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No matter how much we try our best -- the inevitable prevails.

I know, pardon th
e redundancy of that statement. But really, it's very, very frustrating when you
come to the point where you can no longer do anything but just hang your head a
nd sigh. A dead-end if you will.
Goodbyes are inevitable. It is the reality of coming and going; that we do not b
elong to each other or to anybody but ourselves. No man is an island but perhaps
we are more of an iceberg. A part of a great mass of ice and slowly we drift of
f to seek our own place in the icy dark waters. We meet other drifters and for a
while we float with them; connect even and forge deep, profound friendship. Yet
, time melts us apart and we find ourselves seeking and floating in different di
rections. All we can do is watch helplessly and wave. Often times, we are severe
d by fury and discord. Something that we could have prevented but was just too i
ntense to be ever welded back to pieces. The animosity just runs deep, gorging a
huge gap between icebergs and then forever pushing us away. Unrelenting. Unforg
iving. Unabashed.
But whatever the kind of "goodbye" we've experienced or chosen, one thing remain
s: We are still eternally and irrevocably connected. As we drift along every inc
h, we melt and leave our tears (of joy, sadness and triumph) in the open sea whe
re it mingles with the rest of the icebergs from far and wide. We are still one
--no matter how we feel about it. In this I find comfort, for whatever brought u
s apart, what binds us, will bring us back together --someday...when we have mel
ted totally into the welcoming peace of the dark, deep open ocean.
I look forward to seeing you all then.

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