one is a evil mastermind, would you stop them or join their

38. Are you a psychic in any way?

39. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?

40. Funniest thing to happen to you?

41. Scariest thing to happen to you?

42. Best thing to happen to you?

43. What your shoe size is?

44. What is your favourite outfit?

45. Do you prefer to wear eastern or western?

46. What are your favourite type of shoes?

47. Are you a good actor?

48. Are you a good liar?

49. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone?

50. Your favourite job and why?

51. What’s the scariest thing you’ve done?

52. Do you have any family secrets?

53. Famous ancestors?

54. What’s your hairstyle?

55. What hairstyle do you like on the opposite gender?

56. How do you look without makeup?

57. What accessory on the opposite gender is a big turnoff?

58. Do you know how to swim?

59. Name of the highest building in your area?

60. Are you afraid of heights?

61. Have you ever gone parachuting or para-diving?

62. If you were given chance to paradive or go parachuting, would you?

63. Are you scared of the water?

64. Have you ever been on a speedboat?

65. Do you like traveling?

66. Do you have a habit of getting sick during travelling?

67. Best hotel you’ve lived at?

68. Worst hotel you’ve lived at?

69. Worst country you’ve been to?

70. Best country you’ve been to?

71. How is your country’s community?

72. Do you see any tourists in your country?

73. Post a picture of your country’s flag

74. If you were to design your country’s flag, how would it look like?

75. Do you go outside a lot or not? (excluding work, school etc)

76. Where do you prefer to go when going outside?

77. Who makes plans most the times? you or your friends?

78. What sport you don’t know how to play, but want to learn?

79. Where do you see yourself in 1 month?

80. Where do you see yourself in 1 year ?

81. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

82. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

83. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

84. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?

85. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?

86. If you could switch families, would you?

87. Are you close to your family or not?

88. If you were given chance to join politics, would you?

89. If you were given chance to change your country’s national anthem, what would it be?

90. What foreign country do you dislike the most?

91. What country do you like the most?

92. If you were to run away from your family, where would you run off too?

93. If you were in trouble, who would you go to first?

94. Who’s your crime partner?

95. Do you know how to keep secrets?

96. What do you prefer to waste most of your money on?

97. If you were to be deserted, what 3 items would you take with yourself?

98. Would you be ready to sacrifice yourself for your family or not?

99. If a family member, friend or a hot female were about to fall of a cliff and you could only save
one. Who would it be?

100. If you could eliminate one social network from the site, which one would it be and why?

101. Your favourite social networking site?

102. Your least favourite social networking site?

103. If you were to make a social networking site of your own, what would it be about?

104. If you could make changes to any social network, what would it be?

105. Your most liked picture on Facebook?

106. Your least liked picture on Facebook?

107. Your most sexiest picture?

108. Your most funniest photo?

109. Your most embarrasing photo?

110. If you could take a picture with any celebrity, who would it be?

111. Would you cheat on your partner with your favourite celebrity if gotten the chance?

112. What annoys you?

113. What embarrases you?

114. How much frequently do you get ill?

115. What’s the longest you’ve been ill?

116. What was the cause of you being ill?

117. Do you fake illness sometimes to avoid going to school or work?

118. What’s the shortest time you’ve been ill?

119. Worst disease you’ve gotten?

120. Do you have a family doctor or visit random doctors?

121. Are there any diseases that run in your family? 

122. If yes, which?

123. Longest you’ve been on bedrest?

124. What do you usually do when you’re ill?

125. Do you tend to google your problems?

126. Google or Doctor?

127. Ever had a bad accident?

128. If yes, how?

129. How many times you’ve had accidents in your life?

130. Have you ever seen someone die right infront of your eyes?

131. If yes, how did they die?

132. Have you ever harmed your self?

133. Have you ever tried to attempt sucide?

134. If yes, why?

135. Have you ever faced depression

136. If yes, why?

137. Do you prefer therapists or friends?

138. Something that most people don’t know about you?

139. Do likes on social networks matter to you or not?

140. If you were to become instantly famous on any social network, which one would it be?

141. What social network would you wanna avoid?

142. If you could talk to any celebrity on social network, who would it be?

143. Your opinions on sexting?

144. If you were to catch your partner cheating, what would be your reaction?

145. Do you prefer friends over family or family over friends?

146. What do you think is the greatest invention and why?

147. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person?

148. Do you prefer countryside or the city?

149. If you were a farmer, what would you grow?

150. If you had a chance to move to the countryside away from city, would you?

151. If so, why?

152. Do you think countryside or city is better?

153. Why?

154. How do you usually start conversations?

155. When it comes to socializing, are you the one to start convos first or them?

156. Are you awkward?

157. How would you approach your crush?

158. Why is your crush your crush?

159. Ways to your heart?

160. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?

