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The Trickster

Chapter one

A black haired figure watched a drunken man stumble down the alley between a bar and a tattoo parlor. He watched as the man

walked awkwardly to the open door to his right.

He watched as a huge man that could pass, as an ogre except the man was not that sickly shade of green that his kids were so familiar


He grimaced as the odor of the drunk mans body as it hit his nose.

Gods how could somebody stand to smell that bad through their life, hasn’t this guy had a shower, ever!!!

He watched as the man was admitted entrance into the filthy establishment. Involuntary shivers of disgust creped up his spine.

The smell started to burn at his sensitive nose; it was going to be difficult to finish this mission. At this rate, he thought as, he leapt

down from the fire escape he had just recently been crouched on.

He made sure to stay hidden in the shadows. A loud ringing sounded of, “my cell phone” he thought as he searched around in his

pockets for the loud object finally he located it clutching it he pulled it out of his jacket pocket he flipped it open and answered.

“Hey where are you at” he questioned not even looking at the phone number when he didn’t get an answer he glanced down at the

screen. Curiosity consumed him “whose phone number is this.”

He questioned himself because as far as he knew he didn’t know any body listed under this phone number and just how did this

person get “my phone number”

He wondered as he listened quietly for a sign that someone was really on the phone.

Allicia McGaid, 18 years of age. She currently resides in Arkansas with her grandparents. Adopted at birth.

Family background, unknown. She currently attends school in Norman Arkansas at Caddo Hills School. She is an average

student; no record was found on her close friends

The P.I sighed in frustration as he checked the one-paged file. “ How could some one have such a small file if she has lived here her

whole life” he thought in disbelief.

“First I need check out this school and find out as much info I can get on this chick”

Allicia stared at the classroom, computer typing up the key commands for the software she was working on. It was complicated even

for the teachers to comprehend so she took a chance, and tried to work it out on her own.

She started to type in a command, when the end of class bell rang. “Dang it, I almost had it” she thought as she signed out of her

profile. She walked up to the teacher and told her that she would work on it next week when she came in. as she was leaving; the

teacher wished her a good weekend.

She responded for the same to her teacher. As she got to the doorframe she saw a man in all black walk into the classroom.

He was wearing a black sleeveless tank top and baggy black pants with multiple pockets. His hair was long and black it shined as the

light from the classroom shined on it.

His hair was waist length from what she could tell it was in a ponytail at the nape of his neck every time he moved his head. His hair

would move against his broad shoulders.

Evidently not knowing her bye looks. He asked the teacher where Allicia Barnett was. The stupid teacher pointed straight at her

indicating that she was who the guy was asking for.

The guy made a beeline straight towards Allicia.


All the while she is thinking, “Who is this guy. I don’t recognize him that’s for sure,” she thought as he stepped in front of her

“Are you Allicia Barnett?” asked the guy.

She confirmed that yes she is indeed Allicia Barnett, and how does he know her.

He avoided the question. She decided another approach was in order. So instead she asked him who he was.

He answered her this time telling her that he is someone who she should not be afraid of but when has that ever helped when a stranger

confronts you and knows your name.

He introduced himself as Stephen Hadies. He asked Allicia to follow him. “I guess I should humor him,” she thought as she gave

in and followed him out to the front lobby.

He looked around to I guess to make sure no one would overhear what he was going to tell her.

Satisfied that none would hear what he had to say. He quickly got down to business.

“First what I am going to say must never be repeated to anybody not even your friends”

Allicia agreed to his first request.


“Now second” he said “I need to know if you have experienced anything out of the ordinary” Allicia

thought to herself “well if you call meeting a stranger who knows your name out of the ordinary” she

turned her attention back to Stephen.

She answered his question with a negative. Trying her best to hold in her anger and annoyance towards

this guy.

“He is quickly pushing all the wrong buttons.” She thought as she watched Stephen start fidgeting under

her harsh glare. He finally decided to get to the point.

From the future

Chapter 2

Stephen started his story. Telling her he is from the future. Allicia scoffed at even the idea of time travel.

“He expects me to believe this BS,” she thought as she watched his facial expressions change drastically

trough the “supposed” story.


He got to the part where he says she has died “ WAIT A MINUTE” she yells. He immediately stops

with the story.

He looks at her confused. She gives him a good hard glare, and bites out one word. “Explain, NOW!!

She grinds out.

He looks fearfully at her. He unknowingly puts more space between them. She notices it, and steps


He again steps back they keep this up until she has him cornered against a wall. She looks into his eyes

only to see a great amount of fear.

She reels back and starts pacing in front of him. He follows her every move with apprehension.

“This is not good I need to calm her down.” He thinks as he watches her erratic pacing.

“At this rate the whole building will be gone in a matter of minutes of she gets to stressed.”

He makes a decision to tell her the whole truth. He calls her over to him and proceeds to tell her that is

the reason he is here. To save her.

He decides to leave out how he is related to her for now. She will find out eventually.

Allicia nervously runs her fingers through her hair. “Ugg could this get anymore complicated” she

thinks as she slightly tugs at her hair in frustration and confusion.

Stephen lets out a sigh of relief.

He had anticipated her to blow a gasket but so far she is being pretty mellow.

That is something that surprised him it is not often that he would get away from his mate unscathed. I

always walk away from our fights with a scratch or two but never this.

He looked around once again to confirm that they are the only ones still in the student union.

