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The Bio-Information Age is now here

Reformatted from an article that originally appeared on Mr. Dratch’s website at the below URL

Mind Wars or a Better Way

Over the last 25 years totally

silent and very effective wireless
neuro-stimulator technology has
been developed -- in essence, a
phenomenally precise nervous
system control method is here
now. It will eventually cover the

In reading that statement, I ask

you, did you feel that would be a
negative outcome or a positive
outcome? That question touches
on the exact issue we are about to
discuss. Please follow along with

Throughout this article I will touch

on both sides, both viewpoints.
You can choose which side of the
fence you are on. Possibly after
reading this, you may feel that
there is hope and a better future is
on the horizon.

Just possibly, the technology I

propose could allow us to connect,
where there was no other way to
reach inner and outerspaces..
One non-conventional very low power or quiet active "neuro-stimulator" by itself evokes all sorts of sensations at
distances measured to 60 feet away, and hardly creates any detectable RF spectral signal. In laymen's terms,
"sensory stimulators" can convey information to a nervous system without wires. If those stimulators were to use
satellite uplinks, precise "global scale" transformation capability becomes possible - the technology is real. Is there
any way to determine if those types of systems are being used? Are various radio and television advertisements
encoded? Are various radio and television shows themselves encoded?

In researching over the last 100 years the "progress" in the field of using technology for controlling behaviour, I will
predict that neural control concepts are not going to go away, and if kept in the dark, they will become more
insidious. To remove the dark potential, we need to discuss what is happening, and then offer solutions, if at all

Let's start with a look at the conventional kick'em in the teeth approach, that the militaries choose to keep a situation
under control.
Developed in the United States for the military, high powered not-so-subtle, brute force aggressive RF
"microwavers" (think portable microwave oven), such as Active Denial designed by companies such as Raytheon
for the US Government, rely on projecting energy that cooks the surface layer of skin cells, creating intense pain
and discomfort. The "cookers" as they can be called, can't create any helpful situation in the body, or mind. They
simply mitigate, by showering one with painful "electronic bullets". That technology is discussed on - they suggest that even metal garbage can lids will effectively deflect away any energy
rendering the "amazing" deterrent aspect ludicrous. It has been said that the Active Denial system is a benign "non-
lethal" weapons system.

Calling those premiere microwave cookers "non-lethal-weapon systems" as the "ultimate deterrent system" for
governments worldwide looks like a marketing ploy - the effects of ultra-high-frequency "submillimeter"
microwave "cookers" can be easily shielded by a person wearing a conductive skin suit, such as silver coated

Silverized goggles also would protect the eyes. "Silverlon™" is one such brand name of a material that will
adequately shield a person. Incorporating conductive shielding into conventional infantry clothes is easy to do.

The logic of the cookers says HURT but don't kill. They want these to be used everywhere for quelling conflicts.
(well they assume it won't injure or blind..)

The neural battleground -

Over the last 25 years exploring energy and consciousness, I've looked into published research of beneficial uses of
neural technologies for actually helping to restore neural functionality, help with motor control, or achieving
feelings of wellness - it is clear to me that one can achieve peace, stability and security through repairing a damaged
mind and body. Don't ignore this fact.

There are others I have seen who have designed nasty technologies under the label of the "non-lethal" heading.
Their mindset is not about healing or helping the person, as their mindset is about winning the battle. With them it's
always a battle, an "Us against them..", never do we see a potential for we, or cooperation.

We can ask ourselves "Peace yes, but at what cost?" The implication reflects to the sovereignty of the State, the
individual and of course what will happen in the economy when global stability becomes a reality. The economy
actually will become stronger and we will see amazing advances in global market cooperation, diversity of product
manufacturing and expansion through third world markets. To see the benefits happen, one needs to follow through
with the proper POSITIVE aspects of the technology. Haven't we seen those in control believe negative
reinforcement, or "use a bigger stick" is a better way?
We often hear: "we need to love one another more.."and just trust. When attempting to reach folks and say: "Well
your prayer has been achieved", and it can truly happen now, I've seen these folks go reactive literally in fear that
something bad will happen! That type of behaviour reaction is because of particular neural circuits blocking them
from allowing the realization of an optimum outcome. These folks needing help just can't trust, or of all things, have
"faith" that there can be a positive outcome. Those folks are experiencing "conflict circuits" and are what the
"negative controllers" use to keep them in bondage. It is amazingly insidious. The folks who would be healed refuse
to be healed because of the installed blocks - (either such was self installed, or installed in some other manner). It is
tragic really - the solutions have been there, and they won't use them, nor have "faith". When you see people
blocking or refusing a positive outcome, take a very close look at their issues. One may become very enlightened at
how the "system" works.. The conflict circuits safely and easily can be cleared out.