161. What do you think happens after death?

162. What’s the strangest dream you’ve had?

163. What’s the scariest dream you’ve had?

164. What do you usually dream about?

165. Do you discuss your dreams with other people?

166. Have you ever had a dream that came true later on?

167. What do you think about dreams?

168. How much do you cry?

169. Are you sensitive?

170. How many emails do you usually get everyday?

171. How many texts do you get usually get everyday?

172. How many calls do you usually get everyday?

173. Do you prefer to speak on call or texting?

174. What’s your favourite instant messaging app?

175. Do you backup your texts or delete them?

176. Do you usually delete photos in your phone or keep them?

177. If so, how do you keep them safe?

178. our secrets with?

179. Are you able to keep other peoples secrets?

180. If you were asked to tell all your bestfriend’s secrets at gunpoint, would you?

181. What’s the most money you’ve ever held?

182. What’s the most money you’ve spent in a single day?

183. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought in your whole life?

184. What’s the most cheapest thing you’ve bought?

185. Where do you usually buy your clothes from?

186. What’s the most expensive clothes you bought?

187. What’s the most cheapest clothes you’ve bought?

188. Best brand?

189. Worst brand?

190. Your top 5 favourite brands?

191. If you could invest in any brand, which brand would you invest on?

192. Are you obsessed about undergarments?

193. Describe your best undergarment

194. Where do you usually buy your undergarments from?

195. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in

196. Do you prefer cheap or expensive clothes?

197. Jeans or trousers?

198. Do you prefer modest or revealing clothes?

199. Eastern or western clothes?

200. Post a picture of your makeup

201. Name of the makeup’s brand you usually buy?

202. What’s the most expensive make up you’ve bought?

203. What’s the cheapest make up you’ve bought?

204. Post a picture of you in makeup

205. Post a picture of you without makeup

206. Do you wear wakeup to school or not?

207. Post a picture of you in your funniest shirt

208. Post a picture of you in your best shirt

209. Post a picture of you in your worst shirt

210. If you could shop from one brand for free forever, which one would it be?

211. If you were given a wish to bankrupt one company, which company would you

212. Where do you usually buy your accessories from?

213. What kind of accessories do you wear usually?

214. Post a picture of your ring

215. Post a picture of your necklace

216. Post a picture of your shoes

217. Post a picture of your earings

218. What’s the most money you’ve given away?

219. Do you spend money on your friends?

220. If so, how much usually?

221. Do your friends spend money on you?

222. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve bought for someone?

223. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve recieved?