Stephen walked over to the blue metal bench seat and heavily sat down on it.

He sat with his shoulders slumped forward if any body were to walk by they might think he was asleep

but Allicia knew better he was just…. “Actually I have no clue what he is doing”

Allicia thought to herself allowing a small smile to flicker at the edges of her mouth but never actually

form a full smile.

She walked over to where he was slumped over himself.

“Poke” she did it again “poke” still he didn’t move, she did it one more time this time she jabbed her

finger into his ribs. He twitched.


She gave up and just sat there waiting for him to breath, move or something she stared off into space.

And when he finally came back to the living he shifted rather suddenly and fell off the end of the bench.

He sat up to fast now the world was spinning. He went to get up. He almost fell back down on his but


He raised a shaky hand to his throbbing head and massaged the lump that started forming.

He brought his hand up in front of his face expecting to see his fingers to be covered in blood, but

thankfully they were not.

He closed his eyes to the blinding pain in his newly dented skull. He turned around looking for his

silent audience only to find that she was not even paying attention she was off in her own little world.

He gaped at her. Her future self would chastise him and tease him about being klutzy but this one just…

sort of…ignored him like he wasn’t even there.

“I like the other one better than her past self, at least she didn’t ignore me,” he thought bitterly.

He painstakingly got himself to an upright standing position. He rubbed his bruised head once more.”

that is going to be there for a while,” he thought


He thought as he watched Allicia suddenly snap out of her daze. He smiled warmly at her when her eyes

finally came to rest on his slumped figure.

Now that she actually had a good look at him she saw dark circles under his eyes. "I guess he doesn't

sleep a lot,” she thought. Allicia stood up from the bench and walked over to where he is standing.

She looked him in the eyes. She asked, “What do you need me for?” in a soft voice almost sounding


He looked up at her and a face splitting grin spread across his face “Okay this is what I need” she

listened carefully so as not to forget anything he would ask of her…………

Chapter 3

Preparations and Traveling


(They are at Allicia’s house now; her and Stephen are packing for their trip)

Allicia found a big duffle bag in her closet “I don’t even want to know how that got there”

She thought as she started stuffing cloths in it when she was sure she had an ample amount of cloths.

She started sticking stuff like her toothbrush and her brush ponytail holders make up stuff like that

She then went to raid the pantry. Looking for stuff that didn’t need to be stored in cool places.

She grabbed a couple boxes of instant tea, and instant Raman.

She pulled out a couple jugs of juice (apple, orange, cranberry).

She looked around her making sure she did not leave anything important. She closed her eyes just

trying to let her situation sink in.

No sooner did she close her eyes Stephen was at the top of the stairs telling her that it is time to go.

She opened her eyes “time to go.”

Stephen slowly walked down the stairs coming to a stop beside her together they both walked out of the

door. Stephen shielded his eyes from the blinding sun.


Allicia didn’t flinch from the sunlight. She continued walking at a slow pace so as to give Stephen time

to catch up with her.

She didn’t notice when Stephen fell back in step with her, an uncomfortable silence formed around the

two neither willing to break it.

They arrived at the end of the block. Stephen looked around when he assumed they were the only ones


He grabbed Allicia only to roll his eyes when she protested.

He shifted his hold on her only to sling her whole body over his shoulder he took off at a sprint when he

begin to enough momentum on his side.

He expertly jumped to the roof of the closest building.

Allicia let lose a shriek of fright when he catapulted over the gap between the two buildings.

She finally calmed down enough to be quiet, but she retained her steel like grip on his shirt.

She kept her eyes tightly squeezed closed for if she did she would surly freak out. She squeaked when

she felt her stomach relocate it’s self in her throat.

She repositioned her hands around his neck and maneuvered her body where she is now being carried

bridal style.

He looks down at her in confusion she gives him the “Don’t even ask” look.

He mentally shrugs and turns his head back ahead of them.

She closes her eyes deciding to try sleeping on the way there. She relaxed her body and slowly dozed off

to sleep.

Stephen looks down at the sleeping girl in his arms. As he shifts her closer to him she grabs a fist full of

his shirt in her sleep.

He smiles lightly “let her sleep for now when we get to London we will began her training”

He frowned, as he thought about the best way possible to train her dormant vampire blood with out

setting it off to early.


He reached the last building, and jumped it. He landed on the other side and quickly sprinted into the


He reached a gouge In the side of a cliff that looked like a cave but not really a cave more like a over

hang or something or another like that.

He laid her down on a bed of leaves that had just recently been used, as it is still warm.

He wearily walks to the wall farthest from the opening leaning against it he slowly slides his body down

the length of the wall coming to sit on the ground. “I didn’t realize how tired I really Am.” He thinks as

he pulls out a blood packet and downs it. He stuffs the empty packet in his jacket pocket. He stares at the

roof of the cave waiting for sleep to over come him. When it finally did. He didn’t wake up till way after

knight fall. He looked for his traveling companion. He followed her to where her sent is the strongest.

Witch lead him to a near by stream he hides behind a row of bushes surrounding the area it was then he

realizes what she was going to do. He quietly turned around and silently made his way to the clearing

with the cave. He looked around for some fire wood for the knight because they were defiantly not

going to start moving till day break since he slept half of the evening away. He makes his way around

the clearing randomly picking up dry branches and sticks he found a little bit of rich pine that would be

useful to him but that is about all that is there he searched the perimeter of the clearing for the best spot

to set up a fire “there” he exclaims as he looks to a spot a little to the left of the cave he makes his way

over to the chosen spot and lays the wood down a safe distance from the preferred spot. He set to work

digging a hole. He lined the sides around the pit with rocks.

