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1) SUPERORDINATE GOAL-ORIENTATION-- ( SGO ): Statements indicating a person’s concern for larger

goal or a goal beyond his own needs.

EXAMPLES: A) I want to serve my country. B) I want to serve humanity. C)I want to fulfill the will of God.

2) CONCERN FOR PERSONAL EXCELLENCE– ( CE): Statements indicating the need and desire to achieve
something unique, those having long term involvement or standards of efficiency and excellence, or those
indicating competition with others.

EXAMPLES: A) I want to become a doctor. B) I increased the profit of the company. C) I am worried about the
low return on my capital.

3) CONCERN FOR INFLUENCE– ( CI ): Statements indicating the writer’s need or wish to change things,
situations, or people.

EXAMPLES: A) I want to improve the educational system. B) I want to change the society. C) I am guiding
people in my company.

4) CONCERN FOR FAMILY– ( CF) Statements indicating the need or desire of the writer to do something for
parents, brothers, sisters and other members of the family. Even references showing concern are scored.

EXAMPLES: A) I want to help my father in his old age. B) I am worried about my brother. C) I brought up my
younger brothers after my father’s death.

5) CONCERN FOR OTHERS AND SOCIETY– ( COS): Statements indicating the concern of the writer for other
people and society at large.

EXAMPLES: A) I want to donate my eyes for the blind after my death. B) Poverty pains me. C) I am working on
plans to provide better welfare services for my staff.

6) AWARENESS OF PERSONAL STRENGTHS– ( APS): Statements indicating the strengths of the writer.

EXAMPLES: A) I am a good student. B) I am strong in mathematics. C) I am known for my technical skills.

7) AWARENESS OF PERSONAL WEAKNESSES– ( APW): Statements indicating writer’s limitations or


EXAMPLES: A) I am poor in health. B) My English is weak. C) I am short-tempered.

8) AWARENESS OF ACHIEVEMENTS– ( A A ): Statements indicating the past achievements of the writer.

EXAMPLES: A) I scored very high marks in the examination. B) I developed the control system for the
company. C) I won several prizes.

9) CONCERN FOR SELF DEVELOPMENT– ( CSD): Statements indicating the need or desire of the writer,
and his plans to do something for his further growth and development.

EXAMPLES: A) I am planning to improve my English. B) I wish to gain experience through visits to other units.
C) I want to develop motivation.

10) INTERNAL LOCUS OF CONTROL– ( ILC ): Statements showing that the writer himself can do something
about the problem.

EXAMPLES: With my hard work and determination, I hope to overcome this difficulty. I am pretty sure and I
can turn the corner.

11) PROACTIVE ORIENTATION– ( PO ): Statements indicating that the writer wants to solve problems, and
take initiative in understanding and analyzing a situation.

EXAMPLES: A) I met each of the persons involved in the conflict to understand the course of the conflict.
B) When the raw material was not allowed to be imported, I toured the district to explore what else could be

12) RESOURCE UTILIZATION– ( RU ): Statements showing the writer’s desire, and his tendency, to make use
of the facilities and resources he sees outside.

EXAMPLES: A) I joined classes to improve my English. B) I took loan from the bank. C) I consulted the
extension officer to discuss my plans.

13) SELF DISCIPLINE– ( SD): Statements showing that the writer is working hard, shows self discipline,
spends long hours on work, postpones immediate gratification etc.

EXAMPLES: A) I work 14 hours a day. B) I postponed my marriage because I was busy in setting up the unit.
B) After committing myself to my goals I reduced spending more time with my friends and relatives.

14) PLANNING ORIENTATION– ( PO): Statements showing that the writer is involved in some plans for which
he is taking some steps.

EXAMPLES: A) I am studying biology to become a doctor. B) I am preparing to learn accountancy so that when
my business grows I can manage properly.

15) FUTURE ORIENTATION– ( FO ): Statements talking about the future, or those indicating future plans and
concerns. Such statements use the future tense.

EXAMPLES: A) I shall start new business as soon as I am relieved of my present job. B) I will definitely do my
post doctoral studies at Harvard.

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