What about creating beauty? What about creating ugly smelly disgusting appearances in one's clothing, or not
bathing - aren't those statements and like-wise forms of mind control? Why should a technologist utilizing a way to
make a statement, or an artist using a way to make a statement, or a hippie, or a bum be chastised or rejected as non-
conformist? Each of those groups or persons is using a form of mind control to create and/or influence those about
one. Look at the quantity of afternoon "soaps", or conflict/competition or "talk shows" that are continually being
presented, and the amount of engagement that those "shows" present - what we see happening is a tacit agreement
that type of mind control is OK as long as it falls within certain peer group parameters. So, the defining of what is to
be considered socially acceptable, or positive, and socially not acceptable or negative is a strong consideration.
Mind control clearly is used by everyone - seems we only get scared or annoyed or worried if it is used by
something "big", like "the Man", or "big business". The worry really comes from "negative control". Even
"meditation" is mind control. Bad or good - what a question for one to contemplate on..

To not let people know there are solutions is unethical

Again, it is clear to me that one can achieve peace, stability and security through repairing a damaged mind, and
often-times when the mind is healed the body will try to comply as well. Understanding "damage" can point
towards solutions. Heal the mind and the rest will follow if our educational system and value system is properly
defined. People need to know there are positive solutions available. To not get that reality to the people is a
disservice I feel. It has been shown time and time again, when the mind is healed, the body will follow. Please
review (Note 2) below.

Let's look back a mere 100 years. Back then we see the concept of "peace" being created under the plans setup by
the one with the strongest "force" - look at what was being told to folks: "God created men, Samuel Colt made them
equal." In the mid 1800's Colt produced a very effective projectile driven weapon using the bullet and cartridge
concept. A bullet rips through flesh, bone and artery, reducing its target to an incapacitated heap. The Colt
"PeaceMaker" as was any deterrent system through the threat of an unstoppable force was used to "create peace" -
what's wrong with that picture?

Please know that I am currently not under any security document preventing me from discussing what I've
observed. I don't work for any "Agency", nor have I in the past worked for any such group. All of my work has been
developed independently and with a view of actually helping mankind. I am letting folks know the state-of-the-art
currently and we have solutions to negative control. To not let people know there are solutions is unethical. I choose
to speak up to offer help.

I understand there are important security uses for my technology and in other papers those uses are discussed.

When brought up, the subject of quietly, remotely and wirelessly generating "sensations" that can "influence a
mind" through the nervous system, clearly is a highly controversial topic (see note 1) and gets many stirred up in a
frenzy. Many hosts simply won't discuss these topics in the open - we can only speculate why. Have they been
threatened or intimidated to not allow such topics to come to the surface? Should the "people" be made aware of
what is out there technologically?

Clearly there's at least two sides to this coin -

The proper methods of interacting with life, the nervous system and the mind are only starting to become discussed
openly in the field - former Astronaut Ed Mitchell suggests it briefly in his paper "Nature's Mind, the Quantum

Defining precisely how the nervous system can be accessed appears to be what gets most researchers concerned.
Rapidly projects go black. Why?

Seems to me, the security folks these days are doing what they can to make it harder for people to know about these
subjects. I am seeing information suppressed in the various journals, with researchers not wanting to talk about "it"
in the open.

I called Ed from Hawaii a while back (in the mid 90's) a couple years before he released his paper. I was studying
how wild dolphins use sonic holograms at the time and shared my research with Ed.

Ed's current link to his paper looks like it is now archived, and available through: this link which is google's cache.
It is a very good eye-opener paper. I highly recommend reading it and following along with Ed's conclusions.