224. What’s the cheapest gift you’ve received?

225. Has your gift ever been rejected?

226. What game do you prefer to play 21 questions or truth/dare?

227. What questions do you usually ask a person to get to know them?

228. Would you rather forgive or take revenge?

229. Are you good at forgiving people?

230. Have you ever done something bad to anyone that you regret?

231. Has you ever experienced Karma?

232. If so, how?

233. Do you celebrate birthdays?

234. How did you celebrate your previous birthday?

235. Plans for your next birthday?

236. Have you ever been surprised for your birthday?

237. What was the best gift you recieved on your birthday?

238. What was the worse gift you recieved on your birthday?

239. How do you usually celebrate your birthdays?

240. What do you usually gift others on their birthday?

241. If you were to own a shop, what would you sell?

242. Have you ever crushed on someone else during a relationship?

243. How would you react if you and your partner were to breakup?

244. How long does it take you to get ready?

245. What type of holidays do you prefer?

246. What was your greatest day and why?

247. Do you prefer eastern or western food?

248. What is your favourite eastern food?

249. What is your favourite western food?

250. Favourite fast food?

251. How much do you eat fast food?

252. Do you like salad or not?

253. How healthy is your diet?

254. Do you prefer to eat at home or dine outside?

255. How much money do you usually spend on food everyday?

256. Are you obsessed about food?

257. What kind of food do you hate?

258. What do you like for deserts?

259. Favourite shake?

260. Any family secret recipes?

261. What do you think is Kentucky’s secret?

262. Do you know how to cook?

263. If so, what food can you cook?

264. The most delicious food you’ve ever cooked?

265. The worst food you’ve ever cooked?

266. Do you prefer to eat your own cooked food or food cooked by others?

267. Have you ever spotted an insect in your food?

268. The worst food you’ve tasted?

269. The best food you’ve tasted in life?

270. What’s your favourite restaurant’s name?

271. Favourite cheapest dish there?

272. Favourite expensive dish there?

273. Which restaurant do you prefer to date at?

274. Pizza hut or Dominos?

275. Prefer take away or dining in?

276. McDonalds or Burger King?

277. KFC or Rooster Chicken?

278. Favourite local restaurant?

279. Favourite franchise to dine at?

280. Cut chicken or whole chicken?

281. Pizza or lasagna?

282. Pepsi or Coke?

283. Biryani or Karahi?

284. Korma or Nihari?

285. What beverage do you prefer to drink with your food?

286. In your city, how much can you get with 1$ only?
287. What meat do you eat?

288. Meats you don’t eat?

289. What kind of food do you try to avoid eating?

290. What food are you allergic to?

291. What deserts do you know how to make?

292. What do you don’t know how to cook, but want to learn?

293. Where did you learn how to cook from?

294. Where do you usually get your recipes from?

295. Do you showoff the food you make by posting pictures of them on social networks?

296. What did you eat last time?

297. Post a picture of what you’re about to eat right now?

298. Post a picture of your most delicious food?

299. Favourite biscuits?

300. Tea with or without biscuits?

301. Biscuits or cookies?

302. Milk with or without cookies?

303. Favourite sweets?

304. Favourite cake?

305. What cake do you usually celebrate birthday with?

306. If you were given an opportunity to join MasterChef, would you?

307. If you were to join MasterChef, would you win or lose?

308. Who would you like your judge to be on MasterChef?

309. If you could become a chef at any restaurant, which one would it be?

310. If you were to make your own restaurant, who would you hire as your restaurant’s chef?

311. Do you like spicy or non-spicy foods?

312. What’s the most spicest thing you’ve ever ate in your life?

313. What’s the most saltish thing you’ve ever ate in your life?

314. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever ate in your life?

315. Have you ever ate a bug or any insect by mistake?

316. What would your reaction be if you were to find an insect on your food?

317. If you were deserted and had nothing to eat but insects, would you eat them?

318. What is your favourite fruit?

319. What is your least favourite fruit?

320. What is your favourite vegetable?

321. What is your least favourite vegetable?

322. Do you prefer to eat food with or without ketchup?

323. Ketchup or mayonnaise?

324. Do you put ketchup over your fries or by their side?

325. Your favourite oily food?

326. Do you like barbeque?

327. If so, what barbeque do you usually eat?

328. Favourite crisps?

329. Favourite crisps flavour?

330. Pringles or Walkers/Lays?

331. Crisps or fried chips?

332. If you were to make your own crisps, what brand name would you give them?

333. Do you prefer to eat silently or whilst talking?

334. Do you prefer to eat with TV On or Off?

335. What do you usually eat at Buffets or Weddings?

336. Do you prefer Buffets or table service?

337. Have you ever crashed a wedding?

338. Have you ever been caught whilst crashing a wedding?

339. Who would you ask to cater for your wedding?

340. What food would you have placed on your wedding?

341. If you were to spot someone crashing your wedding, what would be your reaction?

342. Any family traditions when it comes to weddings?

343. How long does it usually take you to cook food?

344. Do you usually make good or bad food?

345. Have you ever put salt instead of sugar?

346. Coffee or Tea?

347. A dish one should eat before dying?

348. If you were able to teach everyone one dish, which one would it be?

349. If you had the power to instantly cook any one food, what would it be?

350. What is something that you can eat everyday without getting bored?

351. If you had to eat one category of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
(Meat, vegetables, fruits etc)

