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General Certificate of Education (O rd.Level )
English Language
Reg.No:…………………. Second Term Examination 2010 Time: Three hours

Part 1
Test 01
Fill in the blanks using the words given in the list below. There are two extra words in each category.

Like human beings some animals know The vultures pick (6)……………………………… stones
how to use tools. The Chimpanzees use sticks to with their bills and (7)……………………………….. them at
break (1)…………………………… ant or termite nests. ostrich egg. They (8) ……………………………….. this until the
These (2)…………………………….animals also chew eggs break.
leaves and (3)…………………………them into hollow (do, have, up, of, throw)
trees . The (4) …………………………act as sponges
and store (5)………………………….. for drinking. (9) ………………………….. elephants use a special kind
(10)………………………………. tool when training their young.
(poke, kill, leaves, open, water, like, clever) With an uprooted tree they spank the baby elephant to
make in behave.
( from, of , on, the)

Test 02
Write what they would say in the following situations. One is done for you.

1 On your friend’s birthday A happy birthday to you

2 The classroom is too noisy. If you are the monitor, what

would you say?

3 A student’s pen is not writing. He/she wants to know whether

his/her friend has an extra pen. What would he /she say?
4 You are the stranger. You ask the police about any hotel
nearby. How would you ask him?

5 Your friend has passed his/her O/L exam with distinctions.

What would you say?

6 Now it’s the science period. Teacher hasn’t arrived at the class
yet. Students are chatting with each other. The principal is
having a round. What would he/she ask your class?

Test 03
Write a paragraph on one of the following. Use about 75 words.

a) Modern Technology
b) Friendship
c) Trees – We need them
Test 04
Read the following text and fill in the application form for the post of Accounts Assistant vacant in the COMMUNITY BANK OF

Mary lives in Pandiruppu with her parents, Mr and Mrs Johnson in No.36 Chirch Road. Her friends call her by her school name Nithu.
She is now 20 years old and her birthday is on 18 September. She works in a local Co-operative shop as a clerk after completing her
Diploma in Business Management and Computer Programming at the Government Technical College. She studied upto her G.C.E.
A/L (SCIENCE) at Fatima College Kalmunai. Her parents are looking for a handsome young man, a well behaved and intelligent to
give their daughter away in marriage. Mary has worked at the co-op shop for 2 years and gets a payment of only 7500 rupees per

Application for the post of Accounts Assistant at the
Community Bank of KALMUNAI.
1. Name

2. Name in full

3. Address, Private

Address, Official

4. Civil status

5. Sex

6. Date of Birth

7. Nationality

8. Educational Qualification

9. Professional Qualification

10. Work Experience

11. Any other relevant information

I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Test 05
Read the following letter and answer the questions that follow.
5, Station Road
5th January 2010
The Personnel Manager
John and Sons Ltd.
114, Mudaliga Mawatha.

Dear Mr. Chandrasena

Thank you for your letter of 2nd January offering me the post of Export Sales Manager in your firm.
I am very pleased to accept the offer and hope to take up the post on March 10th 2010. As I informed you at the interview,
I have to give up my present job in two months notice.

Yours Faithfully,
Sunil Abeyweera
1. Where will Sunil work after March 10th? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. What post will he hold? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Why is he unable to take up the post immediately?…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…...
4. Who is the personnel manager of John and Sons Ltd?……………………………………………………………………………………………..………
5. Where does Sunil live?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

Test 06
Some utterances are given in various situations. The meaning of an utterance has to be understood in relation to the situation.
Of the options given below each utterance, underline the one that best expresses its meaning.

Situation – 1
Mr. Perera is having a bath. The phone rings.
His wife says, “The phone is ringing.”
Mr. Perera says, “I’m in the bathroom.”

What does mr. perera mean?

a) He wants his wife to bring the phone to the bathroom.
b) He wants his wife to answer the phone.
c) He is saying that he is having a bath.

Situation – 2
Some children are playing in the classroom.
Their monitor says, “hey boys! The teacher’s coming.”

What does the monitor mean?

a) He wants the students to welcome the teacher.
b) He says that the teacher is coming to play with the students.
c) He wants the students to stop playing.

Situation – 3
Someone is knocking on the door. The sister asks her brother to open the door.
The brother says, “I’m watching the match”

What does he mean?

a) He says he can’t open the door.
b) He says that he is watching the T.V
c) He invites sister to watch the T.V

Situation – 4
Ravi said that if he had money he would buy a car.

What did he mean?

a) He had the money to buy a car.
b) He didn’t have the money to buy a car.
c) He is going to buy a car soon.

Situation – 5
Mary said that the poor widow worked so hard that she fell ill.

What did she mean?

a) The widow fell ill because she worked hard.
b) She didn’t work hard but she fell ill
c) She worked hard because she fell ill.