One version of the technology that Mitchell's quantum hologram alludes to has been around since 1995 and requires
only fractions of a watt of radio wave power (microwatts) to control symptoms or create sensations at a maximum
distance of 60 feet, without any wires connected to the subject and without any implants, and without any receivers
- therefore a "person" themselves is theoretically accessible at-a-distance. That observation has not gone un-noticed.
We can see that the Department of Homeland Security (HSA) has actually put out a document requesting that such
advanced technologies be made available to them (see this PDF file).

For those with experience in radios and transmitters, one could appreciate the significance of that feature.

No cellular heating occurs at those extremely low power levels. Detection is hardly possible even with the best
Agilent spectrum analyzers. What is even more remarkable is that all of that falls within "over the counter" Part 15

Under conventional "taught" theory, we're told any such effect to be noticed or felt or "do anything" to the body, or
mind is "impossible" with those extremely low power levels. Those theories are totally wrong for certain conditions
of fields. I proved that out long ago, solved the logistics of projection theory and built working models to test the
concept. I published a paper with the IEEE back in 1983 covering those concepts. I know what is impractical, what
works and what is disinformation. I have seen a lot of disinformation is present in the field, and misdirection.

Professor A. Marino and Robert O. Becker discovered that micro and millivolt field potentials present across the
surface of a cell will create a change. If there is a nerve cell present, the change can have a cell conduct, or not-
conduct. (see note 3) Their work has been accepted and poo-poo'd also. Again it is amazing to see this science
trying to be made obscure for some reason. The solving of many of the neurological issues plaguing mankind today
are possibly the greatest events of recorded history. Former President HW Bush recognized this and made a
statement to that effect.

No bunker is immune from its effects -

Envision that an effective bioactive function is achievable at micro-watt RF power densities. Microwatt is
millionths of a watt - a very small fraction of power.

The effects of a non-scalar holo-projection system using let's say 250 milliwatts ERP (that's 1/4 of a watt of
Effective Radiated Power) at the output are impossible to shield from. One's night light for instance is up to 8
WATTS of power - notice how small a power level this is in comparison to what you get from that light.

The "silver suit" shield won't work with that type of system. Such a small ERP is many thousands of times into the
threshold of bio-perception.

A low power level density is easily

reachable through existing "spot
microwave satellite beams". Any of
the conventional commercial satellites
now in orbit could beam down that
type of signal without any
modifications. A few microwatts
exposure is all it would take at the
subject's location. Even "EMP
hardening" would be useless with that
type of tech. No bunker can be made
immune from its effects. That could
be one of the most phenomenal
realizations of the century.

I am looking at solutions that can be worn to help with stabilization and pacing. We feel that there are
configurations that should be created to stop "scalar assault". Scalar assault weapons, be they magnetic, or
ultrasonic or microwave are the other form of insidious mind control technology being developed behind "official"
closed doors. Dr. Tom Bearden talks about scalar weapons. Google to read about that. I am confident we have the
basis for solutions.

There are solutions -

One of our newest approaches is the concept of a wearable "Bio-Paced Neural-Sensory Device". It is designed to
be the same size as a behind-the-ear hearing aid device to function as a "portable neural stabilizer" that effectively
blocks external disruptive patterns (e.g. computer smog, and beaming influences). We do not use scalar or
magnetic fields for coupling.

In Parkinson's disease or neurological problems that result in tremors, the non-invasive ear-piece "stabilizer"
would function as a brain cortical bio-pacer capable of synchronizing catastrophic episodes within the hemispheres
and lobes, and reducing the likelihood of seizure events, wirelessly and without invasive surgery. This type of
system has been hoped for by the afflicted for many years. Now is the time for it to be a reality.

An important attribute of this technology, I believe, is that it could help people with various nervous system
disabilities. With advancing age, pain management, stroke, Alzheimers, alcoholism, Parietal Seizure, Parietal
Dementia, or Frontal-Temporal Dementia, the neural circuits become scrambled, blocked or inaccessible. A Bio-
Paced Neural-Sensory Device could become a solution here also. It could become possible that the hallucinations
that troubled people are reporting experiencing (odd unexplainable sensations, or images) could be diminished or
quelled completely.