Allicia looks around the clearing making sure she doesn’t have and audience to watch her take a bath.

She undresses. then she bends over reaching into her bag and comes up with a bottle of cream rinse

conditioner. She pops the cap and squeezes a good amount into her hand she lays the bottle down and,

makes her way to the water (AN yes she has gotten undressed) she makes her way to the deeper end of the good

sized stream. She leans her head back making sure to get it all wet. She rubs the soap into her hair till it

looked as if she got into a fight with a can of shaving cream she leans back rinsing all the suds out of her

hair. She walked back to the shallow end and sat up against a flat rock jutting out of the water.

Chapter 4


A shadowed hand picks up the withered book. the figure looks at the title in distain that had been setting

on a table beside the leather recliner.

The hand that had previously been holding the book reaches over and turns on the lamp it opens the

book to the first chapter and starts reading thru chapter one Harker's journal the man thought to him self

“I was young and foolish back then. I will never make those same mistakes again”

He momentarily closes the book his finger marking the page. He gazes longingly at the old worn

photograph of him and a young woman with long curly black hair his mina was gorgeous… Until the

vampire Dracula got his hands on her then she had died from a staking a couple centuries later.

Van Hellsing had thought that her vampirism had diminished when he staked the count but she never let

on that she was still infected.

“I kept her secret till the day she was ironically staked by van hellsings son she was in her wooden box

in my basement when a group of teenagers came up claiming she had feed on one of their friends.

Robert VanHellsing was among them accusing Mina”. I sent them away with a good scolding and a little

white lie telling them not to come around again. But that did not stop them only delayed them.

They came back that night and busted through the window in the wine cellar and got into the basement

there they staked her one through the windpipe another in her heart which ended her undead life she

turned to gray ashes.

A came from the door in front of him he looks up from his musings a woman walks in her long brown

hair held back by a rhinestone hair clip her face was that of serenity but he knew that could soon change

if made mad

He turns his full attention towards the new inhabitant of the room he raises his eyebrow in a silent


The calm collected mask on the woman’s face disappears and is replaced with a more serious look.

She seemingly glided across the room and placed her self in the plush armchair on the other side of the

table that he was sitting beside. He took the book that had been in his lap and placed it back in its

previous place.

He turned his attention to her, waiting for her to explain. She looks at him with a solemn look on her

face as she starts explaining.

()()()()()()(One hour later)()()()()()()

So the son of Van Hellsing has been killed the thought as he frowned deeply at the woman sitting across

from him.

“when did it happen” he asks her she adopts a thoughtful expression as she goes deep into thought “well

he was on another one of those jobs he does and a vampire jumped him and since it was a solo mission

he did not have any partner to watch his back.

So as a result he had died and nobody had noticed till he had begun to stink up the enclosed area that

Robert had been disposed in. they found him sucked dry of blood. His father’s famous cross was lodged

in his heart.

And a stake was found by his hand witch sported a huge gaping hole right in the middle of the palm.

The cops had to go back and fourth several times because of the stench. It was that bad. Jonathan

squeezed his eyes together tightly.

“This is a new development” he cemented sarcastically. Elizabeth evidently heard him because she now

wore a halfhearted smile.

“ Well that is one less threat that I have to worry about some strange man sneaking into my coffin and

beheading me as I sleep” Elizabeth commented with a dry tone. Jonathan snickered at her comment.

Elizabeth heard the noise and turned to him with a glare. Jonathan tried to look innocent but all he

accomplished was make her snort.

“Him innocent bah it will never happen” she thought to herself as she slumped her shoulders showing

how exhausted she really is.

Jonathan must have noticed because he struggled to a standing position. “come with me I still have

mina’s old coffin you are welcome to sleep in there….if you want to” he stated as he looked her in the

eyes daring her to refuse.

Lucky for her she agreed. Elizabeth followed his limping form down to the basement. In a far off corner

in the darkest part of the basement sat a coffin.

The wood appeared to be made out of the most beautiful cherry wood. Elizabeth walked over to the

offered bed and began inspecting it she opened it.


The inside was covered in red silk a black velvet pillow was placed at the top. She had to admit it was

absolutely gorgeous.

The engraving was beautifully done she removed her platforms and walked up the steps and laid her self

in the coffin/bed she turned to think Jonathan but he had already retreated up stairs.

She looked to her left there was a mechanism box with a red button on it.

She pushed the button and a hissing sound came from the lid as it slowly closed in on her. She watched

on with awe it was amazing what these humans have come up with. As soon as she closed her eyes sleep

took over and she was quite literally sleeping like the dead.

__________________________With Allicia ________________________________

Allicia was startled awake by a movement to her right first a black paw appeared out of the shrubbery

and then a snout slowly came out and finally the whole body came out when she noticed it was a dog

she called out to it.

The dog was black like the night and its eyes were a deep red almost the color of blood.

It blinked slowly as it approached her she stretched her palm out for the dog to sniff when it came with

in an arms length she slowly raised her hand and gently petted his nose.