352. Meat or Vegetables?

353. Vegetables or Fruits?

354. What do you usually order at McDonalds?

355. What do you usually order at KFC?

356. If you could relive any moment in the past, what would it be and why?

357. How would you want your honeymoon to be?

358. How would you want your first date to be?

359. Qualities you’d like in your boyfriend/girlfriend?

360. Qualities you’d like in your husband/wife?

361. How many relationships have you had?

362. Most amount of time you’ve been in a relationship?

363. Least amount of time you’ve been in a relationship?

364. If you were given a chance to patchup with your ex, would you?

365. How much time does it take you to get over someone?

366. Longest time it took you to get over someone?

367. Shortest time it took you to get over someone?

368. Do you still have feelings for anyone from your past?

369. If so, who?

370. Would you be ready to marry a stripper?

371. Do you prefer looks or personality?

372. Do you prefer money or looks?

373. What’s your favourite children’s story?

374. What was your favourite holiday?

375. What or who do you think about the most whole day?

376. If you had a warning label attached to your head, what would it say?

377. Where would your dream holiday be?

378. What’s your favourite sport?

379. Who’s your favourite athlete?

380. Would you like children?

381. Thoughts on cousin marriages?

382. Would you be ready to adopt a child?

383. Who would you want your children to look like?

384. If you were to get a daughter, what would you name her?

385. If you were to get a son, what would you name her?

386. Would you prefer a son or a daughter?

387. What do you dislike about your spouse?

388. What do you dislike about your BF/GF?

389. If you were forced to marry someone by your parents, what would be your reaction?

390. Arranged marriaged or love marriage? Which one do you prefer and why?

391. Best way to your heart?

392. What flatters you easily?

393. Do you believe in 2nd chances?

394. If someone was to break 2nd chance, would you give them more chances?

395. Do you get easily flattered by compliments or not?

396. How many compliments do you recieve usually?

397. What is your favourite pickup line?

398. What is the worst pickup line according to you?

399. Has anyone used any pickup line on you, if so which one?

400. The worst pickup line to be used on you?

401. Do you believe pickup lines work?

402. Do you prefer relationships or one night stands?

403. What is your opinion on relationships?

404. Maximum age difference between partners should be?

405. Do you prefer a younger or older partner?

406. Would you settle for a person with financial problems?

407. Do you support your partner?

408. Would you break up a couple for your own reasons?

409. Would you have an affair with a married person?

410. Your views on cheater?

411. If your partner who you extremely love was to be disloyal, would you break up with her?

412. What do you do not allow your partner to do?

413. How much supportive is your partner?

414. How would you react if your partner was to cheat on you?

415. Would you cheat on your partner deliberately?

416. Who would you want to lose your virginity to?

417. What do you think is considered cheating in a relationship?

418. What is a healthy relationship according to you?

419. If you were to cheat on your partner, would you tell them?

420. Are you religious?

421. How much do you swear around people?

422. What kind of TV shows do you like?

423. If you were homosexual, who would you choose as your life partner?

424. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?

425. Have you ever been arrested?

426. If you’ve been arrested, what was the reason?

427. Have you ever been admitted in a hospital?

428. Worst accident you’ve ever had?

429. If you could do anything illegal without getting arrested, what would it be?

430. Have you ever done something heroic?

431. Have you ever saved someone’s life?

432. Any regrets?

433. Have you ever been on TV?

434. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

435. Do you prefer to be alone or with people?

436. Have you met any celebrities, if so which?

437. Biggest prank you’ve played on someone?

438. Biggest prank someone played on you?

439. Have you done anything in life to be proud of?

440. Have you ever been famous, if so how and where?

441. Money, love or luck. Which one would you choose?

442. What genre is your favourite?

443. How many pillows do you sleep with?

444. What position in bed do you sleep?

445. What do you usually have for breakfast?

446. How big is your house?

447. Do you believe in karma?

448. Ever gotten revenge on anybody?

449. What do you wear to bed?

450. If no one cared about what you wore, what would you wear outside?

451. Have you ever fired a gun?

452. What’s your favourite compliment?

453. What’s your favourite cussword?

454. What word do you say the most?

455. What word do you say the least?

456. What was the last movie you saw?

457. Who’s your favourite female actor?

458. Who’s your favourite male actor?

459. What’s your favourite movie quote?

460. What’s your favorite movie sequel?

461. If you were to make a movie, where would you make it?

462. If you could remake any movie, which one would it be?

463. If you were to remake a movie, what actors would you cast?

464. If you were to replace a character in your favourite movie, who would you replace with

465. Under rated actor who deserves to be famous in your opinion?

466. Who’s your favourite celebrity with the same birthday or name as you?

467. What’s your favorite movie beginning with the letter A?

468. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter B?

469. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter C?

470. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter D?

471. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter E?

472. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter F?

473. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter G?

474. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter H?

475. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter I?

476. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter J?

477. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter K?

478. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter L?

479. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter M?

480. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter N?

481. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter O?

482. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter P?

483. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter S?

484. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter Q?

485. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter V?

486. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter X?

487. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter Y?

488. What’s your fav movie beginning with the letter Z?

489. What movie would you wish to come to life?

490. Movies you think one should watch before dying?

491. Favourite actor who has not won a oscar yet?

492. Favourite cartoon?

493. Favourite cartoon character?

494. Any cartoon character that you had a crush on?

495. Which cartoon character resembles you the most?

496. Which cartoon did you used to watch the most?

497. Your least favourite cartoon?

498. Your favourite cartoon movie?

499. Do you watch talent shows?

500. If yes, which?

501. Do you watch comedy shows?

502. If yes, which?

503. Comedy shows or Talent shows?

504. If you were to make a talent show of your own, what would it be about?

505. Do you watch Reality shows?

506. If yes, which?

507. Your opinion on reality shows?

508. If you were given a chance to star in a reality show, would you?

509. Do you watch dramas?

510. If yes, which?

511. How I met your Mother or Friends?

512. Who was your favourite character in how I met your mother?

513. Who was your favourite character in Friends?

514. If you were given a chance to star in any tv show, which one would it be?

515. Do you prefer shows with a good storyline or just good looking cast?

516. How many episodes do you usually watch everyday?

517. What’s the longest amount of TV episodes you’ve watched in a day?

518. How long does it take you to complete a show?

519. How long does it take you to complete one season?

520. Do you prefer TV shows or Movies?

521. If you could make the whole world watch one tv show of your choice, which tv show
would it be?

522. If you could make the whole world watch one movie of your choice, which movie would
it be?

523. What movie would you never wish to come to life?

524. Do you believe in supernatural stuff such as ghosts, demons etc?

525. What came first, chicken or egg?

526. If zombies or aliens were to invade your country, what would you do?

527. Do you believe aliens exist, if so why?

528. If someone was to make a movie about your life, what would be it’s movie title?

529. What horror movie scared you the most?

530. What comedy movie made you laugh the most?

531. If you were given the chance to date a celebrity while in a relation, would you ditch your
partner for the celeb?

532. If you could live the life of any one celebrity in the world for a day, who would you
choose and why?

533. Your least favourite celebrity?

534. If you could watch one tv series all over again from the start, which one would you

535. If you could forget a movie and be able to watch it all over again, which one would it be?

536. If someone was to make a movie about you, which celebrity would you pick to play as

537. If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be and why?

538. What football team do you support?

539. If you could change any movie’s endings, which one would it be?

540. If you were to make your own football team, what would you name it?
541. If you were to pick any 10 players from any football team in the world for your team,
who would you pick?