A "neural circuit" (a reverberant information pattern similar to how the lyrics of a music piece can get stuck in
one's mind) could be created or un-done using the Bio-Paced Neural-Sensory technology. A proper sequence of
neural circuits could contain something like "remembering how to get up in the morning, get dressed, have
breakfast and go to work". An aberrant behavior "habit" lodged accidentally or deliberately into a neural circuit
could be corrected or removed. Therefore, controlling these circuits properly, non-chemical psychiatric solutions
are possible. That means immense breakthroughs are now on the horizon in the repair and treatment of
neurological diseases and conditions. With disease conditions proper neural circuits are lost. Elderly for instance
can easily loose their way, or not remember to get up and go eat or take care of necessary bodily functions. All of
those functions are stored in neural circuits.

Then, along similar lines, we would also have the technology without drugs to significantly ameliorate the
suffering associated with Parkinsons, or MS or even depression. There is current research showing that macular
degeneration and glaucoma could be stopped, and potentially healed by using micro-electrical stimulation of the
eye-ball. Much good can come out of it, if we as a society choose to develop correctly these new electro stimulus
methods. I feel the benefits should be made known. Here is the link to the article on electricity for eye healing. I
feel that I and my team are capable of correctly developing these methods. I feel we can train others to do the

Another really good reference: - treatment of epilepsy, treatment of tinnitus, healing inflammatory diseases, wound
healing, treating cancer, getting lame muscles to move again - on and on the good highly out ways the
controversial aspects..

Where is mind technology headed?

It has been said by former President HW Bush for instance, that the 21st century will be the era of advances in
mind technology. I just wonder how much in that statement he realized is now possible.

Back to the other side of the coin - when one looks to see what types of
"non-lethal weapons" systems are being discussed in the open, the
military is currently presenting A.D.S. (Active Denial Systems) that use
very high power sub-milli-meter "microwave" beams to heat people's
skin as their premier deterrent system. (JNLWP would be the keyword to
research on that if one is interested in what they are officially talking

There ARE negative potentials. Quelling those negative potentials has to

be done through education, letting people know what is out there, and
how to solve the detrimental aspects. Such CAN be done.
One could call the quieter, highly evolved and potentially "black technology" that takes over where the published
non-lethal weapons tech leave off: "Neural Holographic Deterrence - the basis for wirelessly influencing the mind
at a distance."

When one knows exactly how to project information neuro-holographically, the door is then also opened to receive
information neuro-holographically. It is the reception and interpretation of that data - effectively mind
downloading where we see additional controversy surfacing. Objectively in a positive connotation, the ability to
read the cortex for instance of Stephen Hawking for neuromuscular sensory control signals could get him out of his
wheel chair. I try to remain optimistic.

Many people have reported that they have been "tested on" by the Agency(s), by ET's or whomevers - they are
afraid of what they feel they are sensing, and many are frantically trying to get answers or have solutions. Whether
or not out-of-this-world ET's are part of the puzzle, we can only speculate - more than likely these poor people
have felt experiments that were conducted on them unwillingly by some spook. Many documents one can Google,
dealing with studies done in the past - most of those studies say one has to be "implanted" to be controlled. I have
seen otherwise with this technology - no implants are needed. But do we have to live in fear of terrible weapons
systems insidiously invading our space? If we say yes, we are afraid and powerless, that is the "circuit" talking.
Within the current state-of-the-art of Neural Holographic
technology, there are methods that can correct, shield and help get
people relief of symptoms from whomever is actively using
controlling technology in negative ways - we can only speculate
which groups or Countries are behind negative control. I believe
one could call amelioration techniques "counter-measures". It
seems to me that a Paced Neural-Sensory Device sould be a viable
solution. Why would we allow negative control to run rampant?

Counter-measures, based on functionally similar but appropriately

"positively" configured technology, I feel, are the only solution to
addressing when one's nervous system comes under assault. So, it
seems, there can be a silver lining to any dark clouds. We need to
be educated. That means discussing these topics out in the open
and SHOWING that solutions are possible. To not let people know
about the positive aspects and solutions only allows the negative
aspects to keep people in fear.

