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‘AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM CINCINNATI FEDERATION OF TEACHERS Steve Driehaus Fighting for Working Families in Ohio’s 1st District Sa Leda Steve Driehaus lives in Cincinnati with his wife and two Support Working Families daughters. Before serving the people of Ohio at the local and state levels, he worked on neighborhood community development. We can count on him to keep fighting to bring Ra TEVE good jobs to our district. 2 Demanding Wall treat Accountability. Orishove ¢otod for song franc raqutions tat Paid Wl Set 1] R IE H AUS {0s aeourtabe an protest consumer ke pe ea 1 Supporting Our Freedom to Choose Unions. Dnohsus ‘suppor workers freedom ta choose @ union and bargain for ‘beter ife without employer intimidation (1. Oe tied 3 Extonding Unomployment Benefits. Driehaus hstonod to working families in our cstnit and voted to extend Lnemploymant benefits for victims af the bed ecancmy, How you vote isa personal decision. Yaur union believes Steve Oe Drichausis the best choice for working families in Ohio's st District. For more information, contact Cincinnati Federation of Teachers at VOTE Nov. 2 Tea, ep (71-167663, AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM CINCINNATI FEDERATION OF TEACHERS WHEN IT'S MAIN STREET vs. WALL STREET Ted Strickland is the Clear Choice for Ohio Governor Ur ‘TED STRICKLAND ‘Teeaoncbemedeatin Ted Swicklond undestinds sista eon wey ‘Toe barred game peg ine end exec Hehorseiesadiraacd 2 Dora 280% 030 WALL * JOHN KASICH ‘A managing director at Lehman Brothers for eight years, John. Kasich made neaely $1.4 million in 2008 and reported $432,200 in bonuses. He has released only a part of one year’s tax records and refuses to release more. (Columb puch 6/15/10, Chland Pais Deas, 129/10) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Wor KING FoR MAIN SrREET, Ted Strickland balanced the budget in 2009 and has the best ap to clean up the financial mess the Big B Brothers left behind in Ohio, (Ciestand Le Washington Post, 924708) OW Wats See's Supe, When financial giants like Lehn Brothers folded, working families suffered. Bu, according. to Kasich, the Lehman Brothers’ executive accused of using misleading accounting tricks isa “great leader" and an “awesome ‘uy! (The Washington Pres, 14/10, New York Obes 99601) GOOD JOBS SuProRTS WorKERs' FREEDOM TO FoRM UNIONS. “Ted Strickland supports worker’ feedom to form unions to bargain for a beter life, Infact, he took ation to give more Ohioans collective bargaining tights. (Hseetve Olee258, ram ‘Oprosep Unrate Trape PoLictes. Ted Strickland voted against NAFTA, which sent almost 50,000 Ohio jobs to Canada and Mexico, devastating our state's job market. Yor 575, I/17098; EcnrumicPaliy Intute Bring Pages #175, 912806) VCR ara CNT Supports Jon Curs, PRivar1ZiNG AND OUTSOURCING, John Kasich is pushing citer to cut or contract ut all public service jbs in Ohio, saying, “Ii in the Yellow Pages, utsouece it Cin New, 17040) TRADE SENT Our JOBS OVERSEAS. John Kasich vored for NAFTA and to open trade with China, which together outsourced more than 141,000 Ohio jobs, (LR. 3450, Vowe 35.10/77 5% FUR. 4844, 2400; Feo Poiy Inia Bring Pap M73, 7280, 240, 728105 GOVERNOR, OHIO How you vote is a personal decision. Your union believes Ted Strickland is a. G@ the best choice for working families. For more information, contact Cincinnati Federation of Teachers at 513-961-2272 or the Ohio AFL-CIO at 614-224-8271, Union of Professionals ED Lr1-160178

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