The dog tilted its head toward her moving hand. She giggled when it playfully growled at her as it sat

back on its haunches staring curiously at her.

Chapter 5


Stephen looked up as soon as Allicia walked into to clearing. A dog if some sort was trailing behind her


Allicia smiled at him as she passed him. He nodded his head showing her he wasn’t ignoring her.

She patted her leg and the huge canine looking thing trotted up to her. She sat down and the dog flopped

down in her lap where it settled it’s self. In a few minutes it had fallen asleep with the help of Allicia

scratching behind its shaggy ears.

The dog shifted in its sleep and turned where its feet were tucked under her legs and its legs stretched

out behind him.

Allicia looked up from scratching behind the dog’s ears to where Stephen was sitting against a tree.

She cocked her head sideways at the confusing expression on his face.

She straightened up and leaned her head against the tree she was slumped against thanks to the dog.

She closed her eyes against the pressure building against the back of her eyes. “how troublesome” she

thought as she stared up at the sky watching the clouds. Noting some of the clouds look like objects.

She sighed as the events of the day started to sink in “why did I even agree to this” she inwardly

grumbled to her self.

She brought her hand up into her line of sight witch was still on the clouds she tilted her hand imagining

blood staining it. “I can’t imagine that I could kill someone”

She looked once more over to the source of the trouble that she had practically signed up for. She let her

head fall back against the tree with some not so good results.

She winced as she felt the pressure increase adding to her anxiety. At the moment all she wanted to do

was go to sleep in her nice cool room.

But no I had to be stupid and oh so gullible and believe his sap story. She squinted her eyes having

caught a glimpse of something in the surrounding woods.

She zeroed in almost as if she had a third eye and caught a glimpse of the intruder she did not alert

Stephen to the newcomer.

She tried to remain calm and give nothing away.

Evidently they did not want to remain in the shadows for the thing jumped out and right in front of

Stephen witch in turn almost made him jump 10 feet into the air and he did thou scream like a little girl.

Allicia giggled as she watched the scene that was unfolding right in front of her she gently

Poked the sleeping canine lying in her lap hopping her probing would wake him……….it didn’t work.

She tried a different method she scratched on the inside of his ear and in no time the big dog jumped in

to her line of sight most likely trying to protect her.

She stood up and dusted the dirt of her that had accumulated on her clothing from the ground.

She inhaled preparing herself for a long explanation .Her sister might be the sweetest person in the

world she wasn’t exactly open to the idea of some stranger carrying off her little sister and did she look


Allicia attempted to hide behind the huge dog thou it was clearly not working.

Allicia could almost guarantee that the reason she was silent was she is most likely counting back from

100 or chanting “must not maim”

Allicia smiled and almost succeeded to look innocent if it weren’t for where they were. I might have

possibly worked. But it didn’t.

Allicia nervously shuffled her feet as she felt her sister’s hard glare barring down on her back. She

looked anywhere but in her older sister’s vicinity.

“Boy am I going to get it,” thought Allicia as she finally got the nerve to look in her older sisters eyes.

The other girl almost an exact replica of Allicia but with green eyes placed her hands on her hips and



“Chaos, I am sorry. Please understand I wasn’t thinking when I followed him,” Allicia pleaded with her

older sister. But it was no use

Chaos replied with a cutting comment and stated “No that is the freaking problem you never think. Just

for once think before you do something. This is not the smartest thing to do” chaos hissed angrily.

Allicia just looked down guiltily.

Chapter 6


Stephen looks on in amusement. Allicia was being royally griped out. He snickered trying to keep it as

quiet as possible.

However, evidently not quiet enough because both girls turned to him.

Allicia’s face was calm and collected like this always happened but Chaos face was contorted in rage.

She looked to be 21 or older.

Chaos’s eye twitched from the attention Stephen was paying her she opened her mouth ready to give

him a migraine or at least make his ears hurt and possibly teach him a lesson. However, at that exact

moment a huge bear stumbled out in to the open Snarling viciously at them.

Its fur standing on end and saliva dripping from its dangerously sharp teeth. Its fur was a rusty brown

and stained with blood caked in its fur along the side of its abdomen.

Allicia stood calmly as did chaos but Stephen looked like he would run at any second. He almost did

until the bear charged at him forcing him to defend himself.

As fast as he could he formed a dark purple almost black sphere in the palm of his hand. He raised his

hand with the center of his palm facing the bears head and forced enough energy through the sphere to

dispose of the intruder.

Allicia was in a state of shock and had moved behind him “no human could do just what he did. It is

impossible. Isn’t it?” allicia thought staring at Stephen who was looking around for more possible


Stephen looked behind him where allicia was currently clinging to his back her hands on his shoulders.

He looked down at her hand just as she looked down at the dog….thing or” what ever it is” he thought in


The dog seemingly glared up at him as if he could reed his mind. Stephen tried to look innocent once

again, the dog looked up at Allicia as she subconsously started scratching behind his ears.

Stephen inwardly scoffed at the attention the mutt was receiving. The dog was doing something

that sounded like maybe….purring “wait….is that dog purring” Thought Stephen.

He stared disbelievingly down at the dog. “Dogs don’t do that….right…..they don’t purr…right”

Stephen shook his head and looked up to the girls wanting to see if they herd it also but evidently not

because they were both off in their own little worlds.

