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FCHD 2400 C.

Beckert, PhD


1. Fewer marriages
2. Later marriages
3. Fewer children
4. Increased divorce rate
5. More single-parent and blended families
6. Increase in dual career marriages
7. Greater need of day care for children
8. Increase in domestic violence and abuse
9. Less connection to kin networks
10. More children being raised without a father in the home
11. Children having less access to parents
12. Children having more free time, more money, and less accountability
13. Greater imbalance in the “production/consumption” ratio.
14. Media playing a more dominant role in the recreation, socialization,
education, indoctrination, and stimulation of family members
15. A greater number of couples in the “sandwich generation.”
16. Male image being devalued and maligned in the media
17. Females and their sexuality being exploited to a greater degree
18. Magnified focus on sexual issues
19. Ease of debt accumulation
20. Increasing financial pressures
21. Too much on our plates and priorities not maintained
22. Too many choices in everything
23. Confusion about general morality and determining “right” from “wrong.”
24. Media displaying violence, immorality, and disrespect
25. Population getting “older”
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