542. What’s your favourite stadium?

543. What’s your favourite board game?

544. Do you prefer UNO or Monopoly?

545. Do you usually win or lose at board games?

546. Do you prefer to play virtual games or board games?

547. Do you know how to play chess?

548. If you could play your favourite board game with anyone in the world, who would it be?

549. Do you think board games depend more on luck or skills?

550. What’s your lucky number?

551. Do you have any favourite objects? if so, what is it?

552. What is the most valuable object you have in your home?

553. Have you ever stolen anything?

554. Have you ever had something precious stolen from you?

555. What is your favourite song and why?

556. Do you have any song that relates to your partner, if so what is it?

557. What song relates the most to your life?

558. What instrument you don’t know how to play, but want to learn?

559. What’s your favourite musical

560. If you were to make a music video, who would you cast?

561. If you were to make a music video, where would you shoot the video?

562. Do you listen to music for their lyrics or for the music?

563. Who’s your favourite rapper?

564. If you could bring any dead singer back to life, who would it be?

565. Which singer do you hate the most and why?

566. If you were to sing a song, what would it be about?

567. Your opinion on disney singers?

568. Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift?

569. Zac Efron or Ian Somerhalder?


571. What is your favourite club song?

572. What is your favourite driving music?

573. What is your favourite music to listen to for relaxation?

574. What song would you like to be played on your wedding?

575. What was the first song you danced to?

576. What was the first song you danced to with your partner?

577. What was the first song you ever listened to?

578. What is your favourite breakup song?

579. What is your favourite emotional song?

580. What is your favourite rock song?

581. What song do you listen to for motivation?

582. If you could attend any singer live, who would it?

583. If you were to get free ticket to take anyone with you to a music concert, who would it

584. The most embarrasing song?

585. The funniest song you’ve ever heard?

586. Ever been to a live concert?

587. Which music instruments do you know how to play?

588. Are you a good or bad student?

589. Who’s your favourite teacher?

590. Have any of your teachers/classmates ever been involved in any scandals?

591. Ever had a crush on any of your teachers?

592. Would you date your teacher if you had the chance?

593. What’s your favourite subject?

594. What’s your least favourite subject?

595. What subject are you the most good at?

596. Any foreign languages you’ve learnt at school?

597. Were you active or inactive at school?

598. Which country would you love to study at?

599. How would you rate your country’s education?

600. Favourite scientist and why?

601. Least favourite scientist and why?

602. Favourite person that changed the whole world?

603. The best invention that changed the whole world?

604. Were you bullied at school?

605. Were you popular in school?

606. How many people did you date in school?

607. Favourite memory from school?

608. Least favourite memory from school?

609. Did you ever cry in school and why?

610. If your teacher was to hit you, how would you respond?

611. Do you think hitting students for discipline is acceptable?

612. What kind of person were you at school? Nerdy, intelligent etc

613. If you could live the life of any historical person, who would it be?

614. Have you ever made someone cry?

615. If you were to be offered full scholarship for any university, which one would it be?

616. What’s the worst thing you’ve done in school?

617. Were your parents ever called by the school. If so, for what reason?

618. What was your teacher’s impressions on you?

619. What were your classmate’s impression on you?

620. If you got accepted into Hogwarts, would you go or not?

621. What was your favourite activity at school?

622. What do you prefer to do most of the time at school?

623. Business, Arts, Engineering or Medical. Which one do you prefer and why?

624. Are you happy with the course you are taking right now?
625. If your parents were to force you to study something you’re not interested in, what
would be your reaction?

626. If you could study only one subject for life, which one would it be?

627. If you could get rid of one subject from this world permanently, which one would it be?

628. Do you think school is useful or not?

629. Are you able to study at school?

630. Are you popular in school?

631. If someone was to bully a classmate, would you stand up for him?

632. If your classmate was to do something bad in school, would you snitch on him to the

633. Have you ever snitched on anyone in school?

634. Things you dislike about your institute?

635. Things you like about your institute?

636. If you could swap institute, which one would it be?

637. Are you happy with the current institute you’re going too? If no, why?

638. If you could swap teachers, who would you swap them with and why?

639. What do you usually do at break time?

640. Most memorable moment at school?

641. If you go on a field trip with your whole class to anywhere, where would you go?

642. Are you still in contact with friends from your previous institutes (kindergarten, primary

643. If you were offered to skip a grade, would you?

644. Did you fake ill to avoid school?

645. What’s the best excuse you’ve used to avoid school?

646. What’s the worst excuse you’ve used to avoid school?

647. Did your teachers believe you or not?

648. Did you do your homework/assignments on time?

649. If not, what excuses did you make up to get away?

650. Have you ever put the blame on someone else and got them in trouble?

651. Have you ever took blame for someone else, getting you in trouble?
652. Have you done anything illegal in school that teachers never found out?