Stephen looked down at the dog again and growled at the thing hoping the girls did not hear him. He

looked down at the charred remains of the dead bear.

Well there is our dinner he thought as he pulled out his hunting knife out of his pocket sheath that is on

his hip he started cutting up the meat into pieces.

He then dragged the rest into the cave to start skinning the fur of the carcass. He then started making

beds with it since it was huge.


Chapter 7

Back On Track

The hide of the bear was a brownish amber color. He set up Allicia’s bed close to his.

And chaos’s a little bit to the right of Allicia’s bed.

Stephen looked behind him. Allicia and chaos were sitting quietly talking to each other.

Allicia must have noticed him watching them because she smiled at him. He turned back to what he had

been doing.

“There finished” he exclaimed as he looked down at his handy work. He stood up and made his way

over to where the girls were talking.

He sat just to the right of Allicia she looked over at him and told him that chaos would be going with


He nodded calmly but inside he was apprehensive about the new turn of events. How were they to

provide for them selves and her sister?

He thought about it as he looked at her physical appearance. She seemed to be in pretty good shape.

“We shall see if she is fit enough to keep up with our training” he thought as he mentally

Came up with a training regiment for both of the girls it would be hard on them since they never had any

real training from the looks of it.

The dog who Stephen had forgotten until now made a growling noise from in the back of his throat.

Stephen looked in the direction of the noise and innocently looked at the dog.

He rolled his eyes “whatever” he commented in distain. He glanced back at the girls. They seem to be

preoccupied with something. He looked a little closer trying to see what it was but Allicia kept blocking

his view.

He finally gave up after a couple more tries and laid back and looked up at the sky. Stephen finally

noticed it was getting dark.

He sat up and walked over to the cave and grabbed another blood pack and downed it right there.

Allicia looked up when she herd Stephen get up. She turned back to chaos and handed her back the


Chaos took it and placed it back in her trench coat pocket. She winked at allicia who rolled her eyes at

her sisters’ childish behavior.

Allicia got up and followed Stephen she was meet with a horrific sight Stephen or what looked like

Stephen had turned into something else.

This thing had very long and very sharp fangs and his eyes were dilated and the pupil is a deep garnet

red not to mention his fingers had turned into black claws that looked like they could slice metal with

out a problems.

Allicia took an unsure step forward towards Stephen. His red eyes followed her every move like a

predator stalking its prey.

Stephen looked at her one last time before he grabbed another pack of blood from his inner pocket and

offered it to her Allicia looked down at his hand shocked “what is that” she thought as she looked at the

offered pack.

She came to the realization “Stay back” she yelped.


Stephen appeared in front of her and grabbed her chin and forced her mouth open as he poured the blood

down her throat.

Stephen released her chin in horror having just now noticed what he had done. He worriedly watched as

Allicia started coughing trying to clear her through. He looked down at the ground feeling guilty.

When she finally stopped hacking she looked appalled up at Stephen who was staring down at the

ground his bangs covering his face. She slid down the cave wall onto the cave floor and sat there limply

not really focusing on anything.

Her vision faded in and out of focus until finally she limply fell sideways “Great she is unconscious.”

He thought as he looked at Allicia’s prone figure against the wall.

Her body started violently convulsing he ran to her side and held her arms to the ground and watched

grimly as she began to change.


Chapter 8

The Forgotten

Stephen looked up from his position leaning up against the wall. Chaos had walked of to cool

down after she found out what he had done to Allicia. So now it is just him and Allicia. She is still out of

it but she is sleeping normally.

He turned his attention to Allicia. He watched as her chest rose and fell with every breath she

took. She frowned in her sleep and clenched her eyes together tightly.

Stephen inhaled taking in all the different scents. He slowly exhaled. And slumped his shoulders

and leaned his head against the rock wall.

He noticed that allicia had started to breathe rapidly her face scrunched up in terror. She was

silently mumbling. No words came out.


Stephen watched as she panicked hoping she would come out of on her own but a few minutes

had passed. She had started moving her head from side to side. He crawled on his knees over to where

she was laying.

He grabbed her under her underarms and pulled her with him as he lay carefully back against the

wall careful not to wake her up. Now her head is resting on his chest and his legs on either side of her.

She seemed to calm down instantly. She wiggled in his lap and grasped his shirt with her hand.

Stephen closed his eyes and finally let sleep claim him.

Allicia scrunched her nose at the blinding pain as she finally came awake. She lifted her hand to

grasp her head. Her eyes watered from the pressure being applied to her skull “this headache was one of

the worse ones I have had yet” she thought as she winced.

She looked above her when she heard soft snoring and to her astonishment found Stephen

sleeping lightly his mouth slightly parted. She watched as his eyes moved behind his eyelids. “He is

dreaming. Wonder what it is he is dreaming about”. She thought.

She looked around her in the dark never noticing that it was a lot easer to see in the dark. She

didn’t see chaos any where “where did she go” she thought in alarm “what if something happened to


Allicia looked to her left when she heard a twig snap and out jumped the dog. Its muzzle is

coated in blood. Caked into his fur. She sneezed. The dog looked up in curiosity as she looked back up

at Stephen making sure he was still asleep.


She looked down when she attempted to get up and found that Stephens hand was keeping her

from moving and not only that but she had a death grip on his shirt. She quickly released his shirt as if

she had been burned. She wiggled out of his steel grasp.

