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The main image of this article is spread across both the left and right page of the double

page spread as
an indication to the reader that the text on each page is all a part of the same article. The picture is
reasonably dark with lots of shadows used which give the impression they are quite indie or rock based
rather than pop. In the shot are, I presume, all the people from the band, some members of the band
are a lot closer to the camera or more forward in the shot than others which shows the significance of
their part in the band and shows they are the more important people, for example the man sitting down
at the back is probably the least important person in the band because he is furthest away, whereas the
man on the left closest to us is probably the lead singer. In the top left corner of the left page is a
caption of the double page spread in a very faded and unclear font, this is because it isn’t really that
important for the reader to know about. In the bottom left corner of this page is a black box which isn’t
much darker than the picture; it is titled ‘love amongst ruin’ which would be the masthead of the article
as it is the name of the band that the article is based on. The title is in a bold grey font so that it doesn’t
contrast against the dark colours used for the rest of the page. Under the title is ‘the bitter end’ in the
same colour but a much smaller and less bold font, the reader would guess this is the bands album
name because typically the album name would be underneath the artists name in an article about the
band’s new album. The album cover used for their new album has been placed just under the titles and
on the right of this is where the article starts talking about the album, unlike the ‘nme’ article; this one
doesn’t start with a lead paragraph to draw the readers in but just goes straight into the article. The
article is in a small font which is still in the same grey colour as the rest of the box. The only thing In this
box that is in contrast to the rest of the colour scheme on this page is the bright yellow logo which
stands out quite a lot, the logo says ‘on the cd’ to show the reader that this section of the article is
talking about the album. On the right page in the top right corner is another box with the same colour
scheme as the box on the previous page, this box isn’t titled but is just a box full of text which is
probably carrying on from the other page. At the bottom corner of the right page is a quote from one of
the people from the band, the quote is in a large bold font, still in the same grey colour as the rest of the
text, and the name of the person who made the quote is in a smaller font underneath it which isn’t bold
but in the same colour still. This double page spread is very plain compared to the ‘nme’ one.

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