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There are many statistics that indicate America’s kids are overweight and out of shape. One of the
most troubling statistics of all is that 60% of obese children aged 5 to 10 have at least one risk
factor for cardiovascular disease (such as high cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin or blood pressure)
and 25% have at least two risk factors. Equally alarming is that 30% of boys and 40% of girls who
were born in 2000 are at risk for being diagnosed with diabetes at some point in their lives. Finally,
these statistics don’t bode well for the future since 70% of overweight adolescents are destined to
become overweight or obese adults. So, it’s painfully evident that the fitness of our nation’s youth is
in dire straits. How can we reverse this trend and shape America’s kids?


The Premiere Personal Fitness YouthFIT™ Certification Course consists of a study guide
(Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids) and evaluates a thorough understanding
of key concepts in youth fitness. It is designed to educate fitness professionals, physical educators
and youth coaches in the many aspects of implementing an action plan that will help shape
America’s kids. The course provides you with the necessary tools to properly instruct and guide
today’s youth to become healthier and more fit from adolescence through adulthood using a safe,
efficient and effective approach.

The study guide for the YouthFIT™ Course covers all the main components of health and fitness
with the cornerstone being the “Fab Five of Fitness.” These five main components are discussed in-
depth: flexibility training, aerobic training, strength training, recovery and proper nutrition.

In addition, the course evaluates key topics including basic anatomy and muscular function, exercise
performance, traditional and non-traditional exercises, equipment and protocols along with program
design, nutritional counseling and the obesity epidemic that plagues today’s youth.

Becoming Premiere Personal Fitness YouthFIT™ Certified will provide fitness professionals,
physical educators and youth coaches with a deeper knowledge and increased confidence to
successfully work one-on-one with kids as well as to develop overall group-fitness programs. The
knowledge gained and the skills developed through this course will not only enhance work with
young people, it will also provide greater opportunities to work with adults as many aspects of
fitness overlap between those two populations.


The Premiere Personal Fitness YouthFIT™ Certification Course is an on-line exam consisting
of 175 multiple choice questions based on the book, “Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping
America’s Kids”. A grade of 80% (140 correct answers) is required to complete the course
successfully. When you register for the course, you will need to have a copy of the study guide. A
copy can be purchased from this site or, if available, borrowed from a local library.

You will have 21 days to complete the test from the time you register. This takes into account the
time for you to obtain the study guide either through the mail or some other resource. Once you
register, you will receive an invitation via email with an ID and pass code for you to log on to take
the exam. You DO NOT have to log on right away. You are not timed other than being responsible
for taking the exam within the 30-day period of registration. Obviously, you will need time to read
the material to prepare for the exam and then allow for time to take the exam.

Once you complete and submit the exam, your score will be calculated immediately and you will
receive your grade. As stated, you need to score 80% in order to become certified. In this case,
you will receive documentation within several days stating that you have met the requirements for
the Premiere Personal Fitness YouthFIT™ Certification Course. Should you not pass the exam
or finish it within the allotted time frame of 30 days, you can re-take the test for a nominal fee.


If you have further questions, feel free to email Fred Fornicola at


“Most certifications only have a few questions addressing the fitness requirements of children and
young adults; but Fred Fornicola and Matt Brzycki’s course addresses nutrition, cardiovascular
endurance, exercise prescription, as well as recovery, and safe exercising habits as it relates to
youngsters. Reading this book and taking the 175 question test should be on the “to do list” of
every educator, coach, or personal trainer. “to do list” of every educator, coach, or personal trainer.”

Douglas Scott
Fitness Education Teacher
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Form Advisor
The Pingry School

“This test is challenging, yet necessary for establishing the proper goals and direction for today's
youth. In a time when we are inflicted with child obesity, an abundance of poor food options,
technology that limits daily activity level that results in minimal activity/exercise and consequently
earlier-than-normal health issues -- it is time to step up and dial it back toward a healthier
approach. Matt Brzycki and Fred Fornicola should be lauded for their efforts in addressing this issue
and promoting healthier alternatives for the future of our Country.”

Tom Kelso, M.S., M.S.C.C., C.S.C.S.

Exercise Specialist
St. Louis Metro Police Dept.

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