He shifted but did not wake up like she thought he would. “Good she thought” relief washing

over her.

She walked around their camp site as she was nearing the edge of the woods the dog raced up to

her and viciously tugged at her pants leg as if telling her not to go in there.

She finally gave up and sat down when she hit the ground the dog pounced into her lap. She

looked on in amusement as the dog made himself comfortable in her lap.

She rolled her eyes when the dog rolled over on his back exposing his belly to her. She

absentmindedly started to rub his belly and evidently he liked it because his foot was wiggling back and


The dog yelped when she got a little too vigorous in her scratching. It did not move like most

dogs would. It just exposed his neck to her in a show of submission and started whining in a high-

pitched tone.

She looked down and saw the red blood seeping through the fur. The wound that she had made.

“Wait, O my god. I am so sorry. Gods I am so sorry”. She sobbed over and over into the dogs fur her

tears absorbing into the dogs’ soft fur. She hiccupped and started crying all over again as she saw the

deep cut again.


“O my god I am a monster” she exclaimed as she let the tears flow not even bothering to wipe

them away.

That is how Stephen found her sobbing in the neck of the dog he saw the blood and relised what


“Her claws must have caught the dogs skin and scratched him,” he thought as he smiled at the

sad scene. He squatted down and pulled Allicia’s shoulders into his chest trying to comfort her as she

quietly sobbed into his neck. Soon her crying subsided and finally quit all together.

She looked up at him her red and puffy eyes moist from crying. And one could only imagine that

her through was very sore.

She looked away in shame. “He would hate me now” she thought as she looked anywhere but at

him. A whimpering sound came from the dog lying on the ground in a bloody pool.

The rivers of blood still flowing from the wound on his abdomen. She winced as she watched as

more of the blood escaped and slid onto the dirty ground.

Stephen looked down at the dog and smiled” he will live if I heal him” Stephen leaned down

palm facing the wound. A blue light surrounded his hand and slowly made its way into the wound.

Allicia watched in fascination as the wound slowly started to knit back to gather flesh forming

and stitching back together and tissue repairing itself like it was never damaged in the first place.

Chaos looked around at her surroundings “well I am hopelessly lost” she thought

Sarcastically as she inspected a tree that she had already passed four times already and this

would be the fifth time she had passed it. She plopped down in frustration.

And looked around her in annoyance. Somewhere above her a cricket was making a chirping

sound. Her eye twitched in annoyance as she sat a little longer trying to at least think straight. Witch is

kind of hard with that freaking cricket making that infernal racket.

She rolled her eyes as another one joined the first one now it is even more annoying as the first

one but now there are two. She felt about ready to pull her hair out. Suddenly she felt an immense

amount of power flare up to the east of where she is sitting.

It made her hair stand on end and caused her skin to form gooseflesh. She felt an involuntary

shiver of fear. “ What ever that was is very powerful,” she thought as she got up. And decided to take a


Chapter 9

A New Look

Allicia gazed at her hands now equipped with some sharp looking claws. She felt another stray

tear roll down her cheek. She makes no move to wipe it away.

She watched the dog with a look of sadness clearly evident in her eyes. The dog whimpered as it

felt her eyes staring at him.

Another tear escaped her eye still she did not move to wipe it away. She looked down away

from the dog not able to stand it any longer. She squeezed her eyes closed tightly hoping this thing is

just some stupid dream.

She hears Stephen emerge from their temporary house. He watched her for a moment and turned his

attention to the dog that’s still lying limply on the ground by the blazing fire.

Allicia raised her gaze up to stare into the fire watching as the flames licked at the logs he had just

recently placed in the fire.

She did not even attempt to talk she just sat there her legs crossed arms limply at her side and her head

down. Her hair witch was covering her eyes shone almost a deep blue in the light from the fire.

He smelt the cent of tears and sighed in recognition. “She has to get passed this on her own” he thought

as turned his attention back to the blazing fire.

Allicia let herself be lulled to sleep by the sound in the surrounding woods. Her eye lids drooped and

finally closed.

Stephen noticed she had once again fallen asleep. Quietly he walked over to her and carried her over to

the makeshift bed he had made out of the bear hide.

He crawled in beside her and wrapped his arms around her slender waist as she moved into the offered

heat against her back.

He fell into a restless sleep as soon as he laid his head on the rolled up bear skin. Not a sound came from

either of them that night.

Allicia was the first one to awaken and boy was she surprised. Stephen’s arms were once again gripping

her waist, his head nuzzled into her neck. His hot breath against her shoulder sending shivers down her


Allicia looked up at the stone ceiling deciding to go back to sleep. Having fallen back to sleep. Allicia

had moved her hands to rest on his hands witch were joined around her middle. Her grip tightened its

hold on his hands.


Chaos blinked and looked around her from her slouched position sitting against the roots of a huge tall

tree. She looked above her head only to be blinded by the bright sunlight shining through the tree tops.

She stretched her stiff joints protesting against the unwanted movement. She raised her self onto her

knees and stood up with some difficulty.

She just stood there letting her sleepy mind catch up with her body. She took a hesitant step forward as

she looked around at the familiar path.

She hurriedly blinked away the sleepy ness from her eyes and continued on knowing that she is now on

the right path to get back to their campsite.

Stephen felt something move within his arms. Curiously he looked down at a head full of black hair he

remembered what happened last night.