653. How would you describe your teachers?

654. How would you describe your school?

655. How would you describe your school’s community?

656. Were you close to your teachers or not?

657. Were you on students or teachers side?

658. Have you ever became a school counselor, prefect or captain in school?

659. What house were you in at school?


661. Which life do you prefer more? school, high school or university life?

662. If you were to become head principal of your school for a day, what changes would you
make to it?

663. If you were given the power to suspend anyone from school, who would you suspend?

664. Would you love to teach at your school in the future?

665. Thoughts on your juniors?

666. Thoughts on your seniors?

667. Who do you get along with more? Your class or the other classes?

668. Biggest achievement in school?

669. Do you prefer co education or same sex schools and why?

670. Is your school co education or same sex?

671. What’s your dream university?

672. If you found out you have been accepted into a big university such as Harvard or MIT,
what would be your reaction?

673. Did you used bunk classes?

674. If so, where did you go during bunk?

675. Have you ever been caught bunking classes?

676. What was your attendance rate in school?

677. Were there any illegal organizations in your institute?

678. If you were asked to join a gang in school, would you?

679. If you get bullied, who do you usually go to?

680. Do you tell your parents about your school life or not?

681. If you could change any one thing about your institute, what would it be?

682. If you were allowed a freepass to do anything illegal in school, what would you do?

683. How far is your institute from your home?

684. How do you go to school everyday?

685. Do you prefer to walk to school or take public transport?

686. What is the punishment for coming late to class?

687. If you found out you had to repeat grade, what would your reaction be?

688. If you were given a wish to get A on any one subject, which subject would you choose?

689. If you were forced to get a F on only one subject, which subject would you choose?

690. Which subject do you think is useful and why?

691. Which subject do you think is useless and why?

692. Do you prefer teaching or studying?

693. How good of a teacher are you when it comes to teaching your classmates?

694. If you were to gain full knowledge of any scientist, whose would it be?

695. How much do you pay for your institute?

696. Do you prefer Xbox or Playstation?

697. If you had to choose between xbox or playstation to recieve for this christmas, which
one would you pick?

698. What’s the most expensive game you’ve bought?

699. What’s the most cheapest game you’ve bought?

700. Worst game you’ve played?

701. Best game you’ve played?

702. Most addictive game you’ve played?

703. Most hardest game you’ve played?

704. Most scariest game you’ve played?

705. Most funniest game you’ve played?

706. If you could live the life of any video game character, who would it be and why?
707. The most attractive video game character?