Test 07
Write on one of the following.
a) A friend has invited you to lunch next Saturday. But you are unable to go because you have some relations visiting.
Write a note of apology explaining the situations. Use about 40 words.
b) You have lost your wrist watch in the school playground. Put up a notice on the class notice board giving the
following details. Make of the watch, description of the strap, shape of dial etc….
Use about 25 words.
c) You receive a note from the librarian informing you that you have not returned a book for two months and asking
you to return it early or to replace it. Send a reply stating that you have lost that particular book and you are
prepared to pay the cost and any extra charges. Request the librarian to inform you the amount and the mode of
payment. Use about 40 words.

Test 08
Fill in the right form of the verb in the spaces below. In each case the root form of the verb is shown in brackets when you see an
asterisk* use the negative form of the verb.

1) I (1)……………………………….. (buy) a book two days ago. I (2) …………………….………… (read) it already.
Tomorrow I (3) ……………………..…….. (look) for another one.

2) I (4) …………………………... (break) the garage door yesterday. I (5) ………………………………….…… (* repair) it yet.
My father (6) ………………..……………… (* be) very happy when he (7) ……………..…….………… (find out ) .

3) Laila : I (8) …………………….……… (meet) Fatima this morning.

Nermin : Impossible! She (9) ………………….……. (go) to America.
Laila : well, I (10) …………………….….. (see) her when she (11) ……………….…………. (get) back.

4) Somebody (12) …………………….(steal) my car the day before yesterday. Now I think somebody
(13) ……………………………….(take) my camera. I have no idea what (14) …………………………….….. (happen) next.

Part 2
Test 09
Read the poem and answer the questions.
I Am

I am human being, a boy.

You may say I am a special compound which can
Think can see……….etc,
And a little bit different from cat, dog, etc.
You may say I am a body with a soul
Which is living
I have a special computer which requires no electricity.
It is in my skull.
It works all the time until night.
When it can’t work, I can’t work.
I have a special pump which pumps the blood all over
My body and no electricity required
It is in my left chest,
But it never stops or feels tired.
When it stops, I stop,
I have some other machines which require no electricity
And they never stop or feel tired.
But when they stop, I stop
That’s me.

However, I am still I!
-Chun Po Man
1. What is the sense of a human being differs from other living beings?

2. What is the special computer the boy refers in line ‘7’?

3. a) What is the special device that pumps the blood all over his body?

b) What are the features of the special device that pumps the blood all over his body?

4. What are the other machines the boy has in his body?

5. Find words opposite in meaning:

a) ever …………………….…………
b) simple …………………...………
Test 10
Complete the dialogue with a tourist by selecting the most suitable word and write it in the blank.

Interviewer: How long have you been here?

Tourist: For nearly two weeks.
Interviewer: Where (1)……………………………. (do / are / have) you staying?
Tourist: At the beach hotel (2)……………………………. (in / about / over) there.
Interviewer: Do you (3) ……………………………… (feel/ like/ love) the weather here?
Tourist: I like the sunny weather very (4) ……………………….. (more/much/little).
Interviewer: Are you (5) …………………………… (enjoying/enjoy/enjoyed) your holiday?
Tourist: Yes very much.
Interviewer: Have you (6) ……………………………….. (being/ been/ climbed) to Sigiriya.
Tourist: No. We have arranged a (7)………………………………. (travel/trip/journey) to Yala.
Interviewer: Oh that’s fine. The next trip (8)…………………………….. (can’t/won’t/can) then be to Sigiriya.
Tourist: I hope so.
Interviewer: What have you been doing (9)……………………………? (now/so far/ then)
Tourist: We have been (10)…………………………….. (touring/ travelling/ visiting)some (11)………………………………..
(interest / interesting/ interested) places.
Interviewer: What (12)……………………………… (for/about/then) the coral gardens.
Tourist: No. we haven’t (13)………………………………… (gone/been/being) there (14)……………………… (still/often/yet).
Interviewer: You should. I am sure you (15)……………………………….. (will/ can/ may) enjoy it.

Test 11
A friend of yours is coming to visit you for the weekend. Give him writing a direction to get to your house from the
bus stand.

Start like this……

When you get out of the bus stand, turn on your left.....

Test 12
Read the biographical sketches below and complete the grid given below. If the information asked for is not found in
the text leave the box blank.