He unlatched his hands from around Allicia’s waist. Her hands loosened and dropped from their position

on his hands.

He stood up and walked towards the opening. With the light shining on his face he looked like he was a

Greek god. His raven colored hair shining a almost blue color in brilliant the sun light.

As he gazed out into the morning sun he watched as a shadowed figure steps out of the bushes.

He scented the air. It’s Chaos he thought in relief. Allicia would’ve killed him if something happened to

her sister he thought with a slight grimace.

He walked over to where the once blazing fire had been the night before. He placed a few more

sticks and branches from the ever diminishing pile of kindling. Once he had them placed the way he

wanted them. He raised his hand up palm facing the fire pit.

Chaos watched Stephens’s actions closely. Her eyes widened a fraction of their normal size. She

watched as his hand emitted a deep red glow. A flame slowly engulfed his whole hand.

He spread out his fingers and a ball of flames shot out of his hand and struck the wood instantly lighting

the fire.

As he shoved one last piece of wood into the fire this one slightly bigger than the others. He herds a

quick intake of air from behind him.

He turns around and notices that Chaos looks like she is going to pass out her eyes were as wide as


Her bottom lip trembled in fear absolute fear. She takes a step backwards when he stands at his full

height. She looks as if she will run for it at any minute.


He turns to look at Allicia who is oblivious to the world as she sleeps. He turns back to chaos and smiles


He returns back to the fire and sits on the ground and stares into the flaming depths of the fire. Watching

the flames lick at the bark of the sticks he arches his back straighten it out trying to pop it. He hears a

loud crack and sighs in content.

“That felt so good” he thought as he looked around to see if chaos was still there or if she had run off

again but to his immediate surprise she was still there sitting on the ground across from him staring into

the flames like he had just been doing.

Chaos noticed him watching her from his position she smiles timidly at him and, looks away trying not

to draw to much attention to her self.

“Well this is going to be one long day” Stephen thought sarcasm heavily coating his mental tone. He

massaged the sides of his forehead with is thumb and fore finger. “Indeed a very long day.” He thought.

Chapter 10


Allicia woke with a rush of adrenaline running down her spine. She stretched her arms up

High up above her head and felt as her joints protested the popping sound issuing loudly into their

shelter she.

“Remembered Stephen lying behind her but where is he now”


She wondered aloud as Stephen came to investigate the cracking and rustling sounds.

She stood up and walked to meet Stephen half way. Stared at him in confusion he smelled different than

he did before she noted.

Maybe he went hunting and it’s the blood I smell. She inspected his person but not finding any traces of

the source of the strange smell.

She dismissed the strange and out of place smell and focused on trying to locate chaos because she had

not seen her since yesterday.

And to her surprise there was chaos sitting in front of the fire staring off into space.

Stephen had followed her out of the carved out crevice in the over hang. He watched as Allicia

cautiously walked to her sister.

Stephen leaned on a nearby tree staring at the pair as they conversed about nothing important. He smiled

“It is good to see her truly happy again” he thought.

Chaos relayed her story of what happened while she was lost she also told her about the enormous surge

in power.

“I am pretty sure the source was around here” she stated as she put a thoughtful look on her face. She

unconsciously chewed on her finger tip.

Allicia rolled her eyes at her sisters annoying habit. She looked over at chaos and realized what the

surge in power must have been.

She abruptly turned her head looking for the injured dog and to her delight the dog was sitting back on

its haunches observing what was happening around him.

She looked down at his stomach and noticed that all the blood had been cleaned off.

She turned skeptically to look at Stephen he smiled at her and winked and made the motion to not

mention it. So that is exactly what she did. She acted like she was oblivious to the answer.

Stephen let the smile remain on his face until Allicia turned her attention back to Chaos. Who was agin

looking off into space. She adopted a glazed expression.

Allicia gave up on having a intelligent conversation with her sister. Who was just in her own little

world? Allicia rolled her eyes.

The dog who had by now laid back down was still watching them but he kept looking back at Stephen

“as….if…maybe….no it couldn’t be.” She thought as she watched the dog a few more seconds as if

trying to convince herself that she was not just imagining things.

She turned away from the dog and shook her head but the only thing she accomplished was making

herself dizzy.

She let herself fall backwards onto her back staring up at the cloudy blue sky. The white fluffy clouds

floated bye lazily.

“It sort of mirrors my mood right” now. She thought in absolute contentment. She raised her hand to

once again study the counters and lines in her hand. She studied her sharp fingernails.

They were tinted a deep ice blue color. And felt as hard as cement. She let her hand limply fall onto the

grass where she was laying.

Allicia turned her head only to come face to face with a set of black paws. She lay staring at them.

She finally looked up already knowing who it is. She looked up at the big dog standing over her.

He laid down on the ground in-between her neck and shoulder. He laid his huge muzzle on top of her


She felt the dogs warm light panting blowing across her neck. She reached up and scratched behind his

big floppy ear.

The dog emitted a strange sound. Almost like a mix between a purr and a human groan.

She moved to the inside of the dog’s ear and started rubbing the fleshy part of the dog’s ear as he leaned

into her touch.

The dogs tong hung over the corner of his mouth. The dog snuggled in closer to the offered attention he

was receiving.

She placed her arm around the dogs thick neck and just started to rub the silky fur under her hand.

Stephen watched this display jealously. He had to keep reminding himself that this isn’t his era and there

fore she doesn’t meet him yet and isn’t really ment to meet him for another year.