708. The least attractive video game character?

709. If you could bring any video game character to life to be your companion, who would it
be and why?

710. If you could date any video game character, who would it be?

711. If you could bring one dead character back into the game, who would it be?

712. If you could kill one character in a game, who would it be?

713. Do you prefer to play as female or male in videogames?

714. What do you prefer, social life or games?

715. If you could live in any video-game world, which one would it be and why?

716. Are there any videogame which relates to your life?

717. If you were to make a game, what would it be about?

718. Would you want a proffesional gaming career?

719. Thoughts on earning money from playing games?

720. If you could only play one videogame for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

721. If you could improve any video game, how would you improve it?

722. If you could combine 3 video game worlds, which ones would you combine?

723. If you were to make all your favourite video game characters fight each other, who
would win?

724. Your favorite antagonist and protagonist?

725. What’s your favourite role playing game?

726. What’s your favourite sandbox game?

727. Favourite GTA game and why?

728. Do you prefer FIFA or FIFA street?

729. Least favourite GTA game and why?

730. Favourite Halo game?

731. Favourite call of duty game?

732. Favourite protagonist in call of duty?

733. Favourite antagonist in call of duty?

734. Battlefield or Call of duty?

735. Favourite game you like to play online?

736. World of Warcraft or Runescape?

737. LoL or Dota?

738. Burnout or forza?

739. What gaming genre is your favourite? (Driving, sports, shooting etc.)

740. What impact has videogames had on you?

741. Do you believe in PG ratings?

742. Would you allow your children or younger siblings to play violent games?

743. What impact do you think video games has had on the youth?

744. How would your life be like without video games?

745. Do you like realistic or unrealistic games?

746. Do you prefer fantasy games over realistic games?

747. What is the most gruesome game you’ve played?

748. What is your favourite stealth game?

749. If you could gain skills of any videogame character, who would it be?

750. How much time do you spend everyday playing video games?

751. Why do you play videogames?

752. Do you prefer playing online or split screen with two controllers?

753. When you play split screen games, who do you usually play with?

754. What is your favourite mode in Call of Duty? (Search & Destroy, capture the flag etc)

755. Free to play or pay to play games?

756. Do you prefer to play games with cheats or without cheats?

757. If you could use a cheat in real life, what cheat would it be?

758. How do you remember game cheats?

759. Do you try to remember game cheats or write them down on paper?

760. What difficulty do you like to play games in usually?

761. Would you play a game over again after finishing it?

762. How many times have you completed the same game?
763. How many games do you think you’ve completed so far?

764. If you were to play only one game series for the rest of your life, which one would it be?

765. If you could kill one main character from a game, who would it be and why?

766. Do you support villain or hero?

767. Favourite assassin’s creed character?

768. Favourite assassin’s creed villain?

769. Favourite assassin’s creed protoganist?

770. Which assassin’s creed game did you like the most and why?

771. Which assassin’s creed game you liked the least and why?

772. Do you think games can be educational?

773. How much money have you spent on videogames so far?

774. What is your favourite zombie videogame?

775. Left 4 dead or Resident evil?

776. GTA or Saints Row?

777. La Noire or Sleeping dogs?

778. Skyrim or Oblivion?

779. Need for speed or Burnout?

780. What team do you usually pick when playing FIFA?

781. What car do you usually pick when playing a street racing game?

782. Your favorite quote from a game?

783. What game do you think deserves a movie?

784. Which game did you used to play in your childhood?

785. What’s your favourite arcade game?

786. What’s your favourite first person shooting game?

787. What’s your favourite third person shooting game?

788. Do you play any game that you’re embarrassed to tell others about?

789. Social life or Gaming?

790. Would you pick your girlfriend or gaming?

791. What games do you have installed in your phone?

792. What is the most annoying game you’ve ever played?

793. What game do you usually play on your phone to pass time?

794. Do you think people who play games on phone deserve to be called “gamers”?

795. What is your favorite game to play on phone?

796. What is your least favorite game to play on phone?

797. Your top 5 favourite games on phone?

798. Favourite single player game on phone?

799. Favourite online game on phone?

800. What was the first video game you played?

801. What was the first game you played on console?

802. What was the first game you played on mobile?

803. At what age did you start gaming?

804. What was the first console you bought?

805. Who do you prefer to play games with?

806. Favourite browser game?

807. What was your least favourite browser game?

808. Favorite game on Facebook? (Farmville, cityville etc)

809. Favourite soundtrack in videogame?

810. When playing a game, do you prefer to do missions or just roam around?

811. How much time does it usually take you to complete a game?

812. If you could play as one GTA character only forever, who would it be?

813. What is your favourite cheat in GTA?

814. What car do you prefer to drive in GTA?

815. Hardest mission you’ve done in GTA?

816. Easiest mission you’ve done in GTA?

817. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter A?

818. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter B?

819. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter C?

820. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter D?

821. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter E?

822. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter F?

823. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter G?

824. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter H?

825. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter I?

826. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter J?

827. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter K?

828. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter L?

829. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter M?

830. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter N?

831. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter O?

832. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter P?

833. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter S?

834. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter Q?

835. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter V?

836. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter X?

837. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter Y?

