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Law of Attraction Tip #1

The Law of Attraction works just like tuning forks. If you ding a tuning fork in a room full of tuning forks, only the tuning forks on the same wave length as the one you
dinged will vibrate. The vibrations created by your feelings work exactly the same way. If you feel positive feelings, positive things will be attracted to you. If you feel
negative feelings, then you will attract negative things - guaranteed. Invest in MindMaster Today and Change your Vibration

Law of Attraction Tip #2

Using the Law of Attraction is like shopping in a catalogue that literally contains anything in the world that you could possibly want to have. Traditional thinking tells us
that we can only have the things that we can afford, or that are appropriate for us to have, or that we deserve. The infinite power of the Universe does not recognize
any of these human limitations. No matter how big something is, or how incredibly small, if you can imagine it, and you can feel what it would be like to have it, then
the Universe will deliver it to you.

Law of Attraction Tip #3

You do not have to justify why you want something, or whether or not you deserve it! This is a limitation that has been imposed on us by our social upbringing, and it
has absolutely nothing to do with what the Universe can deliver to you. The infinite power of the Universe does not recognize whether you think of yourself as a good
person or a bad person. It also does not recognize what your friends, family, or your society think of you. When using the Law of Attraction to attain what you desire, if
you feel that you don't deserve something, or you think that you aren't worthy of it, then it is guaranteed that you won't get it!

Law of Attraction Tip #4

Most adults have forgotten how to dream about what they want, and they usually don't believe that they can have their desires, even if they do remember to dream.
When you truly embrace the fact that you can literally have anything that you want by using the Law of Attraction, then you start to experience the emotion connected
with having that thing. THAT is when you truly start to create the high frequency emotional vibrations that will attract that thing into your life.

Law of Attraction Tip #5

Laughter is one of the most effective ways to create true positive vibrations that will attract great things into your life. Laugh and smile as often as possible, and
positive things will start to happen for you!

Law of Attraction Tip #6

In order to create the powerful vibrations needed to attract the things into your life that you want, it is not enough to simply think about them. You must figure out the
emotional reason WHY you want that thing, and experience the positive emotion of HAVING it while you think about the object of your desire. The more positive
emotion that you create by feeling good about having that thing, and the longer you stay in that emotionally positive state, the faster your desires will come to you!

Law of Attraction Tip #7

Think of the Universal power that resides inside each and every human being as a water hose. Any kind of negative emotions that you experience will pinch that hose
and slow down or stop the flow of that power from inside of you. Your ability to use that power to get what you want from life will also slow down or stop. On the
other hand, when you experience positive, happy emotions, then your hose is full of high pressure Universal energy and you can use it to literally manifest anything in
the world that you want!

Law of Attraction Tip #8

A simple and powerful way to use the Law of Attraction is called "Intending". By making a conscious effort to "intend" to do something, you call upon the resources
that will be required to make that thing happen. Start out small with this method to learn how it works. Say that you "intend" to make it to work on time today.
"Intend" to have a smile for everyone that you see today. Say that you "intend" to be very productive today. By consistently "intending" to do things - even small things
- you are constantly building up the positive emotional vibration of Self-confidence. As you get more and more proficient at this, you will be amazed at how much your
confidence soars, and how you can literally "intend" for anything to happen - and it will!

Law of Attraction Tip #9

You have to stop focusing on the negative things in your life right now! Remember, the Law of Attraction works both ways. Whether you focus on something negative,
or something positive, you will receive something out of that attraction - whether you want it or not. So, if you focus on something negative in your life - work, family,
health, whatever - you are guaranteed to attract more of it!

Law of Attraction Tip #10

Our "reality" today is nothing more than the result of how we have been flowing our energy up to this point by using our feelings. Good, bad, or indifferent - YOU are
the only one responsible for where your life is right now. The great news is that it doesn't MATTER where your life is right now! By flowing your energy differently from
now on and only feeling positive emotions, you can literally create your tomorrow to be whatever you want it to be!