He turns away and walks down to the girls and sits in-between them a little closer to Allicia than

absolutely necessary.

He watched as a bird glides across the sky and lands in a near by tree. He hears the dog whimper as

Allicia finally fell asleep meaning she had quit petting him.

Stephen smirked at the dogs misfortune. He put his hands behind his head and relaxes enjoying the last

day of free time.

“Tomorrow we will start our travels again” he thought as he fell asleep.


The dog quietly and slowly gets up and sits back on its haunches. As it does this a blue light surrounds

the dogs form as it slowly morphs into a humanoid form.

As the light dissipated a man now stood where the black shaggy dog had been.

The man studies his body closely looking for any noticeable imperfections.

He might have acquired having stayed in that form for so many years for his protection. Finding none

he looks down at the girl he has been shadowing.

Her black hair covered her face. She had shifted over on to her side. And her hands tucked under her


Her mouth was parted. He could hear her breathing. She twitched like she could feel this strangers eyes

gazing studying her closely.

The man licked his dry lips nervously as he sat and watched for his mistress to awaken from her sleep

not even attempting to conceal his uncovered body from anybody’s sight.

Chapter 11

Unwilling Master

Allicia woke up as she turned over coming face to face with a pair of bare legs.

Her eyes widened in alarm. As she followed the pair of legs up to something that made her almost


The guy cupped his hand over her mouth to silence the scream that was almost let out. Her screams were

muffled by his hand.

His blank face absent of emotion she felt tears start to well up in her eyes. She tried to struggle only to

find that her limbs were immobile.

She started to weekly struggle even thou none of her limbs listened to her frantic commands to move, to

get away.

She just went limp finally running out of energy and hope. Then she remembered that Stephen was some

where around here.

She franticly moved her eyes around the clearing looking for Stephen until she found him sound asleep a

few feet away from her and chaos lying beside him.

She tried to wake him up but the man’s hand was still over her mouth and was muffling any attempts for

her to scream for help.

She continued to scream even thou her mouth was covered she got to the point where she could no

longer make any sound except for a few gurgles even those were not herd.

The man smirked as he watched her struggle and laughed when silent tears of frustration rolled down

her cheeks.

She looked pleadingly up at him silently asking for him to release her. He gave her a cruel look and

shook his head no.

Her eyes widened in fright and the tears started once again. The man uncovered her mouth and watched

amused as she looked up at him confusion shining in her eyes.

“She looks so innocent” he thought looking at her childlike expression fear shining clearly in her wide

tear stained eyes.

He brushed the tears from her eyes. He was saddened when she instinctively flinched away from his


He pulled his hand back as if he was burned. She opened her eyes when she felt him immediately retract

his hand.

The man snapped his finger and instantly she felt light as a feather. “You should be able to move your

limbs now mistress” the man informed her.

Allicia tested his claim and much to her relief he had been telling the truth. She sat up slowly so as not

to make herself sick.

As she looked around she noticed something missing. It came to her “Where is the dog” she yelped

aloud as the man watched her with amusement clearly evident in his features.

She listened as she hears a sound coming from Stephens’s direction she looked in his direction.

Relief hit her as she watched as Stephen slowly woke up his vision still hazy from the nap even thou it

was a short one.

He yawned like a cat her mouth opening wide if she wasn’t scared out of her wits it would defiantly be

something to tease him about.

She remembered the missing dog guilt washed over her as she thought over the possibility of it running

away from her presence in fear.

She started crying again as she became overwhelmed by the extreme emotions she was experiencing.

She looked over at Stephen hoping he would sense her obvious distress from his position. She turned

back to the strange man looming over her small figure. Stephen felt rage curse through his veins as he

watched the man touch Allicia's cheek. Allicia flinched away from the strangers touch.

She herd Stephen growl in the background as she concentrated on calming herself down. She looked

hard into the mans eyes.

She noticed something familiar about them. Then it clicked in her head. This guy is, was the dog she

thought in realization.

Felling relief flood her at the new discovery. She smiled softly at the confused man as he tilted his head

to the side like she had seen him do many times before as a dog.

She sat up and ran her hands tiredly through her sweat soaked hair. She shivered in disgust. As she felt

how dirty her hair had gotten.

She informed the boys that she would be getting a bath. Acting like the confrontation never happened.

Remembering she had forgotten something she turned around and asked the man his name he answered

her question with “my name is Nickolai. My mistress” with total devotion shining in his soft voice.

She looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face “Mistress what do you mean Nickolai i am not

your mistress” she questioned him in confusion.


Nickolai seemed to think about her question and told her that he has been waiting for her a very long


Allicia arched her eyebrow in question. She decided that she would get a nice bath first then she would

question him further.

That settled she started to follow the path from before. Nickolai straightened up intending on following


Seeing as Stephen had been distracted by hunting. He was not there to stop him from following her.

She turned around when she herd Nickolai foot steps following behind her. She told him not to follow

her. He looked at her in confusion and asked her why he couldn't follow her.

She sighed and told him that it is not right for a man to see a female naked unless they are married he

cocked his head to the side clearly confused.

He gave her the puppy dog eyes she rolled her eyes and relented. But on one condition he had to close

his eyes while she undressed and redressed.

He agreed. But he did not understand why he was not aloud to see her naked.

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