Sir Don Baron Jayatilleke was born in Kelaniya in 1868. He studied Sinhala, Pali, Sanskrit and Buddhism at the Peliyagoda
Vidyalankara Pirivena, and English at Wesly College. He was a teacher and a lawyer. Sir D.B. Jayatilleke was the leader of
the House and Minister of Home Affairs from 1930-1942. He worked for the independence of Srilanka (then called
Ceylon) and freedom from British rule. He died suddenly of a heart attack in 1944 when he was traveling back to Ceylon
by air from India.
Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was born on April 16, 1851. He went to school at Royal College, Colombo, and became a
lawyer. Sir Ponnambalam worked for the independence of Srilanka ( then Ceylon ), and freedom from British rule. He
was a member of the State Council, and founded the Ramanathan College in Jaffna. He died in 1930 at the age of
seventy nine.

Mr. M.C. Siddi Lebbe was a Muslim leader who worked for the independence of Srilanka (then Ceylon). He was born in
1838 in Kandy. He was a lawyer, and editor of the Muslim weekly newspaper ‘Muslim Nation’. He worked in the interest
of Muslims in Srilanka, and was active in education, politics and culture. He founded a number of Muslim Schools in
Srilanka. Mr. M.C. Siddi Lebbe died in 1878.

Name of the leader

Place & Date of Birth

Studied at


Public life/ Politics


Service to the people


Test 13
Write on one of the following.
A. Your class went on a trip to Sinharaja Rainforest. Write a letter to a pen friend telling about it. Include the
following. Use about 100 words.
• Who organised the trip
• What you saw- trees, animals, birds, streams
• The importance of Sinharaja Rainforest

B. Your English teacher is leaving abroad after teaching your class for five years. You have been asked to give a
short farewell speech on behalf of the students. Write your farewell speech. Use about 100 words.

Test 14
Due to the lack of arrangements it was decided to postpone the Art Exhibition 2010 in your school. You as the
responsible person for the exhibition have to make an announcement to inform everybody concerned.
Write the announcement in about 100 words.
Include the following:
• Explain your decision giving reasons.
• Give the new date and the time for the exhibition
• Apologise for the changes made
• Invite everybody to take part
Test 15
Read the following text and answer the questions.

They could see the smoke from the end of the street.
“It’s our house!” Elsa shouted.
“It can’t be,” Alan said. But he knew that Elsa was right and they both began to run.
There was a small crowd in the street outside their house. Smoke was coming out of the front window of the
downstairs room, but there was no sign of any flames.
And there was no sign of old Mr. Cox, Elsa’s father. He lived with them and had a room upstairs at the back of
the house. He was not among the people in the crowd.
“Alan!” his wife shouted. “He’s asleep upstairs! He probably went to bed and left the fire on in the front of the
Her husband began to push his way through the crowd towards the front door.
“Don’t be a fool!” someone shouted. “Wait for the firemen. They’ll be here any minute.”
But Alan knew that he must not wait. He put a handkerchief over his face and ran up the stairs. He pushed open
the door of his father-in-law’s room. Old Mr. Cox was sleeping peacefully.
“What’s the matter?” he cried as he woke up.
“Nothing to worry about. Just a small fire downstairs,” Alan told him, “Now, get a coat on and put a
handkerchief over your face like this.”
At the top of the stairs Alan made old Mr. Cox climb onto his back. Then he put a handkerchief over his own face
and went down the stairs as quickly as he could. There was a cheer from the crowd as he came out of the house.
The fire engine and an ambulance arrived more or less at that moment. The first flames were just beginning to
come out of the front window. “It’s my fault!” moaned old Mr. Cox as they carried him into the ambulance
“I was reading the newspaper and I left it near the electric fire.”

1. Who are “They” in the first line?.........................................................................................................................

2. What is the incident described in the text?.........................................................................................................
3. a) Mr. Cox is Alan’s ………………………………………….… b) Mr. Alan is Mr. Cox’s………………………………..……..
4. “Don’t be a fool”, To whom was this said?..........................................................................................................
5. Give a suitable title for the text?.........................................................................................................................
6. Turn the following into indirect speech.
a) “It’s our house” Elsa shouted.
b) “I was reading the newspaper and I left it near the electric fire”, Mr. Cox said.
c) “What is the matter?”, he asked.

7. Write the opposite for the following words.

Downstairs - ………………………………………….. Fool - ………………………………………….
Outside- ………………………………………….. Peace - ………………………………………....
Less- ………………………………………….. Arrive - ………………………………………….

Test 16
Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words.
1. The following are some of the things people do to destroy the nature. Write an article for your school magazine
touching on these points and making an appeal to the young generation to stop the destruction.
Say how we should look after our environment.
• Cut down trees, set fire to jungles, kill wild animals and birds.
• Put garbage everywhere, block sewage, drains, use pesticides in agriculture.
• Pollute rivers and streams, remove sand from river beds.

2. Describe a project you did for the community

• Purpose of the project
• General organisation of the project
• How did the community benefit from this project?


54 Sahibu Road Kalmunai 05, Sri Lanka. Part 1 :……………….
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For inquiries please contact Education wing leader of EFIC.

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