Law of Attraction Tip #11

Focus on what you want in life as if you already had it. Do whatever it takes to create the positive emotional state that you will experience when you actually have
whatever it is that you desire. Do this as opposed to focusing on what you DON'T want! For example: If you want to lose weight, don't say "I want to lose weight". All
that does is remind you that you think you weigh too much! Instead, picture in your mind how you will look when you get to your goal weight, and imagine how great
that will make you feel. This creates positive energy flow, rather than the habitual negative energy flow that automatically comes forth when you say "I want to lose
weight". No matter what it is that you desire, you must create the positive emotional energy associated with already having that thing, which will ultimately attract
that thing right to you!

Law of Attraction Tip #12

Never ever worry about HOW you are going to get what you want! This one misconception is responsible for a large portion of the failure that exists in our society
today. The idea behind the Law of Attraction is that you flow positive energy out into the Universe by having feelings of success, happiness, and fulfillment when you
visualize the things that you want to get out of life. The Universe will provide the things that you "feel" about, but it will not work if you worry about how it is all going
to happen, or even IF it is going to happen. Doubt breeds insecurity and lack of focus. KNOW that you will get what you want, and leave the details of HOW it is going
to happen to the power of the Universe!

Law of Attraction Tip #13

Don't be afraid to "tender talk" yourself. By telling yourself in a soothing manner that everything is going to be okay, you immediately start producing positive energy.
Talking out loud radically increases the effectiveness of this technique and you will be amazed at how quickly you start to feel better.

Law of Attraction Tip #14

Always remember that negative energy is created by your reaction to something. No matter how justified you may be in getting angry or upset about something, your
justification means nothing to the Universe. You will create damaging negativity that directly affects you in a negative manner - no matter how justified you were for
getting upset in the first place.

Law of Attraction Tip #15

Feel good even when you don't FEEL like feeling good. In fact, the more you don't want to be positive, the greater the need for you to BE positive! When life has you
down and all you want to do is curl into a ball and hide - that is when you need positive energy the most. Even if you have to take baby steps to work your way back
into the light - DO IT!

Law of Attraction Tip #16

Focus intense emotional happiness and positive vibrations on your true desires in life as often as you can. The Law of Attraction works on a cumulative scale. The more
you vibrate in a truly positive manner, the faster you get what you want. There are no "rules" that say how often or for how long you should undertake these activities,
but it is clear that the more often you do it, the better. It is not possible to feel positive TOO often! At least 15 continuous, uninterrupted minutes per day is
recommended, and more than that is even better.

Law of Attraction Tip #17

Don't jump to "take action" every time something doesn't go your way in life. Our habits have been formed in such a way that we think the only way to "fix" something
is to take massive action against it. Not true! By taking massive action, all we are doing is continuing to convince ourselves that the problem must be huge. Instead,
focus on the positive opposite of that problem, and a solution will present itself - without you continuing to create negative energy by taking massive action against
that thing.

Law of Attraction Tip #18

One of the simplest and most effective ways to turn a negative situation around is to simply SMILE. We're not talking about smiling at the situation, although that may
also be appropriate. Instead, we are talking about putting together a list of things for you to think about that simply bring a true heartfelt smile to your face. Whenever
you are feeling down or unable to control your negative feelings, just consult your list and smile when you think of one or more of the things on the list. You can
choose things like envisioning two kittens tumbling all over each other as they play; maybe a puppy barking at the TV because he sees another animal there; perhaps a
cherished memory of a child, a family member, or a loved one. The better the vision or the memory, the more powerful the smile will be!

Law of Attraction Tip #19

A simple and silly - but very effective - way to get positive energy flowing when you least feel like it is to simply focus on flowing positive energy. Choose a person, an
inanimate object, a tree - anything. Just stare at the thing you have chosen and simply imagine overflowing it with love! Picture waves of goodness and positive
vibrations emanating from you and being swallowed up by the object of your attention. Not only does this have the affect of stopping your negative energy flow simply
because you have something else to focus on, but you get the humor factor going, too. If concentrating on how much you love a street sign, a dust bunny, or your
shoelace doesn't bring a silly grin to your face, then nothing will!

