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c  c  c cccc c
c cc c

  c c c  c

The field traces its lineage through business information, business communication,
and early mass communication studies published in the 1930s through the 1950s.
Until then, organizational communication as a discipline consisted of a few
professors within speech departments who had a particular interest in speaking and
writing in business settings. The current field is well established with its own
theories and empirical concerns distinct from other communication subfields and
other approaches to organizations.

Several seminal publications stand out as works broadening the scope and
recognizing the importance of communication in the organizing process, and in
using the term "organizational communication". Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon
wrote in 1947 about "organization communications systems", saying
communication is "absolutely essential to organizations"

In the 1950s, organizational communication focused largely on the role of

communication in improving organizational life and organizational output. In the
1980s, the field turned away from a business-oriented approach to communication
and became concerned more with the constitutive role of communication in
organizing. In the 1990s, critical theory influence on the field was felt as
organizational communication scholars focused more on communication's
possibilities to oppress and liberate organizational members.
  c  c

Networks are another aspect of direction and flow of communication.

Communication networks may affect the group's completion of the assigned task
on time, the position of the de facto leader in the group, or they may affect the
group members' satisfaction from occupying certain positions in the network.
Although these findings are based on laboratory experiments, they have important
implications for the dynamics of communication in formal organizations.

There are several patterns of communication:

Rc "Chain",
Rc "Wheel",
Rc "Star",
Rc "All-Channel" network,
Rc "Circle".

!c  can readily be seen to represent the hierarchical pattern that
characterizes strictly formal information flow, "from the top down," in military and
some types of business organizations. !c can be compared with a typical
autocratic organization, meaning one-man rule and limited employee participation.
!c is similar to the basic formal structure of many organizations. !c
c  is analogous to the free-flow of communication in a group that
encourages all of its members to become involved in group decision processes. The
All-Channel network may also be compared to some of the informal
communication networks.
 c c  c

If it's considered formal communications as they occur in traditional military

organizations, messages have a "one-way" directional characteristic. In the military
organization, the formal communication proceeds from superior to subordinate,
and its content is presumably clear because it originates at a higher level of
expertise and experience. Military communications also carry the additional
assumption that the superior is responsible for making his communication clear
and understandable to his subordinates. This type of organization assumes that
there is little need for two-way exchanges between organizational levels except as
they are initiated by a higher level. Because messages from superiors are
considered to be more important than those from subordinates, the implicit rule is
that communication channels, except for prescribed information flows, should not
be cluttered by messages from subordinates but should remain open and free for
messages moving down the chain of command. "Juniors should be seen and not
heard," is still an unwritten, if not explicit, law of military protocol.

Vestiges of one-way flows of communication still exist in many formal

organizations outside the military, and for many of the same reasons as described
above. Although management recognizes that prescribed information must flow
both downward and upward, managers may not always be convinced that two-
wayness should be encouraged. For example, to what extent is a subordinate free to
communicate to his superior that he understands or does not understand a
message? Is it possible for him to question the superior, ask for clarification, and
suggest modifications to instructions he has received, or transmit unsolicited
messages to his superior, which are not prescribed by the rules? To what extent
does the one-way rule of direction affect the efficiency of communication in the
organization, in addition to the morale and motivation of subordinates?

Communication can be thought of as a process or flow. Communication problems

occur when there are deviations or blockages in that flow .

Before communication can take place, a purpose, expressed as a message to be

conveyed, is needed .It passes between a source (the sender) and a receiver. The
message is encoded (converted to symbolic form) and is passed by way of some
medium (channel) to the receiver, who retranslates...
A Communication Process, or à  
   Process, is a set of
steps that are taken every time formal communications are undertaken in an
organization. A Communications Process is undertaken as part of Communications
Management and helps to ensure that your stakeholders are kept regularly
informed. For example as part of the project life cycle, the team implement a
Communication Process to make sure that the entire team is kept informed of the
status of the project.

Communication is the life source of organizations because organizations involve

people. People cannot interact with each other without communication. In the
absence of communication, everything would grind to a halt. For example;

The workers would not know the organization¶s objectives so they would not strive
to achieve the organization¶s objectives.

Rc The workers in an organization would not know what their roles and
responsibilities were, so they would not be able to carry out their daily tasks
and duties.
Rc The managers would not be able to train their workers reports so the workers
would not possess the skills they needed to carry out their jobs.
Rc The managers would not be able to inform workers of changes
Rc The organization would not be aware of their competitors activities

And the list is endless«««««..

The Organization, I am representing in this project is c! c"c# that
is the leading value added services provider in Pakistan. We are introducing new
technologies as we have a team of creative and innovative minds. We are serving
different Telecom companies in Pakistan and satisfy them with all the requirements
in the defined time line.

 c$  cc  c%$"&c

In Earth Factor, informal and Formal Communication are used.

'  c  (c

Informal communication, generally associated with interpersonal, horizontal

communication, was primarily seen as a potential hindrance to effective
organizational performance. This is no longer the case.

!  c  (c

Informal communication has become more important to ensuring the effective

conduct of work in modern organizations.