838. What’s your favourite game beginning with the letter Z?

839. Do you usually win or lose when playing against friends?

840. What are your parents inputs on you gaming?

841. What type of games do you like to play with your partner?

842. Do you enjoy sensor or controller games?

843. If you could get any game for free, which one would it be?

844. If you were to sell all your games, how much money do you think you’d make?

845. What expensive game have you regretted buying?

846. Where do you prefer to buy your videogames from?

847. Do you like taking turns to play when it comes to gaming?

848. What is your reaction when you lose a game?

849. What is your reaction when you win a game?

850. Do you prefer to game alone or with someone else?

851. Does gaming run in your genes?

852. How has gaming changed your life?

853. How do you think your life without gaming be like?

854. Do you take part in gaming tournaments or not?

855. What game are you the best at?

856. What game are you the worst at?

857. What do you think makes a game successful?

858. If you could remake one game, which one would it be and how would you remake it?

859. Your favourite phone?

860. What mobile model are you using at the moment?

861. Your favourite mobile brand?

862. Your favourite local mobile brand?

863. Your favourite foreign mobile brand?

864. Favourite under rated mobile?

865. Least favourite over rated mobile?

866. Samsung or Apple?

867. If you could get any phone for free, which one would it be?

868. If you had the opportunity to switch your phone with a less better version but better
brand, would you switch?

869. What impact do you think phone’s have had on the world?

870. Life without smartphone be like?

871. Have you ever did a prank call on anyone?

872. If so, who and how did you prank them?

873. What was their reaction?

874. Have you ever been prank called?

875. What was your reaction?

876. Favourite smartphone logo?

877. Your favourite iphone?

878. Your favourite samsung phone?

879. Your favourite motorola phone?

880. Do you prefer iOS, Android or Windows?

881. What is your phone’s OS?

882. Where do you usually download your apps from?

883. Have you ever made an app of your own?

884. If so, what was the app about?

885. If you were to make an app, what would it be about?

886. How many apps do you usually download on a daily basis?

887. How many apps do you have installed at the moment?

888. Name 3 apps you use the most on your phone?

889. Name 3 apps you’ve installed on your phone, but use the least?

890. Worst app you’ve installed?

891. Do you prefer free or paid apps?

892. Have you bought any paid apps?

893. If so which?

894. Most expensive paid app you bought and were you satisfied with it?

895. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter A?

896. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter B?

897. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter C?

898. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter D?

899. What’s your favourite mobile appbeginning with the letter E?

900. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter F?

901. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter G?

902. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter H?

903. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter I?

904. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter J?

905. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter K?

906. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter L?

907. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter M?

908. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter N?

909. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter O?

910. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter P?

911. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter S?

912. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter Q?

913. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter V?

914. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter X?

915. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter Y?

916. What’s your favourite mobile app beginning with the letter Z?

917. How do you usually take your photos? (With camera, phone? etc)

918. What software do you use to backup your photos?

919. Total number of photos you’ve in your gallery?

920. Do you password protect your phone?

921. If you do, why so?

922. How do you usually share stuff on your phone? Via bluetooth or Internet?

923. Have you any hidden files on your phone?

924. If so, what are they?

925. What do you usually do on your phone?

926. Do you prefer PC or Phone?

927. If you could use only PC or Phone for the rest of the life, what would you pick?

928. What operating system do you use on your PC?

929. Favourite windows?

930. Least-favourite windows?

931. Mac or Windows?

932. Linux or Windows?

933. What changes would you like to make to your current operating system?

934. What are your computer’s specs?

935. What do you usually do on PC?

936. Do you prefer PC or console for gaming?

937. If you were to use only one operating system for the rest of your life, what would it be?

938. If you were to invent an OS of your own, how would it be like?

939. If you were to make changes to a OS, what would they be?

940. If you were to rename a OS, what would they be?

941. Tabs or smartphones and why?

942. How many hours do you use your phone on a daily basis?

943. Do you regret using your phone that much?

944. What positive impact do you think phone has had on everyone?

945. What negative impact do you think phone has had on everyone?

946. If you were to invent a smartphone of your own, how would it be like?

947. What would you name your own smartphone?

948. How much would you price your phone?

949. How much did you buy your current smartphone for?

950. Your thoughts on the prices of smartphones, whether they’re fair prices or not?

951. Do you buy phones based on their looks or how they work?

952. Post a picture of your phone’s cover?

953. What type of cover do you use?

954. Is your phone protected?

955. What type of password your phone has?

956. Where do you usually get your music from?

957. How many songs are in your phone’s playlist?

958. Where do you stream music videos?

959. Subway Surfer or Temple Run?

960. Highest score you’ve achieved on Subway surfer?

961. Highest score you’ve achieved on Temple run?

962. Do you prefer music in mp3 or video format?

963. Which singer’s songs you’ve the most on your phone?

964. Any embarrassing thing you have on your phone that you don’t want others to know?
965. At what age did you start using phone?

966. Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger?

967. Viber or Skype?

968. Instagram or Snapchat?

969. Twitter or Facebook?

970. Highest likes you’ve got on Instagram?

971. Highest retweets/favourites you’ve got on Twitter?

972. Highest followers you’ve got on any social networking?

973. Where do you usually get your tweets from?

974. Apart from socializing, what else do you use Facebook for?

975. Apart from viewing/uploading photos on Instagram, what do you use it for?

976. If you were to recieve a call from an unknown number, would you attend it?

977. If someone annoys you on phone, who do you usually go to?

978. What SIM do you use?

979. What packages do you use on phone?

980. How much data do you spend everyday usually?

981. Maximum data you’ve spent?

982. What do you usually spend your data on?

983. What app do you use the most on your phone?

984. What app do you use the least on your phone?

985. Do you take care of your phone or not?

986. How many times have your phone fell but survived?

987. How many times have you broken your phone?

988. How many times have you cracked the screen?

989. How many phones have you bought in your lifetime?

990. What phone have you used the longest?

991. What phone have you used the least time?

992. Any phone you bought but regret buying it?

993. How many mega-pixels is your phone’s camera?

994. If you could call one person for the rest of your life only, who would it be?

995. Do you remember your own number?

996. Who’s numbers do you remember apart from your own?

997. How do you memorize your numbers?

998. Have you ever been stuck in a bad situation but had no phone?

999. How many signal bars do you usually get in your room?

1000. What service provider do you think is the best and why so?

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