Law of Attraction Tip #20

Dance & Sing! Every one of us has songs that simply make us feel good. In fact, sometimes when we are relishing in a bath of (seemingly) well-deserved negativity, we
WON'T listen to that song because we are enjoying the chance to wallow in self-pity. Rubbish! Negativity will get you nowhere, so turn that song on and sing! If you are
not driving, then dance, too! The worse your singing voice is and the more you can't dance, the better you will feel for belting out the effort anyway!
Law of Attraction Tip #21

When your "Inner Self" sends you a message, listen to it! The more we vibrate positive emotions, the closer we become to who we TRULY are. Flashes of intuition and
inspired ideas are a direct result of us gaining a closer relationship with our all-powerful inner selves. Human instincts teach us to survive. Human intuition, on the
other hand, teaches us to be happy. If you want to be happy, then learn how to respond when clues and answers are given to you.

Law of Attraction Tip #22

Focus intense emotional happiness and positive vibrations on your true desires in life as often as you can. The Law of Attraction works on a cumulative scale. The more
you vibrate in a truly positive manner, the faster you get what you want. There are no "rules" that say how often or for how long you should undertake these activities,
but it is clear that the more often you do it, the better. It is not possible to feel positive TOO often! At least 15 continuous, uninterrupted minutes per day is
recommended, and more than that is even better.

Law of Attraction Tip #23

If you and another person are both focusing on the same positive outcome, then you amplify the effects of the Law of Attraction. If a group of people can focus on the
same thing, then the effect is even greater. The uses for this type of amplification at home or in the workplace are truly staggering.

Law of Attraction Tip #24

Do whatever you can to understand what it will feel like to possess the things that you are working to manifest with the Law of Attraction. Go visit the type of house
that you want to live in. Test-drive the car that you want to buy. Vacation on the island that you want to retire on. Remember, though - the point of this exercise is NOT
to remind yourself that you don't already have these things, but rather to FEEL what it is like to have them. The more intensely and the more often you focus on that
feeling afterwards, the sooner the object of your desire will come into your life!

Law of Attraction Tip #25

Before you enter into a potentially negative situation, put up your own emotional shields by sending positive vibrations in advance of you actually getting there.
Envision the best possible outcome, and think of how easy the whole thing will be because you have such a great attitude about it. By sending positive vibrations in
ahead of you, then at the very least, YOUR head will be in the right place, and it is possible that you will displace some other negative energy as well.

Law of Attraction Tip #26

Practice the life that you want before you get it! No matter if your goals are health, wealth, personal happiness, or whatever else you want to attain - pretend you
already have it. Visualize going out and spending your money, or strutting around in your picture-perfect body, or curling up in a perpetually happy ball of
contentment. It doesn't matter what you want. All that matters is that you see the life that you want as if you already have it, and you FEEL accordingly!

Law of Attraction Tip #27

Allow no excuses! If you think that you can't get what you want because you don't have enough time or education, or because some "circumstance" just won't allow
you to have it, then that is the energy that you will flow, and that EXACTLY what you will get!

Law of Attraction Tip #28

If you feel that your personal or family relationships are in trouble - or worse, are completely hopeless - then you are absolutely right! By feeling that way, you are
absolutely guaranteeing that what you feel will happen is going to come to pass. It is imperative that you remember that you can only control your feelings and your
reactions to the people in your life. If those feelings and reactions are angry, hostile, or hopeless, then those relationships are doomed by your own hand. Also,
remember that just because you manage to keep up a positive energy flow, that does not guarantee that the people you care about will do the same. Some people are
doomed to misery because they can't break free from their negative ways. All you can do is remain positive, visualize the best possible outcome, and trust that the
Universe - your Inner Self - will guide YOU down the right path.

Law of Attraction Tip #29

Never blame anyone for anything. Even if they were 100% in the wrong, by blaming them, all you do is create more negative energy. Instead, appreciate whatever it is
that is good about that person or the situation, and flow positive energy instead.