! $ c$$ (cc

This is also known as downward communication. This approach is used by the Top
Level Management to communicate to the lower levels. This is used to implement
policies, guidelines, etc. In this type of organizational communication, distortion of
the actual information occurs. This could be made effective by feedbacks.
'$ c  c

Another facet of communication in Earth Factor is the process of face-to-face,

interpersonal communication, between individuals. Such communication may take
several forms. Messages may be verbal (that is, expressed in words), or they may
not involve words at all but consist of gestures, facial expressions, and certain
postures ("body language"). Nonverbal messages may even stem from silence.[4]

Managers do not need answers to operate a successful business; they need

questions. Answers can come from anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world thanks
to the benefits of all the electronic communication tools at our disposal. This has
turned the real job of management into determining what it is the business needs to
know, along with the who/what/where/when and how of learning it. To effectively
solve problems, seize opportunities, and achieve objectives, questions need to be
asked by managers²these are the people responsible for the operation of the
enterprise as a whole.

This is defined as communication between two or more people and involves the
transfer of information (or message) from one person to the other(s). The person
transferring the information is called the sender or transmitter. The people
receiving the message are known as receivers. The transmitter will need to send the
information in a format that the receiver(s) will understand. Converting the
information into a format that the receivers will understand is known as Encoding.

Messages can be encoded into a variety of formats oral, written or visual. After
encoding the message is transferred via a medium called a channel, for example a
letter, fax, phone call, or e-mail. After transference the information will need to be
interpreted by the receiver. This process of interpretation is known as decoding.
Finally the receiver will send a message back to the transmitter confirming whether
the information sent has been understood. This back check is known as feedback.

The communication process involves seven key elements as illustrated in the

diagram below.

#c c*! c " cc +c

MTN is a leading telecommunications operator in the Middle East and Africa.

Through its legal entity Areeba, the company won the second GSM license in
Afghanistan in July 2006 and was later re-branded to MTN in 2008. Earthfactor
pvt has the honor to provide the value added services (VAS) to MTN.

cc c (c

As in the process of launching value added services (VAS) the new staff was
required consisting of

Rc arri translators
Rc arri Voice Over
Rc arri Sound Engineer
Rc And arri team Manager

So hiring a foreigner team was the first challenge faced as finding just a arri
speaking person and differentiating between a person who can work for the project
with professional attitude and understanding was the major concern.

#c  (c

arri language is the main medium of MTN services and understanding each and
every thing preceded was nearly impossible. The requirement was to find bilingual
or multilingual people who could work as translators both for the project and with
the present working staff.

c (c

Cuisine, outfits, literature, history and entertainment covers a big part of value
added services and the full knowledge of everything was required in a proper way.
"  c  :

Environmental difference was another major challenge as the country targeted

(Afghanistan) is in the era of clearing war smoke. At this moment finding and
creating means of Entertainment (as it is the most important of the five portals of
the value added services) it self was a hard task. Re-awakening the Cinema
industry and finding the tits n bits instead of full details about the showbiz
personalities wasn¶t a piece of cake.

c  :

The channel used to transfer the information is poor it may prevent all or some of
the information being transferred and a big possibility of transferring info as not it
was demanded.

," ccc-" (c

If the receiver(s) is not interested in the message (or unable to give their full
attention to decoding) this may reduce the amount of information received or the
accuracy of the information transmitted to them. Similarly the receiver(s) may
misinterpret the message by "jumping to conclusions" or reading the message in a
manner that suits their own interests/objectives and distort the true meaning of the

!   c) (c

i.e. steps in the message, If the message is complicated or there are lots of steps
taken to transfer the message it may affect the accuracy or interpretation.
Comparing with the leaky bucket if the leaky bucket has to carry water over a
longer distance more water will probably lost than if the journey was shorter.
 c  (c

After interviewing many arri speaking people, choosing the best wasn¶t an issue
but having conflicts of timings as their other jobs or domestic activities was
another challenge to face.

# c(c

Having ladies in a proper working environment with the full assurance of safety
and dignity is a challenge that almost every organization faces but having ladies
staff of a foreigner team makes the problems look a little different as every
individual feels a little extra care in communicating while respecting their moral
 cc cc c

.c  c cc c (c

Earthfactor is a sister company of ³24/7´ under the IBX group and 24/7 already
had some staff from Afghanistan. Their contacts and community communication
was used to find a new team.


As the people were hired, some young and energetic members were encouraged to
speak in the local or international language with their colleagues thus bridging the
language distance and building up a friendly environment at work place so that
they or the present team should not feel the air of ³strange behaviors´ or being an

 c (c

As per the already set routine of new employees, another working shift of 8
working hours in the midst of Earthfactor¶s two working shifts (morning n
evening) was adjusted from 12pm to 8pm.

Another option chosen was to relax the ladies staff and request the male staff to
give a little extra time to the organization in order to learn and practice the working

c (c

The new team was given off days according to the annual and weekly holidays of
their native country so that the off days of Pakistan would not effect the work

. ccc c  c cc (c

For collecting and creating the content for arri services, instead of a whole new
setup of content, which could have taken a lot of time and energy, the already
working content was used as the root and was handed over to arri team for
translation and recording only. So the quality of content can be measured and

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