I know there are ways to help stay in happiness and beauty - more of the story is available when time permits.
Believe with me that we all can have faith to understand, that we can all do it right and reach a higher level of
consciousness. I feel we can have access to the appropriate technology and skill needed and I believe we can show
the better way exists.

In reading this article, one has in no doubt realized, as did I, that neural control concepts are not going to go away
if kept in the dark, and they will become more insidious - that has been the track record of many projects that go
black- they are militarized.

Has it been about winning battles or finally LIVING -

Sometimes folks get hooked on pain to get the "high" that happens - sometimes the brain just burns out.

Finding happiness and living in that state, with sensations of bliss instead of pain, with a body that feels great
surely is a goal to have. We think its only when we're young that we could achieve so much wonder, so much
amazement, and of course feelings of that very first kiss. It is even more enjoyable when the goal is reachable. We
watch as age seems to take it all away. Then we see tragedy and tears that never seem to stop. Then it all just
becomes a fading memory.

Experiencing the proper and "ideal" vibrations, with a nervous system that is not "flattening out" or getting stale
sensations that we'd rather forget, but a vibrant excitement balanced with moments of ultimate joy can all be here
and it can stay with us and not burn out. Truly being alive and finding sensations other than just hurt and pain is so
much more a better way, a more positive way of sharing experience. That is what healing the soul is about. When
pain happens in the body, it does create some most amazing neural hormones to alleviate that pain. Maybe this
way then can heal the soul of the planet.

With the technologies I have experienced they have been designed that you just don't ever feel you are not getting
enough of the sensations. We've learned the methods of tuning and balance, and we've learned the methods of
clearing out unwanted or negative feelings. Now it can become available, globally, to everyone if the outreach, if
the form it takes to get there can be placed into an ethical, future vision and scope cooperative. I suspect that will
become the caretaker out of which will appear the different projects.
Take the concepts of synesthesia (note 4) . Seeing colors with numbers, seeing colors with certain letters, gettings
tastes from certain words being spoken - just what if these people who have these remarkable abilities are able to
use grouped pathways of their brains to reach out conceptually in ways that "norms" cannot? What if such reaching
out in those ways can open up new discoveries, new relationships, possibly even determine the ways to actually
communicate by thought alone across time and space?

Creating the numerous projects, developing the positive outreach methods, bringing forth understanding of what is
happening and how global healing and global evolution can be done will help provide the needed education people
need to be able to function in the years ahead. I can be optimistic, will you? I know what my tech can do, and it's a
whole lot more humane, and evolutionary than the NLWP "microwave cookers". I believe in grace for evolution,
not bigger or more sinister "sticks".

Last time Bob presented on nationwide syndicated TV about neuro-prosthetics, the show pre-empted 4 hours of
other broadcasting due to the listener call in excitement. Much has happened since then as you can see in the
article above.

Readers, internet television viewers, radio and internet listeners are captivated and find this subject interesting as
well. It is one of the hottest topics discussed today. Close to 4 million hits on the subject when you Google. That
says something about audience interest ! To lump though, "Mind Control" with all neurological projects is a major
dis-service to everyone. My attempts with this article is to show some really amazing technologies now exist.
Using them properly can help everyone.

Email Bob to setup a speaking engagement to learn more on this most fascinating topic, or obtain reprint rights for
the above article.

Note 1): Further reading: - Eleanor White's website and forum references on "bad" Mind
Control and stalking. Good read on understanding the plights of affected people and their cries for some solution to
the problems.

Note 2): Technology Evaluation report by Dr. Sidaway, Ph.D - a report describing a year's study - contains

Note 3): Dr. A. Marino reference.

Note 4): Synesthesia - "When Senses Collide - Senesthesia", Discovery Channel 4-6-2008. Google Synesthesia

Do implants exist? Certain implants exist for stabilizing the heart, for stabilizing persons with Parkinsons or other
epileptic conditions. Do alien implants exist? Can an RFID tag be used in reverse? That's a subject for a different

© 2008 Bob Dratch - DHR - all rights reserved - "Legal Notice"

Interested? use internet mail to "bob_dratch ::AT:: "

Speaking engagements, documentaries, hosting radio and television, talk shows? More background information here

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