Law of Attraction Tip #30

Forgiveness is something that we do for ourselves. By continuing to be upset about something that someone has done in the past, all we are doing is continually
recreating the negative energy associated with that memory. In order to forgive, you truly must forget. Otherwise, your "forgiveness" is just a show, and neither you
nor the other person is going to receive any positive energy from it.

Law of Attraction Tip #31

If you truly want to help someone in your life who is going through a rough time, then stop focusing on their issues! Whether you are talking about medical conditions,
financial woes, or personal problems, you must not dwell on the negative aspects of their lives. By focusing on that person's problems, or talking about those problems,
you are reinforcing the negative strength of their issues. Instead, just focus on the positive opposite of their negative issue, and encourage them to do the same.
Law of Attraction Tip #32

When a relationship does not go your way, the only way that you can expect to attract a better relationship - or to fix the one that you are in - is to let go of the
negative feelings that you have about that person or that relationship. Instead, focus on a positive mental picture of the type of relationship that you want, or on the
positive aspects of the relationship that you are in.

Law of Attraction Tip #33

If your family life is in turmoil, you must remember that it is up to YOU to create the positive environment that will fix it. By continuing to do nothing but respond in a
negative manner to whatever the problems are, you will do nothing but perpetuate the problems, and they will never go away!

Law of Attraction Tip #34

Your mind and your body are linked on every conceivable level, so it stands to reason that if you think you are sick and you focus on that, then you most certainly will
be. On the flip side, if you focus on being healthy and strong, then your body will respond by BEING healthy and strong. You can literally heal your body of injury and
illness by flowing positive energy. However, if you focus on any illness - from the common cold all the way up through cancer - you are guaranteed to make that
condition worse!

Law of Attraction Tip #35

Your natural state is one of happiness, health, and unlimited power! The less you believe that, the less happiness, health, and power you will have. On the other hand,
when you truly believe that you are both the creator and the recipient of a truly fulfilling existence, then the sky is the limit as far as what you can have, what you can
become, and what you can experience!

Law of Attraction Tip #36

The past is exactly that - the past! You do not have to "deal with it", "come to terms with it", or any similar nonsense. You are the architect of your future, and your
future has not been written yet! It has absolutely nothing to do with who you used to be, what you think you have done wrong in the past, or how you were raised.
Every day - indeed, every MOMENT - is another chance for you to make your life whatever you want it to be. Make it a good one!

Law of Attraction Tip #37

You can never have anything if you have an energetic "resistance" to attracting that thing into your life. If you don't BELIEVE you can have it, you never will have it!

Before your business can realistically or effectively begin a marketing campaign, you'll need to be able to answer two vital questions: what is your target market, and
what does your target market want or need that your business can provide? Without detailed and precise answers to these questions you won't be able to define your
marketing strategy, or put in place an effective sales and marketing plan. It's worth recalling the classic tale of two shoe sales representatives out exploring opportunities
in a country in which their company had yet to establish a market. The first sales representative sent back an initial report saying "Everyone goes barefoot in this country,
no market here at all." The second sales representative's report, however, was somewhat different: "Everyone goes barefoot, massive opportunity for us." Who was right?

This illustrates the necessity for any business to understand accurately the needs of its target customers, in terms of knowing enough about them and gathering sufficient
information about what they really want. Without this precise understanding your efforts to market your goods and services won't be effective.

What You Need to Know

How do I identify my target customers?

Your first job when profiling a target market is to be able to identify precisely who your audience is. Can you accurately describe the characteristics of your ideal
customers? Which clients currently spend the most with you? Why do they do this? If you don't know the answers, you need to find out.

You'll probably already have a good idea about the groups of people or types of businesses that you think you can sell your service to. For individual customers this
might be people of a certain age, gender, socio-economic status, occupation, or a group with common or special interests such as sports or hobbies. For business
customers these might be located in a specific area, or in a particular sector, or could have similarities in terms of the customer groups they sell to. Your objective should
be to concentrate your marketing on these groups of people, businesses, or existing customers who are most likely to buy your product or service. Doing this in the most
profitable way takes experience, but once you have identified this target group of people or businesses, you'll have completed the first step in profiling your market and
now have your list of target prospects-your ideal customers.

Don't forget that you could also speak to your existing clients or, even better, clients of your competitors if that is possible. Double Check that Your Marketing Message
Is Right for Your Target Market Once you have spoken to a sample of your target market and you are satisfied that you have confirmed your assumptions about their
needs, you'll be in a position to create or adapt a marketing proposition to sell the benefits of your product or service to that audience. After you have established the
basic proposition, consider carefully whether there is anything further that will make your marketing message even more appealing. Will these communications convince
them that your service can provide the benefits that meet their exact needs?

Check that Your List of Prospects Is as Precise as Possible

Your prospects list will only be of real use in your marketing campaign if it accurately reflects the profile of the audiences you are targeting. Have the consumers of your
product or service been identified in terms of their geographic and demographic profile, their employment status, profession, special interests, membership of clubs, and
so on? Have you compiled a list of your business targets in terms of where they are located, their size, names of the main buyer, repeat purchase rate? Have you
identified the best sales channels to enable you to reach these target customers?

Your sales efforts can only be as good as the list of prospects you have selected in your target markets, and that list must reflect the profile of the audience you are
developing your marketing proposition to reach.

Insure that You Are Giving Them What They Want

With a thorough understanding of the needs of your ideal customers, you should then strive to create an offering and proposition based on four criteria that will give

 exactly what they want from you

 precisely when they need it
 in a way that is convenient for them
 at a price they can afford and are prepared to pay

If you are not convinced that your sales proposition meets all of these criteria, then you'll need to study the profile of your customers again and revise your offering.

Is it about quality or quantity of prospects?

A precision-driven marketing approach-where you have a high-quality list of prospective clients or leads-will, dollar-for-dollar of marketing spend, prove far more
productive and profitable than an untargeted blanket approach to generate sales. Quality of leads, based on your understanding, knowledge, and careful profiling of your
customers and their needs, will massively increase your ability to convert them into sales.

Pinpoint what Your Customers and Prospects Need or Want

Having selected your ideal customer groups you'll now need to be absolutely clear about what they want and need, and exactly what it is that you are going to offer them.
This understanding will enable you to develop the specific marketing message and proposition that will most effectively sell the benefits of your product or service to

If you get these messages wrong, then it's almost certain that your marketing efforts will fail, as your customers will buy from your competitors instead. Your product,
service, or business proposition will have missed the target completely.

Speak to Target Customers Before Developing Your Marketing Strategy

Before you start to develop or choose your marketing strategy it's always worthwhile to speak first to a sample from your target audience. By doing this you'll be able to
check that your profile of your intended market has been the right one, and test your assumptions about what you think they want and why they could buy from you. You
could do this by speaking directly to a group of people or you could undertake a survey in the form of a questionnaire, which can be mailed to a sample of target
customers. Alternatively, you could talk to passers-by in a location that is frequented by your ideal customers.

What to Avoid

Failing to Test

The most common mistakes made when targeting products and services toward specific users or customer groups are caused by not testing the assumptions you have
made about your audience. You'll waste valuable time and marketing budget if you launch a campaign toward an audience when you have not accurately identified who
those customers are, and cannot precisely define what they want and why they could buy from you instead of your competitors.

Lack of Focus

Do not buy into a list of unknown prospects, no matter how attractive it seems to get names of thousands of people you can blanket-sell to in the short term.

Find out who they are, where they are located, and test your assumptions about what you believe they want. By testing, you can either confirm that your profiling was
right, or you can adjust your offering until you get it right. Being precise will lead to more sales more quickly, and more profit over the longer term. One book you might
find helpful when learning to sharpen your focus is The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow your Focus, Dominate Your Market by Michael
Treacy and Fred Wiersema, published by Perseus.

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